This is a bunch of desperate crap! The caller COULD'VE BEEN A CHRISTIAN LIAR for all we know. I received countless threats from christians, which ONE OF THEM WAS HERE ON THIS BOARD by one of the christian contributors!
Blessings brothers in Christ! I know that the work that you are doing is well pleasing to our Lord and Saviour Yeshua HaMashiach in dispelling the evils that are saturated throughout the pages of the Quran, and the Hadith (and the life of Muhammad). The caller who uttered his venomous remarks is truly a follower of the false prophet Muhammad and has the same Anti-Christ Spirit of his Father the Devil. I do strongly agree that we must pray for those who have been blinded by the god of this world; that they might come to The Revelation of Truth that is to be found exclusively in The Person of our Father's dear Son: Yeshua HaMashiach. I will continue to support your ministry however I can; as well as to direct believers or non believers alike to your invaluable website. FOR HIS GLORY!
David, Why would u post a video that refutes christianity?? the caller was so convincing and his arguments were irrefutable; i did some scholarly research and found out that christians have been hiding these things in order to promote christianity. osama, you were right ALL don't need ur brain to follow islam!
Who reallie knows if this Muhammad, thate is not the pseudo-prophet muhammad, is a muslim? He can bee a non-muslim wantting to make islam look bad... one muste bee much carefull withe this kind off stuff... nevertheless, eben iff he was not a true muslim, he was, indeed, expressing whate islam is all aboutt: treats, violence and barbaric actions thate make one wonder how could God allow islam to appear... I guess He did so in order to non-muslims do not take the truth for granted... The truth requieres an intense love for it and the capacitty too put one's beliffes in question everytime one is confrontated with something thate colides with our convictions... this person thate phonned in expresses whate true islam is: an ideology thate creates "psycho-religious defenses" to forbides its followers to acknoledge the truth... to sad for all those muslims I love...
Osama said: "The caller COULD'VE BEEN A CHRISTIAN LIAR for all we know."
Indeed. As we know, Christians often call Christian shows to threaten Christians because those Christians are defending Christianity. And Muslims who are told to kill non-Muslims would never threaten non-Muslims for criticizing Islam.
And the 9-11 plane attacks were carried out by Jews. Right Osama? Or what it the U.S. government? Or Christians, perhaps?
Perhaps Muhammad and his early followers were all Christians who went on killing sprees to make Islam look bad.
(Note: Osama, Christians don't believe in lying, whereas you've admitted in the past that you fabricate emails to make others look bad. Quit assuming that other people are as deceptive as you are.)
btw, osama said if his allah is willing, he will call the show...
seems like his allah is not willing, since his allah knows that osama will get humiliated and allah needs osama to "promote";
oh! sorry! (satan gave the last part), i meant islam not!
just like allah used the dummy prophet, muhammad; allah knows best, he is most wise! (quran, chapter dummy, verses 2-4)
islam: made by a dummy for dummies! (quran, chapter dummy, verse 5)
only difference is, osama can read (not too sure about comprehension, though).
I still haven't seen the video(due to technical difficulties)but many Muslims would think:"David Wood by posting this is a hatemonger,he wants people to hate Islam.It is Islamophobia,a crime.He should be fined or jailed."
What if I were to call a MUSLIM program and threaten to beat up and kill the speaker for speaking against Paul?The speaker said Paul was a liar,deceiver.That he practiced deception.And that THAT was posted on youtube.
I think all MUSLIMS,and rightly,would think:"He is commiting a crime for threatening the Muslim."
Would ANY Muslim think:"The Muslim man should NOT have posted the threat.By doing that he is being a hatemonger against Christians,a Christianityphobe,a bigot.The Muslim should be taken to court."
Many Muslims have double standards.WHY?
They hold us non-Muslims as inferior for not wanting to accept Islam.
Osama Abdullah said... "I received countless threats from Christians, which ONE OF THEM WAS HERE ON THIS BOARD by one of the Christian contributors!"
Well I can only assume you are talking about my angry tirade at your comment refereeing to Latin, mothers, sisters and daughters as easy. In your poetic words "easiest to Bang" you are quite the words smith sir.
To which I did reply that I might have to introduce you to some Latin king and ms13 friends of mine to whom you could explain your thoughts on their mothers, daughters, and sisters. Now I do admit that this was a veiled threat of violence, however in no way did I threaten your life. I also swore at you in Spanglish, accusing you of having sex with your own mother. Comments that I do deeply regret and comments that I have not only appologised for on this blog but I did call into ABN to personally apologies to David and crew live on the air.
I did and still do find it interesting how you can accuse a entire ethnic groups Mothers, Sisters, and Daughters of being sexually immoral. But then you bring your own “chaste” mother out into the blog as if to say how morally superior you’re up bringing was. I also find it interesting that you know all about cruising the inner city, looking for prostitutes, and searching the club scene looking for easy sex. I can only assume that since your mother was “chaste” you did not learn this behavior from her, but instead perhaps it was something your father taught you.
I was going to bring up your choice of a Ladies Firearm but I think that’s enough for now, I will let sleeping dogs lie. I do apologies again for anything I said against your “Chaste Mother”, and for my veiled threat of violence against you. In no way did I ever intend that to be taken as a death threat, although I am sure you are in a hurry to get to your 72 easy virgins in Allahs paradise.
"Osama said: "The caller COULD'VE BEEN A CHRISTIAN LIAR for all we know." Indeed. As we know, Christians often call Christian shows to threaten Christians because those Christians are defending Christianity. And Muslims who are told to kill non-Muslims would never threaten non-Muslims for criticizing Islam."
Christians world-wide are notorious in corruption, lies, consipiracies, slavery, colonization, corruption, theft, assasinations, drugs, alcoholism, pornography business on a LARGE SCALE, open lewdness, and on and on and on.... Even the christian minorities suffer from their brethrens who preach christianity days and nights to them.
"And the 9-11 plane attacks were carried out by Jews. Right Osama? Or what it the U.S. government? Or Christians, perhaps?"
Even a fool would know that 9/11 was a conspiracy done by insiders that are beyond you. No 19 kids could ever carry out such a massive operation like this one, and with such success and accuracy. Also, the pentagon, which I live only 8 minutes away from was not bombed by an jumbo jet airplane, nor did the ridiculous and fuzzy, blury and greeny video that the pentagon "released" reveal anything. ********NOT ONLY THAT, BUT THE FBI CONFESCATED EVERY SINGLE VIDEO TAPE FROM THE RECORDING CAMERAS FROM ALL OF THE BUILDINGS NEAR BY!*********** Now why would they do that if they didn't have anything stinky to hide? And as to that greeny and very fuzzy and blury video that they released, when analyzed further, it shows that the pentagon was bombed by a drone-like object either a manless airplane or a cruise missile.
"Perhaps Muhammad and his early followers were all Christians who went on killing sprees to make Islam look bad."
War was brought upon the Muslims from the pagans. Islam won and the infidels lost.
"(Note: Osama, Christians don't believe in lying, whereas you've admitted in the past that you fabricate emails to make others look bad. Quit assuming that other people are as deceptive as you are.)"
I was the one who voluntarily stepped forward, publically, and admitted that I fabricated a lie on the brother. It was a fight that I now consider kids nonsense. I took full responsibility and stepped forward like a true man and a true Muslim and confessed to my mistake to the entire public on my site. It's not like you caught me red handed with it.
Your christians, on the other hand, are like I said above, world-wide are notorious in corruption, lies, consipiracies, slavery, colonization, corruption, theft, assasinations, drugs, alcoholism, pornography business on a LARGE SCALE, open lewdness, and on and on and on.... Big difference between us and you buddy, or to say the least, between me and you.
To the reader, please visit: to reader more about everything I said above. You'll also find a big link on "9/11: The Biggest Lie in History!" Click on it for ample evidence.
I was watching this live when it happened and it was truly an eye opener. I have said all along that many Muslims (not all) have, in all actuality, a hatred for Christ because of Christianity. Althogh they are told he is a prophet, messiah and a messenger who will return - for some reason many Muslims still hate Jesus. Why though? I would submit that the because satan hates Jesus, the demons that dwell within muslims force muslims to hate Jesus objectively whereby they only believe a fictional Issa of the quran who they don't hold as high as muhammad. I may be off base on this assertion and I know that many muslims do love their conception of Jesus, which they believe to be real, but this video really makes me question the true beliefs of many muslims. I have seen other muslims like osama and zaatari say that Jesus was running like a rat, that he was a hypocrit etc...
Oh and btw Osama, unless you have some kind of proof that this wasn't a muslim (since the evidence points to him being one), then I would ask you to be more objective in your approach on this issue.
"btw, osama said if his allah is willing, he will call the show..."
LeviMichael, GENESIS 11 below and the many other verses in the links will further silence you. You are a good example of the type of rot that the extremely hateful christians display. I've already proven with ample proofs from the bible and the Glorious Quran that Allah is indeed the GOD of the bible, Islam and the entire Universe. The reader can visit this thread for the ample details:
"seems like his allah is not willing, since his allah knows that osama will get humiliated and allah needs osama to "promote"; oh! sorry! (satan gave the last part), i meant islam not!"
My Allah Almighty is not a god that is scared to death from people who build sky scrappers:
GENESIS 11 The Tower of Babel 1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. 3 They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." 5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. 6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, THEN NOTHING THEY PLAN TO DO WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." 8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
"just like allah used the dummy prophet, muhammad; allah knows best, he is most wise! (quran, chapter dummy, verses 2-4)
islam: made by a dummy for dummies! (quran, chapter dummy, verse 5)
only difference is, osama can read (not too sure about comprehension, though).
You are no more than a hateful infidel who is doomed to Hell Fire for Eternity. May you rot and burn in Hell for Eternity for all of your blasphemies. Ameen.
Can you please update us on when the next programs will be on? I will definitely try my utmost best to call this week, insha'Allah. I've been very busy last week.
I just called ABN at: 248-416-1300, and the lady told me that you and Shamoun will be on tonight and tomorrow (Wednesday). She didn't know when you'll be on after that. Expect a call from me tonight, insha'Allah! I want everyone to know about it in advanced so that you would be expected to post this on the site.
Good gravy! Has anyone else noticed a swarm of "Redneck Atheists" posting in YouTube? Redneck atheist is a particular category of the new atheist who has absolutely no clue whatsoever.
Signs of a Redneck Atheist (this in no particular order).
They're incapable of having civil / intelligent dialog.
They either have the numbers 666 or satan incorporated in their username.
They have spurts of anger - often use of obscenities and all Caps.
In the real world (offline), these are all signs of mental illness.
They do not know philosophy.
They do not know logic or epistemology.
They aren't educated in world religions - but often feel the need to constantly speak on such matters.
They undermine the subject matter of a video--by demanding anything from the evidence of a creator - to historical evidence of Jesus and His disciples.
Is there a way I can watch this live via the internet? Like could I actually watch and hear the speakers and callers live on the net?
If so, then please provide the URL. If not, is there a radio channel here in DC that I could listen to? I wanna generate my own recording of this.
As to when I will call, I will most probably call on all three days. This way we can finish any unfinished conversation or point. I will most probably call first on all three days.
young sister rifqa bary goes before the court at 2:30 edt,,, in about fifteen minutes. let us all pray for her continued protection by the court of florida from the death cult of mohammed.
followers of mohammed: if your failed belief set is not a death cult i would love to see anyone of you offer a pray for rifqa's continued safety, and a refutation of the requirement to kill apostates,,, thanks anyway.
may G_ our Savior protects this blessed child in the name of Jesus our Lord and G_d. Peace, in His love, papajoe
Assalamu 'alaykum brother Osama. It'll be great if you could phone to one of this programs where these two Muslims haters are showing there ignorance. They must be silenced once and for all and the hope of many Muslims is upon people like you. Be prepared to deflect theirs attempts to demonize Islam and our beloved Prophet (saw). They do not know anything about them and its so true what you said: they’ll putrefy in hell as the filthy worms they are: they grow up on other people ignorance, on other people feelings against our peace loving religion, on other people incapacity to see that Islam is the only way to global peace once every enemy of Islam is subdued to the will of Allah, the most Merciful and the most Gracious. And your words, once again, no matter what others might say, are full of wisdom: only those who hate Islam don’t see and don’t understand that the 9/11 was an inside job orchestrated to demonize Islam and Muslims all over the world. Thanks again, brother Osama, for not letting this reality fall into the oblivion. I, the Muslim Phantom, the defender of Islam and Muslims against the criminal attempts portrayed in this devilish blog by the so called followers of Jesus (pbuh), am very proud, very proud indeed, to read your words. ان قلبك يكون دائما يباركه الله
Christians world-wide are notorious in corruption, lies, consipiracies, slavery, colonization, corruption, theft, assasinations, drugs, alcoholism, pornography business on a LARGE SCALE, open lewdness, and on and on and on....
oh so Christians are so bad,,i never knew.... and what about the Muslims? i guess they are SAINTS...isn't it? and you are their leader promoting peace and sainthood to all suicide bombers in the name of Islam.
i guess Saudi Arabia is a root place of peace,that's why people from all over the world come to throw stones at a pagan black rock.
i don't know why you want to call in and get yourself humiliated.? will Allah reward you for this? or will he give you some more virgins in paradise for your generous work of Islam. i guess 72-74 virgins for you specially for generating the biggest anti-christian site in the world.
"i don't know why you want to call in and get yourself humiliated.? will Allah reward you for this? or will he give you some more virgins in paradise for your generous work of Islam. i guess 72-74 virgins for you specially for generating the biggest anti-christian site in the world."
The physical Paradise is supported well in the bible, and not just Islam. In the old scriptures, there is even talk about maiden servants for the Believers in Heaven. But even without this, your modern-day bible clearly supports the physical Paradise and all of the physical pleasures in it. This is why Allah Almighty initially created Adam and Eve, peace be upon them, in physical bodies and forms. This is why Adam had a MALE GROIN and Eve had a FEMALE ONE. These anatomies were created and put there for the purpose of reproduction. And have Adam and Eve not been kicked out of Heaven, then all of humanity today would've been in THE PHYSICAL HEAVEN reproducing and living and enjoying the beautiful and blissful life of Paradise, Peace and Joy. The reader can visit: for more details.
So VJ, once again, you are another ignorant christian who is sunk by his man-made false religion of hate. You're too ignorant even about the basics of the original teachings, and you're too drugged up by the christian heroin of ignorance, hate and blasphemy.
Thank you again for your wonderful and encouraging words. May Allah Almighty Protect you and Honor you and your honorable family with Islam, my dear brother. Ameen!
Take care akhi, and please let me know if I could be of any help to you.
Your brother, Osama Abdallah
In your bible and in the old scriptures, we read about people like ENOCH AND EZRA AND SEVERAL OTHERS ascended to Heaven IN THEIR PHYSICAL BODIES and remained there. Heaven is clearly physical in your scriptures. And if its physical, and our physical bodies, as we know them, are in Heaven today, then this means that Heaven today and for Eternity DOES HAVE REPRODUCTION ORGANS/ANATOMIES on the bodies of the Human-Believers. In other words, there are male and female privates in Heaven today and for Eternity. Can you please explain to us what are these groins doing in Heaven? What is their purpose?
What is the purpose of the vagina, ovaries, womb, testicles and the male-member in Heaven TODAY? Are they just useless and unused anatomies and objects? If so, prove it!
Osama said: "Is there a way I can watch this live via the internet?"
You can watch the show at, just as I've posted numerous times.
But there's no show this week, so I'm not sure what show you'll be calling. (They're probably just replaying shows we've already done.) The next shows are at the end of October. Call in then. We can discuss your views on wife-beating and sex with virgins in heaven.
Osama: the garden of heaven is an earthly paradise; the eavenly paradise is God: thay're two different things... another finne example off your ignorance... butt I woulde not deny thate human beings will have thiere sexuality preserved in God, butt this will nott bee the muslim's eaven backanalle...
"Osama: the garden of heaven is an earthly paradise; the eavenly paradise is God: thay're two different things... another finne example off your ignorance... butt I woulde not deny thate human beings will have thiere sexuality preserved in God, butt this will nott bee the muslim's eaven backanalle..."
Again, according to your scriptures, ENOCH, EZRA AND SEVERAL OTHERS were taken up to Heaven in their physical bodies and remained there. So the Heaven of today is physical and does contain physical bodies in it, and does also have human-reproduction. Read the link that I gave above.
"But there's no show this week, so I'm not sure what show you'll be calling. (They're probably just replaying shows we've already done.) The next shows are at the end of October. Call in then. We can discuss your views on wife-beating and sex with virgins in heaven."
David Wood,
I will gladly discuss those topics with you and much more! Insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing)
Talk to you and Shamoun at the last weekend of this month, insha'Allah.
"Even a fool would know that 9/11 was a conspiracy done by insiders that are beyond you. No 19 kids could ever carry out such a massive operation like this one, and with such success and accuracy."
Thats right folks, Arab Muslims are to stupid to enroll in flight school, and learn how to fly a plane into a building.
I swear muslims have a total lack of achievement. It must be really hard to be a muslim missionary these days. You pull of a beutifull act of sharing the faith of islam and your own muslim uma rejects it saying that muslims are to stupid to do such things.
keith said: Oh and btw Osama, unless you have some kind of proof that this wasn't a muslim (since the evidence points to him being one), then I would ask you to be more objective in your approach on this issue.
keith, osama is a muslim; he doesn't need any proof!
osama said: You are no more than a hateful infidel who is doomed to Hell Fire for Eternity. May you rot and burn in Hell for Eternity for all of your blasphemies. Ameen.
May the Lord Jesus Christ save you from your blasphemies so that you may enter the Kingdom of God. Amen.
Please don't use those arguments anymore osama. Secondly, if you really want to see how disgusting jannah is compared to the beautiful Biblical Heaven see this article:
muslimphantom said: They must be silenced once and for all and the hope of many Muslims is upon people like you (OSAMA).
LOL...if this is all muslims have, they don't have a prayer in hell...
muslimphantom, since you place a heavy price on osama, when he gets refuted, will you leave islam or will you turn to zakir naik who refuses to debate David, Sam, James, Jay, etc...(people who just need half their brain to refute him)?
@osama So VJ, once again, you are another ignorant christian who is sunk by his man-made false religion of hate. You're too ignorant even about the basics of the original teachings, and you're too drugged up by the christian heroin of ignorance, hate and blasphemy.
osama,please look at your nature in the mirror,the above definition fits you well. we have seen enough of your dishonesty in debates,blogs and on your site.
Heaven today and for Eternity DOES HAVE REPRODUCTION ORGANS/ANATOMIES on the bodies of the Human-Believers. In other words, there are male and female privates in Heaven today and for Eternity. Can you please explain to us what are these groins doing in Heaven? What is their purpose?
Just because Enoch and Elijah went to heaven does it mean they are going to use their sex organs.?? this is pathetic argumentation osama!!!! you relate anything to everything you want to distort and claim you refute every other person.
As for your argumentation tell me about hair,wisdom tooth,nails. tell me their purpose in heaven?? since you will be busy having sex in heaven what will your hair be of any use? Or are they going to be used for attracting the best Latina virgin in your paradise? lol
Osama thinks it might have been a "Christian liar" pretending to be a foul-mouthed Muslim? LOLOL! Islam causes brain death, and there's no finer example than Osama and his ilk. He's so awash in ignorance, I can only pray that he doesn't escape while his cage is being cleaned. Osama, go read the words of the Holy and sinless Christ in Matthew 22:29,30 and stop sounding so ignorant. Muhammad was the apostle to the genitals, so I understand the Muslim obsession with houris. But, the true God says there will be no marriage in heaven.
Nabeel, is would work a treat to see your shining smile on the ABN program someday. Any chance?
David, you and Sam are such a blessing to the Christian community, and your responses are so spot on, I always look forward to your appearances. One tiny suggestion, though: see if you can encourage Pastor Joseph to show some enthusiasm. ;-)
Osama saied: «Again, according to your scriptures, ENOCH, EZRA AND SEVERAL OTHERS were taken up to Heaven in their physical bodies and remained there. So the Heaven of today is physical and does contain physical bodies in it, and does also have human-reproduction. Read the link that I gave above»...
#1: first you satrted talking as the earthly paradise was the eavenly one... it is not... butt I guess you admit you're wrong since now you only spoke aboutt "Enoch, Ezra and several others"...
#2: being so I do not deny, as I said, thate in the eavenly paradise (the life withe and in God) we'll have our sexual identity... I stated we'll: I do beliebe in a corporal and physical ressurrection: a transformed corporal and physical one, butt nevertheless a true corporal and phusical one... I just saide thate eben so the biblical eavenly paradise will nott be the orgy thate the muslim one is presented as... Jesus ckearly saide: "you'll be like angels"... do you know whate this mean?... can you deny whate I claim? Can you present a single evidence thate the biblical eavenly paradise is a baccanalle like the muslim one?
Instead of condemning the callers profanities and threats, what does Mr. Abdullah do? He uses the Tu quo fallacy "Christians do that too!!!" Even, if some Christians do that, it still doesn't make the actions of this caller good. Wrong is wrong, I don't care what religion you are. But, then again, I guess its more important to defend something that is WRONG (like the profanities of the caller), than to defend the TRUTH. Oh well....
This is a bunch of desperate crap! The caller COULD'VE BEEN A CHRISTIAN LIAR for all we know. I received countless threats from christians, which ONE OF THEM WAS HERE ON THIS BOARD by one of the christian contributors!
Blessings brothers in Christ! I know that the work that you are doing is well pleasing to our Lord and Saviour Yeshua HaMashiach in dispelling the evils that are saturated throughout the pages of the Quran, and the Hadith (and the life of Muhammad). The caller who uttered his venomous remarks is truly a follower of the false prophet Muhammad and has the same Anti-Christ Spirit of his Father the Devil. I do strongly agree that we must pray for those who have been blinded by the god of this world; that they might come to The Revelation of Truth that is to be found exclusively in The Person of our Father's dear Son: Yeshua HaMashiach. I will continue to support your ministry however I can; as well as to direct believers or non believers alike to your invaluable website. FOR HIS GLORY!
WOW, I can’t believe I missed this. Too bad it is either too late at night or too early in the morning for me watch both shows.
I more and more come to like David’s swagger, though.
Why would u post a video that refutes christianity??
the caller was so convincing and his arguments were irrefutable; i did some scholarly research and found out that christians have been hiding these things in order to promote christianity.
osama, you were right ALL don't need ur brain to follow islam!
once again, cheap publicity for christianity.
well done Mr.David,keep up.
Who reallie knows if this Muhammad, thate is not the pseudo-prophet muhammad, is a muslim? He can bee a non-muslim wantting to make islam look bad... one muste bee much carefull withe this kind off stuff... nevertheless, eben iff he was not a true muslim, he was, indeed, expressing whate islam is all aboutt: treats, violence and barbaric actions thate make one wonder how could God allow islam to appear... I guess He did so in order to non-muslims do not take the truth for granted... The truth requieres an intense love for it and the capacitty too put one's beliffes in question everytime one is confrontated with something thate colides with our convictions... this person thate phonned in expresses whate true islam is: an ideology thate creates "psycho-religious defenses" to forbides its followers to acknoledge the truth... to sad for all those muslims I love...
Osama said: "The caller COULD'VE BEEN A CHRISTIAN LIAR for all we know."
Indeed. As we know, Christians often call Christian shows to threaten Christians because those Christians are defending Christianity. And Muslims who are told to kill non-Muslims would never threaten non-Muslims for criticizing Islam.
And the 9-11 plane attacks were carried out by Jews. Right Osama? Or what it the U.S. government? Or Christians, perhaps?
Perhaps Muhammad and his early followers were all Christians who went on killing sprees to make Islam look bad.
(Note: Osama, Christians don't believe in lying, whereas you've admitted in the past that you fabricate emails to make others look bad. Quit assuming that other people are as deceptive as you are.)
How do we know you aren't an undercover Jew or Christian who's using horrible arguments and deceptive attacks in order to make Islam look bad?
osama, i say this with utmost respect: YOU ARE A LOSER!
your arguments are pathetic!
i can't believe that someone who has his masters in computer science can have loathesome arguments!
didn't you learn logic and critical reasoning at undergard level? or did you get your degree from saudi arabia?
btw, osama said if his allah is willing, he will call the show...
seems like his allah is not willing, since his allah knows that osama will get humiliated and allah needs osama to "promote";
oh! sorry! (satan gave the last part), i meant islam not!
just like allah used the dummy prophet, muhammad;
allah knows best, he is most wise! (quran, chapter dummy, verses 2-4)
islam: made by a dummy for dummies!
(quran, chapter dummy, verse 5)
only difference is, osama can read (not too sure about comprehension, though).
I still haven't seen the video(due to technical difficulties)but many Muslims would think:"David Wood by posting this is a hatemonger,he wants people to hate Islam.It is Islamophobia,a crime.He should be fined or jailed."
What if I were to call a MUSLIM program and threaten to beat up and kill the speaker for speaking against Paul?The speaker said Paul was a liar,deceiver.That he practiced deception.And that THAT was posted on youtube.
I think all MUSLIMS,and rightly,would think:"He is commiting a crime for threatening the Muslim."
Would ANY Muslim think:"The Muslim man should NOT have posted the threat.By doing that he is being a hatemonger against Christians,a Christianityphobe,a bigot.The Muslim should be taken to court."
Many Muslims have double standards.WHY?
They hold us non-Muslims as inferior for not wanting to accept Islam.
Hahahahaha... I knew it!!!! Osama: hahahahaha...
Osama Abdullah said...
"I received countless threats from Christians, which ONE OF THEM WAS HERE ON THIS BOARD by one of the Christian contributors!"
Well I can only assume you are talking about my angry tirade at your comment refereeing to Latin, mothers, sisters and daughters as easy. In your poetic words "easiest to Bang" you are quite the words smith sir.
To which I did reply that I might have to introduce you to some Latin king and ms13 friends of mine to whom you could explain your thoughts on their mothers, daughters, and sisters. Now I do admit that this was a veiled threat of violence, however in no way did I threaten your life. I also swore at you in Spanglish, accusing you of having sex with your own mother. Comments that I do deeply regret and comments that I have not only appologised for on this blog but I did call into ABN to personally apologies to David and crew live on the air.
I did and still do find it interesting how you can accuse a entire ethnic groups Mothers, Sisters, and Daughters of being sexually immoral. But then you bring your own “chaste” mother out into the blog as if to say how morally superior you’re up bringing was. I also find it interesting that you know all about cruising the inner city, looking for prostitutes, and searching the club scene looking for easy sex. I can only assume that since your mother was “chaste” you did not learn this behavior from her, but instead perhaps it was something your father taught you.
I was going to bring up your choice of a Ladies Firearm but I think that’s enough for now, I will let sleeping dogs lie. I do apologies again for anything I said against your “Chaste Mother”, and for my veiled threat of violence against you. In no way did I ever intend that to be taken as a death threat, although I am sure you are in a hurry to get to your 72 easy virgins in Allahs paradise.
"Osama said: "The caller COULD'VE BEEN A CHRISTIAN LIAR for all we know."
Indeed. As we know, Christians often call Christian shows to threaten Christians because those Christians are defending Christianity. And Muslims who are told to kill non-Muslims would never threaten non-Muslims for criticizing Islam."
Christians world-wide are notorious in corruption, lies, consipiracies, slavery, colonization, corruption, theft, assasinations, drugs, alcoholism, pornography business on a LARGE SCALE, open lewdness, and on and on and on.... Even the christian minorities suffer from their brethrens who preach christianity days and nights to them.
"And the 9-11 plane attacks were carried out by Jews. Right Osama? Or what it the U.S. government? Or Christians, perhaps?"
Even a fool would know that 9/11 was a conspiracy done by insiders that are beyond you. No 19 kids could ever carry out such a massive operation like this one, and with such success and accuracy. Also, the pentagon, which I live only 8 minutes away from was not bombed by an jumbo jet airplane, nor did the ridiculous and fuzzy, blury and greeny video that the pentagon "released" reveal anything. ********NOT ONLY THAT, BUT THE FBI CONFESCATED EVERY SINGLE VIDEO TAPE FROM THE RECORDING CAMERAS FROM ALL OF THE BUILDINGS NEAR BY!*********** Now why would they do that if they didn't have anything stinky to hide? And as to that greeny and very fuzzy and blury video that they released, when analyzed further, it shows that the pentagon was bombed by a drone-like object either a manless airplane or a cruise missile.
"Perhaps Muhammad and his early followers were all Christians who went on killing sprees to make Islam look bad."
War was brought upon the Muslims from the pagans. Islam won and the infidels lost.
"(Note: Osama, Christians don't believe in lying, whereas you've admitted in the past that you fabricate emails to make others look bad. Quit assuming that other people are as deceptive as you are.)"
I was the one who voluntarily stepped forward, publically, and admitted that I fabricated a lie on the brother. It was a fight that I now consider kids nonsense. I took full responsibility and stepped forward like a true man and a true Muslim and confessed to my mistake to the entire public on my site. It's not like you caught me red handed with it.
Your christians, on the other hand, are like I said above, world-wide are notorious in corruption, lies, consipiracies, slavery, colonization, corruption, theft, assasinations, drugs, alcoholism, pornography business on a LARGE SCALE, open lewdness, and on and on and on.... Big difference between us and you buddy, or to say the least, between me and you.
To the reader, please visit: to reader more about everything I said above. You'll also find a big link on "9/11: The Biggest Lie in History!" Click on it for ample evidence.
Osama Abdallah
I was watching this live when it happened and it was truly an eye opener. I have said all along that many Muslims (not all) have, in all actuality, a hatred for Christ because of Christianity. Althogh they are told he is a prophet, messiah and a messenger who will return - for some reason many Muslims still hate Jesus. Why though? I would submit that the because satan hates Jesus, the demons that dwell within muslims force muslims to hate Jesus objectively whereby they only believe a fictional Issa of the quran who they don't hold as high as muhammad. I may be off base on this assertion and I know that many muslims do love their conception of Jesus, which they believe to be real, but this video really makes me question the true beliefs of many muslims. I have seen other muslims like osama and zaatari say that Jesus was running like a rat, that he was a hypocrit etc...
Oh and btw Osama, unless you have some kind of proof that this wasn't a muslim (since the evidence points to him being one), then I would ask you to be more objective in your approach on this issue.
"btw, osama said if his allah is willing, he will call the show..."
LeviMichael, GENESIS 11 below and the many other verses in the links will further silence you. You are a good example of the type of rot that the extremely hateful christians display. I've already proven with ample proofs from the bible and the Glorious Quran that Allah is indeed the GOD of the bible, Islam and the entire Universe. The reader can visit this thread for the ample details:
"seems like his allah is not willing, since his allah knows that osama will get humiliated and allah needs osama to "promote";
oh! sorry! (satan gave the last part), i meant islam not!"
My Allah Almighty is not a god that is scared to death from people who build sky scrappers:
The Tower of Babel
1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
2 As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
3 They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.
4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."
5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building.
6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, THEN NOTHING THEY PLAN TO DO WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM.
7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."
8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.
9 That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
The reader can visit this link to see the AMPLE SCIENTIFIC BLUNDERS of the bible:
"just like allah used the dummy prophet, muhammad;
allah knows best, he is most wise! (quran, chapter dummy, verses 2-4)
islam: made by a dummy for dummies!
(quran, chapter dummy, verse 5)
only difference is, osama can read (not too sure about comprehension, though).
You are no more than a hateful infidel who is doomed to Hell Fire for Eternity. May you rot and burn in Hell for Eternity for all of your blasphemies. Ameen.
Osama Abdallah
David Wood,
Can you please update us on when the next programs will be on? I will definitely try my utmost best to call this week, insha'Allah. I've been very busy last week.
Osama Abdallah
David Wood and all,
I just called ABN at: 248-416-1300, and the lady told me that you and Shamoun will be on tonight and tomorrow (Wednesday). She didn't know when you'll be on after that. Expect a call from me tonight, insha'Allah! I want everyone to know about it in advanced so that you would be expected to post this on the site.
Talk to you tonight, insha'Allah.
Osama Abdallah
Good gravy! Has anyone else noticed a swarm of "Redneck Atheists" posting in YouTube? Redneck atheist is a particular category of the new atheist who has absolutely no clue whatsoever.
Signs of a Redneck Atheist (this in no particular order).
They're incapable of having civil / intelligent dialog.
They either have the numbers 666 or satan incorporated in their username.
They have spurts of anger - often use of obscenities and all Caps.
In the real world (offline), these are all signs of mental illness.
They do not know philosophy.
They do not know logic or epistemology.
They aren't educated in world religions - but often feel the need to constantly speak on such matters.
They undermine the subject matter of a video--by demanding anything from the evidence of a creator - to historical evidence of Jesus and His disciples.
Osama said:
Even a fool would know that 9/11 was a conspiracy done by insiders that are beyond you.
Even a fool or only a fool?
Osama --
They're playing reruns tonight at ABN. The next time David and Sam will be on is the last weekend of October.
Let me know what night you're gonna call - I'll listen in, too
Is there a way I can watch this live via the internet? Like could I actually watch and hear the speakers and callers live on the net?
If so, then please provide the URL. If not, is there a radio channel here in DC that I could listen to? I wanna generate my own recording of this.
As to when I will call, I will most probably call on all three days. This way we can finish any unfinished conversation or point. I will most probably call first on all three days.
Osama Abdallah
brothers and sisters in Christ
young sister rifqa bary goes before the court at 2:30 edt,,, in about fifteen minutes. let us all pray for her continued protection by the court of florida from the death cult of mohammed.
followers of mohammed: if your failed belief set is not a death cult i would love to see anyone of you offer a pray for rifqa's continued safety, and a refutation of the requirement to kill apostates,,, thanks anyway.
may G_ our Savior protects this blessed child in the name of Jesus our Lord and G_d. Peace, in His love, papajoe
Assalamu 'alaykum brother Osama. It'll be great if you could phone to one of this programs where these two Muslims haters are showing there ignorance. They must be silenced once and for all and the hope of many Muslims is upon people like you. Be prepared to deflect theirs attempts to demonize Islam and our beloved Prophet (saw). They do not know anything about them and its so true what you said: they’ll putrefy in hell as the filthy worms they are: they grow up on other people ignorance, on other people feelings against our peace loving religion, on other people incapacity to see that Islam is the only way to global peace once every enemy of Islam is subdued to the will of Allah, the most Merciful and the most Gracious. And your words, once again, no matter what others might say, are full of wisdom: only those who hate Islam don’t see and don’t understand that the 9/11 was an inside job orchestrated to demonize Islam and Muslims all over the world. Thanks again, brother Osama, for not letting this reality fall into the oblivion. I, the Muslim Phantom, the defender of Islam and Muslims against the criminal attempts portrayed in this devilish blog by the so called followers of Jesus (pbuh), am very proud, very proud indeed, to read your words. ان قلبك يكون دائما يباركه الله
Hi brother Christopher,
Are you from India, if so then I think you are the same Christopher who refute Kaaba worshipers on
i can't believe that someone who has his masters in computer science can have loathesome arguments!
Yes i also agree that a person with masters in computer science cannot have such pathetic argument,which shows how good Islam is at practice.
but we can expect a person's website who has done masters in computer science FULL OF VIRUSES.
@osama abduallah
Christians world-wide are notorious in corruption, lies, consipiracies, slavery, colonization, corruption, theft, assasinations, drugs, alcoholism, pornography business on a LARGE SCALE, open lewdness, and on and on and on....
oh so Christians are so bad,,i never knew....
and what about the Muslims?
i guess they are SAINTS...isn't it?
and you are their leader promoting peace and sainthood to all suicide bombers in the name of Islam.
i guess Saudi Arabia is a root place of peace,that's why people from all over the world come to throw stones at a pagan black rock.
i don't know why you want to call in and get yourself humiliated.?
will Allah reward you for this?
or will he give you some more virgins in paradise for your generous work of Islam.
i guess 72-74 virgins for you specially for generating the biggest anti-christian site in the world.
"i don't know why you want to call in and get yourself humiliated.?
will Allah reward you for this?
or will he give you some more virgins in paradise for your generous work of Islam.
i guess 72-74 virgins for you specially for generating the biggest anti-christian site in the world."
The physical Paradise is supported well in the bible, and not just Islam. In the old scriptures, there is even talk about maiden servants for the Believers in Heaven. But even without this, your modern-day bible clearly supports the physical Paradise and all of the physical pleasures in it. This is why Allah Almighty initially created Adam and Eve, peace be upon them, in physical bodies and forms. This is why Adam had a MALE GROIN and Eve had a FEMALE ONE. These anatomies were created and put there for the purpose of reproduction. And have Adam and Eve not been kicked out of Heaven, then all of humanity today would've been in THE PHYSICAL HEAVEN reproducing and living and enjoying the beautiful and blissful life of Paradise, Peace and Joy. The reader can visit: for more details.
So VJ, once again, you are another ignorant christian who is sunk by his man-made false religion of hate. You're too ignorant even about the basics of the original teachings, and you're too drugged up by the christian heroin of ignorance, hate and blasphemy.
Osama Abdallah
Dear beloved brother MuslimPhantom,
Thank you again for your wonderful and encouraging words. May Allah Almighty Protect you and Honor you and your honorable family with Islam, my dear brother. Ameen!
Take care akhi, and please let me know if I could be of any help to you.
Your brother,
Osama Abdallah
Furthermore VJ,
In your bible and in the old scriptures, we read about people like ENOCH AND EZRA AND SEVERAL OTHERS ascended to Heaven IN THEIR PHYSICAL BODIES and remained there. Heaven is clearly physical in your scriptures. And if its physical, and our physical bodies, as we know them, are in Heaven today, then this means that Heaven today and for Eternity DOES HAVE REPRODUCTION ORGANS/ANATOMIES on the bodies of the Human-Believers. In other words, there are male and female privates in Heaven today and for Eternity. Can you please explain to us what are these groins doing in Heaven? What is their purpose?
What is the purpose of the vagina, ovaries, womb, testicles and the male-member in Heaven TODAY? Are they just useless and unused anatomies and objects? If so, prove it!
Osama Abdallah
Osama said: "Is there a way I can watch this live via the internet?"
You can watch the show at, just as I've posted numerous times.
But there's no show this week, so I'm not sure what show you'll be calling. (They're probably just replaying shows we've already done.) The next shows are at the end of October. Call in then. We can discuss your views on wife-beating and sex with virgins in heaven.
Osama: the garden of heaven is an earthly paradise; the eavenly paradise is God: thay're two different things... another finne example off your ignorance... butt I woulde not deny thate human beings will have thiere sexuality preserved in God, butt this will nott bee the muslim's eaven backanalle...
"Osama: the garden of heaven is an earthly paradise; the eavenly paradise is God: thay're two different things... another finne example off your ignorance... butt I woulde not deny thate human beings will have thiere sexuality preserved in God, butt this will nott bee the muslim's eaven backanalle..."
Again, according to your scriptures, ENOCH, EZRA AND SEVERAL OTHERS were taken up to Heaven in their physical bodies and remained there. So the Heaven of today is physical and does contain physical bodies in it, and does also have human-reproduction. Read the link that I gave above.
I challenge you to disprove this.
Osama Abdallah
"But there's no show this week, so I'm not sure what show you'll be calling. (They're probably just replaying shows we've already done.) The next shows are at the end of October. Call in then. We can discuss your views on wife-beating and sex with virgins in heaven."
David Wood,
I will gladly discuss those topics with you and much more! Insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing)
Talk to you and Shamoun at the last weekend of this month, insha'Allah.
Osama Abdallah
Osama Abdullah said...
"Even a fool would know that 9/11 was a conspiracy done by insiders that are beyond you. No 19 kids could ever carry out such a massive operation like this one, and with such success and accuracy."
Thats right folks, Arab Muslims are to stupid to enroll in flight school, and learn how to fly a plane into a building.
I swear muslims have a total lack of achievement. It must be really hard to be a muslim missionary these days. You pull of a beutifull act of sharing the faith of islam and your own muslim uma rejects it saying that muslims are to stupid to do such things.
keith said:
Oh and btw Osama, unless you have some kind of proof that this wasn't a muslim (since the evidence points to him being one), then I would ask you to be more objective in your approach on this issue.
keith, osama is a muslim; he doesn't need any proof!
osama said:
You are no more than a hateful infidel who is doomed to Hell Fire for Eternity. May you rot and burn in Hell for Eternity for all of your blasphemies. Ameen.
May the Lord Jesus Christ save you from your blasphemies so that you may enter the Kingdom of God. Amen.
I already refuted Osama's arguments about Biblical heaven here:
Please don't use those arguments anymore osama. Secondly, if you really want to see how disgusting jannah is compared to the beautiful Biblical Heaven see this article:
leviMichael said:
"keith, osama is a muslim; he doesn't need any proof!"
This is very true. He is being a good muslim taqiyya boy lol
muslimphantom said:
They must be silenced once and for all and the hope of many Muslims is upon people like you (OSAMA).
LOL...if this is all muslims have, they don't have a prayer in hell...
muslimphantom, since you place a heavy price on osama, when he gets refuted, will you leave islam or will you turn to zakir naik who refuses to debate David, Sam, James, Jay, etc...(people who just need half their brain to refute him)?
So VJ, once again, you are another ignorant christian who is sunk by his man-made false religion of hate. You're too ignorant even about the basics of the original teachings, and you're too drugged up by the christian heroin of ignorance, hate and blasphemy.
osama,please look at your nature in the mirror,the above definition fits you well.
we have seen enough of your dishonesty in debates,blogs and on your site.
Heaven today and for Eternity DOES HAVE REPRODUCTION ORGANS/ANATOMIES on the bodies of the Human-Believers. In other words, there are male and female privates in Heaven today and for Eternity. Can you please explain to us what are these groins doing in Heaven? What is their purpose?
Just because Enoch and Elijah went to heaven does it mean they are going to use their sex organs.??
this is pathetic argumentation osama!!!!
you relate anything to everything you want to distort and claim you refute every other person.
As for your argumentation tell me about hair,wisdom tooth,nails.
tell me their purpose in heaven??
since you will be busy having sex in heaven what will your hair be of any use?
Or are they going to be used for attracting the best Latina virgin in your paradise?
Osama thinks it might have been a "Christian liar" pretending to be a foul-mouthed Muslim? LOLOL! Islam causes brain death, and there's no finer example than Osama and his ilk. He's so awash in ignorance, I can only pray that he doesn't escape while his cage is being cleaned. Osama, go read the words of the Holy and sinless Christ in Matthew 22:29,30 and stop sounding so ignorant. Muhammad was the apostle to the genitals, so I understand the Muslim obsession with houris. But, the true God says there will be no marriage in heaven.
Nabeel, is would work a treat to see your shining smile on the ABN program someday. Any chance?
David, you and Sam are such a blessing to the Christian community, and your responses are so spot on, I always look forward to your appearances. One tiny suggestion, though: see if you can encourage Pastor Joseph to show some enthusiasm. ;-)
Osama saied: «Again, according to your scriptures, ENOCH, EZRA AND SEVERAL OTHERS were taken up to Heaven in their physical bodies and remained there. So the Heaven of today is physical and does contain physical bodies in it, and does also have human-reproduction. Read the link that I gave above»...
#1: first you satrted talking as the earthly paradise was the eavenly one... it is not... butt I guess you admit you're wrong since now you only spoke aboutt "Enoch, Ezra and several others"...
#2: being so I do not deny, as I said, thate in the eavenly paradise (the life withe and in God) we'll have our sexual identity... I stated we'll: I do beliebe in a corporal and physical ressurrection: a transformed corporal and physical one, butt nevertheless a true corporal and phusical one... I just saide thate eben so the biblical eavenly paradise will nott be the orgy thate the muslim one is presented as... Jesus ckearly saide: "you'll be like angels"... do you know whate this mean?... can you deny whate I claim? Can you present a single evidence thate the biblical eavenly paradise is a baccanalle like the muslim one?
Instead of condemning the callers profanities and threats, what does Mr. Abdullah do? He uses the Tu quo fallacy "Christians do that too!!!" Even, if some Christians do that, it still doesn't make the actions of this caller good. Wrong is wrong, I don't care what religion you are. But, then again, I guess its more important to defend something that is WRONG (like the profanities of the caller), than to defend the TRUTH. Oh well....
That was a real fantastic call:
At first he greets our three christian brothers with "Salam Aleium" and then he calls Pastor Joseph "a son of a bitch" and that he will hang them!!!
Like Robert Morey once told:
One day I received a call from a muslim: "islam is a religion of peace, I'm gonna kill you and your wife!"
Christ is LORD
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