Osama why is the number 3 used many times in islam? Peter denied Jesus 3 times,Jesus asked peter do you love me 3 times,father son and holy is the reason for this for us.But why is the number 3 so commonly used in islam?Such as gabriel asking muhammad to read 3 times,to divorce u need to say 3 times there is many many more.As you site shows quranic miracles maybe you can list this as a miracle because you havent 1 miracle on your site.List it as a miracle regardless
I am not sure what you're talking about. Please provide me some Noble Verses as references.
That's great news! Quite honestly, the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran are my bottom line in Islam. Refute them and I am out of Islam. Not refute them, as they are not refuted, then I remain a Muslim. I don't care about the social issues and battles that took place. None of this disproves Islam to me.
Please advise me on when you'll be able to do it.
Have a good day, Osama Abdallah www.answering-christianity.com
http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=5786, The number three is used so much in the bible but also in the quran,do you think god is secretly telling you that God is father son and holy spirit,would you consider this as a miracle,
Please remove the word "greatest" as my title and also the voting polls about me and Nadir. I am not into these types of games and I never claim that I am the best. I said that my site and me are among the top defenders of Islam on the net, and this only came as a response to the ridiculous comments that I received from Sam Shamoun (ben malik) and others. I never said that I am among the GREATEST. I am nothing without Allah Almighty, and I always make a point to say THROUGH ALLAH ALMIGHTY'S DIVINE WILL AND MERCY to remove any pride and arrogance from me.
Please remove them for I don't like these types of games.
David “bowed down before Jonathan three times, with his face to the ground” (1 Sam 20:41) and Daniel regularly prayed three times a day giving thanks to God (Dan 6:10, 13). Israelite men were required to appear before the Lord three times in a year: “Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles” (Deut 16:16). Jesus answered Satan’s threefold temptation by citing three scriptural passages Matt 4:1-11). Paul experienced three shipwrecks (2 Cor 11:28) and prayed three times to the Lord for the removal of his “thorn in the flesh” (2 Cor 12:7-8). Just a sneak peak of the link
Usama saide: «Refute the scientifical miracles in the Quran and I am out of Islam»...
How can someonne refute something that doen't exist? Hey... please refute the castle that it's in the clowdes... Perhaps you should sai: refute the miracles I say are in the cloudes... but then... if your faith in Muhammad words based in the scientifical miracles you say yoy find in the Qur'an, then youre faith is based in your false interpretation oif it... sorrie for you...
DAN12345... dont loose your time with someone who crearlie it's not interested in being truthfull... there're more serious, and acurate, mislims apologists...
http://www.readingislam.com/servlet/Satellite?c=Article_C&cid=1154526121856&pagename=Zone-English-Discover_Islam%2FDIELayout Also when you do wudu(ritual washing) why is everything in 3's also?do you think this is a secret sign from God you are not clean unless you do things in 3.AMAZING STUFF,surely if christianity is false surely allah would want to be far away from the number 3 as possible as this signifies the trinity.Its like a new religion starting with alot of 666 numbers everyone will know its satans doing,but with all the 3's numbers in islam dont you think someone is trying to hint you to the truth,even in your own religion?
Yes Dan12345... you're right... I have to recognize thate... good to see you rectifie my positions again... I'me thakefull for that... just don'te be too concernede with a debate when the other dialoguer does not intend to dialogue... but one should, in fact, be always ready to gibe a chance to make a dialogue... but then, sometimes, I reminde off Jesus atitude before Herodes... he didn's say anithing because Herodes wanted to make foonie off him... but he before trieded to dialogue with him as you know... uonce again: thanks for your fraternal correction...
Good questions and points. Islam's use of the number 3 should not be used to somehow suggest that this proves trinity. The word "trinity" itself or any sister word of it doesn't even exist in the Bible, nor does it exist in the Holy Quran. You don't take ownership of the number 3 and then scream "TRINITY!!!!" when others use it :-). That would be quite proposterous indeed!
Like I mentioned, the number 3, traditionally, is a tie breaker. Odd numbers tend to be more decisive and to the point. You couldn't win the election with 50%. That is an even division. But you would with 51%.
Since 3 is the smallest odd number, then I think it gained a lot more use than other numbers. Number 5 would've been a bit too much to perform than 3.
When you lower-case "Allah" into "allah" in an intention to belittle Him, the Almighty, you are committing blasphemy. Visit: www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm to see how "Allah" was the GOD of your Prophets and Scriptures.
Osama you wrote when i write lower case allah i commit blasphemy,now number 1 i dont need to write capitals for your God or my god,God does not need me to write capitals or big letters to show his glory his glory is everywhere.Now allah is not my god,allah is an invention.it was a stone idol.Ilah means God in arabic,so you cannot say allah means god allah to you is god's name,as some people say yahweh,or some people write yhwh or jehovah.So allah is not my god never was never will be and i dont need to write capitals when i write allah and i dont need to call muhammad a prophet as he is not my prophet.I consider them both false!But you wrote my interntion is to belittle him,never was my intention,i dont write capitals when im writing half the time thats why.But thats a typical muslim thing to say,when you dont say our lord and saviour after mentioning jesus you are commiting blasphemy.So i would like you to write this after everytime you write jesus's name from now on.You think a capital letter in front of anything means anything,get a grip.So just again to tell you allah and muhammad are false,false god and prophet,i dont need to write capitals for them,is that ok?or do you want to force your muslim way on me?
Also dont use this tactic "the word trinity isnt in the bible".Why does the word have to be in the bible?why does it have to write exactly as u want it to be?the trinity is showed in the bible,after it was named.You dont see air but you believe you are breathing it dont you,well even better than that the trinity is showed and explained very easily in the bible,it is hard NOT to notice the trinity.Go to the first book of the bible and you will see a few examples of this. And 3 is not a tie breaker etc,you havent given a good answer at all,it shows in face of evidence you will say anything but the truth
Let us start to use this baby tactic aswell,muslims only do this when their back is against the wall,the word monotheism isnt in the quran so does that mean its not true?
Again, visit: www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm to see thorough refutations to your points. You are badly misguided.
In Arabic, aaliha means stone-god or idol-god. ilah means GOD. His ilah means his GOD. His aaliha means his idol-god. Big difference!
Allah, which is derived from ilah, means The Supreme GOD. Elaw, in Aramaic, means that as well, and in the NT, never did Jesus or his desciples even address GOD Almighty as Yahweh, because Yahweh is Hebrew. When Jesus said "My God and your God", he said My Elaw and your Elaw. This is where Elloi Elloi lama sabactani is derived from.
So your point is refuted, and you are wasting your time and my time by not reading my link. Please visit: www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm if you want to discuss this any further with me.
Have a good day, Osama Abdallah www.answering-christianity.com
The word monotheism is all over the Holy Quran. Sam Shamoun's arguments are what is leading you astray.
Monotheism is Tawheed. It is a concept. Wahid and Ahad are root words for Tawheed, and they exist 100s of times in the Holy Quran.
Sam Shamoun is very stupid. I strongly recommend you not reading his arguments on monotheism, because he has his phony agenda of proving trinity. When I challenged you, I challenged you to show me where trinity or ANY SISTER WORD of it exists in your Bible.
Do you have a sister word for trinity that refers to GOD Almighty? Like 3 or something like that?
Osama is either ignorant or lying concerning what Islam teaches regarding monotheism. Since he suggests reading his rebuttals I suggest you read Sam's articles and the website:
After you contrast and compare the material in the above then you can see for yourself how effective the counter-rebuttals of Islam's greatest defender truly are. hehehe
Let's face it, you are talking to a gentleman who still thinks that Muhammad was right when he said there are 360 joints in the human body and that Adam was 90 feet tall. ROFL
What's next for this guy? produce an article saying that Muhammad was right that flies have both the disease and cure in their wings?
I knew that you will pop up and respond, since my previous response to Dan was humiliating to you and to your phony methods.
First of all, I do not claim to be the greatest in anything. This is your a lie from you.
As to the 360 joints and Adam, peace be upon him, being 90 feet tall, I have provided new scientific evidence, from the Western sources, that support that Adam might've been indeed 90 feet tall.
As to the links that you gave, all of your charges had been refuted at:
These three links have the rebuttals to almost all of your articles and absurdities.
May I also add: www.answering-christianity.com/sam_shamoun_rebuttals.htm to further expose you?
Shamoun, how about an answer my rebuttal to the "ALLAH BEING A MOON GOD AND AN IDOL" lie? Are you just going to bark your tantrum here or are you going to give Dan something of substance?
It is quite hilarious and ironic that YOUR ENTIRE NT DOES NOT EVEN CALL GOD ALMIGHTY AS Yahweh. Yet, you say that this is the fixed Title for GOD Almighty in all languages. Visit: www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm
Christians don't trump up artificial strictures and impose them on what God reveals. We don't first lay down a word or phrase that God must repeat after us, and then suspend faith on whether or not He answers to our demands. This is a Muslim practice which can be observed in countless debates (not just in your posts presently under consideration).
Accordingly, our belief in what we call the "Trinity" has nothing to do with the word Trinity or any cognate word being used in the Bible. Rather, the doctrine of the Trinity is a systematic formulation of all that God revealed about Himself through the prophets in words that He deemed the best.
I grant that you and other Muslims may not like the way that God chose to reveal the truth about His trinal nature, I also grant that such a lofty conception of God boggles the Muslim mind (and all other minds the world over), but, and analagous to the above point, even as your choice of words are not criteriological for God, neither is your mind the standard of what is true and real.
If I may, I would suggest to you that there is a better path to follow when God speaks: Submission.
Do you have a sister word for trinity in YOUR ENTIRE BIBLE? Trinity is the heart and back bone of your entire faith. Without it, you have no faith. Yet, we find no word of either it or any related word to it in your Scriptures.
Any dirct response? Or are you gonna bark your tantrum again?
Your are speculating at best! You have no answer. Yes, I would expect GOD Almighty to tell me what He is like so that I don't get confused and confuse many with me.
You are confused and lost. Islam is your way my friend.
Have a wonderful day, Semper, Osama Abdallah www.answering-christianity.com
"After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "HalleluYAH! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments....And again they shouted: "HalleluYAH! The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever." The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: "Amen, halleluYAH!" Then a voice came from the throne, saying: "Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both small and great!" Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "HalleluYAH! For our Lord God Almighty reigns....(Revelation 19)
I know the word "four" isn't used in this passage (not to mention any "sister word" for four), but by my count it still looks like the name of God found in the Old Testament is recognized and carried over into the New.
HallaluYah(weh), is a word that most likely was said to Hebrew speaking crowd. But when Jesus spoke to the Gentiles and the Romans, who spoke no Hebrew or didn't care about Hebrew, he used Elaw or Allah to refer to GOD Almighty.
May Allah Almighty Lead you and Dan to Islam. Ameen.
Go ahead and read my post over and then tell me if I said "You shouldn't expect God to reveal what He is like". After you see that isn't what I said, then you can come back and give me a better response.
More could be said on the issue of God's Name, but at this point all I was responding to was your claim that the entire New Testament is bereft of this name. You are simply wrong, as I have demonstrated.
Osama said, "But when Jesus spoke to the Gentiles and the Romans, who spoke no Hebrew or didn't care about Hebrew, he used Elaw or Allah to refer to GOD Almighty."
mmmmm. . . I think our friend here needs to take a basic course in Koine greek, the lingua franca of the day. Allah wasn't used for the word God. It was Theos.
Your request simply shows your inconsistency since the word Tauhid doesn't appear in the Quran. Your argument is that ahad and wahid are related to it so that suffices as evidence that Tauhid is taught in your sources.
By the same token, despite the fact that the Trinity doesn't appear the Bible teaches that there is one God (the nity [short for unity] in Trinity) and three Persons of God (the tri in Trinity). So stop quibbling over terms and apply your criticism fairly and consistently.
As far as those links refuting Shamounr or that site is concerned this is simply the words of a desperate man. The links I posted provide thorough rebuttals to the sites that you claim have refuted Shamoun.
Like I said, what can we expect from someone who believes that Muhammad was right that Adam was 90 eet tall and that there are 360 joints in the human body. hehehe
I find it amazing that OA could be so incredibly bad at arguing his position. Is he really a Christian mole that was planted in order to discredit Islam? I hope that he is not genuinely sincere in his assertion that Adam was 90 feet tall! Oh my... how embarrassing. I can't even imagine profound his "scientific proof" for his holy book must be. I mean, are you kidding?
Thank you for the references, Ben. Those were very helpful. I used to think you were too caustic. Now I'm starting to think I was just too naïve!
Osama i will start replied to your points.you said "In Arabic, aaliha means stone-god or idol-god. ilah means GOD. His ilah means his GOD. His aaliha means his idol-god. Big difference!" Did i say the word allah means stone god!?NO I DIDNT i wrote the word allah was used before islam,and it was the name for A STONE GOD BEFORE ISLAM WAS CREATED.So you moved over the name of the pagans of mecca's best loved stone god and moved it over to your new god of a new religion called islam and your god was named allah,and many pagan's were satisfied.So i told you if jesus was SPEAKING ARABIC(which you as a muslim should really believe he was speaking arabic)he would have used the word Ilah to describe god and not ALLAH who was named before islam for a certain stone idol in the kabba before islam.
Also we have evidence that jesus was speaking aramaic when addressing god."Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachtani."Where is the word allah,its not there and eloi and allah have no common roots incase you tried to add that piece of taqiyya in.And still there isnt Evidence to say Jesus didnt know hebrew also so he would also used the hebrew words also.And jesus also maybe knew some greek to refer to god,so all the biblical languages used to refer to god by jesus were definetly used by him or maybe,but we know he never spoke arabic and the words allah never uttered from is holy mouth!
Jesus had greek visiting to hear him speak,he interacted with the jews who learnt hebrew aswell as the common toungue of the day,and jesus and pilate maybe even spoke in greek or latin!but again sorry osama definetly no chance of the word allah being used
Also from your website "'Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archaeologist, found more than twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscription in Arabic :"Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem" which shows that even people before Islam used this Holy name, "Allah", for GOD Almighty, which proves that the name of GOD Almighty in the Noble Quran, "Allah", is the correct one. There are still missing pieces in it that disprove trinity." Great amazing,just one thing where are the sources for this claim?where are the links pictures etc,please dont write baseless claims on your website,it is so large your website because it is full up of rubbish like these silly claims.
"Epigraphic and inscription evidence tell us that the religion of Arabia(before the arrival of Islam) dates back to 500 BC, or 1000 years before Muhammad. This was revealed by renowned Islamic Sheikh, Ibrahim al-Qattan, during the International Progress Association function in Vienna. He went on to say that the gods they believed in include Baal Shamin, Dhu-Samawi, Allah and Rahman. Among all these deities, Allah was said to be at the helm of the ‘hierarchy’ that existed and it was common back then for the word “Allah” to be inscribed by Jewish traders on stones along the Arabian trade routes. According to Sheikh Ibrahim, Islamic concepts and rituals got their traits from ancient paganism in the Arab land. He cited examples such as pacing around the Kaaba seven times, the climbing of Mount Arafat and the stoning of Satan, to name a few."
Notice the difference:this is the original: "A famous Franciscan Archeologist, Father Pecerillo, come across tens of churches and houses dating back to the Forth Century in Madaba, which is located at the south of Jordan. The Arabic inscription “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim” was observed on them, and this proves that the Christians were the first to use this phrase. Some religious scholars suggest that Christians may have used it to indicate their belief in the Holy Trinity. Whatever the reason may have been, it would still coherently act as a piece of evidence to confirm that “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim” was in use more than two hundred years before Islam."
"This is osama's version: Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archeologist, found more than twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscription in Arabic :"Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem" which shows that even people before Islam used this Holy name, "Allah", for GOD Almighty, which proves that the name of GOD Almighty in the Noble Quran, "Allah", is the correct one. This also proves to us that the Bible is not all found. There are still missing pieces in it that disprove trinity." Anybody notice the difference???
Taqiyya at its best..... The original source says: Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim osama writes:Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem. So there is no allah in the original source which you are trying to use as evidence on your website for the use of the word allah,dont try to fool people.Alot of people dont even need to investigate your claims on your website,as already everybody knows they are full of lies,so there is no point even checking your sources or your opinions.But still you have been refuted by them all.Even your fellow muslims dont back you up,your great quranic miracles articles,why is this not advertised as the amazing evidence that was needed all these years to finally prove islam correct?why is this not being made into a book with the support of your fellow muslims?ill tell you why even they cant stand there with a straight face and believe half the stuff on your website without bursting out laughing...
If it wasn't for the visuals in these debates I would have remained convinced that you were a child. If you were I would have found it much easier to excuse articles such as '9/11: The biggest lie in history' and 'Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible' but now I do not know what to think.
I couldn't help but laugh at your smug claim in your opening statement in regard to thoroughly proving biblical corruption in your James White debates. Remember guys, John the Apostle and John the Baptist are one and the same! lol
Thanks for pointing out Osama's very interesting and honest use of sources, DAN12345.
Brother Osama I suggest you address only one person on this blog and that is David Wood. Speaking with others here will only result in you being mocked and ridiculed and ganged on. Do not give these no names time to feel proud that they can defend or debate religion. The other speakers here are only text warriors and will never come for public debates against learned speakers. Do not worry about those such as Dan, oum amir and the rest. You’ve fallen into the trap that brother Ibn, and Sami and Bassam have fallen into and which is trying to answer all these text warriors. Please feel free to attack me for posting this, but it is an honest post to my Muslim brother.
Bfoali what a sad comment,we are TEXT WARRIORS and GANGING ON HIM what a joke of a statement.Because your brother in islam has been exposed for lying on his website and editing sources to say what he wants them to say,you suddenly need to come on here and defend him.Number one i dont care if im on this blog and i have 20 muslims responding to just me,it doesnt make no difference to me,i will just answer a few more questions.Number 2 you said text warriors?what does this mean,are we on a text blog or not? should i open my mic and start to speak instead? If your friend osama is getting exposed by text imagine what happens once he does live debates,oh sorry we have all seen the live outcomes of this already,and the result is not good.So bfoali best not to chip in with silly comments unless they mean something,because what u said text warriors means nothing,but thanks for calling us warriors,you must mean we are winning every debate by writing instead of speaking,,emmm havent the muslims got access to the same keyboards we have can they not write words aswell to answer,YES THEY CAN,so dont be silly..
Here is what the Christian source that I quoted from says:
"Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim"
You said that I LIED and wrote ALLAH for EL-ELAH. You are obviously the liar who added the extra "L". Here is the Christian link that I linked:
Dan, I am not here to waste time. I don't talk with fools. You seem to be a big one. Continue following the foolishness of Sam Shamoun and follow him. Like Jesus Christ said:
You are blind and dumb. And like brother Bfoali had advised me, I shouldn't waste my (precious) time on gangs. I have far better things to do.
I hope these words will make sense to you Dan. Like I said, even Jesus Christ and his Disciples in your bible called GOD Almighty Elaw or Ellaw. And by the way, in Arabic, the last "a" in "Allah" is a thick one as in the "a" in tall, ball, etc... It is not a thin one like the "a" in apple, Adam, etc...
So the Aramaic Ellaw and the Arabic Allaw or Allah are prnounced almost exactly the same despite that they come from two languages.
Have a good day, Osama Abdallah www.answering-christianity.com
OA, I just finished watching your debate with James White. Did you do a number of these with him or just one? The reason I ask is because I am confused regarding which one you were referring to when you stated something to the effect that you won. It must be a different debate than the one I watched. Eviscerated is the word that comes to mind.
By the way, do you still think that John the Baptist and John the apostle are the same person or have you changed your mind regarding this? Just wondering.
Thanks for your response. I look forward to the clarification. Have a nice day.
The article is still not finished. I am going to add new Scientific sources about the planets' MASS, gravities, sizes and weights. But as it is, the evidence that I provided favors and supports Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him's, Hadiths:
You can visit: http://www.answering-christianity.com/adam_90_feet_tall.htm
Your bible is so confused in its characters that one can't know for sure if there are 3 Johns, 4 Johns or even 5 Johns.
And worse, if you visit: www.answering-christianity.com/authors_gospels.htm you'll see that even YOUR OWN THEOLOGIANS admit that every book and gospel had been altered and corrupted by unknown number of people, unkown dates, and unkown times, and unknown amount of verses altered.
You call such a joke a Divine Revelation from GOD Almighty?
Terrific explanation! Or you could just say, "wow, I said something really stupid but I don't want to admit it!".
Do you really believe what you are saying or are you intentionally trying to look foolish? This is not intended as an insult. It's just hard to imagine somebody could be so very wrong. I'm not suggesting you embrace Christianity as true, but you should at least try to get some surface level understanding of the facts.
Repeat after me, "John the Baptist is not John the apostle". Now, that was not difficult, was it? You are now on your way to a proper education! Congratulations :-)
Usama said: «the Aramaic Ellaw and the Arabic Allaw or Allah are prnounced almost exactly the same »... whate do you wantte to sai? No where is recorded that an aramaic spealing woulde thought to say that YHWH was Allah... The Onlie and true God as a name: he is nott an anonimous divinity... So what? does Allah in arabic and Allaha (same pronunciation) in my dialectte mean the same? The first we knowe what it's: a false divinity invented by pagans who adorred the Monn... Allaha is the name we gibe to the fluid that animals expel from theire kidneyis... see the similiarities?
then Usama saide: «one can't know for sure if there are 3 Johns, 4 Johns or even 5 Johns» for someone who don't understand/Know the Bible that can be true, but since John the evangelist tells about the ressurrection and John the Batist was killed while Jesus was still alive, where is the problemm? One must be really blind (to use Usama's wordes...) notte to see the truth...
And Usama: whie redirect us to a foonie site lile yours, where eberithing is distorted, to prove that «YOUR OWN THEOLOGIANS admit that every book and gospel had been altered and corrupted by unknown number of people, unkown dates, and unkown times, and unknown amount of verses altered.»
tipical change of topics... since I don'te wont to admit mie ignorance in the topic X, lets change to the topic Y, where I can improve the skills of mie dumness... I place publicaly a bette: if you canne show just one christian theologian who says the core message of the gospels habe been intetionaly altered or corrupted at the point we don't know it fore sure, I'll never came again to this blog... I'll just go to your site to learn about christianitie...
Osama do not call somebody a liar when it is you who is the liar: "A famous Franciscan Archeologist, Father Pecerillo, come across tens of churches and houses dating back to the Forth Century in Madaba, which is located at the south of Jordan. The Arabic inscription “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim” was observed on them, and this proves that the Christians were the first to use this phrase. Some religious scholars suggest that Christians may have used it to indicate their belief in the Holy Trinity. Whatever the reason may have been, it would still coherently act as a piece of evidence to confirm that “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim” was in use more than two hundred years before Islam." The source you used(the original not the corrupted version) on the internet it is written EL-ELLAH,but the link YOU PROVIDED HAS it as "Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archiologist, found morethan twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscriptionin Arabic :"Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim" that showed that Christians were the first to use this name so as to indicate their beliefin the Holy Trinity, more than two hundred years before Islam" So the link you provided has El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim!But on your website you wrote Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem! who is the liar lets compare them.Now you called me a liar adding L's are you ok?i didnt write these articles one of them YOU did and the other you POSTED and i posted one which is the true source which you corrupted. So let me expose you lies everyone notice the difference his change makes: Original source “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim Source osama used(changed to make it sound more like allah) Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim And finally what he wrote himself: Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem Amazing the amount of lies you feel you need to do to make yourself seem correct then call me a fool and a liar!!! he he it is quite funny the lengths you will go to,Taqiyya at its best.....
See the 3 changes Osama's use of Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem :http://www.answering-christianity.com/allah6.htm. The original unchanged source:http://pantheon-of-argus.blogspot.com/2008/12/re-drawing-existing-line-between.html And the source he provided:http://www.al-bushra.org/arbhrtg/arbxtn04.htm. You are such a liar it is unbelivable then you try to turn the tables and blame me. Now lets get one thing straight jesus never uttered the word allah! If you think he did utter the word allah,then allah is his father and he his son,as many times when speaking to god he said ABBA meaning father,do you call god father osama?or does any other muslim you know?No you dont. Jesus prayed to Al-aha, Al-abba, abba (father).No allah Osama sorry,And he also must have knew the word for god in greek,and hebrew as it was very common so he could have used all the biblical names for god,but bad news for you never used ALLAH ONCE!Allah was only used by the pagans when talking about their stone idol who had daughters,you know what im talking about i dont need to get into that now,and you took the name for your new invented god.So dont call people liars and fools when you are the liar and the fool.
And you keep talking bad about sam when addressing me,what is your problem?Are you jealous he knows more about islam than you and me put together yes you must be so jealous it is making you steam up inside and its spilling over into this blog by you calling people liars and fools.Let jesus's words hit home to you "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
Obviously, you are a filthy liar because you provided no link. I, on the other hand, gave NOT MY LINK, BUT THE christian link!
The Christian link says:
Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archiologist, found morethan twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscriptionin Arabic :"Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim" that showed that Christians were the first to use this name so as to indicate their beliefin the Holy Trinity, more than two hundred years before Islam.
You filthy liar, where did I misquote him?
Also, you are too dumb and ignorant that you don't know Arabic VOWELS from Arabic ALPHABETS! El-lah in the christian link is the same as ALLAH for the following reasons:
Bism Allah is pronounced as Bism El-lah, because the way VOWELS work in Arabic is that they make the two words sound as one word, and they ALTER the pronunciation of them. A great example of this is the constant misspelling of my last name as ABDULLAH instead of Abdallah. The reason for this misspelling is because the dumma vowel above the letter dal or "d" makes the "A" in Allah sound like an O or a U.
Again, you filthy liar, give us the link so we can see where I lied.
What a joke statement "So the Aramaic Ellaw and the Arabic Allaw or Allah are prnounced almost exactly the same despite that they come from two languages." Ha ha they are "PRONOUNCED ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME" So if we started a new religion called xxx could we name our newly found god ARELAH in english and say it is the same god as the muslims,as it sounds ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME would you accept that.Oh by the way this new religion believes satan is god,how about that does that sound ok with you?To you it probably would
I dont need to call names but you know who is the filty liar it is you,a baby will call names when faced with the truth,or a muslim who considers everyone filthy.I posted the links already, i posted the link(incase you are blind and you cannot see the links i will again post them for the third time on this blog) http://pantheon-of-argus.blogspot.com/2008/12/re-drawing-existing-line-between.html read that and compare with the link you provided and with what you wrote on your website.Ps when you do wudu also wash out your mouth with soap 3 times,it might make your language a little better,do it once for the father and the son and the holy spirit and you will start to speak great words without being rude,,,,,
Your BLOG-link had altered the OFFICIAL LINK that I gave you at:
what makes this the most ironic is that BOTH LINKS ARE CHRISTIANS! Your stupid blog is a western clown not knowing Arabic, while my link is by an Arab.
Another link of the same article again by a muslim http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080306062830AA1lPNv who writes it as "Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem" when again it doesnt say that on the link YOU PROVIDED and it doesnt say it in the original source i provided.Why are you intentionally changing what is written.and you are getting really annoyed you are being exposed as the liar that you are.
Ha ha you are such a clown,it is time to look in the mirror and stop being a liar please it will help your soul the link you provided says "Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim" does it or doesnt it?yes it does! you wrote on your website "Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem" DO NOT MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF do not try to change words to make ALLAH FROM EL-LAH your the biggest con artist we have ever seen thats why you have never won a debate,its time for you to try a new career!
In Arabic there is no such thing as "el-lah" Dan. There is el-elah (the GOD), where el is the definite article "the". Elah is an Arabic word. However, "lah" IS NOT A WORD!!, and hence, you couldn't say el lah or el-lah, Dan!
I hope this helps.
Dan, please show me where in Arabic LAH is a valid word!
"thats why you have never won a debate,its time for you to try a new career!"
Who exactly determines the winning and losing of a debate? In all of my debates, I gave ample points that my opponent could not answer. In my first debate with Sam Shamoun, my first 30 minutes of destroying the bible went virtually unchallenged by Shamoun! He was left silenced like a muzzled dog.
So again, what determines the winning and losing of a debate to you Dan?
One thing i will say to make you see things clearly and not with this muslim mindset.When im speaking turkish and i want to say god willing what will i say?i will say iÅŸallah which means God willing,but it is actually writing allah willing,but im not willing allah as he is not my god,but it is the turkish language so i have to say it,as there is no other way.Now allah existed before islam in the form of a stone idol,so when people wanted to say god willing before islam what do you think they said?
This is your implicit way of saying that you are bankrupted and had lost this text-exchange. You could not answer my questions and you are now circling around and giving cheap shots.
Why don't you retire this stupid discussion and let the reader decide between us, ok?
You dont want to answer my questions you can see what i am getting to you dont want to go there,you asked"Dan, please show me where in Arabic LAH is a valid word!" Who is saying LAH IS A WORD what are you talking about you are ducking my posts about you editing sources to fit your agenda now you are asking silly questions.And you post a middle eastern website link which AGAIN you corrupt it when you post your own version on your website and suddenly you write Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem! who is the one trying to be sly it is you!You have lost this text debate as you know ALLAH was one of many idols in the kabba,ALLAH had 3 daughters this is all confirmed with EVIDENCE,in 80 posts you still havent provided evidence to support your case at all!and by the way today many bibles in muslim countries use the word allah for god,THIS IS WRONG.it is done by fear of the muslims and trying to applease the muslims,otherwise they will start attacking the christians even more and trying to burn more bibles,this way its good publicity to say "oh we use the word allah for god also"anybody using the word for allah for god is not a christian!The christians in these countries doing it Unintentionally they have no blame,,
Word for GODS in the Indonesian Alkitab ‘allah-allah’ wrong!should be “ilah-ilah.So it shows translations in muslims countries tend to lean on the muslim way of writing god.But lets let the muslims and christians on the blog write their opinions on who is wrong.This long discussion has actually been moved from what i wanted to address in the first place,as you started attack me,sam and bringing up different subjects.Jesus did not utter the word allah and there is not one piece of evidence for this,you posted a link where the word "Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim" was found in inscriptions,If you carried on the article it writes this way a reference to the trinity,so thanks for the evidence for the trinity before islam,thank you very much....
"Who exactly determines the winning and losing of a debate? In all of my debates, I gave ample points that my opponent could not answer. In my first debate with Sam Shamoun, my first 30 minutes of destroying the bible went virtually unchallenged by Shamoun! He was left silenced like a muzzled dog."
You mean the same debate where you then used the Bible to prove Muhammad was a prophet which Shamoun then slammed you on? You attacked the Bible and then used it to prove Muhammad, which caused everyone there in the room to see how irrational and inconsistent you are. That's why they laughed you off as a child trying to engage in serious topics.
And is this the same debate that was about Muhammad being a false lying prophet, which had nothing to do with the Holy Bible? That same debate where you kept stammering and apologizing for your pathetic performance? That one?
Oh yeah, I forgot. You also defetaed James White and David Wood.
Face it, you are like Nadir, a narcissist who is in love with himself. In fact, if Muhammad never said he was the last prophet you and Nadir would be fighting over which one of you major embarrassments to Islam are the next prophet in line. hehehe
You certainly seem like a very pleasant, humble fellow. In fact, you might even say you are the model Muslim! The embodiment of everything it means to be Islamic with all of the accompanying attributes of a full-blown follower of Mohammed. Yes, a great example of what this religion has to offer.
Thanks again for making this so very plain. Also, my apologies to Ben Malik for any past criticisms. You are wiser in your approach than I was able to understand. My bad. Sincerely offered apologies to you, brother.
Again you are going around the block again what are you trying to prove by posting basic arabic quotes?nothing.Show me evidence of jesus calling ALLAH GOD is what this whole conversation is about,show me some evidence.Watch passion of the christ if you want and see if you hear jesus say allah you will not hear it.He spoke aramaic but also when mentioning god he could have used hebrew,and with a less chance could have used greek.So no arabic was used no allah so instead of going on and on,what is your point? Your evidence has failed big time you have failed to produce anything else,now you are reduced to writing basic arabic! time to throw in the towel now,write this and it will end,JESUS NEVER UTTERED THE WORD ALLAH!ALLAH IS NOT HIS FATHER!
And osama the link you provided as evidence(which you corrupted on your website to suit yourself)is evidence for the trinity,so like ben just said how irrational and inconsistent can you be when you provide "evidence" to prove your case when the "evidence" is actually evidence of the trinity in PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES.Remove all articles concerning the trinity from your website you have just proved the trinity exsistance before islam,i hope all your fellow muslims apprecate your defence of the trinity,thanks again
First of all, why don't you stop playing games and register yourself as "Sam Shamoun"? Are you afraid?
I do not think of myself as anything special. I fall short on many things and I learn and improve. I do not glorify myself, nor (with all honesty) can even stand to be glorified. WHY SOME ON THIS BOARD ARE SOOOOOO CONCERNED ABOUT PICTURING ME AS A SELF-GLORIFYING PERSON?!
Now as to our debate, I don't care one way or the other about who won and who lost the debate. You can rant your tantrum all day long about you won the debate with me. The bottom line is this:
1- Was I able to undermine your bible? Yes I was.
2- Were you able to even touch, let alone respond to, let alone refute, my points on the ample corruption in your bible? No you were not.
3- Did I win my debate with the Great White? Well, why is he not daring to post it on youtube? He has his ludicrous debate with Nadir Ahmed posted, so why not mine? Because like I did to you, I smashed his bible into pieces for him. He realizes that and he is smart enough to see that while he can show that he refuted me on few points, my argument NONETHELESS REMAINS QUITE DANGEROUS TO THE OVER ALL INTEGRITY OF THE BIBLE. That is why he is not posting this debate.
4- Did I win the debate with David Wood? Similar to your debate, I gave him tons of points in my presentation that he was unable to refute. And I answered all of his Scientific errors charges, and he did not really refute any of my Scientific Miracles points.
You see, you are a deceiver Sam Shamoun, and it saddens me that you fool many with you. I hope that the people here will open up their eyes and realize that trinity is a joke, and the bible is full of unanswerable errors, both in science, contradictions and in history.
The trinity a joke,no being strangled by an "angel" is my idea of a joke,the first man in history to be strangled by an angel is muhammad.That is a joke. Jesus saying allah that is a joke. Abraham and adam in mecca circling the kabba that is a joke. The bible which you claim your allah sent to mankind and you say it has many errors and has been corrupted this is a joke,that your allah's books can be corrupted that is a joke. You should start to be a comedian,there you go we already have found a new career for you....
Osama you are being the comedian now,ARE YOU KIDDING was actually kidding but you thanked him,this shows a muslim looks at things with beer googles on they dont see the norm like everybody else does,they see want they want to see and hear what they want to hear,regardless of facts evidence history etc
You truly have difficulty following people's arguments and points, just as Nabeel and the others have stated. You ask whether you undermined the Bible, and your answer is yes. This is exactly what I mean.
In the same debate you used the very same Bible to defend Muhammad's prophethood. So either you are a liar, foolish, or ignorant. You are a liar since you know the Bible is useless and yet you still used it to defend a false prophet. You're foolish because only someone who can't reason logically would use a source to prove his case when he spent the majority of time attacking it's credibility. You are ignorant because you simply cannot see why your appeal to the Bible exposes just how shallow your points were when you spent considerable time attacking it. This is why people laughed you off as someone who should be ignored.
I think the only reason why Wood even considers debating you is because he knows he will have a slam dunk victory and a great opportunity to once again expose the Quran as nothing more than a big scam and fraud which Muhammad foisted on humanity. He knows that there is no better Muslim than yourself who can help him to do this successfully, much like he did in your last debates. He simply embarrassed you and that is why you ended up attacking his character at the end of the debate.
Anyway, it's a waste of time talking to a narcissist who perceives himself to be one of Islam's greatest defenders. ROFL
And here, once again, Osama shows that he can't understand what he reads. Are you kidding was being sarcastic, and yet Osama took it as a compliment. HAHAHA!
My advice to the brothers is ignore this narcissistic child since he is craving attention.
I was within my rights and fully justified to not assume anything negative on "are you kidding", since in the same post he sincerely apologized to you. So the guy was sincere at least in the post, and if anything, this proves that you are quite an evil and stupid man.
As to the rest of your tantrum, yawn..... I already refuted all of this garbage of yours above. No need to repeat myself.
Osama why are you saying get lost to hell,surely a top muslim debater like yourself would want to convert us to the "true religion" islam,using your debate technique and knowledge of religions.Saying get lost to hell is not something i can imagine a christian saying to somebody.We want you to avoid hell at all costs even if you want to send us there,so thats why we are conversing with you now instead of calling the men with white coats to take you away...
Checkout this ridiculous hypocrisy by the christians on this board.
(you know, you can NEVER get it right with them)
Have I responded to "are you kidding"'s nice remarks about me with harshness and rudeness, while he showed sincerity by apologizing to someone else IN THE SAME POST, then what would we have seen the rabid christians on this board say? You guess it! They would've said:
"Look at this Muslim Osama how he can't even be nice to a nice remark to him. This man is hateful and evil!"
You are indeed a coward and a joke, Dan, Shamoun the coward (ben malik) who hides under a disguised name, and the rest who agree with you.
Now Dan, get lost to Hell you hypocrite. I don't want you to convert to Islam.
Sorry osama i cant get lost in hell,because i wont be the one going there i believe in Jesus so i am saved.I hope you will one day aswell be saved.Now as you are the hypocrite dont act like you answered nicely to just kidding,you answered nicely because you didnt know he was being sarcastic towards you.You see you act kind to someone who acts kind to you,thats not what Jesus taught us,he taught us to love those who dont love you,that way you will have done a great act.And you calling me a coward is quite the opposite to what i am so you are very far off.I hope the holy spirit finds away through to your soul it seems like it is in distress you dont seem at peace,much steam seems to be coming from you.Im yawning at your continued ranting,oh sorry to yawn did satan cause me to do this?should i wash out my nose 3 times maybe he was hiding in there....
Osama "As to the rest of your tantrum, yawn..... I already refuted all of this garbage of yours above. No need to repeat myself." dont yawn its from satan....
Christianity is the reason why the christian societies, consistently throughout history, had been and still are notorious in pornography, open sexuality where 99% of the woman's body is exposed to the public through wearing bikinis, alcohol, drugs, enslaving, colonizing other nations, killing and terrorizing people by the mass, etc...
Christianity is a system that utterly failed to instill justice and morality to mankind.
As to loving your enemy, I haven't seen but hostility by the majority of the christians on this board. We don't see you bark at all when one of your buddies gets out of line, do we Dan?
You are indeed a hypocrite and a snake. And worse, you are a polytheist trinitarian pagan who worships men and idols.
I just wanted to address this as my final point to Osama since I won't bother entertaining this narcissist. He wrote:
3- Did I win my debate with the Great White? Well, why is he not daring to post it on youtube? He has his ludicrous debate with Nadir Ahmed posted, so why not mine? Because like I did to you, I smashed his bible into pieces for him. He realizes that and he is smart enough to see that while he can show that he refuted me on few points, my argument NONETHELESS REMAINS QUITE DANGEROUS TO THE OVER ALL INTEGRITY OF THE BIBLE. That is why he is not posting this debate.
Osama once again shows why he can't reason logically. If his logic concerning why White hasn't posted their debates is valid then that means since both Shamoun and Wood have posted their debates with Osama that means that (to use his own terminology) Osama got smashed, humiliated, thoroughly refuted, and his arguments were dumped in the dumpster.
Osama said: "We don't see you bark at all when one of your buddies gets out of line, do we Dan?" Fernando said... DAN12345... dont loose your time with someone who crearlie it's not interested in being truthfull... there're more serious, and acurate, mislims apologists... DAN12345 said... Fernando there is no wasted time on any human being,we all fall short of the glory of god as it is said in the bible.... february 10, 2009 1:32 PM Time and date is there,i corrected my friend for being rude,so again your point is of no use. You said Christianity is notorious in pornography,,errr what!? Every male looks at porn or has looked at porn be honest now,and it is more RAMPANT in muslim countries,just in the muslim countries its behind closed doors.I find it funny any time im on holiday in turkey(im half turkish) or in cyprus(the turkish side)every hotel i stay at is full up of saudi's.And the men roam around the pool with their speedo's on and the women with their bikini's on,but yet when they are back in saudi land they wear the burka the full veil,but they come to turkey to enjoy the freedom they deserve.And the saudi men,arabs of all nations go out and enjoy the bars and they have a great time,the women can be free,they love it.But can they do this in saudi land!NO WAY! your muslim people want a way out of islam,they are trapped in its web!We give everyone FREEDOM to choose what they want to do!FREEDOM IS THE KEY,if we are not free if we are predestined like in islam what is the point of living! Also you wrote:"drugs, enslaving, colonizing other nations" Now most of the worlds opiom comes from afgan lands via turkey,i know of 20 iran's who i work with all on opiom all muslim,should i blame islam no im not like you.Turkey imports all cociane herion,emmm another muslim country. enslaving,thats rich coming from a muslim i dont even need to post anything everyone knows how many slaves muhammad took. Last but not least you said "colonizing other nations" HA ha al-islam,you want to conquer the world and you talking about colonizing,have you forgot muhammad,the ottomans etc.Jihad is about wolrd domination and dont talk to me about its a "inner struggle".It is a physical war against the infidels until you rule the earth under islams banner,otherwise why would disables muslims be excused from jihad if its a inner struggle? Time for you to put up the white flag you are so inconsistent,so irrational,so rude,so WRONG in everything you write,the longer you carry on the better for the rest of the muslims who are reading this to see who is really taqiyya incarnate.Ladies and gentleman we have a new winner Osama!!!
Osama said: "Did I win my debate with the Great White? Well, why is he not daring to post it on youtube? He has his ludicrous debate with Nadir Ahmed posted, so why not mine? Because like I did to you, I smashed his bible into pieces for him."
Actually, the reason James hasn't posted the debates is that we still haven't received them from the videographers. (I posted the version from my own camcorder.)
Osama: Christianity is a system that utterly failed to instill justice and morality to mankind.
Ever visited a website called The Religion of Peace? Looks like Islam is doing a wonderful job.
**Btw, don't get me wrong. At it's root, my response is not a tu quoque. I've said many times that the atrocities committed by Muslims are done in the name of Allah and Muhammad, whereas the atrocities committed by Christians are not. If anyone claims they are, they really have to stretch their arguments. Thus, I'm not just pointing the finger back at you, I'm showing you that your accusation is flawed and if you were to correct your methodology, Islam would stand guilty and Christianity would be innocent.**
With all due respect, but if you cannot understand the difference between the Apostle John and John the Baptist could it be that you are dabbling in the wrong type of literature?
I notice your response was merely “BUT LOOK BIBLE CORRUPTED” *Jumps up and down and types in massive green text*. Do you realise that doesn’t change in anyway your failure at understanding the Bible at the level of a child?
I remember the surprise on my face when I heard Dr White on the DL announce he was going to debate the one and only. It must have been a frusting time for him.
I do agree with you in some regards, Osama. The Quran is dangerous over the Bible in regard to textual integrity. If someone had burnt every variant copy of the New Testament as they did the Quran it would take an amazing amount of mental acrobatics to ignore the primitive corruption attested to by the earliest Muslim sources. But I am glad this is not the case for the New Testament.
Every male looks at porn or has looked at porn be honest now,and it is more RAMPANT in muslim countries,just in the muslim countries its behind closed doors.I find it funny any time im on holiday in turkey(im half turkish) or in cyprus(the turkish side)every hotel i stay at is full up of saudi's.And the men roam around the pool with their speedo's on and the women with their bikini's
Response: lol and you see this as a good thing. I think christianity is not a faith who allows men lloking at porn or letting women wearing bikin infront of other men. Yes of course she can do that to her husband and family if they are swimming in a pool in their backyard when there are nobody there to look at her but to go infron of men with bikini thats a sin. Jesus said we should not look at women with lust and women should not weaer reaveling clothes. Drinking alcohol is also bad. This is what paulus said in Ephesians 5 verse 3: But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.
So you see christian are not allowed to do things like that as osama abdallah claim. Dan if christianity would give you the freedom to wacth porn and letting women wearing in a place were there are men they i wouldnt convert to it.
Osama would it not be an idea to reduce the personal attacks, the mocking and the name calling as well as the 'go to hell looser' phrase.
However, I have to admit that I don't find it strange, someone with such a virus loaded website as answering-christianity (that has been categorizes as dangerous to enter my most computer virus systems), will of course come in her and spill whatever there is of its nature.
So far you have called my brothers on this blog clowns, hypocrites, loosers and wished them to hell.
I would never wish you or any muslim to hell, even though Biblically speaking God may have given you up to enter therein (I certainly hope not).
Islamresponses said: «Jesus said (...) and women should not weaer reaveling clothes. Drinking alcohol is also bad»... where dide Jesus saide thate? Coulde you probide any proof of thate? I could leave chrsitianitie if you coulde...
To clarify for our Muslim readers, the Bible says that getting drunk is bad. So if by "drinking" you mean "drinking a lot," then the Bible is against drinking. But if by "drinking" you mean "consuming a beverage that contains some alcohol," the Bible allows this.
P.S. Did Fernando say that he would leave Christianity if it condemned drinking?
Once again, in our debate, I smashed your bible for 30 long minutes quoting left and right bible-theologians admitting that the bible had been corrupted and altered:
1- By unknown people.
2- In unknown dates.
3- Unknown amount of text had been added and/or removed.
4- Unknown times.
What was Sam Shamoun's response? Absolutely Nothing! At least White and Wood tried to respond but with no hope. You, on the other hand, were virtually silenced like a muzzled dog.
I don't know about everyone here, but to me, it is clear from your text that you are frustrated far too much and are desperately trying to **butt-in** into everything to redeem yourself and to make yourself heard.
You are no more than a foul-mouthed loser who's been thoroughly and amply exposed in AUDIO, Text and Images at: www.answering-christianity.com/dumpster_section.htm. Man, you are soooooooooooooo bad, that I honestly have created this section initially FOR YOU!! :-). Other losers started to join in as we started to expose their foul behavior and lies. But this section, NONETHELESS, WAS INITIALLY MADE FOR YOU SAMMY SHAMPOO :-).
Now of course, this is not the only thing that we've smashed you on. In fact, this is NOTHING! All of or most of your articles had been thoroughly refuted at:
Christians have converted to Islam because of the Truth we have!
And after you finish seeing christianity and the bible getting systematically refuted, then please visit: WWW.ANSWERING-CHRISTIANITY.COM/ac20.htm#links to see the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran that I look forward to debating our respected Professor David Wood on, if this will ever take place(?!).
Have a good day, Osama Abdallah www.answering-christianity.com
I don't understand how osama abdallah continually expects us to run the risk of visiting his virus loaded website. He dares even to blame the virus systems that expose the danger of his website as mistaken, even to the point of threatning to sue them. Well go ahead.
Anyone who visits his site catches two things: a virus or something else on his computer and tons upon tons of worthless speculation, which looks attractive at first, but which after a few minutes exposes itself of not being worth reading.
You are another filthy christian liar and a rotten example to CHRIST, like that snake Sam Shamoun (ben malik).
My site had been cleared by those imcompetent clowns at McAfee after almost 1 year of false accusation of my site spreading viruses. Ironically, they have said themselves that they have not RUN ANY TESTS to verify the claim. You are giving me the fuel to launch a major law suite on them! And for you my dear Hogan, I swear in the Holy Name of Allah Almighty, I will sue them!
By the way, I googled those weasels, and I see that they're getting sued by several web site owners like me.
Islamresponses said: Response: "lol and you see this as a good thing. I think christianity is not a faith who allows men lloking at porn or letting women wearing bikin infront of other men. Yes of course she can do that to her husband and family if they are swimming in a pool in their backyard when there are nobody there to look at her but to go infron of men with bikini thats a sin. Jesus said we should not look at women with lust and women should not weaer reaveling clothes. Drinking alcohol is also bad. This is what paulus said in Ephesians 5 verse 3: But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people." Number 1:Christianity doesnt allow to look at porn,that is correct but if you read my post again,i wrote it is more RAMPANT in muslim countries,but behind closed doors.Just because they dont do it out in the open doesnt mean they dont do it,they are doing it more and more,but again this is not a big sin to look at porn every man has,it is part of life.The difference is in the west men can control themselves more,go to any islamic country and watch men really drool of any woman who is not covered up in the street!thats why muslim women need to be covered as muslim men will instantly start to be attracted. And in the example of muhammad get their adopted son to divorce his wife when he saw her without her veil.So that is something if the "seal of the prophets does"muslims will follow. Number 2:Letting women wear bikini's is not a sin,a woman is wearing a bikini to get a tan,swim etc.If a man is watching her with LUST it is a sin!But do you think every man think's like you when they are at the pool,lusting over women in bikini's?No again we control ourselves and we dont stare at the women etc,so the women is free to wear what she wants.And women shouldnt wear revealing clothes you wrote,correct but a bikini is not clothes(clothes meaning to cover you when you are outside)a bikini is something you wear when doing a sport hobby such as SWIMMING! How fanatic you guys are look at your muslim women on the beaches with their full suit on the full "beach burka" still you can see her bodyline can you not,so what is the difference if she has bikini?No difference,the only difference is the person who is looking at her,if he is looking at her lustfully HE IS THE SINNER! Number 3:Drinking Drinking alcohol is also bad you said!?No it is not,jesus drank wine all the time as it was the "drink" in them days,there was no coca cola my friend.It is a sin to be drunk and intoxicated and act the fool,but again it is the PERSON's FAULT not the alcohol.Dont drink in excess and get drunk,no sin nothing wrong with it.Again the reason why alcohol is banned for muslims is because muhammad obviously knew the muslims couldnt handle it,if they were allowed alcohol they would be forever drunk,wouldnt wake up for prayers,wouldnt listen to him,so that is the muslims self control problem not ours....
Song of Songs 8:1-3 "IF ONLY YOU WERE TO ME LIKE MY BROTHER, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me. I would lead you and bring you to my mother's house-- she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink [i.e., her vagina's semen!], the nectar of my pomegranates. His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me."
YOUR BIBLE NOT ONLY PROMOTES PORNOGRAPHY, but it also promotes Incestuous (brothers and sisters falling in love with each others).
These kind of stupid things have been answered thousands of times,why do you continue to post silly comments porn in the bible?You believe muhammad is in the song of songs,so you believe muhammad is in a book that praises porn,get real now osama,your arguments are like kids arguments.With you its like trying to feed a little baby food when the baby should be given milk,the baby is not ready for grown up food.Its the same effect on you when you read the bible,so best to grow up then start to read the bible again,try to read the song of songs without a mind constantly thinking about sex and porno,
The Prophet MARRIED our mother in Islam Aisha, just like 90-year old Joseph married 12-year old Mary.
Again, your bible DOES PRAISE pornography. I've listed the detailed verses at:
You can also visit: www.answering-christianity.com/ac10.htm#links
My favorite verse is this: Song of Songs 8:1-3 "IF ONLY YOU WERE TO ME LIKE MY BROTHER, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me. I would lead you and bring you to my mother's house-- she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink [i.e., her vagina's semen!], the nectar of my pomegranates. His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me."
YOUR BIBLE NOT ONLY PROMOTES PORNOGRAPHY, but it also promotes Incestuous (brothers and sisters falling in love with each others) relationships.
osama said:YOUR BIBLE NOT ONLY PROMOTES PORNOGRAPHY, but it also promotes Incestuous (brothers and sisters falling in love with each others) relationships. Sorry but i couldnt stop laughing when i read your comment,it is really true you should be fed milk still not food,too early yet.You said it promotes brothers and sisters falling in love.Every story in the bible has a purpose,to show us and to teach us valuable lessons,now lets teach you.Tell me the end of this brother and sister story what happened?
your demonic website was virus loaded only a few weeks ago,
since then I have abstained from it and I advise others to do the same.
Based on your writing here I see even less integrity than succeeds Nadir Ahmed;
I think we can safely say that you are psycotic and you need serious help (and I am not joking or trying to be rude, I honestly fear for the society you sojourn in, which is why I believe your website not only introduces us to all the trash you spit out here but also intentionally destroys our computers).
hahah guys take it easy im a christian. i converted three months ago. Just had some problems wich i needed to take care of. But finally i found it at answering-islam. I wrote to David wood earlier but it seems that he didnt belive me and didnt respond to my message i send him. Dan when i responded to you i was not defending islam i was defending christianity. Sorry i thought you agrred with the western lifestyle so thats why i wrote to you. But i dont think we should say that thanks to west we can control our self cuz we should instead say thanks to the christian faith we can control ourself. You kidding with me the west is the place were the king of the sins live. OMG west is the new sodom and gomorrah.
Jesus said (...) and women should not weaer reaveling clothes. Drinking alcohol is also bad»... where dide Jesus saide thate? Coulde you probide any proof of thate? I could leave chrsitianitie if you coulde...
lol does jesus need to tell you this so that you understand. If jesus say dont look at women with lust then of course one can find that clothes are one reason a man can look at women with lust. But some christian websites says that as you said that its ok to drink bear with little alcohol in it but they said the best thing is to avoid it even if there is little alcohol in it. Nabeel please be a real christian. Take your faith seorisly and stop joking lke you did.
Islamresponses welcome! happy to hear you found christ,great news:-) I understand you point,but every person is individual,not everyone who looks english say is a christian who follows the bible correctly,but them wearing a mini-skirt for example is allowed in our western society,but we give people the freedom to do as they please,we dont force anyone to do anything or wear what we want everyone has free choice,that is a gift from god,with the free choice we can do as we please,and by our actions we will be judged.Its more of a temptation in the west women all over the place,so a man needs to think of god and not women,he needs to not look lustfully.I can say im 25 years old,i have been married 6 years and im a gentleman to every woman i meet and i never look at a woman how other men do,this is because of the bible and jesus's teaching.So us in the west who follow gods teaching it is the same as anyone elsewhere,temptation is rife and it is up to man himself act as the bible teaches...
dont care about west or east i know that men looking at women with lust exist in both west and east. But i dont care what west allows i just know that jesus tauhgt us to not be a man looking at women with lust. We should be a follower of jesus not the western society or anyother society. But Dan thank you very much for beliving me.
'My site had been cleared by those imcompetent clowns at McAfee after almost 1 year of false accusation of my site spreading viruses. Ironically, they have said themselves that they have not RUN ANY TESTS to verify the claim. You are giving me the fuel to launch a major law suite on them! And for you my dear Hogan, I swear in the Holy Name of Allah Almighty, I will sue them!'
Elijah replied:
I think you should thank Allah and be grateful that the western world took you in and priviliged you with the freedom you have on the internet, evn on American soil.
Hallelujah, brother! Praise God that another soul has been saved from the traps of this world :-) I'm so glad to hear that you have come to know the Truth!
As for David, you must forgive him for not responding to your email. I don't know when you sent it, but within the past couple months, he's had to deal with a lot, including the death of his father. Please try not to hold his silence against him.
Anyhow, I hope we meet sometime in the future, my brother! If not in this life, then I'm glad to say we will in the next :-)
Again, welcome my brother! Yours in Christ, -Nabeel
Im very very happy that you belive in me thank you. I didnt convert yesteray or last weel i converted three months ago but the problem was i was confused and so for a while i went back to islam but then i began to read about bible and i began to read articles from and it helped so i decided to come back again and i will pray that jesus guide me every day. There are two problems i have with islam was the killings and the love of allah. First of all im tired of all killings and jihad. I dont want to kill anybody i dont want to kill someone in my life. Islamic sheisk muhammed al-munjjid said that a muslim is obligeted to kill a kaffir if he doesnt have a peace treaty with a muslim. The problem with this is that he says Peace treaty but what about countries who is neither in war with muslims or dont have a peacy treaty you see then you must kill them. let me give yo an example lets say Saudi arabia has an alliance with usa so they dont attack usa. But they are at war with russia so they must kill russians but they are not in war with sweden and they dont have a peace traty with sweden so they must also kill the swedish people. And finally who knows the peacey treaties they have will be broken and finally they must kill the whole world. And the second thing is the love of allah. There is no love with god in islam when muslim whorship allah they dont do it because of love they do it because of self-motivation. What is the greates commandment in islam what person is the greates person in the eyes of allah. do you know who THE ONE WHO GOES OUT TO JIHAD But in christianity this is the best commandment and what god require of us: What does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul". Deuteronomy 10:12
When we christians obey him we are not doing it for self-motiavtion things we are doing it because of our love towards him. Im reading a great article about love of god in the quran and the bible. And i if one great thing i noticed is that the real scientific facts exist in the bible and not the quran i challenge osama adballah for a debate. The topic will be "science in the bible and thequran".
Any way Nabeel i know that you know all this things and as i said before im very happy that you belived in me. I will tell David that im sorry i thought he was thinking that i maybe is fooling him.
To Islamresponses, Shalom brother! May the peace and salvation of the Messiah forever be upon your heart. It's really great that you were brave enough to question things an search for answers. You're in my prayers.
Did I miss something?
I guees ite's "reviseted" in the light of the lattest boggus and infamous statements Usama posted in this blog...
it's easiear to catch a laier and a violent man than to catch a one legged man...
David Wood,
I hope you'll honor your agreement with me and debate me on the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran.
Are we still up for it?
Have a good day,
Osama Abdallah
Of course. You're the only one I know who's willing to debate those "scientific miracles."
Osama why is the number 3 used many times in islam? Peter denied Jesus 3 times,Jesus asked peter do you love me 3 times,father son and holy is the reason for this for us.But why is the number 3 so commonly used in islam?Such as gabriel asking muhammad to read 3 times,to divorce u need to say 3 times there is many many more.As you site shows quranic miracles maybe you can list this as a miracle because you havent 1 miracle on your site.List it as a miracle regardless
I am not sure what you're talking about. Please provide me some Noble Verses as references.
That's great news! Quite honestly, the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran are my bottom line in Islam. Refute them and I am out of Islam. Not refute them, as they are not refuted, then I remain a Muslim. I don't care about the social issues and battles that took place. None of this disproves Islam to me.
Please advise me on when you'll be able to do it.
Have a good day,
Osama Abdallah
I guess the number 3 is a historical and traditional number that serves as a tie breaker.
Surah Name Surah Verse
Al-Baqarah 2 196
Al-Baqarah 2 228
Al-i-'Imran 3 41
Al-i-'Imran 3 124
An-Nisaa 4 3
Al-Maidah 5 73
Al-Maidah 5 89
Al-An'am 6 84
At-Tauba 9 118
Hud 11 65
Al-Kahf 18 22
Al-Kahf 18 25
Maryam 19 10
Al-Anbiyaa 21 90
An-Nur 24 58
Fatir 35 1
Az-Zumar 39 6
Al-Waqi'a 56 7
Al-Mujadila 58 7
At-Talaq 65 4
The number three is used so much in the bible but also in the quran,do you think god is secretly telling you that God is father son and holy spirit,would you consider this as a miracle,
Please remove the word "greatest" as my title and also the voting polls about me and Nadir. I am not into these types of games and I never claim that I am the best. I said that my site and me are among the top defenders of Islam on the net, and this only came as a response to the ridiculous comments that I received from Sam Shamoun (ben malik) and others. I never said that I am among the GREATEST. I am nothing without Allah Almighty, and I always make a point to say THROUGH ALLAH ALMIGHTY'S DIVINE WILL AND MERCY to remove any pride and arrogance from me.
Please remove them for I don't like these types of games.
Osama Abdallah
David “bowed down before Jonathan three times, with his face to the ground” (1 Sam 20:41) and Daniel regularly prayed three times a day giving thanks to God (Dan 6:10, 13). Israelite men were required to appear before the Lord three times in a year: “Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles” (Deut 16:16). Jesus answered Satan’s threefold temptation by citing three scriptural passages Matt 4:1-11). Paul experienced three shipwrecks (2 Cor 11:28) and prayed three times to the Lord for the removal of his “thorn in the flesh” (2 Cor 12:7-8).
Just a sneak peak of the link
Usama saide: «Refute the scientifical miracles in the Quran and I am out of Islam»...
How can someonne refute something that doen't exist? Hey... please refute the castle that it's in the clowdes... Perhaps you should sai: refute the miracles I say are in the cloudes... but then... if your faith in Muhammad words based in the scientifical miracles you say yoy find in the Qur'an, then youre faith is based in your false interpretation oif it... sorrie for you...
I'll be prayieng for you...
DAN12345... dont loose your time with someone who crearlie it's not interested in being truthfull... there're more serious, and acurate, mislims apologists...
Nadir Ahmed likes to self-glorify himself. You know well that I am not like this. PLEASSSSEEEE REMOVE THE NONESENSE THAT YOU ATTRIBUTED TO ME.
Also when you do wudu(ritual washing) why is everything in 3's also?do you think this is a secret sign from God you are not clean unless you do things in 3.AMAZING STUFF,surely if christianity is false surely allah would want to be far away from the number 3 as possible as this signifies the trinity.Its like a new religion starting with alot of 666 numbers everyone will know its satans doing,but with all the 3's numbers in islam dont you think someone is trying to hint you to the truth,even in your own religion?
Fernando there is no wasted time on any human being,we all fall short of the glory of god as it is said in the bible....
Yes Dan12345... you're right... I have to recognize thate... good to see you rectifie my positions again... I'me thakefull for that... just don'te be too concernede with a debate when the other dialoguer does not intend to dialogue... but one should, in fact, be always ready to gibe a chance to make a dialogue... but then, sometimes, I reminde off Jesus atitude before Herodes... he didn's say anithing because Herodes wanted to make foonie off him... but he before trieded to dialogue with him as you know... uonce again: thanks for your fraternal correction...
Good questions and points. Islam's use of the number 3 should not be used to somehow suggest that this proves trinity. The word "trinity" itself or any sister word of it doesn't even exist in the Bible, nor does it exist in the Holy Quran. You don't take ownership of the number 3 and then scream "TRINITY!!!!" when others use it :-). That would be quite proposterous indeed!
Like I mentioned, the number 3, traditionally, is a tie breaker. Odd numbers tend to be more decisive and to the point. You couldn't win the election with 50%. That is an even division. But you would with 51%.
Since 3 is the smallest odd number, then I think it gained a lot more use than other numbers. Number 5 would've been a bit too much to perform than 3.
And Allah Almighty Knows Best.
Osama Abdallah
Actually 1 is the smallest odd number, but 1 would've probably been too little.
When you lower-case "Allah" into "allah" in an intention to belittle Him, the Almighty, you are committing blasphemy. Visit: www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm to see how "Allah" was the GOD of your Prophets and Scriptures.
Osama you wrote when i write lower case allah i commit blasphemy,now number 1 i dont need to write capitals for your God or my god,God does not need me to write capitals or big letters to show his glory his glory is everywhere.Now allah is not my god,allah is an invention.it was a stone idol.Ilah means God in arabic,so you cannot say allah means god allah to you is god's name,as some people say yahweh,or some people write yhwh or jehovah.So allah is not my god never was never will be and i dont need to write capitals when i write allah and i dont need to call muhammad a prophet as he is not my prophet.I consider them both false!But you wrote my interntion is to belittle him,never was my intention,i dont write capitals when im writing half the time thats why.But thats a typical muslim thing to say,when you dont say our lord and saviour after mentioning jesus you are commiting blasphemy.So i would like you to write this after everytime you write jesus's name from now on.You think a capital letter in front of anything means anything,get a grip.So just again to tell you allah and muhammad are false,false god and prophet,i dont need to write capitals for them,is that ok?or do you want to force your muslim way on me?
Also dont use this tactic "the word trinity isnt in the bible".Why does the word have to be in the bible?why does it have to write exactly as u want it to be?the trinity is showed in the bible,after it was named.You dont see air but you believe you are breathing it dont you,well even better than that the trinity is showed and explained very easily in the bible,it is hard NOT to notice the trinity.Go to the first book of the bible and you will see a few examples of this.
And 3 is not a tie breaker etc,you havent given a good answer at all,it shows in face of evidence you will say anything but the truth
Let us start to use this baby tactic aswell,muslims only do this when their back is against the wall,the word monotheism isnt in the quran so does that mean its not true?
Again, visit: www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm to see thorough refutations to your points. You are badly misguided.
In Arabic, aaliha means stone-god or idol-god. ilah means GOD. His ilah means his GOD. His aaliha means his idol-god. Big difference!
Allah, which is derived from ilah, means The Supreme GOD. Elaw, in Aramaic, means that as well, and in the NT, never did Jesus or his desciples even address GOD Almighty as Yahweh, because Yahweh is Hebrew. When Jesus said "My God and your God", he said My Elaw and your Elaw. This is where Elloi Elloi lama sabactani is derived from.
So your point is refuted, and you are wasting your time and my time by not reading my link. Please visit: www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm if you want to discuss this any further with me.
Have a good day,
Osama Abdallah
Osama wrote: Actually 1 is the smallest POSITIVE odd number, but 1 would've probably been too little.
The word monotheism is all over the Holy Quran. Sam Shamoun's arguments are what is leading you astray.
Monotheism is Tawheed. It is a concept. Wahid and Ahad are root words for Tawheed, and they exist 100s of times in the Holy Quran.
Sam Shamoun is very stupid. I strongly recommend you not reading his arguments on monotheism, because he has his phony agenda of proving trinity. When I challenged you, I challenged you to show me where trinity or ANY SISTER WORD of it exists in your Bible.
Do you have a sister word for trinity that refers to GOD Almighty? Like 3 or something like that?
Osama is either ignorant or lying concerning what Islam teaches regarding monotheism. Since he suggests reading his rebuttals I suggest you read Sam's articles and the website:
After you contrast and compare the material in the above then you can see for yourself how effective the counter-rebuttals of Islam's greatest defender truly are. hehehe
Let's face it, you are talking to a gentleman who still thinks that Muhammad was right when he said there are 360 joints in the human body and that Adam was 90 feet tall. ROFL
What's next for this guy? produce an article saying that Muhammad was right that flies have both the disease and cure in their wings?
Sam Shamoun (ben malik),
I knew that you will pop up and respond, since my previous response to Dan was humiliating to you and to your phony methods.
First of all, I do not claim to be the greatest in anything. This is your a lie from you.
As to the 360 joints and Adam, peace be upon him, being 90 feet tall, I have provided new scientific evidence, from the Western sources, that support that Adam might've been indeed 90 feet tall.
As to the links that you gave, all of your charges had been refuted at:
These three links have the rebuttals to almost all of your articles and absurdities.
May I also add: www.answering-christianity.com/sam_shamoun_rebuttals.htm to further expose you?
Shamoun, how about an answer my rebuttal to the "ALLAH BEING A MOON GOD AND AN IDOL" lie? Are you just going to bark your tantrum here or are you going to give Dan something of substance?
It is quite hilarious and ironic that YOUR ENTIRE NT DOES NOT EVEN CALL GOD ALMIGHTY AS Yahweh. Yet, you say that this is the fixed Title for GOD Almighty in all languages. Visit: www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm
Quite hilarious indeed!
Osama Abdallah
Christians don't trump up artificial strictures and impose them on what God reveals. We don't first lay down a word or phrase that God must repeat after us, and then suspend faith on whether or not He answers to our demands. This is a Muslim practice which can be observed in countless debates (not just in your posts presently under consideration).
Accordingly, our belief in what we call the "Trinity" has nothing to do with the word Trinity or any cognate word being used in the Bible. Rather, the doctrine of the Trinity is a systematic formulation of all that God revealed about Himself through the prophets in words that He deemed the best.
I grant that you and other Muslims may not like the way that God chose to reveal the truth about His trinal nature, I also grant that such a lofty conception of God boggles the Muslim mind (and all other minds the world over), but, and analagous to the above point, even as your choice of words are not criteriological for God, neither is your mind the standard of what is true and real.
If I may, I would suggest to you that there is a better path to follow when God speaks: Submission.
Sam Shamoun (ben malik),
Like I asked Dan, I'll ask you:
Do you have a sister word for trinity in YOUR ENTIRE BIBLE? Trinity is the heart and back bone of your entire faith. Without it, you have no faith. Yet, we find no word of either it or any related word to it in your Scriptures.
Any dirct response? Or are you gonna bark your tantrum again?
Osama Abdallah
Dear Semper Paratus,
Your are speculating at best! You have no answer. Yes, I would expect GOD Almighty to tell me what He is like so that I don't get confused and confuse many with me.
You are confused and lost. Islam is your way my friend.
Have a wonderful day, Semper,
Osama Abdallah
"After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "HalleluYAH! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments....And again they shouted: "HalleluYAH! The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever." The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: "Amen, halleluYAH!" Then a voice came from the throne, saying: "Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both small and great!" Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:
"HalleluYAH! For our Lord God Almighty reigns....(Revelation 19)
I know the word "four" isn't used in this passage (not to mention any "sister word" for four), but by my count it still looks like the name of God found in the Old Testament is recognized and carried over into the New.
Dear Semper,
HallaluYah(weh), is a word that most likely was said to Hebrew speaking crowd. But when Jesus spoke to the Gentiles and the Romans, who spoke no Hebrew or didn't care about Hebrew, he used Elaw or Allah to refer to GOD Almighty.
May Allah Almighty Lead you and Dan to Islam. Ameen.
Osama Abdallah
Go ahead and read my post over and then tell me if I said "You shouldn't expect God to reveal what He is like". After you see that isn't what I said, then you can come back and give me a better response.
More could be said on the issue of God's Name, but at this point all I was responding to was your claim that the entire New Testament is bereft of this name. You are simply wrong, as I have demonstrated.
Osama said, "But when Jesus spoke to the Gentiles and the Romans, who spoke no Hebrew or didn't care about Hebrew, he used Elaw or Allah to refer to GOD Almighty."
mmmmm. . . I think our friend here needs to take a basic course in Koine greek, the lingua franca of the day. Allah wasn't used for the word God. It was Theos.
Your request simply shows your inconsistency since the word Tauhid doesn't appear in the Quran. Your argument is that ahad and wahid are related to it so that suffices as evidence that Tauhid is taught in your sources.
By the same token, despite the fact that the Trinity doesn't appear the Bible teaches that there is one God (the nity [short for unity] in Trinity) and three Persons of God (the tri in Trinity). So stop quibbling over terms and apply your criticism fairly and consistently.
As far as those links refuting Shamounr or that site is concerned this is simply the words of a desperate man. The links I posted provide thorough rebuttals to the sites that you claim have refuted Shamoun.
Like I said, what can we expect from someone who believes that Muhammad was right that Adam was 90 eet tall and that there are 360 joints in the human body. hehehe
Where is the evidence (from Western sources) that Adam was 90 feet tall? Could you give me the link?
And since we are passing on links are some that refute the lie that Jesus used the word Allah.
These links are also relevant to the discussion of God's name.
I find it amazing that OA could be so incredibly bad at arguing his position. Is he really a Christian mole that was planted in order to discredit Islam? I hope that he is not genuinely sincere in his assertion that Adam was 90 feet tall! Oh my... how embarrassing. I can't even imagine profound his "scientific proof" for his holy book must be. I mean, are you kidding?
Thank you for the references, Ben. Those were very helpful. I used to think you were too caustic. Now I'm starting to think I was just too naïve!
Bring back YHS, please. At least he was lucid.
Osama i will start replied to your points.you said "In Arabic, aaliha means stone-god or idol-god. ilah means GOD. His ilah means his GOD. His aaliha means his idol-god. Big difference!" Did i say the word allah means stone god!?NO I DIDNT i wrote the word allah was used before islam,and it was the name for A STONE GOD BEFORE ISLAM WAS CREATED.So you moved over the name of the pagans of mecca's best loved stone god and moved it over to your new god of a new religion called islam and your god was named allah,and many pagan's were satisfied.So i told you if jesus was SPEAKING ARABIC(which you as a muslim should really believe he was speaking arabic)he would have used the word Ilah to describe god and not ALLAH who was named before islam for a certain stone idol in the kabba before islam.
Also we have evidence that jesus was speaking aramaic when addressing god."Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachtani."Where is the word allah,its not there and eloi and allah have no common roots incase you tried to add that piece of taqiyya in.And still there isnt Evidence to say Jesus didnt know hebrew also so he would also used the hebrew words also.And jesus also maybe knew some greek to refer to god,so all the biblical languages used to refer to god by jesus were definetly used by him or maybe,but we know he never spoke arabic and the words allah never uttered from is holy mouth!
Jesus had greek visiting to hear him speak,he interacted with the jews who learnt hebrew aswell as the common toungue of the day,and jesus and pilate maybe even spoke in greek or latin!but again sorry osama definetly no chance of the word allah being used
Also from your website "'Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archaeologist, found more than twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscription in Arabic :"Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem" which shows that even people before Islam used this Holy name, "Allah", for GOD Almighty, which proves that the name of GOD Almighty in the Noble Quran, "Allah", is the correct one. There are still missing pieces in it that disprove trinity."
Great amazing,just one thing where are the sources for this claim?where are the links pictures etc,please dont write baseless claims on your website,it is so large your website because it is full up of rubbish like these silly claims.
"Epigraphic and inscription evidence tell us that the religion of Arabia(before the arrival of Islam) dates back to 500 BC, or 1000 years before Muhammad. This was revealed by renowned Islamic Sheikh, Ibrahim al-Qattan, during the International Progress Association function in Vienna. He went on to say that the gods they believed in include Baal Shamin, Dhu-Samawi, Allah and Rahman. Among all these deities, Allah was said to be at the helm of the ‘hierarchy’ that existed and it was common back then for the word “Allah” to be inscribed by Jewish traders on stones along the Arabian trade routes. According to Sheikh Ibrahim, Islamic concepts and rituals got their traits from ancient paganism in the Arab land. He cited examples such as pacing around the Kaaba seven times, the climbing of Mount Arafat and the stoning of Satan, to name a few."
Notice the difference:this is the original:
"A famous Franciscan Archeologist, Father Pecerillo, come across tens of churches and houses dating back to the Forth Century in Madaba, which is located at the south of Jordan. The Arabic inscription “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim” was observed on them, and this proves that the Christians were the first to use this phrase. Some religious scholars suggest that Christians may have used it to indicate their belief in the Holy Trinity. Whatever the reason may have been, it would still coherently act as a piece of evidence to confirm that “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim” was in use more than two hundred years before Islam."
"This is osama's version:
Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archeologist, found more than twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscription in Arabic :"Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem" which shows that even people before Islam used this Holy name, "Allah", for GOD Almighty, which proves that the name of GOD Almighty in the Noble Quran, "Allah", is the correct one. This also proves to us that the Bible is not all found. There are still missing pieces in it that disprove trinity."
Anybody notice the difference???
Taqiyya at its best.....
The original source says:
Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim
osama writes:Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem.
So there is no allah in the original source which you are trying to use as evidence on your website for the use of the word allah,dont try to fool people.Alot of people dont even need to investigate your claims on your website,as already everybody knows they are full of lies,so there is no point even checking your sources or your opinions.But still you have been refuted by them all.Even your fellow muslims dont back you up,your great quranic miracles articles,why is this not advertised as the amazing evidence that was needed all these years to finally prove islam correct?why is this not being made into a book with the support of your fellow muslims?ill tell you why even they cant stand there with a straight face and believe half the stuff on your website without bursting out laughing...
Hey Osama,
If it wasn't for the visuals in these debates I would have remained convinced that you were a child. If you were I would have found it much easier to excuse articles such as '9/11: The biggest lie in history' and 'Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible' but now I do not know what to think.
I couldn't help but laugh at your smug claim in your opening statement in regard to thoroughly proving biblical corruption in your James White debates. Remember guys, John the Apostle and John the Baptist are one and the same! lol
Thanks for pointing out Osama's very interesting and honest use of sources, DAN12345.
Brother Osama I suggest you address only one person on this blog and that is David Wood. Speaking with others here will only result in you being mocked and ridiculed and ganged on. Do not give these no names time to feel proud that they can defend or debate religion. The other speakers here are only text warriors and will never come for public debates against learned speakers. Do not worry about those such as Dan, oum amir and the rest. You’ve fallen into the trap that brother Ibn, and Sami and Bassam have fallen into and which is trying to answer all these text warriors.
Please feel free to attack me for posting this, but it is an honest post to my Muslim brother.
I suggest you ignore Bfoali.
Bfoali wrote:
The other speakers here are only text warriors and will never come for public debates against learned speakers.
Elijah replies:
Really, how well do you know every individual here? I know of at least four 'text warriors' on this blog who openly converse and debate with Muslims.
Lucky for you Muslims the majority of us are busy with our studies at the moment.
Bfoali what a sad comment,we are TEXT WARRIORS and GANGING ON HIM what a joke of a statement.Because your brother in islam has been exposed for lying on his website and editing sources to say what he wants them to say,you suddenly need to come on here and defend him.Number one i dont care if im on this blog and i have 20 muslims responding to just me,it doesnt make no difference to me,i will just answer a few more questions.Number 2 you said text warriors?what does this mean,are we on a text blog or not? should i open my mic and start to speak instead? If your friend osama is getting exposed by text imagine what happens once he does live debates,oh sorry we have all seen the live outcomes of this already,and the result is not good.So bfoali best not to chip in with silly comments unless they mean something,because what u said text warriors means nothing,but thanks for calling us warriors,you must mean we are winning every debate by writing instead of speaking,,emmm havent the muslims got access to the same keyboards we have can they not write words aswell to answer,YES THEY CAN,so dont be silly..
Blindness and foolishness at its best.
Here is what the Christian source that I quoted from says:
"Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim"
You said that I LIED and wrote ALLAH for EL-ELAH. You are obviously the liar who added the extra "L". Here is the Christian link that I linked:
Dan, I am not here to waste time. I don't talk with fools. You seem to be a big one. Continue following the foolishness of Sam Shamoun and follow him. Like Jesus Christ said:
You are blind and dumb. And like brother Bfoali had advised me, I shouldn't waste my (precious) time on gangs. I have far better things to do.
I hope these words will make sense to you Dan. Like I said, even Jesus Christ and his Disciples in your bible called GOD Almighty Elaw or Ellaw. And by the way, in Arabic, the last "a" in "Allah" is a thick one as in the "a" in tall, ball, etc... It is not a thin one like the "a" in apple, Adam, etc...
So the Aramaic Ellaw and the Arabic Allaw or Allah are prnounced almost exactly the same despite that they come from two languages.
Have a good day,
Osama Abdallah
Dan, you lied when you added the extra "E", not "L".
In either case, you either lied, or you misread it.
Osama Abdallah
OA, I just finished watching your debate with James White. Did you do a number of these with him or just one? The reason I ask is because I am confused regarding which one you were referring to when you stated something to the effect that you won. It must be a different debate than the one I watched. Eviscerated is the word that comes to mind.
By the way, do you still think that John the Baptist and John the apostle are the same person or have you changed your mind regarding this? Just wondering.
Thanks for your response. I look forward to the clarification. Have a nice day.
The article is still not finished. I am going to add new Scientific sources about the planets' MASS, gravities, sizes and weights. But as it is, the evidence that I provided favors and supports Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him's, Hadiths:
You can visit: http://www.answering-christianity.com/adam_90_feet_tall.htm
Osama Abdallah
"Are you kidding?",
Your bible is so confused in its characters that one can't know for sure if there are 3 Johns, 4 Johns or even 5 Johns.
And worse, if you visit: www.answering-christianity.com/authors_gospels.htm you'll see that even YOUR OWN THEOLOGIANS admit that every book and gospel had been altered and corrupted by unknown number of people, unkown dates, and unkown times, and unknown amount of verses altered.
You call such a joke a Divine Revelation from GOD Almighty?
Osama Abdallah
Terrific explanation! Or you could just say, "wow, I said something really stupid but I don't want to admit it!".
Do you really believe what you are saying or are you intentionally trying to look foolish? This is not intended as an insult. It's just hard to imagine somebody could be so very wrong. I'm not suggesting you embrace Christianity as true, but you should at least try to get some surface level understanding of the facts.
Repeat after me, "John the Baptist is not John the apostle". Now, that was not difficult, was it? You are now on your way to a proper education! Congratulations :-)
Usama said: «the Aramaic Ellaw and the Arabic Allaw or Allah are prnounced almost exactly the same »... whate do you wantte to sai? No where is recorded that an aramaic spealing woulde thought to say that YHWH was Allah... The Onlie and true God as a name: he is nott an anonimous divinity...
So what? does Allah in arabic and Allaha (same pronunciation) in my dialectte mean the same? The first we knowe what it's: a false divinity invented by pagans who adorred the Monn... Allaha is the name we gibe to the fluid that animals expel from theire kidneyis... see the similiarities?
then Usama saide: «one can't know for sure if there are 3 Johns, 4 Johns or even 5 Johns» for someone who don't understand/Know the Bible that can be true, but since John the evangelist tells about the ressurrection and John the Batist was killed while Jesus was still alive, where is the problemm? One must be really blind (to use Usama's wordes...) notte to see the truth...
And Usama: whie redirect us to a foonie site lile yours, where eberithing is distorted, to prove that «YOUR OWN THEOLOGIANS admit that every book and gospel had been altered and corrupted by unknown number of people, unkown dates, and unkown times, and unknown amount of verses altered.»
tipical change of topics... since I don'te wont to admit mie ignorance in the topic X, lets change to the topic Y, where I can improve the skills of mie dumness... I place publicaly a bette: if you canne show just one christian theologian who says the core message of the gospels habe been intetionaly altered or corrupted at the point we don't know it fore sure, I'll never came again to this blog... I'll just go to your site to learn about christianitie...
Osama do not call somebody a liar when it is you who is the liar:
"A famous Franciscan Archeologist, Father Pecerillo, come across tens of churches and houses dating back to the Forth Century in Madaba, which is located at the south of Jordan. The Arabic inscription “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim” was observed on them, and this proves that the Christians were the first to use this phrase. Some religious scholars suggest that Christians may have used it to indicate their belief in the Holy Trinity. Whatever the reason may have been, it would still coherently act as a piece of evidence to confirm that “Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim” was in use more than two hundred years before Islam."
The source you used(the original not the corrupted version) on the internet it is written EL-ELLAH,but the link YOU PROVIDED HAS it as "Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archiologist, found morethan twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscriptionin Arabic :"Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim" that showed that Christians were the first to use this name so as to indicate their beliefin the Holy Trinity, more than two hundred years before Islam"
So the link you provided has El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim!But on your website you wrote Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem! who is the liar lets compare them.Now you called me a liar adding L's are you ok?i didnt write these articles one of them YOU did and the other you POSTED and i posted one which is the true source which you corrupted.
So let me expose you lies everyone notice the difference his change makes:
Original source
“Bism El-Ellah al Rahman al Rahim
Source osama used(changed to make it sound more like allah)
Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim
And finally what he wrote himself:
Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem
Amazing the amount of lies you feel you need to do to make yourself seem correct then call me a fool and a liar!!! he he it is quite funny the lengths you will go to,Taqiyya at its best.....
See the 3 changes
Osama's use of Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem :http://www.answering-christianity.com/allah6.htm.
The original unchanged source:http://pantheon-of-argus.blogspot.com/2008/12/re-drawing-existing-line-between.html
And the source he provided:http://www.al-bushra.org/arbhrtg/arbxtn04.htm.
You are such a liar it is unbelivable then you try to turn the tables and blame me.
Now lets get one thing straight jesus never uttered the word allah!
If you think he did utter the word allah,then allah is his father and he his son,as many times when speaking to god he said ABBA meaning father,do you call god father osama?or does any other muslim you know?No you dont.
Jesus prayed to Al-aha, Al-abba, abba (father).No allah Osama sorry,And he also must have knew the word for god in greek,and hebrew as it was very common so he could have used all the biblical names for god,but bad news for you never used ALLAH ONCE!Allah was only used by the pagans when talking about their stone idol who had daughters,you know what im talking about i dont need to get into that now,and you took the name for your new invented god.So dont call people liars and fools when you are the liar and the fool.
And you keep talking bad about sam when addressing me,what is your problem?Are you jealous he knows more about islam than you and me put together yes you must be so jealous it is making you steam up inside and its spilling over into this blog by you calling people liars and fools.Let jesus's words hit home to you "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
Obviously, you are a filthy liar because you provided no link. I, on the other hand, gave NOT MY LINK, BUT THE christian link!
The Christian link says:
Recently Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archiologist, found morethan twenty churches in Madaba at the south of Jordan. From the Forth Century we found houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscriptionin Arabic :"Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim" that showed that Christians were the first to use this name so as to indicate their beliefin the Holy Trinity, more than two hundred years before Islam.
You filthy liar, where did I misquote him?
Also, you are too dumb and ignorant that you don't know Arabic VOWELS from Arabic ALPHABETS! El-lah in the christian link is the same as ALLAH for the following reasons:
Bism Allah is pronounced as Bism El-lah, because the way VOWELS work in Arabic is that they make the two words sound as one word, and they ALTER the pronunciation of them. A great example of this is the constant misspelling of my last name as ABDULLAH instead of Abdallah. The reason for this misspelling is because the dumma vowel above the letter dal or "d" makes the "A" in Allah sound like an O or a U.
Again, you filthy liar, give us the link so we can see where I lied.
Osama Abdallah
What a joke statement "So the Aramaic Ellaw and the Arabic Allaw or Allah are prnounced almost exactly the same despite that they come from two languages."
So if we started a new religion called xxx could we name our newly found god ARELAH in english and say it is the same god as the muslims,as it sounds ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME would you accept that.Oh by the way this new religion believes satan is god,how about that does that sound ok with you?To you it probably would
I meant to say at the biggining of my post is:
You provided no VALID link (to a site that is trustful), because the link I gave differs. Not only that, but you keep misquoting my link!
Are you lying intentionally here Dan, or are you just too weak in reading?
Osama Abdallah
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Obviously, this clown, Dan, had been smoked so bad, that he is now resorting to intentionally misquoting the link I gave him!
What a ridiculous clown indeed!
Osama Abdallah
I dont need to call names but you know who is the filty liar it is you,a baby will call names when faced with the truth,or a muslim who considers everyone filthy.I posted the links already, i posted the link(incase you are blind and you cannot see the links i will again post them for the third time on this blog)
read that and compare with the link you provided and with what you wrote on your website.Ps when you do wudu also wash out your mouth with soap 3 times,it might make your language a little better,do it once for the father and the son and the holy spirit and you will start to speak great words without being rude,,,,,
Dan the clown,
I read your BLOG link at:
Your BLOG-link had altered the OFFICIAL LINK that I gave you at:
what makes this the most ironic is that BOTH LINKS ARE CHRISTIANS! Your stupid blog is a western clown not knowing Arabic, while my link is by an Arab.
That's the difference.
Now get lost to Hell clown. I am done with you.
Osama Abdallah
Another link of the same article again by a muslim http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080306062830AA1lPNv who writes it as "Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem" when again it doesnt say that on the link YOU PROVIDED and it doesnt say it in the original source i provided.Why are you intentionally changing what is written.and you are getting really annoyed you are being exposed as the liar that you are.
Ok Dan. You win, and I lose.
Osama Abdallah
Ha ha you are such a clown,it is time to look in the mirror and stop being a liar please it will help your soul the link you provided says "Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim" does it or doesnt it?yes it does! you wrote on your website "Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem" DO NOT MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF do not try to change words to make ALLAH FROM EL-LAH your the biggest con artist we have ever seen thats why you have never won a debate,its time for you to try a new career!
In Arabic there is no such thing as "el-lah" Dan. There is el-elah (the GOD), where el is the definite article "the". Elah is an Arabic word. However, "lah" IS NOT A WORD!!, and hence, you couldn't say el lah or el-lah, Dan!
I hope this helps.
Dan, please show me where in Arabic LAH is a valid word!
Osama Abdallah
That is why el-lah is ALLAH Dan! Even the christian that I quoted is a filthy liar like most of the christinas I dealt with!
Osama Abdallah
And please go back to the VOWELS and ALPHABETS post that I gave and why my last name ABDALLAH is constantly misspelled as Abdullah.
Osama Abdallah
Dan said:
"thats why you have never won a debate,its time for you to try a new career!"
Who exactly determines the winning and losing of a debate? In all of my debates, I gave ample points that my opponent could not answer. In my first debate with Sam Shamoun, my first 30 minutes of destroying the bible went virtually unchallenged by Shamoun! He was left silenced like a muzzled dog.
So again, what determines the winning and losing of a debate to you Dan?
Osama Abdallah
One thing i will say to make you see things clearly and not with this muslim mindset.When im speaking turkish and i want to say god willing what will i say?i will say iÅŸallah which means God willing,but it is actually writing allah willing,but im not willing allah as he is not my god,but it is the turkish language so i have to say it,as there is no other way.Now allah existed before islam in the form of a stone idol,so when people wanted to say god willing before islam what do you think they said?
This is your implicit way of saying that you are bankrupted and had lost this text-exchange. You could not answer my questions and you are now circling around and giving cheap shots.
Why don't you retire this stupid discussion and let the reader decide between us, ok?
Osama Abdallah
Turkish people also use the word Tanrı for god by the way,so before islam do you think they was saying işallah still even before islam?
You dont want to answer my questions you can see what i am getting to you dont want to go there,you asked"Dan, please show me where in Arabic LAH is a valid word!" Who is saying LAH IS A WORD what are you talking about you are ducking my posts about you editing sources to fit your agenda now you are asking silly questions.And you post a middle eastern website link which AGAIN you corrupt it when you post your own version on your website and suddenly you write Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem! who is the one trying to be sly it is you!You have lost this text debate as you know ALLAH was one of many idols in the kabba,ALLAH had 3 daughters this is all confirmed with EVIDENCE,in 80 posts you still havent provided evidence to support your case at all!and by the way today many bibles in muslim countries use the word allah for god,THIS IS WRONG.it is done by fear of the muslims and trying to applease the muslims,otherwise they will start attacking the christians even more and trying to burn more bibles,this way its good publicity to say "oh we use the word allah for god also"anybody using the word for allah for god is not a christian!The christians in these countries doing it Unintentionally they have no blame,,
Word for GODS in the Indonesian Alkitab ‘allah-allah’ wrong!should be “ilah-ilah.So it shows translations in muslims countries tend to lean on the muslim way of writing god.But lets let the muslims and christians on the blog write their opinions on who is wrong.This long discussion has actually been moved from what i wanted to address in the first place,as you started attack me,sam and bringing up different subjects.Jesus did not utter the word allah and there is not one piece of evidence for this,you posted a link where the word "Bism El-Lah al Rahman al Rahim" was found in inscriptions,If you carried on the article it writes this way a reference to the trinity,so thanks for the evidence for the trinity before islam,thank you very much....
Osama order this book from amazon:The voyage of the Mir-El-Lah
by Lorenzo Ricciardi.I think you like the title MIR-EL-LAH
Mir el-lah means: Mir of Allah
This is like:
Abd el-lah is Abd of Allah or Slave of Allah - Abdallah.
Again Dan, basic Arabic is what your lacking.
Also, the Jewish Highest Priests' name before and during the early days of Islam was Abdallah bin Sabaa. And you say that Allah is not GOD Almighty?
Osama Abdallah
The alif letter or "A" merges and loses its sound with Arabic vowels, especially when alif is the first letter of the word.
Noorullah means Noor (light) of Allah.
Abdullah means Abd Allah or Abdallah (Slave of Allah)
Saifullah (the owner of www.islamic-awareness.org) is Saif of Allah, which means SWORD OF ALLAH.
Bismillah or Bism Allah means in the Name of Allah.
Why are you having too much of a difficult time comprehending this much Dan?
Osama Abdallah
Hey, this is certainly laughable:
"Who exactly determines the winning and losing of a debate? In all of my debates, I gave ample points that my opponent could not answer. In my first debate with Sam Shamoun, my first 30 minutes of destroying the bible went virtually unchallenged by Shamoun! He was left silenced like a muzzled dog."
You mean the same debate where you then used the Bible to prove Muhammad was a prophet which Shamoun then slammed you on? You attacked the Bible and then used it to prove Muhammad, which caused everyone there in the room to see how irrational and inconsistent you are. That's why they laughed you off as a child trying to engage in serious topics.
And is this the same debate that was about Muhammad being a false lying prophet, which had nothing to do with the Holy Bible? That same debate where you kept stammering and apologizing for your pathetic performance? That one?
Oh yeah, I forgot. You also defetaed James White and David Wood.
Face it, you are like Nadir, a narcissist who is in love with himself. In fact, if Muhammad never said he was the last prophet you and Nadir would be fighting over which one of you major embarrassments to Islam are the next prophet in line. hehehe
You certainly seem like a very pleasant, humble fellow. In fact, you might even say you are the model Muslim! The embodiment of everything it means to be Islamic with all of the accompanying attributes of a full-blown follower of Mohammed. Yes, a great example of what this religion has to offer.
Thanks again for making this so very plain. Also, my apologies to Ben Malik for any past criticisms. You are wiser in your approach than I was able to understand. My bad. Sincerely offered apologies to you, brother.
Again you are going around the block again what are you trying to prove by posting basic arabic quotes?nothing.Show me evidence of jesus calling ALLAH GOD is what this whole conversation is about,show me some evidence.Watch passion of the christ if you want and see if you hear jesus say allah you will not hear it.He spoke aramaic but also when mentioning god he could have used hebrew,and with a less chance could have used greek.So no arabic was used no allah so instead of going on and on,what is your point?
Your evidence has failed big time you have failed to produce anything else,now you are reduced to writing basic arabic! time to throw in the towel now,write this and it will end,JESUS NEVER UTTERED THE WORD ALLAH!ALLAH IS NOT HIS FATHER!
And osama the link you provided as evidence(which you corrupted on your website to suit yourself)is evidence for the trinity,so like ben just said how irrational and inconsistent can you be when you provide "evidence" to prove your case when the "evidence" is actually evidence of the trinity in PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES.Remove all articles concerning the trinity from your website you have just proved the trinity exsistance before islam,i hope all your fellow muslims apprecate your defence of the trinity,thanks again
Sam Shamoun (ben malik),
First of all, why don't you stop playing games and register yourself as "Sam Shamoun"? Are you afraid?
I do not think of myself as anything special. I fall short on many things and I learn and improve. I do not glorify myself, nor (with all honesty) can even stand to be glorified. WHY SOME ON THIS BOARD ARE SOOOOOO CONCERNED ABOUT PICTURING ME AS A SELF-GLORIFYING PERSON?!
Now as to our debate, I don't care one way or the other about who won and who lost the debate. You can rant your tantrum all day long about you won the debate with me. The bottom line is this:
1- Was I able to undermine your bible? Yes I was.
2- Were you able to even touch, let alone respond to, let alone refute, my points on the ample corruption in your bible? No you were not.
3- Did I win my debate with the Great White? Well, why is he not daring to post it on youtube? He has his ludicrous debate with Nadir Ahmed posted, so why not mine? Because like I did to you, I smashed his bible into pieces for him. He realizes that and he is smart enough to see that while he can show that he refuted me on few points, my argument NONETHELESS REMAINS QUITE DANGEROUS TO THE OVER ALL INTEGRITY OF THE BIBLE. That is why he is not posting this debate.
4- Did I win the debate with David Wood? Similar to your debate, I gave him tons of points in my presentation that he was unable to refute. And I answered all of his Scientific errors charges, and he did not really refute any of my Scientific Miracles points.
You see, you are a deceiver Sam Shamoun, and it saddens me that you fool many with you. I hope that the people here will open up their eyes and realize that trinity is a joke, and the bible is full of unanswerable errors, both in science, contradictions and in history.
Osama Abdallah
"Are you kidding?"
Thank you for the kind words. I hope that I was able to remove some of the misunderstandings that you might have had against Islam.
Please email me at: QuranSearchCom@yahoo.com if you need me to help you.
Have a good day,
Osama Abdallah
The trinity a joke,no being strangled by an "angel" is my idea of a joke,the first man in history to be strangled by an angel is muhammad.That is a joke.
Jesus saying allah that is a joke.
Abraham and adam in mecca circling the kabba that is a joke.
The bible which you claim your allah sent to mankind and you say it has many errors and has been corrupted this is a joke,that your allah's books can be corrupted that is a joke.
You should start to be a comedian,there you go we already have found a new career for you....
Osama you are being the comedian now,ARE YOU KIDDING was actually kidding but you thanked him,this shows a muslim looks at things with beer googles on they dont see the norm like everybody else does,they see want they want to see and hear what they want to hear,regardless of facts evidence history etc
He spoke nice, I responded nicer.
You truly have difficulty following people's arguments and points, just as Nabeel and the others have stated. You ask whether you undermined the Bible, and your answer is yes. This is exactly what I mean.
In the same debate you used the very same Bible to defend Muhammad's prophethood. So either you are a liar, foolish, or ignorant. You are a liar since you know the Bible is useless and yet you still used it to defend a false prophet. You're foolish because only someone who can't reason logically would use a source to prove his case when he spent the majority of time attacking it's credibility. You are ignorant because you simply cannot see why your appeal to the Bible exposes just how shallow your points were when you spent considerable time attacking it. This is why people laughed you off as someone who should be ignored.
I think the only reason why Wood even considers debating you is because he knows he will have a slam dunk victory and a great opportunity to once again expose the Quran as nothing more than a big scam and fraud which Muhammad foisted on humanity. He knows that there is no better Muslim than yourself who can help him to do this successfully, much like he did in your last debates. He simply embarrassed you and that is why you ended up attacking his character at the end of the debate.
Anyway, it's a waste of time talking to a narcissist who perceives himself to be one of Islam's greatest defenders. ROFL
No need to apologize Are you kidding.
And here, once again, Osama shows that he can't understand what he reads. Are you kidding was being sarcastic, and yet Osama took it as a compliment. HAHAHA!
My advice to the brothers is ignore this narcissistic child since he is craving attention.
Sam Shamoun (ben malik),
I was within my rights and fully justified to not assume anything negative on "are you kidding", since in the same post he sincerely apologized to you. So the guy was sincere at least in the post, and if anything, this proves that you are quite an evil and stupid man.
As to the rest of your tantrum, yawn..... I already refuted all of this garbage of yours above. No need to repeat myself.
Get lost to Hell loser.
Osama Abdallah
Osama why are you saying get lost to hell,surely a top muslim debater like yourself would want to convert us to the "true religion" islam,using your debate technique and knowledge of religions.Saying get lost to hell is not something i can imagine a christian saying to somebody.We want you to avoid hell at all costs even if you want to send us there,so thats why we are conversing with you now instead of calling the men with white coats to take you away...
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Checkout this ridiculous hypocrisy by the christians on this board.
(you know, you can NEVER get it right with them)
Have I responded to "are you kidding"'s nice remarks about me with harshness and rudeness, while he showed sincerity by apologizing to someone else IN THE SAME POST, then what would we have seen the rabid christians on this board say? You guess it! They would've said:
"Look at this Muslim Osama how he can't even be nice to a nice remark to him. This man is hateful and evil!"
You are indeed a coward and a joke, Dan, Shamoun the coward (ben malik) who hides under a disguised name, and the rest who agree with you.
Now Dan, get lost to Hell you hypocrite. I don't want you to convert to Islam.
Osama Abdallah
Sorry osama i cant get lost in hell,because i wont be the one going there i believe in Jesus so i am saved.I hope you will one day aswell be saved.Now as you are the hypocrite dont act like you answered nicely to just kidding,you answered nicely because you didnt know he was being sarcastic towards you.You see you act kind to someone who acts kind to you,thats not what Jesus taught us,he taught us to love those who dont love you,that way you will have done a great act.And you calling me a coward is quite the opposite to what i am so you are very far off.I hope the holy spirit finds away through to your soul it seems like it is in distress you dont seem at peace,much steam seems to be coming from you.Im yawning at your continued ranting,oh sorry to yawn did satan cause me to do this?should i wash out my nose 3 times maybe he was hiding in there....
Osama "As to the rest of your tantrum, yawn..... I already refuted all of this garbage of yours above. No need to repeat myself." dont yawn its from satan....
Christianity is the reason why the christian societies, consistently throughout history, had been and still are notorious in pornography, open sexuality where 99% of the woman's body is exposed to the public through wearing bikinis, alcohol, drugs, enslaving, colonizing other nations, killing and terrorizing people by the mass, etc...
Christianity is a system that utterly failed to instill justice and morality to mankind.
As to loving your enemy, I haven't seen but hostility by the majority of the christians on this board. We don't see you bark at all when one of your buddies gets out of line, do we Dan?
You are indeed a hypocrite and a snake. And worse, you are a polytheist trinitarian pagan who worships men and idols.
Osama Abdallah
I just wanted to address this as my final point to Osama since I won't bother entertaining this narcissist. He wrote:
3- Did I win my debate with the Great White? Well, why is he not daring to post it on youtube? He has his ludicrous debate with Nadir Ahmed posted, so why not mine? Because like I did to you, I smashed his bible into pieces for him. He realizes that and he is smart enough to see that while he can show that he refuted me on few points, my argument NONETHELESS REMAINS QUITE DANGEROUS TO THE OVER ALL INTEGRITY OF THE BIBLE. That is why he is not posting this debate.
Osama once again shows why he can't reason logically. If his logic concerning why White hasn't posted their debates is valid then that means since both Shamoun and Wood have posted their debates with Osama that means that (to use his own terminology) Osama got smashed, humiliated, thoroughly refuted, and his arguments were dumped in the dumpster.
So much for the great defender of Mo and Islam.
Osama said: "We don't see you bark at all when one of your buddies gets out of line, do we Dan?"
Fernando said...
DAN12345... dont loose your time with someone who crearlie it's not interested in being truthfull... there're more serious, and acurate, mislims apologists...
DAN12345 said...
Fernando there is no wasted time on any human being,we all fall short of the glory of god as it is said in the bible....
february 10, 2009 1:32 PM
Time and date is there,i corrected my friend for being rude,so again your point is of no use.
You said Christianity is notorious in pornography,,errr what!?
Every male looks at porn or has looked at porn be honest now,and it is more RAMPANT in muslim countries,just in the muslim countries its behind closed doors.I find it funny any time im on holiday in turkey(im half turkish) or in cyprus(the turkish side)every hotel i stay at is full up of saudi's.And the men roam around the pool with their speedo's on and the women with their bikini's on,but yet when they are back in saudi land they wear the burka the full veil,but they come to turkey to enjoy the freedom they deserve.And the saudi men,arabs of all nations go out and enjoy the bars and they have a great time,the women can be free,they love it.But can they do this in saudi land!NO WAY! your muslim people want a way out of islam,they are trapped in its web!We give everyone FREEDOM to choose what they want to do!FREEDOM IS THE KEY,if we are not free if we are predestined like in islam what is the point of living!
Also you wrote:"drugs, enslaving, colonizing other nations"
Now most of the worlds opiom comes from afgan lands via turkey,i know of 20 iran's who i work with all on opiom all muslim,should i blame islam no im not like you.Turkey imports all cociane herion,emmm another muslim country.
enslaving,thats rich coming from a muslim i dont even need to post anything everyone knows how many slaves muhammad took.
Last but not least you said "colonizing other nations"
HA ha al-islam,you want to conquer the world and you talking about colonizing,have you forgot muhammad,the ottomans etc.Jihad is about wolrd domination and dont talk to me about its a "inner struggle".It is a physical war against the infidels until you rule the earth under islams banner,otherwise why would disables muslims be excused from jihad if its a inner struggle?
Time for you to put up the white flag you are so inconsistent,so irrational,so rude,so WRONG in everything you write,the longer you carry on the better for the rest of the muslims who are reading this to see who is really taqiyya incarnate.Ladies and gentleman we have a new winner Osama!!!
Osama said: "Did I win my debate with the Great White? Well, why is he not daring to post it on youtube? He has his ludicrous debate with Nadir Ahmed posted, so why not mine? Because like I did to you, I smashed his bible into pieces for him."
Actually, the reason James hasn't posted the debates is that we still haven't received them from the videographers. (I posted the version from my own camcorder.)
See what happens when you jump to conclusions?
Christianity is a system that utterly failed to instill justice and morality to mankind.
Ever visited a website called The Religion of Peace? Looks like Islam is doing a wonderful job.
**Btw, don't get me wrong. At it's root, my response is not a tu quoque. I've said many times that the atrocities committed by Muslims are done in the name of Allah and Muhammad, whereas the atrocities committed by Christians are not. If anyone claims they are, they really have to stretch their arguments. Thus, I'm not just pointing the finger back at you, I'm showing you that your accusation is flawed and if you were to correct your methodology, Islam would stand guilty and Christianity would be innocent.**
With all due respect, but if you cannot understand the difference between the Apostle John and John the Baptist could it be that you are dabbling in the wrong type of literature?
I notice your response was merely “BUT LOOK BIBLE CORRUPTED” *Jumps up and down and types in massive green text*. Do you realise that doesn’t change in anyway your failure at understanding the Bible at the level of a child?
I remember the surprise on my face when I heard Dr White on the DL announce he was going to debate the one and only. It must have been a frusting time for him.
I do agree with you in some regards, Osama. The Quran is dangerous over the Bible in regard to textual integrity. If someone had burnt every variant copy of the New Testament as they did the Quran it would take an amazing amount of mental acrobatics to ignore the primitive corruption attested to by the earliest Muslim sources. But I am glad this is not the case for the New Testament.
Every male looks at porn or has looked at porn be honest now,and it is more RAMPANT in muslim countries,just in the muslim countries its behind closed doors.I find it funny any time im on holiday in turkey(im half turkish) or in cyprus(the turkish side)every hotel i stay at is full up of saudi's.And the men roam around the pool with their speedo's on and the women with their bikini's
Response: lol and you see this as a good thing. I think christianity is not a faith who allows men lloking at porn or letting women wearing bikin infront of other men. Yes of course she can do that to her husband and family if they are swimming in a pool in their backyard when there are nobody there to look at her but to go infron of men with bikini thats a sin. Jesus said we should not look at women with lust and women should not weaer reaveling clothes. Drinking alcohol is also bad.
This is what paulus said in Ephesians 5 verse 3: But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.
So you see christian are not allowed to do things like that as osama abdallah claim. Dan if christianity would give you the freedom to wacth porn and letting women wearing in a place were there are men they i wouldnt convert to it.
Osama would it not be an idea to reduce the personal attacks, the mocking and the name calling as well as the 'go to hell looser' phrase.
However, I have to admit that I don't find it strange, someone with such a virus loaded website as answering-christianity (that has been categorizes as dangerous to enter my most computer virus systems), will of course come in her and spill whatever there is of its nature.
So far you have called my brothers on this blog clowns, hypocrites, loosers and wished them to hell.
I would never wish you or any muslim to hell, even though Biblically speaking God may have given you up to enter therein (I certainly hope not).
Islamresponses said: «Jesus said (...) and women should not weaer reaveling clothes. Drinking alcohol is also bad»... where dide Jesus saide thate? Coulde you probide any proof of thate? I could leave chrsitianitie if you coulde...
Jesus said drinking alcohol is bad? Funny... I seem to recall him drinking alcohol in the upper room...
To clarify for our Muslim readers, the Bible says that getting drunk is bad. So if by "drinking" you mean "drinking a lot," then the Bible is against drinking. But if by "drinking" you mean "consuming a beverage that contains some alcohol," the Bible allows this.
P.S. Did Fernando say that he would leave Christianity if it condemned drinking?
I think Fernando's point was that he is extremely certain this claim cannot be backed up with evidence. I agree with him.
Sam Shamoun (ben malik),
Once again, in our debate, I smashed your bible for 30 long minutes quoting left and right bible-theologians admitting that the bible had been corrupted and altered:
1- By unknown people.
2- In unknown dates.
3- Unknown amount of text had been added and/or removed.
4- Unknown times.
What was Sam Shamoun's response? Absolutely Nothing! At least White and Wood tried to respond but with no hope. You, on the other hand, were virtually silenced like a muzzled dog.
I don't know about everyone here, but to me, it is clear from your text that you are frustrated far too much and are desperately trying to **butt-in** into everything to redeem yourself and to make yourself heard.
You are no more than a foul-mouthed loser who's been thoroughly and amply exposed in AUDIO, Text and Images at: www.answering-christianity.com/dumpster_section.htm. Man, you are soooooooooooooo bad, that I honestly have created this section initially FOR YOU!! :-). Other losers started to join in as we started to expose their foul behavior and lies. But this section, NONETHELESS, WAS INITIALLY MADE FOR YOU SAMMY SHAMPOO :-).
Now of course, this is not the only thing that we've smashed you on. In fact, this is NOTHING! All of or most of your articles had been thoroughly refuted at:
Don't pop a vain Shamoun, and don't get a heart attack. It'd get very boring here without you.
Osama Abdallah
Please visit: www.answering-christianity.com/contra.htm
Christians have converted to Islam because of the Truth we have!
And after you finish seeing christianity and the bible getting systematically refuted, then please visit: WWW.ANSWERING-CHRISTIANITY.COM/ac20.htm#links to see the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran that I look forward to debating our respected Professor David Wood on, if this will ever take place(?!).
Have a good day,
Osama Abdallah
Hey, was that a hit and run by Bozo Abdallah or Osama the clown?
Hi and run? And me the bozo?
Shamoun, the only bozo and coward who runs is the one who hides under a different name and dosn't have the integrity and the balls to reveal himself.
Do you even know what INTEGRITY means shampoo?
Osama Abdallah
To all of the rabid christians on this board,
Now of course this excludes few like David Wood and Semper Paratus for I tip my hat (or turben) for them. But to the rest of the rabid hypocrites:
Is this liar and coward, Sam Shamoun (ben malik), being CHRIST-LIKE to you?
Just curious.
Osama Abdallah
I don't understand how osama abdallah continually expects us to run the risk of visiting his virus loaded website. He dares even to blame the virus systems that expose the danger of his website as mistaken, even to the point of threatning to sue them. Well go ahead.
Anyone who visits his site catches two things: a virus or something else on his computer and tons upon tons of worthless speculation, which looks attractive at first, but which after a few minutes exposes itself of not being worth reading.
You are another filthy christian liar and a rotten example to CHRIST, like that snake Sam Shamoun (ben malik).
My site had been cleared by those imcompetent clowns at McAfee after almost 1 year of false accusation of my site spreading viruses. Ironically, they have said themselves that they have not RUN ANY TESTS to verify the claim. You are giving me the fuel to launch a major law suite on them! And for you my dear Hogan, I swear in the Holy Name of Allah Almighty, I will sue them!
By the way, I googled those weasels, and I see that they're getting sued by several web site owners like me.
Thank you Hogan.
Osama Abdallah
Islamresponses said:
Response: "lol and you see this as a good thing. I think christianity is not a faith who allows men lloking at porn or letting women wearing bikin infront of other men. Yes of course she can do that to her husband and family if they are swimming in a pool in their backyard when there are nobody there to look at her but to go infron of men with bikini thats a sin. Jesus said we should not look at women with lust and women should not weaer reaveling clothes. Drinking alcohol is also bad.
This is what paulus said in Ephesians 5 verse 3: But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people."
Number 1:Christianity doesnt allow to look at porn,that is correct but if you read my post again,i wrote it is more RAMPANT in muslim countries,but behind closed doors.Just because they dont do it out in the open doesnt mean they dont do it,they are doing it more and more,but again this is not a big sin to look at porn every man has,it is part of life.The difference is in the west men can control themselves more,go to any islamic country and watch men really drool of any woman who is not covered up in the street!thats why muslim women need to be covered as muslim men will instantly start to be attracted. And in the example of muhammad get their adopted son to divorce his wife when he saw her without her veil.So that is something if the "seal of the prophets does"muslims will follow.
Number 2:Letting women wear bikini's is not a sin,a woman is wearing a bikini to get a tan,swim etc.If a man is watching her with LUST it is a sin!But do you think every man think's like you when they are at the pool,lusting over women in bikini's?No again we control ourselves and we dont stare at the women etc,so the women is free to wear what she wants.And women shouldnt wear revealing clothes you wrote,correct but a bikini is not clothes(clothes meaning to cover you when you are outside)a bikini is something you wear when doing a sport hobby such as SWIMMING!
How fanatic you guys are look at your muslim women on the beaches with their full suit on the full "beach burka" still you can see her bodyline can you not,so what is the difference if she has bikini?No difference,the only difference is the person who is looking at her,if he is looking at her lustfully HE IS THE SINNER!
Number 3:Drinking Drinking alcohol is also bad you said!?No it is not,jesus drank wine all the time as it was the "drink" in them days,there was no coca cola my friend.It is a sin to be drunk and intoxicated and act the fool,but again it is the PERSON's FAULT not the alcohol.Dont drink in excess and get drunk,no sin nothing wrong with it.Again the reason why alcohol is banned for muslims is because muhammad obviously knew the muslims couldnt handle it,if they were allowed alcohol they would be forever drunk,wouldnt wake up for prayers,wouldnt listen to him,so that is the muslims self control problem not ours....
YES, your bible DOES PRAISE pornography. I've listed the detailed verses at:
You can also visit: www.answering-christianity.com/ac10.htm#links
Osama Abdallah
My favorite verse is this:
Song of Songs 8:1-3 "IF ONLY YOU WERE TO ME LIKE MY BROTHER, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me. I would lead you and bring you to my mother's house-- she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink [i.e., her vagina's semen!], the nectar of my pomegranates. His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me."
YOUR BIBLE NOT ONLY PROMOTES PORNOGRAPHY, but it also promotes Incestuous (brothers and sisters falling in love with each others).
Osama Abdallah
These kind of stupid things have been answered thousands of times,why do you continue to post silly comments porn in the bible?You believe muhammad is in the song of songs,so you believe muhammad is in a book that praises porn,get real now osama,your arguments are like kids arguments.With you its like trying to feed a little baby food when the baby should be given milk,the baby is not ready for grown up food.Its the same effect on you when you read the bible,so best to grow up then start to read the bible again,try to read the song of songs without a mind constantly thinking about sex and porno,
It hasn't been answered. So why don't you answer the PORNOGRAPHY IN YOUR BIBLE, DAN?
Osama Abdallah
Isn't it amazing that supposedly the bible is promoting sexual sin when Mohammad and Aisha... well... need I go any further?
Heads: It was the cultural norm at the time.
Tails: But Joseph married Mary when he was 90 and Mary was 11.
The Prophet MARRIED our mother in Islam Aisha, just like 90-year old Joseph married 12-year old Mary.
Again, your bible DOES PRAISE pornography. I've listed the detailed verses at:
You can also visit: www.answering-christianity.com/ac10.htm#links
My favorite verse is this: Song of Songs 8:1-3 "IF ONLY YOU WERE TO ME LIKE MY BROTHER, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me. I would lead you and bring you to my mother's house-- she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink [i.e., her vagina's semen!], the nectar of my pomegranates. His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me."
YOUR BIBLE NOT ONLY PROMOTES PORNOGRAPHY, but it also promotes Incestuous (brothers and sisters falling in love with each others) relationships.
Osama Abdallah
osama said:YOUR BIBLE NOT ONLY PROMOTES PORNOGRAPHY, but it also promotes Incestuous (brothers and sisters falling in love with each others) relationships.
Sorry but i couldnt stop laughing when i read your comment,it is really true you should be fed milk still not food,too early yet.You said it promotes brothers and sisters falling in love.Every story in the bible has a purpose,to show us and to teach us valuable lessons,now lets teach you.Tell me the end of this brother and sister story what happened?
yeah sure Osama, blame it all on MacFee,
your demonic website was virus loaded only a few weeks ago,
since then I have abstained from it and I advise others to do the same.
Based on your writing here I see even less integrity than succeeds Nadir Ahmed;
I think we can safely say that you are psycotic and you need serious help (and I am not joking or trying to be rude, I honestly fear for the society you sojourn in, which is why I believe your website not only introduces us to all the trash you spit out here but also intentionally destroys our computers).
hahah guys take it easy im a christian. i converted three months ago. Just had some problems wich i needed to take care of. But finally i found it at answering-islam. I wrote to David wood earlier but it seems that he didnt belive me and didnt respond to my message i send him. Dan when i responded to you i was not defending islam i was defending christianity. Sorry i thought you agrred with the western lifestyle so thats why i wrote to you. But i dont think we should say that thanks to west we can control our self cuz we should instead say thanks to the christian faith we can control ourself. You kidding with me the west is the place were the king of the sins live. OMG west is the new sodom and gomorrah.
Jesus said (...) and women should not weaer reaveling clothes. Drinking alcohol is also bad»... where dide Jesus saide thate? Coulde you probide any proof of thate? I could leave chrsitianitie if you coulde...
lol does jesus need to tell you this so that you understand. If jesus say dont look at women with lust then of course one can find that clothes are one reason a man can look at women with lust. But some christian websites says that as you said that its ok to drink bear with little alcohol in it but they said the best thing is to avoid it even if there is little alcohol in it. Nabeel please be a real christian. Take your faith seorisly and stop joking lke you did.
Oh my!
Surely this 'Osama Abdullah' is a troll, right? Please?
I hope so :(
Islamresponses welcome! happy to hear you found christ,great news:-)
I understand you point,but every person is individual,not everyone who looks english say is a christian who follows the bible correctly,but them wearing a mini-skirt for example is allowed in our western society,but we give people the freedom to do as they please,we dont force anyone to do anything or wear what we want everyone has free choice,that is a gift from god,with the free choice we can do as we please,and by our actions we will be judged.Its more of a temptation in the west women all over the place,so a man needs to think of god and not women,he needs to not look lustfully.I can say im 25 years old,i have been married 6 years and im a gentleman to every woman i meet and i never look at a woman how other men do,this is because of the bible and jesus's teaching.So us in the west who follow gods teaching it is the same as anyone elsewhere,temptation is rife and it is up to man himself act as the bible teaches...
dont care about west or east i know that men looking at women with lust exist in both west and east. But i dont care what west allows i just know that jesus tauhgt us to not be a man looking at women with lust. We should be a follower of jesus not the western society or anyother society. But Dan thank you very much for beliving me.
Osama Abdallah wrote:
'My site had been cleared by those imcompetent clowns at McAfee after almost 1 year of false accusation of my site spreading viruses. Ironically, they have said themselves that they have not RUN ANY TESTS to verify the claim. You are giving me the fuel to launch a major law suite on them! And for you my dear Hogan, I swear in the Holy Name of Allah Almighty, I will sue them!'
Elijah replied:
I think you should thank Allah and be grateful that the western world took you in and priviliged you with the freedom you have on the internet, evn on American soil.
Despite Osama's ridiculous arguments. At least he tries to make some points.
I have yet to see a debate where Nadir Ahmed even comes up to Osama's level of debating skills.
And no, I don't consider Osama to be a good debator by any stretch of the imagination.
Hallelujah, brother! Praise God that another soul has been saved from the traps of this world :-) I'm so glad to hear that you have come to know the Truth!
As for David, you must forgive him for not responding to your email. I don't know when you sent it, but within the past couple months, he's had to deal with a lot, including the death of his father. Please try not to hold his silence against him.
Anyhow, I hope we meet sometime in the future, my brother! If not in this life, then I'm glad to say we will in the next :-)
Again, welcome my brother! Yours in Christ,
Im very very happy that you belive in me thank you. I didnt convert yesteray or last weel i converted three months ago but the problem was i was confused and so for a while i went back to islam but then i began to read about bible and i began to read articles from and it helped so i decided to come back again and i will pray that jesus guide me every day. There are two problems i have with islam was the killings and the love of allah. First of all im tired of all killings and jihad. I dont want to kill anybody i dont want to kill someone in my life. Islamic sheisk muhammed al-munjjid said that a muslim is obligeted to kill a kaffir if he doesnt have a peace treaty with a muslim. The problem with this is that he says Peace treaty but what about countries who is neither in war with muslims or dont have a peacy treaty you see then you must kill them. let me give yo an example lets say Saudi arabia has an alliance with usa so they dont attack usa. But they are at war with russia so they must kill russians but they are not in war with sweden and they dont have a peace traty with sweden so they must also kill the swedish people. And finally who knows the peacey treaties they have will be broken and finally they must kill the whole world. And the second thing is the love of allah. There is no love with god in islam when muslim whorship allah they dont do it because of love they do it because of self-motivation. What is the greates commandment in islam what person is the greates person in the eyes of allah. do you know who THE ONE WHO GOES OUT TO JIHAD But in christianity this is the best commandment and what god require of us: What does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul". Deuteronomy 10:12
When we christians obey him we are not doing it for self-motiavtion things we are doing it because of our love towards him. Im reading a great article about love of god in the quran and the bible. And i if one great thing i noticed is that the real scientific facts exist in the bible and not the quran i challenge osama adballah for a debate. The topic will be "science in the bible and thequran".
Any way Nabeel i know that you know all this things and as i said before im very happy that you belived in me. I will tell David that im sorry i thought he was thinking that i maybe is fooling him.
Ahh please im sorry for my spellings let me correct them.
when i wrote: began to read articles from i wanted to write answering-islam.
There are two problems i have with islam was: ok was is removed there are two problems i have with islam.
To Islamresponses, Shalom brother! May the peace and salvation of the Messiah forever be upon your heart. It's really great that you were brave enough to question things an search for answers. You're in my prayers.
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