I dont see islam in many muslim countries. But however it is proving my faith true with every bomb that goes off, with every threat, with every scandal etc.
The idea seems to be that violence in the name of Islam is some kind of confirmation that Islam is true. (Correct me if I've misinterpreted your words, WomanforTruth.)
Well, here's more confirmation that Islam is true.
*****WARNING***** This video contains graphic violence. If you found it difficult to stomach Al Qaeda's Schoolyard Massacre, don't watch this video.
I will ask Muslims again: Since you are trying to propagate Islam in the West, how do you propose to stop the rise of violent Islamic groups when Islam spreads? If you know how to control such groups, why don't you control them in Muslim countries? If you can't control them, wouldn't you agree that non-Muslims should be strongly opposed to the spread of Islam?
To Everyone:
The fact that WomanForTruth101 is claiming this is bad, wrong and show us how twisted is the muslim mind(sometimes).
....BUT that also good, BECAUSE one DAY she will wake up and REALIZE HOW WRONG SHE IS(I pray for that day).
This remembers me of Steven Hassan whom use to be a moonie(=member of a cult called Unified Church lad by a guy Moon(the members call him The Father, The Prophet, the Messiah)) in 70s.
While he was in hospital his parents were trying to save him from this cult but he would go so far into affirming his dedication to the Moon(aka The Father) that he said:
"If he(Moon) was Hitler I would still follow him."
And in that moment he realized how brainwashed he was.
I'm praying for the day when WomanForTruth101 will come to realization of this.
May God have mercy on us, yet have more mercy on all the other out there that didn't meet the true Al-Wahad(most Loving).
absolutely disgusting
Imagine that most existing muslims desire this for millions of apostates.
I can only repeat the words of the Lord Jesus Christ:
'You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning...' (Gospel of John 8: 44)
This confirms Islam as the TRUE religion. Perhaps this was the confirmation that WomanforTruth was talking about. Yes, this is exactly what a Merciful Allah would want his faithful slaves and servants to do throughout the world. How can we Christians have been so blinded by the TRUTH of Islam? Didn't we know that Islam is a religion of PEACE and MERCY? This video definitely shows how peaceful and merciful Islam truely is. How blinded we are!..... Seriously, this is terrible, how anyone can think that this action is somehow ordained by God is beyond me. We need to pray for those persecuted around the world by these Muslim extremists. We need to pray for the conversion of hearts to the true Lord Jesus Christ. I will just end with this quote:
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted...Blessed are the MERCIFUL, for they shall be shown mercy...Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you for my sake. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you" (Matthew 5: 4,7,10-12).
Again, my mom won't let me watch this (not that I'm eager to).
This is just so awful.
I pray that these Muslims will be overwhelmed with remorse and turn to Jesus, who is the only one who can save them from the terrible consequences of their sins.
I'm no expert on Islam; does the Quran condone for such behavior?
You guys had my admins at mahomettube.com freaking out thinking a video with graphic violence got by us.
The real owner of this account makes them private for her blog and I take it you guys got it from there as it's already a private video. These don't actually show up on our site unless you're a friend of the poster.
Since this is the first video I've seen embedded from our site, I just wanted to say everyone is more then welcome to post videos of this nature on an account they make at MahometTube, but please upload them as private. You can still embed private videos and share with your friends, but the general public will not have access.
We do this because there's no way to prove if a user has lied about his/her age when joining and we prefer not to allow kids to see this kind of thing.
what was the crime of this woman. I reall was unable to watch this and I have mixed emotiond about posting this.But I do understand this is the true face of Islam and Shariah law. The one who needs to watch is those fools in the State Department and that anti-Christ of a president Barak HUSIEN Obama. Ironic he speaks about woman's rights and reaching out to the Muslim world in the same breath.
All I can say is damn Islam and Damn Mohammed. Mohammed praise God that he will bow the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ and then he will burn in hell foreverer. Praise God that he is not only a God of mercy and grace he is a God of justice Mohammed (may he burn in hell forever) will receive justive
That´s going to stick with me for a while. That was awefull beyond words :(
May YHWH Elohim have mercy on us all, and keep and protect us from the violent scourge of humanity that is Islam.
I reiterate what the prophet Isaiah said about false g-ds in Isaiah 41:21-29 - Muslims, Allah does not exist. Now stop killing for him.
I could only watch the first part of this. Once they started cutting with the knife it was too much.
I believe this is not the first time these people have done this, they've probably been conditioned that this is normal from childhood.
I think Isaiah says it best in 5:20 -
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."
They show these video's to the Mujah's. They use them as recruting tools.
Islam is a religion for animals! Islam is totally, utterly, completely, thoroughly, entirely, truly and undeniably without any merit whatsoever.
The one creature that was made in God's image is the one creature that is despised the most in Islam. Very telling and revealing as to who the source of this blasphemous religion is.
More violence by Muslims, more deafening silence by Muslims.
I asked on a previous post for some Muslim, any Muslim to show us a group or govt that demonstrates Islam as it is suppose to be, womanfortruth101 gave a non answer, but thats ok, I just now have to take it she has no real answer, but at least she was polite about the subject.
We now can see that Islam is controled by Satan the Devil. They are doing exactly as their "god" commands, they are being perfect seed of the serpent.
Fear not one and all, if you believe upon the reserected Christ Jesus, keep telling all about the good news of his life bringing gift, these monsters can not hurt you, even if they kill you, for the Lord tells us, fear not those who can kill the body, but fear he who can distroy the soul (Elohim).
Jesus told us when he was still with us, before his reserection, that this would happen, violence, killing etc etc.
Soon enough he will step in and put a halt to all this demonism. All who have suffered like this, will be reserected and the jihadists AKA demonists, will be brought to account.
Keep up the good work one and all at bringing this sort of attrocity to the light of day.
WomanforTruth??? Hello???
Nakdimon said: "The one creature that was made in God's image is the one creature that is despised the most in Islam. Very telling and revealing as to who the source of this blasphemous religion is."
What a keen insight, Nakdimon.
These nuts are paving the path to their own demise. As long as they continue to produce these disgusting videos, non-muslims will watch them, continue to wake up, and eventually rise up and go to war against this demonic cult.
We mulims condemn this cruel killing of this women and i pray god almighty to grant justice to this lady in the day of judgement.
By the way Mr.Wood, When & where this incident took place? what is the reason? can you please give more details?
In the words of Jesus, "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you this at first because I was with you."
I forgot to include the Bible reference. It is John 16:1-4.
No what i meant about my faith being proved true was the signs of the end, in the quran and hadith, that we see in the world today.
I dont understand why christians, when ever they see any type of exremist activity, will further bashing to islam. Insults one after another, continue targeting our faith.
But wait, the holy spirit guides and controls all for good and kindness!
Hey ashraf
You said:
We mulims condemn this cruel killing of this women and i pray god almighty to grant justice to this lady in the day of judgement.
I respond:
Is you condemnation unconditional or are there circumstances when such actions would be justified in your eyes? The reason I ask is because you said
Quote: By the way Mr.Wood, When & where this incident took place? what is the reason? can you please give more details?
End quote:
What sort of details are you looking for?
Suppose this women was an apostate who blasphemed Mohammed living in a Muslim state and the executioners were government officials would that make it alright in your eyes.
Hi Filth monarchy man,
Iam not a christian to believe everything blindly, i condemned that incident and i would like to know actually what happend. it is his responsibilty who posted this video to give more details.is there anything wrong about that?
Hey Ashraf:
you said:
i condemned that incident and i would like to know actually what happend. it is his responsibilty who posted this video to give more details.is there anything wrong about that?
I say:
Maybe not, it depends on what your motivation is. I only ask why you would care about the details. Are you just morbidly curious or is your condemnation of this action conditional?
I notice you did not answer my question. Does that mean you believe beheading of a an apostate blasphemer is justified?
I would venture to say that all Christians here would be against any and all beheading of women on video regardless of the details.
I’m not suggesting this is not the case for you as well I’m only asking.
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