Coming Soon! Shabir Ally vs. Jonathan McLatchie: "Is Jesus God, or is He a Prophet of Islam?"
Dr. Shabir Ally and I will be doing a "round 2" debate this August in Woolwich, London. This year, we will be debating "Is Jesus God, or a Prophet of Islam?" See the poster above for details!
We are fasting and praying for you Brother Jon. May Holy Spirit speak through you as he spoke through the Apostles in the first century. God bless you abundantly
That "The Quran" is a book written by Muslim Allah is total lie (Taqqya). God wrote "Ten Commandments" on stone and witnessed by Moses and thousands of Israelis. But in Quran's case Muhammad neither saw Quran dropped from sky nor he saw God wrote Quran as Moses saw God wrote Ten Commandments on stone. Because Quran has no validity with Holy God of Spirit and Truth, its description about Jesus is also lie. Lie begat lie and thus Quran is not trustworthy. Quran is sinking sand, whoever fall into its teaching must die spiritually.
Shabir Ally said there is no reference in the bible that says the 3 persons of the Godhead are one. He is misleading you. In 1 John 5:7 it says For there are three that bear record in heaven, the father, the word, and the holy ghost, and these the are one. KJV. Many bible versions state this verse has been inserted later but that was before the texts receptus which is now verified to be the oldest manuscript making the KJV correct on this point this validating vs 7 as original scripture as opposed to Westcott and horts deleting of this verse. The dead sea scrolls also attest to this.
When will we see debate between Sam Shamoun and Shabir Ally ?
We are fasting and praying for you Brother Jon. May Holy Spirit speak through you as he spoke through the Apostles in the first century. God bless you abundantly
That "The Quran" is a book written by Muslim Allah is total lie (Taqqya). God wrote "Ten Commandments" on stone and witnessed by Moses and thousands of Israelis. But in Quran's case Muhammad neither saw Quran dropped from sky nor he saw God wrote Quran as Moses saw God wrote Ten Commandments on stone. Because Quran has no validity with Holy God of Spirit and Truth, its description about Jesus is also lie. Lie begat lie and thus Quran is not trustworthy. Quran is sinking sand, whoever fall into its teaching must die spiritually.
Shabir Ally said there is no reference in the bible that says the 3 persons of the Godhead are one. He is misleading you. In 1 John 5:7 it says For there are three that bear record in heaven, the father, the word, and the holy ghost, and these the are one. KJV. Many bible versions state this verse has been inserted later but that was before the texts receptus which is now verified to be the oldest manuscript making the KJV correct on this point this validating vs 7 as original scripture as opposed to Westcott and horts deleting of this verse. The dead sea scrolls also attest to this.
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