Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Will Faisal Mostafa Be Cleared a Third Time?

A British chemistry graduate who was twice cleared of plotting terrorist attacks is being searched for by Bangladeshi security forces who claim that an orphange he founded was being used as a training camp and arms factory for Islamic militants.

Dr Faisal Mostafa ran a charity providing humanitarian aid to children and families in Bangladesh and Pakistan, even though he was twice cleared of involvement in alleged bomb-making factories and terror attacks in Britain.

Bangladeshi security forces allege that an orphanage run by Mostafa's Stockport-based charity Green Crescent was being used to train Jihadist extremists 'in line with Bin Laden'. Read More.


Fernando said...

Poor man... no one understands him... he's being the victim off a great mistrust...

Anonymous said...

good news that he is being arrested, put him jail forever. good job RAB.