Irenaeus just sent this link in. As Fifth Monarchy Man noted in the comments section of our last post, does anyone see the difference between Muslims who convert to Christianity and Christians who convert to Islam? Brittany converted in our nation's capital to the applause of many (though Christians were in attendance). Will she be persecuted? No. Will her life be threatened? No. Will she lose anything? Hardly.
Compare this with Mrs. Sana and Fathima. Mrs. Sana was terrified of converting, because her husband might take her children from her. Fathima had to keep her conversion a secret, so that her family wouldn't murder her.
I wonder . . . If Muslims took away the threats, the manipulation, the terror, how many men and women would leave Islam instantly? And if Islam can only retain its hold through threats, manipulation, and terror, what does this say about Islam?
I love the videos from Rachid's ministry. As many times as I've watched this one, it's difficult to get beyond the 4:20 mark and not weep with her.
The website (in Arabic) can be found here:
His YouTube account is:
This is the exact reason why I can't go back to the Middle East. If I went back with my son and we were discovered, he'd immediately be taken from me and no court system would grant me custody, as I am a Christian and his father is a Muslim.
Well, I guess there is just no compulsion in religion, is there?
Islam is so sad.
This Guy (rasheed) is simply amazing. Is there a complete translated version of his shows ?!
OumAmir, GBU sister
"'s difficult to get beyond the 4:20 mark and not weep with her."
My sentiments exactly. It just chokes you up. There is an interesting book I recently read called "Islam at the Gates" which goes through the Crusades and the following years in which Europe was in danger of being overcome by Islam. Islam is once again at the gates of Europe, and this time even less people seem to care.
This video again illustrates the profound differences between Islam and Christianity
This poor women is afraid to embrace Christianity for fear her husband will divorce her but if the tables were turned and she was contemplating embracing Islam while married to a Christian her spouse would be commanded not to leave her. (1 Cor 7:12-16).
My God hates divorce and the Islamic god uses it a weapon to keep his followers in line
Check this video (You might llike to post it as a separate post)
Islamic scandels in Australia. The Highest Isalmic Authority in australia is fighting for the elections. made false accusation, offensive claims against uncovered women, and trying to decieve the Police.
Doesnt this remind you of what muhamed did, in order to get rid of All his persecutors. And Abu bakr and Ibn Khattab also made conspiracy against Ali. Aisha lead the war agaisnt muslims !! All are fighting for authority
shafsha said...
Your link does not work.,
Wt hold up this is from A CHRISTIAN source-this video. Is there any CNN, HLN, BBC backing this up??
Fatman, I just tried it again now, and it is working
here is the link again:
I hope someone else tells us if it worked or not!!
This website is blocked in some arab coutries like Saudi arabia, and others. So may be this is the reason!
ah, and another reason dont write www in the begining. just http://islam ...till the end
Ali said: "Wt hold up this is from A CHRISTIAN source-this video. Is there any CNN, HLN, BBC backing this up??"
I see your point, Ali. The woman called a Christian show. So it makes no sense that the video is from a Christian source. And as we know, CNN and BBC do everything in their power to report instances of women being terrified of converting to Christianity. Since it's not on CNN, it must be false.
I understand your skepticism as well. As we all know, a Muslim would never use threats or intimidation to keep a person from converting. A Muslim woman who converts has nothing to fear whatsoever! So all of this must be a hoax. Christians don't have any actual Muslim violence to point out, so they must be inventing it. Yes, this is a plot by Christians. It's another Crusade!
(BTW, I'm being sarcastic. What did Muslims say when Rifqa Bary fled an honor killing? "Christians invented this lie!" What did Muslims say when Nabeel and I were attacked in Dearborn? "You must have edited out all the footage where you attacked the Muslims first!" What did Muslims say when Muslims attacked the World Trade Center? "The US government did it!" Do you know that part of being a man is admitting when you've done something wrong? Why must Muslims be in a constant state of denial?)
This video touched me. My heart goes out to her and may Our Father put a hedge of protection around her and her family
Hi isiscowbaby... glade to see you arounde here, eben iff due to a soo sad realitty as the suffering off this poor woman... hoppe you'll keep on posting your comments... and do nott silence wahte she's suffering: whate other silence, let's us cry outt lound!!!
Here is a clickable link for shafsha's video.
Thx Ryan, unfortunately I am not a blog freak, i have to learn more blog tricks;)
Same Video of Sheikh Hilali on youtube, and other interesting related videos:
Here's a link that explains how to do hyperlinks.
The only thing you will need to change on the instructions found there is that on blogger you have to take the "www" off the webaddress. So for example a link to this blog would need have "".
I decided to add some more material.In the TARGUM(written in 1 st century AD),a commentary on and paraphrase of the OT,it has that ISAIAH 9 is about the DAVIDIC MESSIAH.
This idea was not invented by us.Plus I give an answer to a Muslim objection I have found.
In Isaiah 9 we have a prophecy.The Jewish interpretation today is that it is about king HEZEKIAH,who was the greatest Jewish king after David and Solomon.When Solomon died the kingdom was split in two:the kingdom of Israel in the north,with 10 tribes and Samaria as its capital,and the Kingdom of Judah in the south,with Jerusalem as its capital. The Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire in 722 BC,while the other one was conquered by the Babylonians in 586 BC,and Jerusalem and the first Temple of Jerusalem were destroyed.
THe Kingdom of Israel was made up of the region of GALILEE in the north,which is next to Lebanon,and the region later known as Samaria,where the Samaritans lived.
Isaiah 9:1-7:
" Nevertheless the gloom will not be upon her who is distressed,as when at first He lightly esteemed the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward more heavily oppressed her. By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, in GALILEE of the Gentiles the people who walked in darkness HAVE SEEN a GREAT LIGHT;
Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a LIGHT has shined.
You have multiplied the nation and increased its joy;they rejoice before You according to the joy of harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil. For You have broken the yoke of his burden and the staff of his shoulder, The rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian. For every warrior’s sandal from the noisy battle, and garments rolled in blood, will be used for burning and fuel of fire.
For unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given;and the government will be upon His shoulder and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of HIS GOVERNMENT and PEACE there will be NO END, upon the THRONE of DAVID and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward FOREVER. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. "
Hezekiah was a great king and he ruled over the Kingdom of Judah as a man of God from 715- 687 BC,notice that when he BEGAN ruling the Kingdom of Israel had already been conquered in 722 BC. Hezekiah NEVER ruled over Galilee,he had no connection with it.Isaiah 9 talks of a great saint appearing in Galilee.
Also we have the phrases "no end" regarding his rule and peace,"throne of David" which means a Jewish king( like the Messiah is supposed to be) and "forever". Hezekiah's rule came to an end,it didn't last forever.There is a rabbinic arguement which is so-so that it does not really mean forever,but that is what the text says literally.The only Jewish king who is supposed to rule forever is the Messiah.
Well,we know Jesus began his 3 year career,very short as prophets go,in Galilee.He had lived most of his life in NAZARETH,which is in Galilee.
It says:" For unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given;and the government will be upon His shoulder and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. "
First of all,Jesus has never been given the title Eternal FATHER nor Wonderful COUNSELOR,though he has been called God. He has been given the title Prince of Peace also. It is true that in the OT God is given the title FATHER about 15 times,but Christians have never called Jesus that.When a Christian says Father he means God the Father, the first person of the Trinity.
Notice we have 4 titles:Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Eternal Father and Prince of Peace. God the Holy Spirit has the function of giving spiritual strength and wisom,so he would merit the title wonderful counselor. And the we have God the Father with Eternal Father and Jesus,plus the general title of Mighty God.
This is not directly related to this video, but this is quite amazing! I was a bit skeptical, but if you research the meanings of the names it's true. It's really mind blowing!
Thank you for sharing this video. I think it is a good reminder to all of us that one's relationship with God is deeply personal. I feel for Sana in her sadness, but I also celebrate her and her personal journey to Christ.
I admire everyone's scholarship in the debates here, but I think it is also important to remember that one's faith and relationship with God is not borne through scholarship. Many converts to Christianity do not quote from scholars when they share their journey to Christ. They always talk about finding true joy and happiness in their heart and mind.
Another lady who converted to Christianity 18 years ago (You can listen to her on YouTube here) said that she doesn't talk about religion when she talks to other Muslims about her relationship with Christ. She responds to their fear that she is trying to convince them to change their religion by telling them that "Jesus never talked about religion. He talked about salvation."
Indeed, there is a difference between believing that one's religion is the way to God and believing that Jesus is the way to God. Huge difference.
So, please allow me to remind everyone (myself included) not to be too caught up in this Christian-Muslim debate. More often than not, we tend to feed our egos more than we give testimony to our respective faiths.
Without doubt Christ shall strengthen Sana. She was drawn by Him, Seen and known by Him before the beginning of the world.He asks us to count the cost of following Him. It is also without doubt that some of us shall lose what is precious and dear. However ALL of these things have only the appearance of being ours, they are in fact GOD'S. What He asks is that we make Him Lord. After that, He leads us on the most amazing paths, in the power of the Holy Spirit. What we give up to His Hands He begins to redeem from that moment..Sanaas children and husband now Have the Blood of the Lamb over their doorpost ,Sana is held between the shoulders of the King.
I also went through this process.My fears were profound.Yet now, twelve years later,our 3 daughters know Christ, I am Living by the power of God, and we pray with certain expectation, that my husband shall be saved. I have lost his love, it is true, but the love I know have for him, now, comes from an Eternal Spring, the heart of Christ. Though we lose all, we gain everlasting life, and the sure promise that God shall also, in us bring about the Saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ in our families and communities. Nothing can compare to being made alive in Christ.
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