Monday, March 20, 2017

The Psychology of Islam, Part 1: The Defective Father Hypothesis

The only way to understand Islam is to understand the neuroses and psychoses of Muhammad. In this series, we explore the impact of Muhammad's abnormal childhood development on his later life and teachings. As we will see, Islamic theology flows directly from Muhammad's childhood traumas, via the "psychology of the defective father." In Part One, we explore the "projection theory of belief in God" proposed by Ludwig Feuerbach and Sigmund Freud, along with the "defective father hypothesis" of Paul Vitz.


Jo Jo said...

Great Job, David. Extremely interesting and very revealing. I' m no psychologist, but It makes good sense to me. These videos of yours are very important.

Unknown said...

In sahi al bukhari 2685 ,but there is no verse i can see,it is divided inti volume book and hadith no.

Unknown said...

"...I've just sucked one year of your life away. Someday I may go as high as five but lets just start with what we have. Tell me. How do you feel?..."

Andrew said...

Brilliant David. Totally compelling. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Great awakening! Thank You!