In this video series, my friend Pastor Sule Prince and I deal with the Nation of Islam and the Black Hebrews. The Nation of Islam makes the claim that they are the true Muslims, but with one interesting caveat, God is black, as are all the prophets, including Jesus Christ. The white race on the other hand are "white devils" created in a freak accident by a black scientist named 'Yakub'. Watch and learn.
Please cease the Second Commandment violations.
Lennie, please cease taking Scripture out of context. Please see Exodus 25:18-20; 1 Kings 6:23-24 and Numbers 21:8-9.
With all due respect, this is filled with misinformation, misunderstanding, lack of root knowledge of origins, apparent "mind-reading", and many other statements as facts that are just wrong. May your knowledge and understanding increase, by the Grace of God. Peace
Sorry for the "unknown". The email address I use is Unsure how to change it on here.
Hi Unknown. It would be nice if you provided a name. Can you tell us what the misinformation and misunderstanding is? Thanks.
Thank you for this video and information. I am JoseCatherine, pastor, prophet, child and holy angel of the living God of immortality MelquisedecLisbet. We would like to, with love and respect, introduce you to Christ Lisbet who is the annointed one of God the Father Melquisedec preaching the truth and mystery of God that has never been preached before by any man and that is bringing the wisdom of eternal life on Earth for those who believe and have the ear to hear. This wisdom of love surpasses all wisdom and science of man to resurrect and transform the believer into an immortal holy angel (messenger) able to give life to anyone who takes heed of the message. Learn more at and we ask that you do not harden your heart for this wisdom comes direct from the Father and not from any man on Earth. Thank you again.
God said I’m to tell you a revelation. For me to teach you prophecy. To fix Gods word. The Devil changed word to push his agenda. A man talking tongues to save the world by informing you. God wants his original doctrine to be released along with the book of Judah. The truth to come out. The Catholic Church to obtain it from Pope Francis. Evil beings in government to block my internet. Please spread the word.
Mind Reading Technologies and Tongues - Governments from around the world have been using mind reading technologies that can read your mind. They use the same technologies that God would use to talk to you. A technique is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM). Look it up online. They use satellites shot to space by Space X founder Elon Musk, The Russian Federation, The Federal Government and NASA. Comparable to a cellular satellite. It’s a high bandwidth signal that listens to your brains wavelength and reads your conscience. Many define it as telepathy or tongues. They have had this technology for years now. Not making a patent to stay ahead of our civilization. They steal ideas, money, murder, blackmail and use it as a tool for war. You sometimes get a headache when a mind reading machine is on you. Suspected users of mind reading technologies are as follow. Vladimir Putin, Donald J. Trump, Xi Jinping, DARPA, NSA, Chancellor Merkel, Ayatollah Khamenei, Justin Trudeau, Benjamin Netanyahu and The Vatican. Were to hold are governments accountable.
A Ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing - An alien spirit reborn as a Human being. Alien beings walk the Earth. An alien shot an asteroid fire and brimstone at us to reborn Earth aligned with the devil an alien being. The devil has walked. God saved us from Satan's rapture. Destroying his ship. The devil to tell us we weren’t deserving and bring back his deserving. Aliens. To use our image from the casket that preserved our flesh. Conquering the world. For us to be damned to hell for cremation. Mathew 7:15 Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Your spirit is in your brain and leaves your body when you die. The atmosphere to keep it contained. A solar flare can kill it. Slowly rising towards the North Pole. Your conscience/soul controls the brain and the brain controls the body. To be brought back from flesh and bone means to be reborn as a clone. They’ve been stealing spirits. Look into monopoles. Transferring them to technologies at the North Pole. The simulation. A spirit can be put in a chip from there and be reborn. Artificial intelligence can also walk as flesh and blood using a programmed chip similar to a robot. They can remotely control clones using satellite reception. Wolves in American and Russian governments have been stealing spirits for their memories to help them conquer the world. Not disclosing the true purpose of certain military bases on the North Pole. The Pope aware.
Revelation 1:7 Behold, he is coming with the clouds. A spaceship. Jesus Christ landed in Russia. God saved him from the devil unfortunately his ship was low on energy. He had to land. Presidents Putin gave his word to Jesus. Jesus was to have 7 days to honor flesh and blood. Jesus to walk and honor his church. He wanted to inform the world and save me and you. President Putin and Trump denied him. Not telling the world. Many say Jesus is stuck in his ship at a top-secret installation. Similar to area 51. We need to save Jesus. Many souls need saved. Muhammad among them. Were to prove a reborn clone, UFO’s and mind reading technologies. To find the clone labs and destroy them. The clones to change our genome. They want to deny our children by taking our world. To deny us free will and hold us for eternity. There in positions of power. To look you in the face and lie. Christopher I speak tongues
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Thanks for sharing this nice blog. And thanks for the information.
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