Thursday, June 23, 2016

Speaking in Florida This Monday (June 27)


Unknown said...

Dr. Wood,

Coming to Florida means coming into gun friendly country. Welcome. Before any issues arise, what will the policy be for those who are legal carry people wanting to attend? Additionally, any parking issues, fees or donations? Any Q&A session? Is this a straight lecture or will there be any religious aspects or expectations from the audience?


Unknown said...

I look forward with great anticipation, David Wood is a major-league apologetic and his insights and absolute knowledge of Islam will make for a rousing and insightful discussion. I'm very excited and plan to attend. Thank you for this wonderful oppitunity, Chris.

Unknown said...

HI DR. Am in Africa Cameroon so i will not make it there but i wish to get the video link when uploaded thanks this is one of my best videos of you

Unknown said...

Dear David
I am very glad to listen to you since the first days of our glitches at random to your show Jesus or Muhammad. After that firs encounter, I became specially after that time more interested on the Islam – you have to know my master degree was on Islamic economy according to the Sharia laws – and how debtors are judged according to the Islamic Customary laws. However I had no idea how none religious is that religion of Islam and how much hatred they holding for the rest of the world and for Jews in particularly – thanks to your teaching I am more educated on the real goal of Islam !
What comfort me is that the Jewish king Yeshua is coming very soon and of all these Jews hatred (Christian an Muslims together) will bow at his feet – probably they will feel very stupid for there hatred …
thank again and keep on your good work
a friend from the holy land

Unknown said...

Will at be Youtube David.

Sisgp said...

Went to their website and no mention of you Dr Wood?

David Wood said...

It wasn't a church event. The church rents the room out.

Sisgp said...

OK thanks, that explains it I hope it was a good evening.