Muslim Caller Hears the Gospel and Becomes a Christian
While we were doing a program on the Trinity Channel, a Muslim called in and said that whenever he visits the mosque, he can't stop thinking about Jesus. After answering some of his questions about Jesus, Christianity, and the Gospel, the Muslim caller became a Christian!
The Lord's Name be praised forever! "Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phillippians 1:6).
Why am I a Christian? I am a Christian because I wish to live my future eternal life with Holy God not in Hell where sinners live life “WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH” as Jesus said in Luke 13:28. Life I am enjoying now by my constant breath cannot be end by caseation of breath. Death is beginning of new phase of life like metamorphosis of butterfly from cocoon stage to butterfly full form. Life is more complicated than our general wisdom gives us sense. Life after death is real, whether we believe or not. Once we understand life after death we, with our sincere desire would find who showed true path for eternal life. New convert from Muslim (Jack) found that life thru believing Jesus Christ. May Almighty God bless Jack to see light thru Jesus Christ Who is alpha and omega!
You were found humble, joyful, willing and ready. Precious Brother David, you and Don and our beloved Pastor Joseph were ready when the hour came. Your testimony and your tenderness helped bring life. By the Grace of God everything all of you have said and done here has been captured for all the world to see, for all time. Thank you for every hour of study undertaken by you and the wonderful people of your team. Thank you for every personal and professional sacrifice you've made to get to just this time. Thank you for every prayer you've lifted in The Name that is above every name. Thank you also for your gentleness with Brother Jack. Thank you for remaining steadfast. Thank you for being unashamed of our Lord Jesus. And thanks to ALL of you for being so very ready.
All praise, honor and glory forever be to the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the World. Amen
Praise the LORD. Further proof that Jesus IS whispering to the unsaved. Greatest growth in Christianity is in the muslim world and in China. Bless Jack and may his growth in Christ continue. Keep studying the word Jack. And always, read the bible for yourself. Also Jack, the bible is a book whose words were written by GOD's Holy Spirit. It is not the book that is holy, it is the words uttered by GOD. They are only in a book for us to remember, and recall them, and share them with others. For we Christians do not put faith in material things, but only in Jesus in Heaven. Think on that and how our faith differs from all others.
Hi David, I came across an interesting view from a muslim stating that the method for the authenticity of the Qur’an was based on mutawatir oral narration and that writing from books and papers is the weakest method of narration. It is called ‘wijadah’ amongst the scholars of the methodology of ahadits? Sounds like a cop out to me, how do I respond? I feel that by them using this method, it prevents them from saying that the written qur'an had variants etc...
This is what he said..."The Holy Qur’an is proven authenticate by verbal narration of group of narrators who took it from the mouth of the Prophet (s.a.w.), and memorised it, not by writing and leaves. Writing it down in the seven copies during the time of Sayyidina ‘Utsman ibn ‘Affan (r.a.) in seven copies was not for authentication, because authentication relied on memorisation, and mutawatir, large group narration was the proof of its validity. The maswahif of some swahabah, and they are all trustworthy, had extra words which were rejected by consensus of the swahabah and considered tafsir, commentary and exegesis, not Qur’an. Therefore, we do not have any consideration for any leaves or parchments discovered from the first century even if they were written by a companion of the Prophet (s.a.w.), if they have different or extra words. So, the question posed in Dr. Ayman Suwaid’s comment, “Who wrote it,” is irrelevant and has no impact on the authentication of the Holy Qur’an, even no matter who the writer is; because the Holy Qur’an was proven via mutawatir oral narration. So is the other question which he posed about, “Where was it copied from”; it is irrelevant to the authenticity of the Holy Qur’an. So, when the good doctor said, “Our System is based on who wrote and where from,” here meaning ‘our method’, it is incorrect. Our method for the authenticity of the Qur’an was based on mutawatir oral narration. It is upon this tawatur, the seven copies, which were ordered to be copied by Sayyiduna ‘Utsman (r.a.) relied. These seven copies were later on narrated by mutawatir and were considered source of the authentication of the various qira’at of the Holy Qur'an. So, the condition of mutawatir narration to prove any was later on replaced by finding the verse in one of the seven copies. Finally, narration from books and papers is the weakest method of narration. It is called ‘wijadah’ amongst the scholars of the methodology of ahadits. It does not prove any Qur’an nor the soundness of any hadits. There is a lot more to say but we tried to be brief in these remarks as it is important to draw the attention of Muslims around the world the main method of the authentication of the Qur’an which Allah (s.w.t.) Guaranteed is memorisation and oral narration, not writing."
Praise Jesus.... It is amazing that just after I have been praying specifically for Muslims to open their hearts to Jesus, I come across this great testimony from a Muslim on David's website....
The power of prayer for Muslims is awesome......
Brothers and sisters, Please use this amazing tool to draw more and more hungry Muslims to their saviour.
@Glen Meyer...I think it would be best to watch this gentlemen demolish all what has been taught about the quran and their "prophet" using THEIR OWN SOURCES:
@ Glenn Meyer, Muslims’ prophet Muhammad and his early followers Ṣaḥāba, "The Companions" used the “blind faith” to believe Muhammad without any questions and emphasized “verbal narration of group of narrators” of Quran to cover up truth about Muhammad’s Allah.
Muhammad knew that he had no evidence like Moses’ ten commandments written on stone to prove authentic commandments came from Almighty God Himself not of Moses’ self-made orders. There is no question of believing Moses blindly, because only God could write on stone at that time, when mankind had no advance knowledge on stone cutting. Please note that in Islam, Muhammad presented nothing miraculous signs like Jesus Christ did to proof His deity as Son of God e.g. giving life to three day old dead Lazarus. On the contrary, Muhammad by fear forced Muslims to believe him as prophet. You know empty vessel sounds much, that Muhammad had no power from true God, introduced sever punishment for those who criticize him. Because of this simple reason that Muhammad could not proof his authority from true creator he forced Muslims to believe him blindly and force them to believe verbal narration is more authentic than written with evidence. It is total foolishness. What’s your opinion Glenn?
We thank God for you Jack! How exciting for you. Hold unto this Bible text..qjofe If anyone comes to Me I will in no wise...cast him out...and I will raise him up on the Last Day. Jesus..endquote
+TPaul....Jesus you said if you be lifted up you will draw All Men to were lifted up on the cross..and here online and on Abn you are lufted up again..we ask you to draw muslim mankind to yourself...according to your promise Lord.. draw them by your Holy Spirit..we agree...You said to ask agree in your name and we do. said we will have what we ask...Amen.. Thankyou Jesus!
“…if he goes to the Church and eventually thinks if Buddha, will he become a Buddhist?”- DYFA-HD
@ Do You Fear Allah (DYFA) HD
FYI, I fear Holy God, creator of Heaven and earth seen and unseen matters; all human beings including you Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists as well as Christians, sinners like me are created by Him and makes human beings holy thru believing Jesus Christ and repenting for my weakness for sins. Character of True and Holy God is that He is Almighty (Omnipotent), all known (Omniscient), present everywhere (Omnipresent). God is Kind, Merciful, and Righteous etc. etc. First knowledge, God gave to human being thru Moses by Ten Commandments written in stone tablet that there are no other gods beside Him. Muhammad’s self-proclaimed Allah is one of many human being’s imaginary gods Almighty God forbidden us to reframe from worshipping. Muslims like you not exploring authenticity of Muhammad believed him AND committed sin against God. You agree with me that devil can tempt us in different form, and Muhammad was tempted by devil as Allah and made Muhammad to follow him. Jesus Christ was also tempted three times by devil, referring equations from the Bible to follow devil. But devil failed to convince Jesus and left Him alone. So it is not unusual that Muhammad was tempted by devil and fallen into devil’s trap for greed (multiple women) and power (Muslim umma).
All David Wood’s videos and writings by his websites prove Muhammad’s influenced by devil and devil’s teaching against Holy God, such as to kill all non-Muslims, rape non-Muslim women, Muhammad’s marriage of his daughter-in-law etc. etc., proves Muhammad’s over powered by devil. What do you think? Do You Fear True Holy God, maker of Heaven and earth, who is kind and merciful? Let us hear from you Mr. DYFA-HD. Thanks.
2. I understand where you are coming from. Visions and dreams can be quite subjective - though again I also believe that if we were to ask God to reveal himself to us, he will, through dreams or otherwise. Same goes for praying for miracles. Adherents to any religion or even no religion can claim to pray to any deity and have had their prayer "answered", while the atheist would say science helped create the miracle.
3. If you watched the whole video, you will see that while "Jack" said Jesus appeared to his thoughts in something of a waking dream, David was focusing on the "otherwise". We are making belief not merely a belief anymore (where anyone can believe in any deity they want, mythical or not), but we are now using logic to cement the belief. If Buddha were to appear to him and he wants to follow Buddha, good for him. But then, if he is objective about it, he still has to answer to himself the very questions asked in this video:
a) Who is Buddha to me? Who is Jesus of Nazareth to me? Buddha, while no doubt a wise teacher, never claimed deity. Jesus, also considered a wise teacher, did.
b) Did Jesus of Nazareth die on the cross and rose again? He said he would. If he didn't (as per Quran 4:157), then he must be lying, and therefore cannot be the wise teacher many consider him to be. Then I'm free to follow Buddha or Muhammad or whoever. If he did, then we are forced to accept all the things he said about himself, and conclude that he must be God, and that the Quran is wrong in at least this area.
c) Even if I refuse to use the Gospels to research the truth about this historical event of the death/non-death of Jesus, what do historians say?
This is why I think religion, unlike politics, can be simple. Just like there are primary colours, these are primary questions. If we can honestly answer these three simple questions, then we can go on to the more secondary questions like sin and all that.
Luke 15:7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Praise God! Another soul wrested from Satan's grasp.
Hallelujah! Praise his mighty name.
God bless you, Dr Wood.
Praise God! Welcome, Jack, the angels rejoice!
Hi Dave,
I know that this is an off topic question, but where do I go online to find reliable hadeeths?
I tried looking up sunan Abu said 4498, which mentions that Mohamed ordered the killing of that Jewish women.
So I downloaded two different hadeeth applications from Google play, and both say that Mohamed instead forgive her, I know that's a lie.
The Lord's Name be praised forever! "Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phillippians 1:6).
Welcome beloved to peace with God.
Why am I a Christian? I am a Christian because I wish to live my future eternal life with Holy God not in Hell where sinners live life “WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH” as Jesus said in Luke 13:28. Life I am enjoying now by my constant breath cannot be end by caseation of breath. Death is beginning of new phase of life like metamorphosis of butterfly from cocoon stage to butterfly full form. Life is more complicated than our general wisdom gives us sense. Life after death is real, whether we believe or not. Once we understand life after death we, with our sincere desire would find who showed true path for eternal life. New convert from Muslim (Jack) found that life thru believing Jesus Christ. May Almighty God bless Jack to see light thru Jesus Christ Who is alpha and omega!
You were found humble, joyful, willing and ready. Precious Brother David, you and Don and our beloved Pastor Joseph were ready when the hour came. Your testimony and your tenderness helped bring life. By the Grace of God everything all of you have said and done here has been captured for all the world to see, for all time. Thank you for every hour of study undertaken by you and the wonderful people of your team. Thank you for every personal and professional sacrifice you've made to get to just this time. Thank you for every prayer you've lifted in The Name that is above every name. Thank you also for your gentleness with Brother Jack. Thank you for remaining steadfast. Thank you for being unashamed of our Lord Jesus. And thanks to ALL of you for being so very ready.
All praise, honor and glory forever be to the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the World. Amen
Hallelujah! I'm so happy and excited to hear that good news! To God be the Glory!
Hallelujah praise Jesus Christ! Amen
Praise the LORD. Further proof that Jesus IS whispering to the unsaved. Greatest growth in Christianity is in the muslim world and in China. Bless Jack and may his growth in Christ continue. Keep studying the word Jack. And always, read the bible for yourself. Also Jack, the bible is a book whose words were written by GOD's Holy Spirit. It is not the book that is holy, it is the words uttered by GOD. They are only in a book for us to remember, and recall them, and share them with others. For we Christians do not put faith in material things, but only in Jesus in Heaven. Think on that and how our faith differs from all others.
Hi David, I came across an interesting view from a muslim stating that the method for the authenticity of the Qur’an was based on mutawatir oral narration and that writing from books and papers is the weakest method of narration. It is called ‘wijadah’ amongst the scholars of the methodology of ahadits? Sounds like a cop out to me, how do I respond? I feel that by them using this method, it prevents them from saying that the written qur'an had variants etc...
This is what he said..."The Holy Qur’an is proven authenticate by verbal narration of group of narrators who took it from the mouth of the Prophet (s.a.w.), and memorised it, not by writing and leaves. Writing it down in the seven copies during the time of Sayyidina ‘Utsman ibn ‘Affan (r.a.) in seven copies was not for authentication, because authentication relied on memorisation, and mutawatir, large group narration was the proof of its validity.
The maswahif of some swahabah, and they are all trustworthy, had extra words which were rejected by consensus of the swahabah and considered tafsir, commentary and exegesis, not Qur’an. Therefore, we do not have any consideration for any leaves or parchments discovered from the first century even if they were written by a companion of the Prophet (s.a.w.), if they have different or extra words. So, the question posed in Dr. Ayman Suwaid’s comment, “Who wrote it,” is irrelevant and has no impact on the authentication of the Holy Qur’an, even no matter who the writer is; because the Holy Qur’an was proven via mutawatir oral narration. So is the other question which he posed about, “Where was it copied from”; it is irrelevant to the authenticity of the Holy Qur’an. So, when the good doctor said, “Our System is based on who wrote and where from,” here meaning ‘our method’, it is incorrect.
Our method for the authenticity of the Qur’an was based on mutawatir oral narration. It is upon this tawatur, the seven copies, which were ordered to be copied by Sayyiduna ‘Utsman (r.a.) relied. These seven copies were later on narrated by mutawatir and were considered source of the authentication of the various qira’at of the Holy Qur'an. So, the condition of mutawatir narration to prove any was later on replaced by finding the verse in one of the seven copies.
Finally, narration from books and papers is the weakest method of narration. It is called ‘wijadah’ amongst the scholars of the methodology of ahadits. It does not prove any Qur’an nor the soundness of any hadits. There is a lot more to say but we tried to be brief in these remarks as it is important to draw the attention of Muslims around the world the main method of the authentication of the Qur’an which Allah (s.w.t.) Guaranteed is memorisation and oral narration, not writing."
Praise God. I pray that he will hold steadfast to the calling of our Lord
Praise Jesus.... It is amazing that just after I have been praying specifically for Muslims to open their hearts to Jesus, I come across this great testimony from a Muslim on David's website....
The power of prayer for Muslims is awesome......
Brothers and sisters, Please use this amazing tool to draw more and more hungry Muslims to their saviour.
Amen. Indeed God brings us to Him through Christ
@Glen Meyer...I think it would be best to watch this gentlemen demolish all what has been taught about the quran and their "prophet" using THEIR OWN SOURCES:
@ Glenn Meyer,
Muslims’ prophet Muhammad and his early followers Ṣaḥāba, "The Companions" used the “blind faith” to believe Muhammad without any questions and emphasized “verbal narration of group of narrators” of Quran to cover up truth about Muhammad’s Allah.
Muhammad knew that he had no evidence like Moses’ ten commandments written on stone to prove authentic commandments came from Almighty God Himself not of Moses’ self-made orders. There is no question of believing Moses blindly, because only God could write on stone at that time, when mankind had no advance knowledge on stone cutting. Please note that in Islam, Muhammad presented nothing miraculous signs like Jesus Christ did to proof His deity as Son of God e.g. giving life to three day old dead Lazarus. On the contrary, Muhammad by fear forced Muslims to believe him as prophet. You know empty vessel sounds much, that Muhammad had no power from true God, introduced sever punishment for those who criticize him. Because of this simple reason that Muhammad could not proof his authority from true creator he forced Muslims to believe him blindly and force them to believe verbal narration is more authentic than written with evidence. It is total foolishness. What’s your opinion Glenn?
After reading the post, I ask this critical question, if he goes to the Church and eventually thinks if Buddha, will he become a Buddhist?
Let's ponder before we post.
indeed the Satan have mislead so many people.
May we be protected
We thank God for you Jack! How exciting for you. Hold unto this Bible text..qjofe If anyone comes to Me I will in no wise...cast him out...and I will raise him up on the Last Day. Jesus..endquote
+TPaul....Jesus you said if you be lifted up you will draw All Men to were lifted up on the cross..and here online and on Abn you are lufted up again..we ask you to draw muslim mankind to yourself...according to your promise Lord..
draw them by your Holy Spirit..we agree...You said to ask agree in your name and we do. said we will have what we ask...Amen.. Thankyou Jesus!
“…if he goes to the Church and eventually thinks if Buddha, will he become a Buddhist?”- DYFA-HD
@ Do You Fear Allah (DYFA) HD
FYI, I fear Holy God, creator of Heaven and earth seen and unseen matters; all human beings including you Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists as well as Christians, sinners like me are created by Him and makes human beings holy thru believing Jesus Christ and repenting for my weakness for sins. Character of True and Holy God is that He is Almighty (Omnipotent), all known (Omniscient), present everywhere (Omnipresent). God is Kind, Merciful, and Righteous etc. etc. First knowledge, God gave to human being thru Moses by Ten Commandments written in stone tablet that there are no other gods beside Him. Muhammad’s self-proclaimed Allah is one of many human being’s imaginary gods Almighty God forbidden us to reframe from worshipping. Muslims like you not exploring authenticity of Muhammad believed him AND committed sin against God. You agree with me that devil can tempt us in different form, and Muhammad was tempted by devil as Allah and made Muhammad to follow him. Jesus Christ was also tempted three times by devil, referring equations from the Bible to follow devil. But devil failed to convince Jesus and left Him alone. So it is not unusual that Muhammad was tempted by devil and fallen into devil’s trap for greed (multiple women) and power (Muslim umma).
All David Wood’s videos and writings by his websites prove Muhammad’s influenced by devil and devil’s teaching against Holy God, such as to kill all non-Muslims, rape non-Muslim women, Muhammad’s marriage of his daughter-in-law etc. etc., proves Muhammad’s over powered by devil. What do you think? Do You Fear True Holy God, maker of Heaven and earth, who is kind and merciful? Let us hear from you Mr. DYFA-HD. Thanks.
1. I don't fear Allah.
2. I understand where you are coming from. Visions and dreams can be quite subjective - though again I also believe that if we were to ask God to reveal himself to us, he will, through dreams or otherwise. Same goes for praying for miracles. Adherents to any religion or even no religion can claim to pray to any deity and have had their prayer "answered", while the atheist would say science helped create the miracle.
3. If you watched the whole video, you will see that while "Jack" said Jesus appeared to his thoughts in something of a waking dream, David was focusing on the "otherwise". We are making belief not merely a belief anymore (where anyone can believe in any deity they want, mythical or not), but we are now using logic to cement the belief. If Buddha were to appear to him and he wants to follow Buddha, good for him. But then, if he is objective about it, he still has to answer to himself the very questions asked in this video:
a) Who is Buddha to me? Who is Jesus of Nazareth to me?
Buddha, while no doubt a wise teacher, never claimed deity. Jesus, also considered a wise teacher, did.
b) Did Jesus of Nazareth die on the cross and rose again?
He said he would. If he didn't (as per Quran 4:157), then he must be lying, and therefore cannot be the wise teacher many consider him to be. Then I'm free to follow Buddha or Muhammad or whoever. If he did, then we are forced to accept all the things he said about himself, and conclude that he must be God, and that the Quran is wrong in at least this area.
c) Even if I refuse to use the Gospels to research the truth about this historical event of the death/non-death of Jesus, what do historians say?
This is why I think religion, unlike politics, can be simple. Just like there are primary colours, these are primary questions. If we can honestly answer these three simple questions, then we can go on to the more secondary questions like sin and all that.
Luke 15:7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
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