Nigeria is comprised of thirty-six states, with Muslims dominating the north and Christians more numerous in the south. The government is attempting to impose a minimum age for marriage (girls won't be allowed to marry until they're 18). Guess which states are resisting, and guess whose example they're following.
They think it is normal. We all think it is wrong, it is as if the rest of the world advanced and they stayed in the past. How can we reason with them?
They think it's normal because Muhammad did it. The only way to reason with them is to show them that they shouldn't be following Muhammad.
Yes professor Wood... since Muhammad his to muslimes -- can you believe somethingue like thate?... its spookie... -- the perfecte man (al-insan al-kamil) and the model of conducte (uswa hasana)... these things will continue to happen...
Girls getting married off at one year's age...
The Nigerian man in the clip seems to think seems to think that Islam permits this. I have a feeling the Muslims who visit this site would disagree.
Muslim friends! Please share with us your opinions and references for the following:
Can Muslim girls be married before puberty? (Please cite a credible source)
Can Muslim girls have their marriage consummated before puberty? (Please cite your source here, as well)
I have a question to the christians.
if a person is able to get childeren why is it not good to get maaried at the age that he/she is able to get childeren? it is God Almighty who enables them to get pregnant.
Deaar Abdul Aziz Rahmi... greetings in Christ our God and Savioure...
"before puberty" means before the age of being possible to have children... I think... so perhaps -- but onse againne it's me conjecturing -- you would like to refrase your question...
good lucke!!!
to fernando
I was talking about puberty, because that is the age God enables people to get pregnant
Brother Silas has contributed an excellent polemical article on Islam and child brides:
Whatever view the reader of this blog adheres to, this article is worth reading.
Thanks dearr Abdul Aziz Rahmi for youre pollite answere to my poste...
not all the muslim participanys in this blog are so civilized...
I thought you where confused, because the presente blog debate proposal is about "Child Brides", not "adolescent ore juvenil Brides" (beyien adolescence the beggining off puberty after childwood...); or as Professore Nabeel Qureshi said: Can Muslim girls be married before puberty?; Can Muslim girls have their marriage consummated before puberty?... althouht I guess no muslim will answer to what he asked... some fellow muslims are some afraid and shamefful of their religion -- not speaking, with all duee respecte, of you, mie friend --...)
That's why I thought you're mistaken... that's not the point being debated here... but I guess a muslim like Abu Almada bin Licha answer your question (that's not my answer...): «sinse everione is oldd enought to bee able to die; and since it is Allah who enables them to die because nothingg dies without Allah's concept, why should we bee concernned about taking another person's life?» (please, dearr Abdull, note that this are not his precise words... I needed to refound them... but the idea is faithfuul to his argumentation)...
As a human being and a Christian, and former muslim like me (hope you don't refuse to read my words after this admition...), my answer with deel more with the psychological aspects of the problems relatted with being pregnat without the female fully body being developed... but, as I said, this is a human point off view...
So the 80 year old is allowed to marry a 14 year old???
Talk about calling evil good and good evil!
there is no bounds to which mohammedans will not stoop to victimize any other person, or people group in the world. for your viewing disgust, check the little 3 year old houri in training:
mohammedans will eat their own young. which they do in manners to be explored. they turn their girls into throw-pillow whores, and the sons they turn into hate-filled zealots of satan. please see the following 10 video series entitled "cannibals in gaza"
may the peace and blessings of HASHEM Adonai, HE Who abides in unapproachable Light bless your lives in Yehoshua ha Meshiach. serendipitously yours, grampa
David Wood you very well know that the Christians in Africa do this kind of act and in India hindus and Christians,Muslims marry girls at very low age which is a bit more prevailant with poor people.
And not to mention your God=Holy spirit=jesus sexually impregnated mary at 11 or 12 and joseph who was 90 years old when he married Mary at 12. Oops isn't that pedophilia according to Christians of today which means Jesus, joseph God was pedophile ACCORDING TO YOUR LOGIC.
And marrying girls at one year old is a direct violation of islamic law unless she reached puberty and is capable of making decision.
People in Africa, Asia tend to give away their daughter because of poverty its not an Islamic problem, its cultural problem.
yes there are exceptions.
But think about the Christian priest molesting children of all gender even males which is why the pope got really into it.
And by the way Muslims countries are placing laws making it illegal to marry before 18 years of age.
lol youbequiet, you are funny, you end your message claiming love etc, yet your message is filled with hate and bigoted generlazations against the Muslims, is that your definition of love?
Muslims turn their daughters into whores? lol youbequiet, you really have much to learn, i dont know what girls you have been around, but Muslim girls are taught to be very modest and to not have anything to do with men outside marriage, so i would think twice before you want to generalize claiming our daughters (meaning my mother and aunts) are raised as whores.
i am not in any way attempting to answer for young abd professor wood.
javier, your post is so fallacy-filled that i don't know where to start.
javier said: David Wood you very well know that the Christians in Africa do this kind of act and in India hindus and Christians,Muslims marry girls at very low age which is a bit more prevailant with poor people.
me: i'd like you to prove your false tu quoque fallacy with documentation that there are age-inapproprate Christians marrying children as a matter of social policy. you can't. it is a despicable act which is encouraged in your belief set because your "leader" had sex with a nine year old girl. sicko
javier said: And not to mention your God=Holy spirit=jesus sexually impregnated mary at 11 or 12 and joseph who was 90 years old when he married Mary at 12. Oops isn't that pedophilia according to Christians of today which means Jesus, joseph God was pedophile ACCORDING TO YOUR LOGIC.
me: blasphemous rhetoric, and also undocumentable. you shouldn't say such things about the Living G d. and you shouldn't lie so blatanly, when it is obvious you could never back up your conjecture.
javier said: PROOF=
And marrying girls at one year old is a direct violation of islamic law unless she reached puberty and is capable of making decision.
me: firstly, i'm not roman catholic, and so appealing to a heretical belief set to disprove Christianity is ludicrous. as for marrying girls at 1 being inadmissable: Dr Ahmad Al-Mu'bi
Saudi Marriage Officiant, disagrees with you 100%:
and since you ain't no imam, your defense of your faith is taqqiya to my ears
javier: People in Africa, Asia tend to give away their daughter because of poverty its not an Islamic problem, its cultural problem.
yes there are exceptions.
me: exceptions prove the rule, dude. the teachings of mohammed are the exceptions to the social order. it is a sickness which is taught as spirituality.
javier said: But think about the Christian priest molesting children of all gender even males which is why the pope got really into it.
me: well since you're referring to roman catholic priests here i would give you a pass, but it is such a cheap tu quoque that it must be noted. anything to validate mohammed the pedophile, heh?
javier said: And by the way Muslims countries are placing laws making it illegal to marry before 18 years of age.
me: how did you miss the whole point of the video? the point was that in nigeria, where the non-mohammedan north is trying to establish a constitutional law banning marriage of girls before eighteen years of age, it is the mohammedan controlled districts which are resisting the law.
you didn't watch the video huh? wow, it didn't seem to keep you from spouting canned junk.
may the Love and grace of HASHEM Adonai bless your life in Yehoshua ha Meshiach
i don't know about sami's family, so i can't comment. some folks actually rise above, others just smile in your face. i'm just going by what is taught in your book, and what your leaders say, and what your warriors do. it is a sickness which is sold as religion. it inculcates hatred,,, a real social pathology. i don't care what you think about my post sami, i just pray that something someone says somewhere, someday, somehow reaces your heart.
some truths are hard. if the truth hurts, you got the wrong truth. may HE Who abides in unapproachable Light draw you to HIMSELF by HIS Spirit, and may you come to know Yehoshua ha Meshiach as Lord God and Savior
Can David Wood or his crew please enlighten me (a muslim) as to the age of Mary when she was impregnated with Jesus? catholics claim it to be 11 or 12... what about the non-catholics?
khayyam: it doesn't even matter,,, though if it did, we wouldn't have enough information for us to discuss. thus, a non-issue for Christians, and for mohammedans, trying to justify the pedophilia of a 7th century mentally ill mystic,,, it's a problem.
serendipitously yours
Good question, and I thank you for asking instead of throwing out a baseless accusation (as many others, Christians and Muslims, commonly do). The fact is that no one has a clue as to how old Mary was when she became pregnant. You can read the records in Matthew and Luke; the texts give no indication of Mary's age.
The idea that she was young is, interestingly enough, based on the prophecy in Isaiah, which uses a word that means "maiden," and, by implication, "virgin." Typically, maidens were teenagers.
Thus, Muslims can only claim that Mary was young by granting that Isaiah 7:14 is a prophecy of Jesus' virgin birth (note the "God with us" part)! Without this prophecy, one could argue that she was 50.
Nevertheless, even if Muslims grant that Isaiah 7:14 is a prophecy about Mary and Jesus, this still doesn't tell us that Mary was 12 or 13. A maiden could be 17 or 18 as well, provided she was still a virgin. But it was common in the first century for 13 and 14 year old girls to get married (though it was also common for girls to get married when they were older).
So we have little evidence to go on. There's certainly nothing here that a Christian could use to justify marrying a young girl. This is quite different from Islam, where Muslims have a definite age for Aisha--six at marriage, nine at consummation.
youbiquit well you did comment on my familly, and every other Muslim familly out there, you made a generalized bigoted statement saying Muslims raise their daughters to be whores, so you dont need to comment, you have made yourself clear, you have made a bigoted statement.
Secondly, we are not 'Muhammadans' we are Muslims, I never call myself, or my fellow Muslims as 'Muhammadans'.
Now you say you pray someone says something that opens my heart, well i can tell you when i read comments like yours, it makes me much more determined to not join your side, and pushes me further, so in point of fact you are not helping the cause, you are actually bad for the Christian cause, do you really think your going to win Muslim converts by calling their female familly members as whores????? You say you dont care about my opinion of your post, oh but you should care, because its obvious you want to open my heart, and others, yet your comments are doing the opposite.
sami said: youbiquit well you did comment on my familly, and every other Muslim familly out there, you made a generalized bigoted statement saying Muslims raise their daughters to be whores, so you dont need to comment, you have made yourself clear, you have made a bigoted statement.
me: i'll assume you are directing your post to me. yes i did make a very general statement. prove me wrong from the teachings of your mentally ill pedophile prophet. i'm just giving my over-all synoptic assessment of mohammedanism. nothing good comes from evil, i don't care if that hurts your little feelings or not.
sami said: Secondly, we are not 'Muhammadans' we are Muslims, I never call myself, or my fellow Muslims as 'Muhammadans'.
me: for my purposes, and for ease in describing who i'm talking about, mohammedans follow the pedophile prophet of moon/rock worship, mohammed. so get over yourself.
sami said: Now you say you pray someone says something that opens my heart, well i can tell you when i read comments like yours, it makes me much more determined to not join your side, and pushes me further, so in point of fact you are not helping the cause, you are actually bad for the Christian cause, do you really think your going to win Muslim converts by calling their female familly members as whores????? You say you dont care about my opinion of your post, oh but you should care, because its obvious you want to open my heart, and others, yet your comments are doing the opposite.
me: hey, you guys are the best at professional victimhood, so whatever. i don't expect you to change because i say something which many want to say, but are to polite to offend sensibilities. well, when YOU guys quit killing people all over the world, quit allowing slavery, forced marriage, sexual mutilation of girls, pedophilia as social policy, public killings of those who leave your death-cult, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, maybe people like me won't be sick of your game. it ain't gonna' be me who saves you anyway. faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of G d.
as a member of the body of Christ, you can consider me a finger,,, in your eye.
Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
remember, you follow a myth, who was in actuality a pedophile. there is One True and Living God, and allahu shaytaan muhammadur rasul shaytaan
now go on back to your "scholarly" pursuits. it is only sadly amusing to watch.
Joh 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Joh 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
serendipitously yours
Good to see yore posts ubiquitouserendipity... greate contribution to this debate... hoppe to see morre frome you in the future... May the love and the grace of true God Of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Messiah be with you...
thank you fernando. the peace and blessings of G d our Father, and our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Messiah of God, to you, and to all who bow to our King.
i'm no scholar, and certainly no rhetorician, but i can see what is happening in this world,,, and there is a common denominator in the violence and bigotry that has seemed to overcome mankind. it seems to me that this is for keeps, not play, and so people need to hear all sides. the mainstream media is being dhimmified by these professional victims of mohammedanism, and i'm sick of hearing and seeing it. time to speak out, up, and back in their faces. i find nothing, underline nothing, redeeming about mohammedanism except for those who can be saved from that death cult.
i count the cost for my faith, and for standing for the truth. sometimes someone needs to be the eye-poker, to get attention. today (yesterday actually) was my day.
again, thank you for the kind words fernando. i've been reading here for a few months or so, whatever,,, and i do most certainly appreciate the candid nature of your posts. the Lord's blessings of peace and love to you.
serendipitously yours
It seems that a high number of Muslim women in Nigeria die young by teenage pregnancy.
The Muslim scholar in the documentary argued that Islam permits Muslim males to marry female children, yet prohibts the husband from impregnating here until she is physically ready.
Two questions here:
1. Most of these girls mentioned in the program died when they were between 12 and 15 years, so what is a mature age according to Islam?
Muhammad consumated his marriage with Aisha when she was 8-9 years of age which tends to be harmful for any girl whether she has had her first menstruation or not.
2. Furthermore,where does the Qur'an set a rule for the age of consumation in a marriage?
My friend Eliha asked: where does the Qur'an set a rule for the age of consumation in a marriage?...
nowhere... directley speaking... but since it presentes Muhammad as the model of disciple ite indirectly says thate whate he did is the rulle to be followed by muslims...
Donald H. said... How can we reason with them?... with much care and precaution not to make their brains ake...
we must understain that islam is, for some muslims, a form of mental intoxication... and this detox is, as with any detox, very painfull...
speccially when some muslims, afraid of what might happen to them when they would converte to a more truthfull religion (thate many recognise in christianity...), begin saying what thate english singer Amie Witehouse sings (or viceversa): "no rehab"...
this has to be made with much love and patience with the profound conviction that Christ's love is, in his weakness that can never stant to the phusical power of the sword, much stonger than the hate that emerges from islams false teachings that generate that intoxication... prayer is, as allways, unsubstiteble...
Muslims who put their trust on Mullahs without reading their own Scripture and started thinking about their belief will definately agree to this insane act of Child Brides. Their own Book says:
"You shall test the orphan when their reach puberty - and as soon as you sense from them rationality you shall hand their money over to them." (Q 4:6)
The words "Reach puberty" and "rationality" are not in the the Mullahs' vocabulary.
I encourage the Muslims to spare few minutes to visit:
and then THINK!
Where is the objective criticism to the Islamic position that a young girl can be married as long as she is not physically or pyschologically harmed? I mean isn't the potential psychological and physical harm that could result out of the marriage the main arguments against it? Well, if Islam states that one of the conditions is that these harms must not be present, then how can you argue against the Islamic position? If people don't abide by the Islamic standards, you can't blame Islam for that.
Bassam, please don't blame the people who used Islam to commit crime. If you think people have abused Islam, why don't you as a true Muslim initiate or organize your congregation to fight these tyrants?
Look at the video and see how this innocent girl suffered in the name of God?
Are you and the rest of the Muslims world willing to bring the man to justice? No! It is always the fault of the women.
Yes, I know what the Muslims will say, "May be the girl was engrossed playing with her toys and the dinner table was empty". In other words, it is permissible in Islam to bodily harm a wife when she neglets her duty.
It is a pity Muslims around the world can see with their own eyes their brethren are corrupting their Islam, yet none of the Islamic groups and NGO's around the world are willing to address this problem. Instead they are wasting money and time trying to convert others.
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