Incredible story. You never seem like you were a tough guy. God obviously has chosen you. Praise to Him. How is your father doing? I think you've should mention your carrier afterwards the MD school and honors...(As Paul says 2.Cor.12:1 Boasting is necessary, though it is not profitable) Blessings...
God bless you brother. What a moving testimony. I believe the best is yet to come. Lives are being changed for the better by all the extensive studies that you have done and made freely available to all. May the good Lord continue to bless and keep you and all yours.
That's one of the most amazing testimonies I've ever heard David! Thanks so much for sharing it. I would never have guessed it because now you have so much peace and love. When you were halfway through I wasn't sure if you were serious but then I realised you were. It's not your everyday kind of testimony! I'll share this with my God or Absurdity facebook page and put it on my website. ~Brendan Larsen
Quite a story! How could anyone with your intelligence start out so messed up? You must have really changed to have achieved your education and passion. God is so powerful that even your terrible state of mind could be healed.
I'm a 75 yr old retired engineer that accepted Christ in 1980 at the leading of a Draftsman down the hall who took up evangelism explosion training at church.
All my clever questions were answered from the word and I had never heard such truth. So I said: God, if your are there make yourself real to me. So He did and I started the climb from ignorance to knowledge of His glory in Christ.
I spend some of my time reading about his creation and telling others the proof that God is the Creator of the universe, the Logos. The proof is there in His signature of life DNA. God has created the universe for mankind and desires that all would come to the knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ.
Keep up the good work and be careful, you do dangerous work.
You Christians like always are such idiots. Can't you tell it's an artistic elaborate example used to personify an irredeemable psychopathic atheist? David's never bludgeoned someone to death, or been to a super max prison cell or done anything even remotely as violent. There's even published studies that Christians/religious people are the most gullible....fucking idiots lol
Thanks for sharing David. We as Christians sometimes fail to display or retell the weak and broken part of our lives in belief or fear we need to be perfect and display perfection. We want others to see us and our holiness, but in doing so, we fail to show them and point them to Jesus, and his Holiness. We forget it is in our weakness, God's strength is made perfect. In our brokenness and contrition God's grace and power flows all the more. And so does HIS, glory, rather than ours. Jesus identified with the weakness of the human reality. He experienced it to the point of death and murder on the cross. What a great High Priest. Becoming one of us. What great love is this. How blind and deceived are our muslim friends to want to take away and reject so great a salvation foretold in the Hebrew scriptures, and made manifest in the days of the apostles. Jesus is declared to be everything for and unto the believer. All wisdom, the First and the Last. The Author and Finisher. King of Kings. Our Great Shepherd. Great God, Everlasting father, Prince of Peace! Our Lord and Savior. Thanks again for sharing. God really touched me through his testimony through you.
@Don Dan Testimonies are something you believe or not but does not rule out what the person is testifying to/about.
David's never bludgeoned someone to death, or been to a super max prison cell or done anything even remotely as violent. I appreciate the fact that you know all this, cos it seems you know David really well, but will you do me the favour of letting us know the life history of David from you.
There's even published studies that Christians/religious people are the most gullible....fucking idiots lol
Published studies done by who?
Brother David, thanks for sharing part of your testimonies with us. May the God Lord keep, hold and strength you in Jesus Mighty Name.
David why are you pretending to be such a bad ass lol? At your age, are you trying to get street credibility you goofball? When talking that big game, show us some evidence, your mugshot (not the one where u got in Dearborn), case number, judge who sentenced you, district or something.
Even better..tell us where you did time and when? This is the internet, pretty sure if you even tell us that much , someone knows someone in the pen.But I bet it's not cuz you're being one phony motherfucka, you immature con man
1) David had nothing to bring to God. No self-righteousness. He was worthy of God's wrath in its fullest, and he knew it. He had to look away from himself, cling to another ("we who have fled for refuge...").
2) David was not looking for God. He was destroying himself in every way possible. Yet, God sustained him, kept him alive despite so many possibilities of death, and at the time of God's choice, not David's, drew him to Christ.
3) David has been healed. Some might argue even the imago Dei had been wiped from David's experience at a horribly early age. But though it was horribly defaced, it was not wiped out. And God has, in fulfillment of Scripture, taken out that heart of stone and given him a heart of flesh.
4) David's story shocks many people. If it shocks you as a comfortable Christian, you probably don't realize that as horrific as David's actions were---your sins were, and are, just as heinous in God's sight as his. God only saves broken people. Those who think they are whole are the most lost of all.
Thank you David, for posting this. (Well done on every level---well made, well planned, well executed). We could not have more different backgrounds. Our paths to the cross were utterly and completely separate. Except for one thing: the cross was the only place to go, the only place to find peace, the only thing to cling to.
I love David Wood as my Brother in Christ, and I couldn't agree more with Radical Moderate about every ones sins being heinous in God's sight. I had just asked someone if their sins were less sinful? Is there such a thing? I don't believe so. Thank You David for having the amazing courage that you do. God Bless You.
@ David, With your testimony in this video I also see fulfilment of Christ’s sermon of the mount in Mathew 5: 6 “6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.” I am sure like many souls past and present we find purpose of life, accepting Jesus is source of our life, like source of a matter (e.g. gold) is its atom. Life begets life.
Like your name you sound like “ding dong”, means empty vessel sounds much. Atheist won’t acknowledge that they know nothing in compare to total truths in this Universe as Newton acknowledged many years ago and feared God. Atheist proves that “Little learning is dangerous thing”.
I wonder how Don Dan understands his formation in his mother’s womb by normal 10 moth 10 days, without acknowledging history of creation of reproductive system by intelligent design. It is like thinking of a car or a computer without any designer of a manufacturing company. King David acknowledged the truth about human reproductive system acknowledging God’s presence while he was formed in his mother’s womb.
Great testimony and video. Only have one question that's REALLY bothering me...did you know that one guy you sat down with at the end of the video?! J/k ��
David, thank you so much for sharing this! Amazing story. I love how you gave the perspective from a naturalists view, then from a theistic view. Awesome!
David, For the first time am hearing from you a heart touching apologetics. It is really awesome. Usually I see a david who give his talk ( usually evidence based). And i was your fan. I never thought you can also give such beautiful testimonies. Any way this was really awesome
it takes real courage to tell this amasing story. but then again, ive seen all youre video's and know that courage isnt something you lack. youre a light in a rappedly darkening world.
ive translated and shared a few of youre speeches on dutch sites to get you a bigger audience. you have to be heared my friend. all over the world.
I am glad to see the angry comments on your blogs and YouTube. I think that it's the best sign that God is at work in someone's heart. I am discouraged and sad when I share the gospel with someone who does not react at all, but I am always overjoyed when I get vehemence in return, especially anger and "I'll show you!!" or insults as a reaction.
Time and time again, it has been the Holy Spirit at work.
Believers - Let's continue to pray for the salvation of the other commenters and readers. Let's demonstrate the Love of Christ and trust that the Lord will draw them to Himself.
Matthew 5 43 You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
You are a good person with a good heart, David. Humble, gentle and kind. I pray to Allah Almighty that you will see the Light of Islam soon. We all love the Lord Jesus Christ.
I wish you all the best!
Regards, Osama Abdallah
PS: Please be careful when the train is coming :). Going in circles could trip you, GOD forbid.
@smalltallest88 @Nojmul Huda @TPaul @ everybody who just believes shit without analyzing details
Why is nobody even questioning David's story?
Do you realize that attempted murder in the state of New York gets you at least 5 years for a class B felony or 25 fuckin years for a class A felony with NO parole!
David doesn't even mention if he went to state or federal prison, which institution or much less what type of institution he went to, sentence length, sentencing judge, district case, NOTHING!!....
The other thing about prison is that it changes you very quickly and usually for the worse, that shit will fuck you up the longer you stay there, especially when you're doing time for attempted murder. You don't behave the same way in regular society anymore, yet David has never shown any of the rare, bizarre or violent dysfunctions that plagues people who have served time.
Not to mention it's extremely easy for someone to start out with a small sentence and end up serving much, much longer than expected. any REAL convict will quickly tell you how long they were locked up for.David does none of these things.
The last detail that struck me, pun intended,is the way he goes into describing his supposed crime. This is not typical of convict behavior, if you ever get the chance to ask someone who's done a serious crime they'll usually describe it very passingly and superficially. This is not what he does.
So let's get this straight, serving hard time, experiencing the whirlwind of prison life AND a mental institution, and yet Mr. David Wood managed to get a fucking PhD from a prestigious New York institution, while attaining good grades throughout his undergrad and master's degree and being a great roommate with Nabeel Quereshi in their formative years? Not to mention maintaining a marriage while raising 3 children, two with severe illnesses??
I hope David admits that this is some kind of artistic interpretation of whatever the fuck he's trying to do and not pass this off as truth cuz it's a ton of bullshit.
You fucking idiots who believe this story are a bunch of airheaded turkeys, seriously give me a call I have a bridge to sell you.
PS: Last but not least, the only tattoo David's got visible is one of the Alpha and Omega, a christian tattoo. No jail tattoo, nothing else, 95% of inmates doing hard time have ink, yet David doesn't.
In the country where I come from, it's bad for you to say the worst thing about your kids. Do you think if David Wood would lie about his prison studd, he will lie about two of his kids having some severe disease? If you can do that, then don't expect everybody to do it.
The other thing about prison is that it changes you very quickly and usually for the worse, that shit will fuck you up the longer you stay there, especially when you're doing time for attempted murder."
Good you know the prison leaves you even worst but it's not everybody that goes to prison come out worst. Some come out a better and change person because the prison is a place change for the better or change for the worst. David got change for the better cos he met a christian brother who preached the gospel to him. Keep watching that testimony cos I believe it's going to change your fucking thought for good.
"PS: Last but not least, the only tattoo David's got visible is one of the Alpha and Omega, a christian tattoo. No jail tattoo, nothing else, 95% of inmates doing hard time have ink, yet David doesn't."
Let just say David is among the 5% that didn't get himself ink in prison.
look at you making excuses for your demi-god David Wood. Can't you stop being a brainless groupie and just question the story? Like you should question everything else including your own religion?
Dumb people like you make me sick, it's reason why this economy, politics and everything else is going down the ceramic shit hole, you partisan home-team mothafuka.
David's story doesn't make any sense, nobody here even questions the details...pathetic.... there isn't any critical thinking around here, you fundamentalist live up to your dumb reputation.
PS: I do love normal Christians though, great people who do great good for the poor of society.
Osama said - The Light of Islam .. !!!! Hahahahahahaha...ROTFL...Hey Osama, I have found the perfect women for you - Theresa Corbin..The both of you have a lot in common..mostly stupidity..a match made in Heaven by a retarded angel
Don Dan said - Do you realize that attempted murder in the state of New York gets you at least 5 years for a class B felony or 25 fuckin years for a class A felony with NO parole!
David doesn't even mention if he went to state or federal prison, which institution or much less what type of institution he went to, sentence length, sentencing judge, district case, NOTHING!!....
The other thing about prison is that it changes you very quickly and usually for the worse, that shit will fuck you up the longer you stay there, especially when you're doing time for attempted murder. You don't behave the same way in regular society anymore, yet David has never shown any of the rare, bizarre or violent dysfunctions that plagues people who have served time.
Not to mention it's extremely easy for someone to start out with a small sentence and end up serving much, much longer than expected. any REAL convict will quickly tell you how long they were locked up for.David does none of these things.
The last detail that struck me, pun intended,is the way he goes into describing his supposed crime. This is not typical of convict behavior, if you ever get the chance to ask someone who's done a serious crime they'll usually describe it very passingly and superficially. This is not what he does.
So let's get this straight, serving hard time, experiencing the whirlwind of prison life AND a mental institution, and yet Mr. David Wood managed to get a fucking PhD from a prestigious New York institution, while attaining good grades throughout his undergrad and master's degree and being a great roommate with Nabeel Quereshi in their formative years? Not to mention maintaining a marriage while raising 3 children, two with severe illnesses??
I can't think of a single reason to invent such a story. Can you? Do you think David was desperate for some street cred? To what purpose?
I was a bit stunned, but not because of David's behavior in his pre-Christ life. I was stunned because I read this rumor circulating on Muslim websites a few years ago, but chalked it up to another Muslim, another lie (they usually go hand in glove). I put so little stock in the report, I didn't even bother mentioning it to anyone. It was such a bizarre tale, I "knew" it wasn't true. I was stunned to realize that a Muslim broke the news that David confirmed. Muslims won't be honest about Islam, so I expect no honesty from them at all. I guess a stopped clock can be right twice a day. How the Muslims laid hold of this info is open to all of us. You sound so furious in your judgmental (and baseless) accusations, I wonder about the source of your rage and cynicism.
Whom do you think David would be trying to impress with his testimony? He's been pretty impressive thus far, and certainly didn't need to share his testimony with his fans. It hasn't raised or lowered my opinion of him. It certainly hasn't made me unsub from his YT channel; his defense of the Gospel was always solid. Now, I find his Gospel defense a miracle of our Living Lord.
Hurray for the power of Jesus, and hurray for David's rebirth!
David took a very bold step, making him subject to all sorts of Muslim speculation for the rest of his life. I'll probably never be bold enough to share what a spiritual pig I was before the Holy Christ invaded my life and cleaned me up.
Psalm 118:23 This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
Let us rejoice in our Lord and His wonder working power!
People with psychopathic and disturbed personality traits turn to The Lord Jesus Christ and are healed. People with psychotic and diaturbed personality traits turn to Islam and are weaponized. Difference. Hmmm.
I will also say that some people come to a stage where they must choose: either sanity or .. Not sanity. Dave had another chance at sanity. Pray more do. And if Dave is "blowing smoke" his ministry is over. And he knows that.
I have seen people that get furious about testimonies. It's not because the testimonies are not true. People don't believe in testimoines because they have waited so many years of their life to get one thing to testify to but they are too blind to see the grace of God upon their life.
Am so sorry cos people like you think all testimonies are false cos you live all your live believing lie.
I am pretty sure, with all the people that hate David and his work, that there will be a small army of motivated fact-checkers looking for lies or embellishments or even areas where doubt can be cast upon his integrity, sanity, or intelligence. So I will not engage in rash judgemental accusations. I have no means to verify or disprove his story. I will note that his descriptions of the processes of thought that demonstrate a remarkable tendency to a sociopathic solipsistic understanding of reality. Those are scary people. That he would admit this kind of defect is a hint that he had an idea that others would distorting his life and slandering him. Otherwise, to expose this kind of information has no positive impact on a ministry like David's. That some are so virulently hostile to his risky step might be indicative of frustration over foiled plans.
You're clearly a big hypocrite speaking in two tongues. You claim that we ALL love Jesus but yet you insulted him on your own website. But then again you're a muslim and having a fork tongue is intrinsic to allah worshippers..
(1) Osama Abdallah said... You are a good person with a good heart, David. Humble, gentle and kind. I pray to Allah Almighty that you will see the Light of Islam soon. We all love the Lord Jesus Christ. I wish you all the best! Regards, Osama Abdallah PS: Please be careful when the train is coming :). Going in circles could trip you, GOD forbid. December 13, 2014 at 6:01 AM
Now let's look at what this snake tongue said about Jesus on his website..
(2) Jesus probably fell also weak sexually. Him being a virgin for 33 years probably weighed very heavily on him. He probably: 1- Masturbated. 2- Wished if he was a partner of a woman. Outside your bible we have an account of him kissing Mary Magdalene on the mouth.
That's how weak Christ was. So to all of the polytheist trinitarian pagans out there, I sincerely invite you to dump this pagan and false belief of yours and to embrace Islam.
So to all the pagan islamites out there that believe the crap this pagan muslim propagate think again..
The above taken from unless of course the snake has moved this link to hide his hypocrisy
Are you aware there's medication in this day and age for bipolar disorders. Shame you're so bitter. I'm afraid to even ask if there's anything beautiful in your world ( pun intended).
You seem to know a lot about prison poor angry boy. Is that your home away from home.
Now dumb dumb take two tablets and call me in the morning.
Oh now we see the problem here. The poor angry boy has a mental disorder and dark homosexual fantasies.
No wonder you know so much about prison angry boy. I take it you didn't take your tablets poor angry boy shame.
Now poor angry boy, I'm curious can you tell us something positive in your live. Please leave out your dark homosexual fantasies.
And this time take four tablets angry boy seems to me the two are to weak for you. Oh by the way do you dress up for your fellow inmates, lipstick and all angry boy.
Let's all remember that without Christ we would all be bitter, resentful and hateful just like some of the bloggers here. So let us not be harsh & critical of such people. It is these very people like David that God can one day transform to be His glorious witnesses. This blog can be a platform to shine the love of God. Lets not harm David's ministry by being unchristlike. Remember that Jesus came to call the sinners to repentance not the righteous. Which one are we?
Incredible story.
You never seem like you were a tough guy.
God obviously has chosen you. Praise to Him.
How is your father doing?
I think you've should mention your carrier afterwards the MD school and honors...(As Paul says 2.Cor.12:1 Boasting is necessary, though it is not profitable)
I especially loved the last 5 minutes.
Just one word- POWERFUL!
God bless you brother. What a moving testimony. I believe the best is yet to come.
Lives are being changed for the better by all the extensive studies that you have done and made freely available to all.
May the good Lord continue to bless and keep you and all yours.
God's redeeming grace is amazing.
Praise the LORD, amazing testimony.LORD does move in mysterious ways.
That's one of the most amazing testimonies I've ever heard David! Thanks so much for sharing it. I would never have guessed it because now you have so much peace and love. When you were halfway through I wasn't sure if you were serious but then I realised you were. It's not your everyday kind of testimony! I'll share this with my God or Absurdity facebook page and put it on my website.
~Brendan Larsen
Dear Dave,
Quite a story! How could anyone with your intelligence start out so messed up? You must have really changed to have achieved your education and passion. God is so powerful that even your terrible state of mind could be healed.
I'm a 75 yr old retired engineer that accepted Christ in 1980 at the leading of a Draftsman down the hall who took up evangelism explosion training at church.
All my clever questions were answered from the word and I had never heard such truth. So I said: God, if your are there make yourself real to me. So He did and I started the climb from ignorance to knowledge of His
glory in Christ.
I spend some of my time reading about his creation and telling others the proof that God is the Creator of the universe, the Logos. The proof is there in His signature of life DNA. God has created the universe for mankind and desires that all would come to the knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ.
Keep up the good work and be careful, you do dangerous work.
Dave Richards
You Christians like always are such idiots. Can't you tell it's an artistic elaborate example used to personify an irredeemable psychopathic atheist? David's never bludgeoned someone to death, or been to a super max prison cell or done anything even remotely as violent.
There's even published studies that Christians/religious people are the most gullible....fucking idiots lol
Thanks for sharing David. We as Christians sometimes fail to display or retell the weak and broken part of our lives in belief or fear we need to be perfect and display perfection. We want others to see us and our holiness, but in doing so, we fail to show them and point them to Jesus, and his Holiness. We forget it is in our weakness, God's strength is made perfect. In our brokenness and contrition God's grace and power flows all the more. And so does HIS, glory, rather than ours. Jesus identified with the weakness of the human reality. He experienced it to the point of death and murder on the cross. What a great High Priest. Becoming one of us. What great love is this. How blind and deceived are our muslim friends to want to take away and reject so great a salvation foretold in the Hebrew scriptures, and made manifest in the days of the apostles. Jesus is declared to be everything for and unto the believer. All wisdom, the First and the Last. The Author and Finisher. King of Kings. Our Great Shepherd. Great God, Everlasting father, Prince of Peace! Our Lord and Savior. Thanks again for sharing. God really touched me through his testimony through you.
Yah know, sometimes I hear someones testimony, and my sinful nature says, "Wow Why didn't I think of that".
But listening to David Wood testimony I have to say, "By the grace of God I never thought of that."
David Wood you where one creepy dude. I mean dye you hair orange walk into a movie theater with an assault rifle kind of creepy.
Amazing what the LORD has done really AMAZING. "AS WHERE SOME OF YOU", AMEN AMEN AMEN
Wow! That blew me away! Thanks, David, and God bless you in your ministry.
Wonderful testimony, I watched it four times. God is amazing!
@Don Dan
Testimonies are something you believe or not but does not rule out what the person is testifying to/about.
David's never bludgeoned someone to death, or been to a super max prison cell or done anything even remotely as violent.
I appreciate the fact that you know all this, cos it seems you know David really well, but will you do me the favour of letting us know the life history of David from you.
There's even published studies that Christians/religious people are the most gullible....fucking idiots lol
Published studies done by who?
Brother David, thanks for sharing part of your testimonies with us. May the God Lord keep, hold and strength you in Jesus Mighty Name.
David why are you pretending to be such a bad ass lol? At your age, are you trying to get street credibility you goofball?
When talking that big game, show us some evidence, your mugshot (not the one where u got in Dearborn), case number, judge who sentenced you, district or something.
Even better..tell us where you did time and when? This is the internet, pretty sure if you even tell us that much , someone knows someone in the pen.But I bet it's not cuz you're being one phony motherfucka, you immature con man
I think Dr White said it the best.
A powerful argument for the Gospel. How?
1) David had nothing to bring to God. No self-righteousness. He was worthy of God's wrath in its fullest, and he knew it. He had to look away from himself, cling to another ("we who have fled for refuge...").
2) David was not looking for God. He was destroying himself in every way possible. Yet, God sustained him, kept him alive despite so many possibilities of death, and at the time of God's choice, not David's, drew him to Christ.
3) David has been healed. Some might argue even the imago Dei had been wiped from David's experience at a horribly early age. But though it was horribly defaced, it was not wiped out. And God has, in fulfillment of Scripture, taken out that heart of stone and given him a heart of flesh.
4) David's story shocks many people. If it shocks you as a comfortable Christian, you probably don't realize that as horrific as David's actions were---your sins were, and are, just as heinous in God's sight as his. God only saves broken people. Those who think they are whole are the most lost of all.
Thank you David, for posting this. (Well done on every level---well made, well planned, well executed). We could not have more different backgrounds. Our paths to the cross were utterly and completely separate. Except for one thing: the cross was the only place to go, the only place to find peace, the only thing to cling to.
I love David Wood as my Brother in Christ, and I couldn't agree more with Radical Moderate about every ones sins being heinous in God's sight. I had just asked someone if their sins were less sinful? Is there such a thing? I don't believe so. Thank You David for having the amazing courage that you do. God Bless You.
@ David,
With your testimony in this video I also see fulfilment of Christ’s sermon of the mount in Mathew 5: 6 “6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.” I am sure like many souls past and present we find purpose of life, accepting Jesus is source of our life, like source of a matter (e.g. gold) is its atom. Life begets life.
@ Don Dan,
Like your name you sound like “ding dong”, means empty vessel sounds much. Atheist won’t acknowledge that they know nothing in compare to total truths in this Universe as Newton acknowledged many years ago and feared God. Atheist proves that “Little learning is dangerous thing”.
I wonder how Don Dan understands his formation in his mother’s womb by normal 10 moth 10 days, without acknowledging history of creation of reproductive system by intelligent design. It is like thinking of a car or a computer without any designer of a manufacturing company. King David acknowledged the truth about human reproductive system acknowledging God’s presence while he was formed in his mother’s womb.
@Don Dan, why would David Wood make this up? If it is fraud his ministry to muslims is over.
Great testimony and video. Only have one question that's REALLY bothering me...did you know that one guy you sat down with at the end of the video?! J/k ��
Great testimony. This really happened. Thank you for sharing David. Auke Feitsma from the Netherlands
Your conversion is real. Thank you for sharing... thank you for witnessing. God bless.
David, thank you so much for sharing this! Amazing story. I love how you gave the perspective from a naturalists view, then from a theistic view. Awesome!
Dear David
Thank you
David, For the first time am hearing from you a heart touching apologetics. It is really awesome. Usually I see a david who give his talk ( usually evidence based). And i was your fan. I never thought you can also give such beautiful testimonies. Any way this was really awesome
hello david,
it takes real courage to tell this amasing story. but then again, ive seen all youre video's and know that courage isnt something you lack. youre a light in a rappedly darkening world.
ive translated and shared a few of youre speeches on dutch sites to get you a bigger audience. you have to be heared my friend. all over the world.
greetings and blessings to you and youre family,
Don Dan,
You are an angry man .... You need Jesus!
Great testimony David, No one would have believed that you could be so bad, had it not been for this Amazing testimony.
Hope can be found in only one person .... Jesus Christ !
Um ... wow... Though, I'm assuming this story is a kind of metaphor?
You are still a pagan cross worshipper doesn't matter how you came to this PAEDOPHILE religion al your teachers abuse little boys bloody homosexuals
Wow...prince seem upset with Christianity? What happened? Care to share? Would you also like some cookies and a glass of milk?
I am glad to see the angry comments on your blogs and YouTube. I think that it's the best sign that God is at work in someone's heart. I am discouraged and sad when I share the gospel with someone who does not react at all, but I am always overjoyed when I get vehemence in return, especially anger and "I'll show you!!" or insults as a reaction.
Time and time again, it has been the Holy Spirit at work.
Believers - Let's continue to pray for the salvation of the other commenters and readers. Let's demonstrate the Love of Christ and trust that the Lord will draw them to Himself.
Matthew 5
43 You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
I would like to see the interview that starts at the end, too.
Thanks for sharing. Jesus is our merciful savior. To him be Glory and Honor forever and ever.
God bless you David you are chosen by God for spreading good news to the world.keep going my brother.
You are a good person with a good heart, David. Humble, gentle and kind. I pray to Allah Almighty that you will see the Light of Islam soon. We all love the Lord Jesus Christ.
I wish you all the best!
Osama Abdallah
PS: Please be careful when the train is coming :). Going in circles could trip you, GOD forbid.
@Nojmul Huda
@ everybody who just believes shit without analyzing details
Why is nobody even questioning David's story?
Do you realize that attempted murder in the state of New York gets you at least 5 years for a class B felony or 25 fuckin years for a class A felony with NO parole!
David doesn't even mention if he went to state or federal prison, which institution or much less what type of institution he went to, sentence length, sentencing judge, district case, NOTHING!!....
The other thing about prison is that it changes you very quickly and usually for the worse, that shit will fuck you up the longer you stay there, especially when you're doing time for attempted murder. You don't behave the same way in regular society anymore, yet David has never shown any of the rare, bizarre or violent dysfunctions that plagues people who have served time.
Not to mention it's extremely easy for someone to start out with a small sentence and end up serving much, much longer than expected. any REAL convict will quickly tell you how long they were locked up for.David does none of these things.
The last detail that struck me, pun intended,is the way he goes into describing his supposed crime. This is not typical of convict behavior, if you ever get the chance to ask someone who's done a serious crime they'll usually describe it very passingly and superficially. This is not what he does.
So let's get this straight, serving hard time, experiencing the whirlwind of prison life AND a mental institution, and yet Mr. David Wood managed to get a fucking PhD from a prestigious New York institution, while attaining good grades throughout his undergrad and master's degree and being a great roommate with Nabeel Quereshi in their formative years? Not to mention maintaining a marriage while raising 3 children, two with severe illnesses??
I hope David admits that this is some kind of artistic interpretation of whatever the fuck he's trying to do and not pass this off as truth cuz it's a ton of bullshit.
You fucking idiots who believe this story are a bunch of airheaded turkeys, seriously give me a call I have a bridge to sell you.
PS: Last but not least, the only tattoo David's got visible is one of the Alpha and Omega, a christian tattoo. No jail tattoo, nothing else, 95% of inmates doing hard time have ink, yet David doesn't.
@Don Ding or Dong dong
In the country where I come from, it's bad for you to say the worst thing about your kids. Do you think if David Wood would lie about his prison studd, he will lie about two of his kids having some severe disease? If you can do that, then don't expect everybody to do it.
The other thing about prison is that it changes you very quickly and usually for the worse, that shit will fuck you up the longer you stay there, especially when you're doing time for attempted murder."
Good you know the prison leaves you even worst but it's not everybody that goes to prison come out worst. Some come out a better and change person because the prison is a place change for the better or change for the worst. David got change for the better cos he met a christian brother who preached the gospel to him. Keep watching that testimony cos I believe it's going to change your fucking thought for good.
"PS: Last but not least, the only tattoo David's got visible is one of the Alpha and Omega, a christian tattoo. No jail tattoo, nothing else, 95% of inmates doing hard time have ink, yet David doesn't."
Let just say David is among the 5% that didn't get himself ink in prison.
Peace! Peace!! Peace!!!
@ smalltallest88
@ the rest of you
look at you making excuses for your demi-god David Wood. Can't you stop being a brainless groupie and just question the story? Like you should question everything else including your own religion?
Dumb people like you make me sick, it's reason why this economy, politics and everything else is going down the ceramic shit hole, you partisan home-team mothafuka.
David's story doesn't make any sense, nobody here even questions the details...pathetic....
there isn't any critical thinking around here, you fundamentalist live up to your dumb reputation.
PS: I do love normal Christians though, great people who do great good for the poor of society.
Osama said - The Light of Islam .. !!!! Hahahahahahaha...ROTFL...Hey Osama, I have found the perfect women for you - Theresa Corbin..The both of you have a lot in common..mostly stupidity..a match made in Heaven by a retarded angel
Don Dan said - Do you realize that attempted murder in the state of New York gets you at least 5 years for a class B felony or 25 fuckin years for a class A felony with NO parole!
David doesn't even mention if he went to state or federal prison, which institution or much less what type of institution he went to, sentence length, sentencing judge, district case, NOTHING!!....
The other thing about prison is that it changes you very quickly and usually for the worse, that shit will fuck you up the longer you stay there, especially when you're doing time for attempted murder. You don't behave the same way in regular society anymore, yet David has never shown any of the rare, bizarre or violent dysfunctions that plagues people who have served time.
Not to mention it's extremely easy for someone to start out with a small sentence and end up serving much, much longer than expected. any REAL convict will quickly tell you how long they were locked up for.David does none of these things.
The last detail that struck me, pun intended,is the way he goes into describing his supposed crime. This is not typical of convict behavior, if you ever get the chance to ask someone who's done a serious crime they'll usually describe it very passingly and superficially. This is not what he does.
So let's get this straight, serving hard time, experiencing the whirlwind of prison life AND a mental institution, and yet Mr. David Wood managed to get a fucking PhD from a prestigious New York institution, while attaining good grades throughout his undergrad and master's degree and being a great roommate with Nabeel Quereshi in their formative years? Not to mention maintaining a marriage while raising 3 children, two with severe illnesses??
Have you done time Don Dan ?
To Don Dan:
I can't think of a single reason to invent such a story. Can you? Do you think David was desperate for some street cred? To what purpose?
I was a bit stunned, but not because of David's behavior in his pre-Christ life. I was stunned because I read this rumor circulating on Muslim websites a few years ago, but chalked it up to another Muslim, another lie (they usually go hand in glove). I put so little stock in the report, I didn't even bother mentioning it to anyone. It was such a bizarre tale, I "knew" it wasn't true. I was stunned to realize that a Muslim broke the news that David confirmed. Muslims won't be honest about Islam, so I expect no honesty from them at all. I guess a stopped clock can be right twice a day. How the Muslims laid hold of this info is open to all of us. You sound so furious in your judgmental (and baseless) accusations, I wonder about the source of your rage and cynicism.
Whom do you think David would be trying to impress with his testimony? He's been pretty impressive thus far, and certainly didn't need to share his testimony with his fans. It hasn't raised or lowered my opinion of him. It certainly hasn't made me unsub from his YT channel; his defense of the Gospel was always solid. Now, I find his Gospel defense a miracle of our Living Lord.
Hurray for the power of Jesus, and hurray for David's rebirth!
David took a very bold step, making him subject to all sorts of Muslim speculation for the rest of his life. I'll probably never be bold enough to share what a spiritual pig I was before the Holy Christ invaded my life and cleaned me up.
Psalm 118:23 This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
Let us rejoice in our Lord and His wonder working power!
People with psychopathic and disturbed personality traits turn to The Lord Jesus Christ and are healed. People with psychotic and diaturbed personality traits turn to Islam and are weaponized. Difference. Hmmm.
I will also say that some people come to a stage where they must choose: either sanity or .. Not sanity. Dave had another chance at sanity. Pray more do. And if Dave is "blowing smoke" his ministry is over. And he knows that.
@Don Dan
You sound so furious. Why?
I have seen people that get furious about testimonies. It's not because the testimonies are not true. People don't believe in testimoines because they have waited so many years of their life to get one thing to testify to but they are too blind to see the grace of God upon their life.
Am so sorry cos people like you think all testimonies are false cos you live all your live believing lie.
@ smalltallest
So you're saying I'm jealous of David's story? lol you don't even know me.
I don't think all testimonies are false, I just think David's is at best an artistic reinterpretation and at worst an outright lie.
I can't believe you wouldn't even question his "testimony" and refuse to do so only because it has a Christian attachment to it.
You guys are sheeps and you don't even know it
I am pretty sure, with all the people that hate David and his work, that there will be a small army of motivated fact-checkers looking for lies or embellishments or even areas where doubt can be cast upon his integrity, sanity, or intelligence. So I will not engage in rash judgemental accusations. I have no means to verify or disprove his story. I will note that his descriptions of the processes of thought that demonstrate a remarkable tendency to a sociopathic solipsistic understanding of reality. Those are scary people. That he would admit this kind of defect is a hint that he had an idea that others would distorting his life and slandering him. Otherwise, to expose this kind of information has no positive impact on a ministry like David's.
That some are so virulently hostile to his risky step might be indicative of frustration over foiled plans.
@Do dan
Why are you so furious?
We're sheeps cos we know the good shepherd is leading us to heaven. You continue been a goat.
i always know that you were a sick person and this shows that i was right all along
@Don Dan,
"@ everybody who just believes shit without analyzing detail"
You might want to inspect some of your own beliefs there champ.
"@Do dan
Why are you so furious?"
Because David blasphemed Don Dan's sacred atheistic beliefs.
@Osama abdallah.
You're clearly a big hypocrite speaking in two tongues. You claim that we ALL love Jesus but yet you insulted him on your own website. But then again you're a muslim and having a fork tongue is intrinsic to allah worshippers..
(1) Osama Abdallah said...
You are a good person with a good
heart, David. Humble, gentle and
kind. I pray to Allah Almighty that
you will see the Light of Islam soon.
We all love the Lord Jesus Christ.
I wish you all the best!
Osama Abdallah
PS: Please be careful when the train
is coming :). Going in circles could
trip you, GOD forbid.
December 13, 2014 at 6:01 AM
Now let's look at what this snake tongue said about Jesus on his website..
(2) Jesus probably fell also weak sexually. Him being a virgin for 33
years probably weighed very heavily on him.
He probably:
1- Masturbated.
2- Wished if he was a partner of a woman. Outside your bible we have an account of him kissing Mary Magdalene on the mouth.
That's how weak Christ was. So to all of the polytheist trinitarian pagans out there, I sincerely invite you to dump this pagan and false belief of yours and to embrace Islam.
So to all the pagan islamites out there that believe the crap this pagan muslim propagate think again..
The above taken from unless of course the snake has moved this link to hide his hypocrisy
In Christ, for Christ, by Christ
@Dumb Dumb I mean don dan.
Are you aware there's medication in this day and age for bipolar disorders. Shame you're so bitter. I'm afraid to even ask if there's anything beautiful in your world ( pun intended).
You seem to know a lot about prison poor angry boy. Is that your home away from home.
Now dumb dumb take two tablets and call me in the morning.
In Christ, for Christ, by Christ
@jericho fallen
You sound like a homosexual if you want me to call you first thing in the morning and tell you the whereabouts of my household.
Maybe you wish you were in prison like phony-David, so you could satisfy your urges like most religious closeted gays.
Also how do you even dare to call others dumb, when you are clearly retarded by your terrible attempts at humor? Go "pray your gay away" you filth.
And yes, there's lots of beauty in the world but u wouldn't understand since u only know about asking men online for their whereabouts.
@ Dumb Dumb
Oh now we see the problem here. The poor angry boy has a mental disorder and dark homosexual fantasies.
No wonder you know so much about prison angry boy. I take it you didn't take your tablets poor angry boy shame.
Now poor angry boy, I'm curious can you tell us something positive in your live. Please leave out your dark homosexual fantasies.
And this time take four tablets angry boy seems to me the two are to weak for you. Oh by the way do you dress up for your fellow inmates, lipstick and all angry boy.
Keep well little angry lady I mean boy.
In Christ, for Christ, by Christ
@ Dumb Dumb the angry boy.
Do you know what's exorcism? You need one badly to get rid of your dark sexual fantasy and mental disorder.
But first we need permission from the prison authorities neh angry boy.
Now, angry boy tell us something good and positive in your little angry life there please. I'm curious.
In Christ, for Christ, by Christ
Let's all remember that without Christ we would all be bitter, resentful and hateful just like some of the bloggers here. So let us not be harsh & critical of such people. It is these very people like David that God can one day transform to be His glorious witnesses. This blog can be a platform to shine the love of God. Lets not harm David's ministry by being unchristlike. Remember that Jesus came to call the sinners to repentance not the righteous. Which one are we?
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