Responding to Speaker's Corner Encounters 2: Hamza Myatt vs. Northern Irish Girls
Here is the latest video I made along with my friends Vladimir Šušić and Chris Claus responding to encounters at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park. Here, we interact once again with the argumentation of Muslim polemicist Hamza Myatt that he levels against Christianity in a recent dialogue he had with some Northern Irish girls. Enjoy! Be sure to also subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep up-to-date with my latest video releases.
Way too much background noise and poor audio for the speakers. Must do this in a better controlled setting. I gave up on this after a minute. Sorry. The girls should have at least been given a mike and then when editing the clip the background audio could have been muted.
12 QUESTIONS MUSLIMS FEAR THE MOST( type this title in youtube to get other languages. here I don't have enough space to write. ) 1 ) Quran chapter 2 verse 6 and 7( Quran 2 : 6,7 ) say that Allah stops people from believing in Allah. And Allah will punish them for not believing in Allah. If Allah is God, why is Allah so confused? hahaha............ 2 ) Quran 4:157,158 say that Jesus never died on cross. But Q2:77-97, Q29:46, Q3:3-4, Q5:43-48,82,83, Q21:7,48,105 Q40:52,53, Q29:52-54, Q2:121, Q2:146, Q10:37,94, Q6:92, Q35:31, Q46:30, Q6:114-115, Q18:27, Q5:68, Q46:12, Q42:7, Q6:155-157, Q10:64, Q18:27 say that OLD TESTAMENT, NEW TESTAMENT and Quran are books of Allah, no human being can change these 3 books, Muhammad should learn from Jews and Christians and Jews and Christians should not learn from Muhammad. Why does Allah say in Bible, that Jesus died, and in Quran, Jesus never died? Why is Allah so confused? 3 ) Muslims say that when( Quran 4:157,158 ) soldiers tried to kill Jesus, then Allah lifted jesus up to heaven and changed somebody else look exactly like Jesus and soldiers killed that new Jesus as mistake. So, when Allah already lifted Jesus up to heaven and saved Jesus, then why did Allah need to change somebody else look like Jesus? And Quran 19:33 says that Jesus died hahaha.............. 4 ) ZAKIR NAIK, SHABIR ALLY( YOUTUBE ) and some others said that Bible is partly pornography. But I showed above that Quran says, that, ALLAH IS THE AUTHOR of Bible. So, if Bible is a book of pornography, then who is the porn star? Allah? or Muhammad? or both? 5 ) ALL MUSLIMS know that Muhammad married Aysha when Aysha was 6 and Muhammad was 54. And Muhammad did sex with Aysha when Aysha was 9 and Muhammad was 57. ALL MUSLIMS say that Muhammad married Aysha to take care of Aysha. But why marriage? Muhammad could adopt Aysha as daughter or grand daughter. 6 ) Shabir Ally( YOUTUBE ) tries to use John's gospel to prove that Muhammad is in Bible, but he also says that John added many false stories in the gospel. So, if there are false stories in John's gospel, then why does Shabir try to find Muhammad in Bible? 7 ) Quran 7:157 says that Muhammad's name is in Bible. And when we don't find Mohammad in Bible, then Muslims say that we are reading a Bible, corrupted by St Paul. But if St Paul can corrupt Allah's book, then who is more powerful? Allah or St Paul? hahahaha................. 8 ) Quran 17:111 says that Allah has no partner and no son. But if you read Quran 3:45 SLOWLY, ( also 19:34 ) then you will see that Allah has partner( The word ) and also the son( Jesus ). Both. hahahaha.............. 9 ) A British Muslim HAMZA MYATT( YOUTUBE ) said that Jesus prayed like Muslims( kneeling down and face on ground ). So, Christians should become Muslims. But actually Muhammad was born almost 600 years after Jesus. So, Jesus didn't pray like Muslims. Muslims prayed like Jesus. And Jesus prayed like Jews. So Muslims should become Christians or Jews. 10 ) ZAKIR NAIK said that - if any Christian can show from Bible that Jesus HIMSELF said, I am God / worship me, Then I am ready to accept Christianity. I said to him in Facebook - If any Muslim can show that Mohammad's name is written in Bible or Jesus said that - I AM NOT GOD, DON'T WORSHIP ME, then I am ready to accept Islam. Plus I showed that in John 20:28, St Thomas called Jesus God and Jesus didn't stop Thomas from calling Jesus God. 11 ) SHABIR ALLY( the best debater in YOUTUBE ) said to Christians - Read Matthew 11 : 11 and John 1 : 27 - Jesus said that anybody who has born from mother is not greater than John. But John said - who is coming after me is greater than me. That means John was talking about Muhammad. My question - was not Muhammd born from mother? hahahaha...........
Jonathan, would you mind giving me your email address so we can discuss a bit more about Christian apologetics and Islam deeper? I live in a Muslim majority country and would like to seek your help in answering certain questions about Islam. There are a few brothers here who used to correspond with me but somehow they got a little busy and became hard to reach.
Way too much background noise and poor audio for the speakers.
Must do this in a better controlled setting. I gave up on this after a minute. Sorry. The girls should have at least been given a mike and then when editing the clip the background audio could have been muted.
12 QUESTIONS MUSLIMS FEAR THE MOST( type this title in youtube to get other languages. here I don't have enough space to write. )
1 ) Quran chapter 2 verse 6 and 7( Quran 2 : 6,7 ) say that Allah stops people from believing in Allah. And Allah will punish them for not believing in Allah. If Allah is God, why is Allah so confused? hahaha............
2 ) Quran 4:157,158 say that Jesus never died on cross. But Q2:77-97, Q29:46, Q3:3-4, Q5:43-48,82,83, Q21:7,48,105 Q40:52,53, Q29:52-54, Q2:121, Q2:146, Q10:37,94, Q6:92, Q35:31, Q46:30, Q6:114-115, Q18:27, Q5:68, Q46:12, Q42:7, Q6:155-157, Q10:64, Q18:27 say that OLD TESTAMENT, NEW TESTAMENT and Quran are books of Allah, no human being can change these 3 books, Muhammad should learn from Jews and Christians and Jews and Christians should not learn from Muhammad. Why does Allah say in Bible, that Jesus died, and in Quran, Jesus never died? Why is Allah so confused?
3 ) Muslims say that when( Quran 4:157,158 ) soldiers tried to kill Jesus, then Allah lifted jesus up to heaven and changed somebody else look exactly like Jesus and soldiers killed that new Jesus as mistake. So, when Allah already lifted Jesus up to heaven and saved Jesus, then why did Allah need to change somebody else look like Jesus? And Quran 19:33 says that Jesus died hahaha..............
4 ) ZAKIR NAIK, SHABIR ALLY( YOUTUBE ) and some others said that Bible is partly pornography. But I showed above that Quran says, that, ALLAH IS THE AUTHOR of Bible. So, if Bible is a book of pornography, then who is the porn star? Allah? or Muhammad? or both?
5 ) ALL MUSLIMS know that Muhammad married Aysha when Aysha was 6 and Muhammad was 54. And Muhammad did sex with Aysha when Aysha was 9 and Muhammad was 57. ALL MUSLIMS say that Muhammad married Aysha to take care of Aysha. But why marriage? Muhammad could adopt Aysha as daughter or grand daughter.
6 ) Shabir Ally( YOUTUBE ) tries to use John's gospel to prove that Muhammad is in Bible, but he also says that John added many false stories in the gospel. So, if there are false stories in John's gospel, then why does Shabir try to find Muhammad in Bible?
7 ) Quran 7:157 says that Muhammad's name is in Bible. And when we don't find Mohammad in Bible, then Muslims say that we are reading a Bible, corrupted by St Paul. But if St Paul can corrupt Allah's book, then who is more powerful? Allah or St Paul? hahahaha.................
8 ) Quran 17:111 says that Allah has no partner and no son. But if you read Quran 3:45 SLOWLY, ( also 19:34 ) then you will see that Allah has partner( The word ) and also the son( Jesus ). Both. hahahaha..............
9 ) A British Muslim HAMZA MYATT( YOUTUBE ) said that Jesus prayed like Muslims( kneeling down and face on ground ). So, Christians should become Muslims. But actually Muhammad was born almost 600 years after Jesus. So, Jesus didn't pray like Muslims. Muslims prayed like Jesus. And Jesus prayed like Jews. So Muslims should become Christians or Jews.
10 ) ZAKIR NAIK said that - if any Christian can show from Bible that Jesus HIMSELF said, I am God / worship me, Then I am ready to accept Christianity. I said to him in Facebook - If any Muslim can show that Mohammad's name is written in Bible or Jesus said that - I AM NOT GOD, DON'T WORSHIP ME, then I am ready to accept Islam. Plus I showed that in John 20:28, St Thomas called Jesus God and Jesus didn't stop Thomas from calling Jesus God.
11 ) SHABIR ALLY( the best debater in YOUTUBE ) said to Christians - Read Matthew 11 : 11 and John 1 : 27 - Jesus said that anybody who has born from mother is not greater than John. But John said - who is coming after me is greater than me. That means John was talking about Muhammad. My question - was not Muhammd born from mother? hahahaha...........
Jonathan, would you mind giving me your email address so we can discuss a bit more about Christian apologetics and Islam deeper? I live in a Muslim majority country and would like to seek your help in answering certain questions about Islam. There are a few brothers here who used to correspond with me but somehow they got a little busy and became hard to reach.
Many thanks!
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