"I always thought that my Muslim family and my Muslim country will protect me as a woman. I was wrong. Instead, they chose to protect my rapist, in the name of family honor." Watch the program.
*****UPDATE***** Thanks to Miku for giving us the link to the entire program here (in case anyone is wondering how the spread of Islam will affect the world, and in case our Muslim friends tell us that this has nothing to do with Islam or Sharia Law.)
Ah yes, so we now live in a society of guilty until proven innocent???? you know what i find ironic, lets say a Palestinian woman, or Iraqi woman gave a similar story but her abusors were Israelis or Americans everyone would be saying ohhhh well you know we have to investigate etc etc theres no proof. i can get all of you the stories if you want.
where is the proof that any of this happened? just because she says so????? just because shes make an audio commentary with a soft somber voice makes it so??????? i can go do that right now on youtube.
tell me, if she lived in such a trapped house how in the world did she possibly travel to the USA by herself???? emiratis who travel to the USA have to get a visa, which takes time etc etc, its not an easy process, but lol this lady who is under strict watch and home trapment managed to do all of this ey? and yes she just magically got the money as well right? lol ok ok.
I can already here the muslim comments.
Or another classic response.
"In america a woman is raped very 7 seconds."
Here's what's amazing. Sami posted his comment, but it hadn't been moderated yet, so no one could see it. Then the Fat Man posted his responses, prior to reading Sami's comment. Notice how perfect the Fat Man's comments are?
Sami's response is quite typical of Muslims. "What? A woman says she was raped? Where's the proof?" Of course, the only thing that qualifies as proof in the Muslim mind is a confession or four male witnesses. The reaction Sami is having now is the same reaction the Muslim authorities would have had when this girl complained that she had been raped. Thankfully, there's a non-Muslim country she could flee to.
It would seem Islam is not "the religion of peace", but rather "the religion of perpetual denial".
Did anyone listen to the interview? The entire version not the photo slide show. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p002fscw
If so then sami would have realized that this girl did go to the authorities in her home country and they told her to not waste her time.
Also Islam is in question because she was told that Sharia law does not see her case as sexual abuse and that she would be lashed instead according to Islam since she was 15 at the time of the rape.
If a rape victim a minor deserves lashes and has to leave the country to stay away from her stepfather under Islamic law then how is this not about Islamic law?
Ever notice that muslims or the proponets of islam spend more time dening there relegion or the actiosn of its adherants then they do stating a positve case.
I will never understand the Muslim apologist frame of mind. If someone who claims to be a Christian does something that is in direct contradiction to what the Bible teaches, others Christians reprimand him and do not condone his actions. When a Muslim does something considered morally wrong, other Muslims defend him by providing cop out statements such as "Where's the proof?" or turning the tables and listing everything bad that certain Christians did or what the Bible supposedly commands. My goodness, can anyone have the guts to say, "Yeah, this was very wrong, but most Muslims don't live by these standards, etc., etc." or something that does not further victimize the person?
Also, trapped people can find ways to escape. A prime example would be something that recently happened in my small town. A lady had adopted a 4-year-old from Taiwan and raised him in her home in Florida. In 2007, she pulled him out of a middle school that's not but 5 minutes from where I live; come to find out, he was locked in the bathroom (which was boarded up and bolted) and had a bungee cord tied around his neck and his hands taped behind his back whenever the woman and her live-in boyfriend decided to leave the house. They also beat him with a 2x4 board and a garden hose, and when they did let him out he had to sleep in the hallway of the house. He finally had enough and found a way to get out of the bathroom, clothed himself, and ran next door to get help. When the need be, adrenaline does kick in and one may find a way to escape such situations.
El-Cid... where's you coat off harmes?
The Fatman, you are the reason why these issues have to be brought up. When that Austrian rapist nut case did what he did he did not use satan as the problem and the Austrian government did not turn their back on the girl or offer her lashes because she was 18 and had children with him. They also did not use Christian law to turn her away.
Again did you listen to the interview? Islam does not believe in child abuse for a 15 year old. Are you in denial or do you want to bring up topic about how good tomatoes taste when we're talking about rape,and a flaw in the legal system of a rich country.
The law should be on a victims side not the rapist. And if that law is called Sharia and used in the name of Islam by the courts,family, or government then automatically Islam comes into question.
I'm a counselor for rape victims and believe me if you tell any of the girls I treat that they will receive lashes they will all run away or harm themselves before saying anything.
Miku said : "Islam does not believe in child abuse for a 15 year old."
No, it believes in the abuse of a nine year old girl named Aisha. The reason Islam doesn't believe in child abuse for a 15 year old is because they believe that a 15 year old is not a child, she's a full grown woman, mature enough to bear children and take full responsibility..... hmmm then again, they seem to say the same for 9 year old Aisha.
Royal son, that is the problem, and that is what most Muslim girls have to face. If a girl shows her hair or shows her face in a photo the family goes crazy to protect her but when the girl gets raped by her stepfather no one gets upset.
I read another blog where Muslims commented and they said things like, I'm not convinced enough by her story and she is a fake! That is why this girl left, because no one even helped her or cared to help her. What happened to having mercy and sympathy? Ironic that a country with so much wealth can be so backwards and allow rapists and child abusers to roam free???
It seems that they have no laws or regulations. Barbaric.
Looks like I am a Brophet, Beace and Blessings be upoun ME
Miku said...
The Fatman, you are the reason why these issues have to be brought up.
I dont understand why you addressed this to me. I am not a muslim, my comment was to the fact that muslims first denie, then justify by deflecting critisim to the west. But they never condem the actions of muslims either individualy or in groups.
I didn't understand why the comment was addressed to the Fat Man either.
The Fat Man... whie are somme peolpe distilling hatre againste you? Perhaps Milu was mistaken... I don't know, but I was bery puzzled...
bie the waie: does anione has news from Osama Abdulah?
no fatman it was not to insult you and I agree with you but most Muslims as they always do see every inquiry as an insult to their entire existence.
So as soon as you make a comment about why they're always defending their beliefs and never have much good to say they take it to the next step and the specific topic is soon forgotten.
What I meant was that it's important not to loose the point of the conversation. If they hear they or why they never it's usually the end of the conversation. Media has made that mistake and it's the reason why these people don't believe anything they hear from media. They believe everything is a lie and everything is an attack to exterminate them.
I still dont understand how my reaction to muslims denial, and then deflection of a problem that is in their own community is some how my fault or responsibility.
The same can be said about the west, however in the west we tend to face our problems and issue's and try to rectify them. A case in point is the Aids epidemeic in the 80's and 90's. A Disease was equated with judgement upoun homosexuals and Drug addicts. Because of this the Disease was allowed to spread. It wasnt until the Disease started to spread into the "HetorSexual" comunity, and started to take inocent children as its victims that setiment started to change. Now outbreaks of this Disease is either held in check, or on the decline.
Muslims countries in the middle east are now comming to grips with a HIV/Aids epedemic. That if current attitudes do not change will cause this Disease which by its very nature is hard to contract. To spread like the common cold.
Islam is wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling problems. You name the sin, and chances are *allah* has turned it into sunnah for his lemmings. Denial and taqiyya are two of the main pillars of islam, regardless of what they tell the non-muslim population. I'm happy that Fatima made it to safety, but pray for the demeaned, insignificant Muslimah's still trapped in these islamic hellholes. Islam deflates its numbers of these horrific crimes by putting many of the victims in jeopardy by the impending stoning or flogging for adultery or zina. Filthy false messenger, ugly teachings, putrid cult.
Fatman it's not towards you at all, and again I'm on your side, but this is about rape, and how a Muslim country as rich and as modern as they promote themselves to be can't find a place to help abused victims or even put their criminals behind bars.
I said what I said to you earlier because of the blogs I read on other sites, with Muslims making ridiculous commments like this is all a lie, and a total cliche report. I'm not sure how these people think, and how they think everything is an attack.
They don't solve problems or deal with problems they just find an excuse to deny everything. They don't think that a man who rapes one girl or abuses one boy will continue to do so as long as he is not caught, instead they look for excuses to deny criticism. I was hinting towards a different direction fat man, more about how we approach them about issues so they don't find excuses to deny.
Because I deal with rape victims often I was really interested in seeing what the Muslim community were saying about this story, and not surprisingly blog after blog I found comments of denial from men and women alike. I'm not sure how people who believe to be the chosen people can just be so cold and indifferent towards incest. If this is the attitude they have often towards rapists then I don't even want to find out how many rapists are just walking free among them. It's a scary thought, especially with what we know about abusers minds, and their incurable appetites.
This is somewhat off-topic, but can I ask what profession you're in? By that I mean, are you a victim advocate, or a sort of crisis counselor, etc.? Those are the only professions I can think of at the moment that deal with rape victims (although victim advocates deal with rape, sexual assault, homicide, and the like).
Thanks and God bless,
Stephanie :)
Hi Milu... I'me bery touched by your personal acoount... are you a firefighter or medicall doctor?
sorry for the late response.
But I'm working as a rape counselor at the moment, while completing my Ph.D.
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