Sunan Ibn Majah 2512--It was narrated from Jabir that the Messenger of Allah sold a Mudabbar [i.e. a man who had been promised freedom after his master's death].
Sunan Ibn Majah 2513--It was narrated that Jabir bin Abdullah said: "A man among us promised freedom to a slave after his death, and he did not have any property other than him (this slave). So the Prophet sold him, and Ibn (Nahham), a man from Banu Adi, bought him."
David, allow me to play Muhammad's advocate: Are we sure that the man who bought the slave was not buying him to release him? Perhaps this money was being used as a charity to add to the poor man's estate?
We have no indication that the man was buying the slave to release him. What we have is an indication that the original master had no property, so it seems that the slave was sold to pay some debt. Thus, the situation looks like this:
MASTER: "When I die, you'll be free, O slave!"
SLAVE: "Thank you, Master! You're very kind!"
[Master Dies.]
SLAVE: "I'm free! I'm finally free!"
MUHAMMAD: "Actually, I'm selling you to someone else."
Beyond this would be baseless speculation, unless our Muslim friends have some additional traditions that would shed light on this.
Wood, you say you are not for baseless speculation. Yet, in a post prior to this you gratuitously speculated that the people of Ukl and Uraina were killed for reasons other than what the traditions actually say.
It is clear that you are not interested in examining issues objectively, choosing instead to see everything in the light of the presuppostion that Muhammad(saw) was a false prophet.
Wood:our Muslim friends
We are not your friends.
in a post prior to this you gratuitously speculated that the people of Ukl and Uraina were killed for reasons other than what the traditions actually say.
Gratuitously speculated? No, I don't think that's what he did. The story as it's told makes very little sense.
It's as if my 3 year old cousin ran up to me and said "My sister punched me!" and I would say "Why did she punch you?" If his response is "I don't know! I gave her a present and told her I loved her, but then she punched me!" I'd think "Hmm, something's not right here. This story is making my little cousin sound really good and his sister sound really bad. Maybe my cousin isn't telling me the whole story?" The story of the people of Ukl and Uraina reeks of a similar tone.
Wood:our Muslim friends
We are not your friends.
Then he wasn't talking about you. Cool the antagonism, man.
Ibn used "we" thus he is claiming to be representing more than himself, possibly ALL of the Muslims, if he had of said "I" he may have indicated his personal opinion, but it seems he is actually presenting the beliefs of Muslims as represented by Islam, which in all irony CONTRADICTS the other Muslims on this site who say that the NO FRIENDS RULE with Jews and Christians was only applying in WARFARE and PROTECTION CIRCUMSTANCES, hahahaha, the Muslims can't figure out the Quran!
Dick:Ibn used "we" thus he is claiming to be representing more than himself, possibly ALL of the Muslims, if he had of said "I" he may have indicated his personal opinion, but it seems he is actually presenting the beliefs of Muslims as represented by Islam, which in all irony CONTRADICTS the other Muslims on this site who say that the NO FRIENDS RULE with Jews and Christians was only applying in WARFARE and PROTECTION CIRCUMSTANCES, hahahaha, the Muslims can't figure out the Quran!
They are right. Those Jews and Christians who do not harbor hatred toward Islam and Muslims can be befriended on the basis of Surah 60:8. On the other hand, to befriend some like Wood and his groupies would be to go against the statement of Muhammad(saw) that we should love him more than we love our mothers. Allow me to explain.
If a Muslim hates the person who badmouths his mother, but not the one who insults his Prophet, then he loves his mother more than he loves Muhammad(saw), violating the directive mentioned above.
I'm interested in knowing which Muslim here loves Wood, despite his attitude toward Islam.
Nabeel, I think Muhammad's advocate would have to come up with something like "There was a good reason why muslims made this story up, namely ..."
Ibn said: «despite his attitude toward Islam»...
whate do you mean?
Telling the truthe? Showingue some texts you all want all non muslimes to know about the scandalous habittes of your false profet and the ignomious histiry off youre corrupted "holie" book?
I bet all this has been a greatt helpp for manie people... muslims alike...
keep your good work Professor Wood... for any "Ibn" around there 10 muslims will be greatfull for your work... one day all the nominal-muslims who justte are too afraide to be killed for leavving islam -- perhaps some in youre familie Ibn... this is, if you have one... -- will show theire true face and all the muslims numbers will implodde...
Fern:whate do you mean?
Telling the truthe?
No, for lying.
Ibndick said:
"I'm interested in knowing which Muslim here loves Wood, despite his attitude toward Islam."
Me too, great subject of the next threat, David what do you think?
Does Bassam Zawadi LOVE or atleast LIKE David Wood as A FRIEND, DESPITE David Woods anti-Islam stance?
Cool subject!
Ibn said: «No, for lying»...
Could you prove your words?
Could you make a list of Wood's lies and prove them as such?
Sure. Recently, in a number of threads Wood has made the assertion that Muhammad(saw) supported rape. He also contended that Muslim men are allowed by their religion to rape female captives. Both are lies.
Wood also lied about altering his post regarding the so called hateful indoctrination of Muslim children.
Wood, make sure to include the hadiths where Muhammad owned and sold black slaves. If you want me to get you the quotes please let me know.
Ibn said: "Recently, in a number of threads Wood has made the assertion that Muhammad(saw) supported rape. He also contended that Muslim men are allowed by their religion to rape female captives. Both are lies."
To lie is to intentionally deceive someone. I really believe that Muhammad allowed his followers to rape their female captives, so at worst I'm mistaken. However, given the evidence from your sources (which I'll be compiling for the next few weeks), it's clear that my view is the only one that makes sense.
Ibn said: "Wood also lied about altering his post regarding the so called hateful indoctrination of Muslim children."
That wasn't lying. That was messing with you to show you how absurd your beliefs about the Qur'an are. (Darn it! Now I'm letting the cat out of the bag!) Here's the point. The Qur'an has been altered numerous times, as even Muslims will admit (e.g. through abrogation). And yet Muslims will claim that the Qur'an has been perfectly preserved. So I did a post that I changed several times, and I told you that it was exactly the same post. You accused me of lying. Hence, you've admitted that if there are changes, it hasn't been perfectly preserved. Thus, you've admitted that, outside the context of the Qur'an, you would find the standard you use to be absolutely absurd. Get it? I just got you to admit that you would never allow anyone to use the kinds of ridiculous justifications you use with the Qur'an!
Don't worry, I'll be doing a post on this very soon.
So how am I a liar?
P.S. I'm glad you've acknowledged your hatred for anyone who rejects Muhammad based on the evidence.
Dk requested a poll about which Muslims love me. I've added the poll towards the left of the blog. The next poll can be "Can Muslims Be Friends with Christians?"
Wood sayd: «That was messing with you to show you how absurd your beliefs about the Qur'an are»...
I bet Ibn his now treating is wife the way Muhammad treated his numerous wifes in order to appease his wounds... Unfortunately Ibn won't get a new revelation saying that ignorance and ludicrous statements are true… oops… That’s already in the Qur’an…
If a Muslim hates the person who badmouths his mother, but not the one who insults his Prophet, then he loves his mother more than he loves Muhammad(saw), violating the directive mentioned above.
I find it interesting that all David and I do is quote early Muslim accounts, and yet you consider this "insulting" the Prophet.
I think the truth speaks for itself.
Wood, have you seen Jalal's reply to your Ghilah article?
I think that when you have time you should address it since Jalal is seen by Salafis as a well read scholar so refuting him goes a long way. And responding to his objections and points shouldn't take much work since they are almost as shallow as Bassam's and Sami's.
Wood:To lie is to intentionally deceive someone
That's exactly what you did in the post about children being taught violence in a Pakistani school.
Wood:That wasn't lying. That was messing with you to show you how absurd your beliefs about the Qur'an are.
A lie is a lie, no matter what the justification. You intentionally deceived the readers into believing that I fulfilled your 'prophecy' of commenting and asking for the source of the article without reading your post, even though it was after I had made the comment and demanded the link that you altered your post to inclue the necessary items. What a shameless guy you are!
I hope the Muslims here take note of your mendacity.
How did I intentionally deceive anyone when my intention was to do a blog post about how I got you to admit that if a text has been changed, it's not the same text?
Am I really trying to deceive my wife when I pretend I've forgotten our anniversary? Does it make me an evil liar, worthy of the hatred of blog commentators everywhere?
Your desperation cracks me up.
If I were really trying to deceive people, I would have simply kept saying that I hadn't changed it. That would have been deceptive. Me messing with you to get you to admit that the Qur'an hasn't been perfectly preserved is just funny.
And besides, given your criteria, I was completely correct to say that my text hadn't changed, since, according to you, a text can be changed repeatedly and still be perfectly preserved.
Christians take note!
Ibn: "The Qur'an has been perfectly preserved, despite all the changes!"
David: "Well, then my blog post has been perfectly preserved, despite the fact that I changed it."
Ibn: "Liar! If a text has been changed, it hasn't been perfectly preserved! I hate you! What a lying fool you are!"
David: "Actually, based on your criteria, my post has been perfectly preserved."
Ibn: "Liar! Lying is evil. That's why I hate you, you lying liar!"
David: "So lying is evil, eh? Ever heard of Taqiyya?"
Ibn: "Of course I've heard of it! I practice it all the time! Deception is part of Islam!"
My friend, you should be honest about why you hate me. You hate me because (1) I expose the dark details of your religion, and (2) I point out the fact that you're completely, utterly, totally inconsistent. You just can't handle this. That's why you hate me. That's why you'd love to kill me if you had the chance.
I love you, Ibn. I hope that one day you'll stop trying to defend the indefensible.
Your desperation cracks me up.
While I do believe that calling each others desperate should be avoided, I think that David is the master of analogies.
The Venus de Milo, the abrogated blog, brilliant stuff.
ahah hahha wait a minute christians didnt your god also allow people to rape. In book of judges i think god allowed the israelians to capture 400 women and marrie them. lol capture them then marry them. If your response is "well these people were pagans they did evil so thats why the lord punished him" then i must say i say the same in my case. What makes you think your god is right when he order people to capture and rape yet when you see muslim sources about it you claim allah doing something like that. Well as i said i will use the same christian response "the meccans and jews were bad people who listened to lucifer and wanted to kill the muslims"
Second have you read about slavery in OT. Im not talking about what christians are ordered to do now im talking about your prophets and your god about their actions. Cuz sometimes christian in their reply says "OT is not like quran who orders its only stories and laws of what the israelians did" but you cant reply by this if im talking about the actions of israel and your god. I mean your article is about muhammed actions so i also use your god actions.
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