Monday, December 15, 2014

Theresa Corbin, CNN, and the Myth of the Muslim Feminist

Here's a recent episode of "Jesus or Muhammad?" discussing Theresa Corbin's claim to be a "Muslim feminist."


MustSee said...

Must see. Tarek Fatah discusses the ‪#‎illridewithyou‬ Muslim victimhood propagators. Explains what is really going on;

WhatsUpDoc said...

This Theresa Corbin is nothing. There are lot more nuttier White British women. My favorite is Ruquia Waris Maqsood along with Mariam Cerreh and Christiana Bacher. They throw Hadith after Hadith that do not exist.

David said...

The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind."

Theresa Corbin is living proof that Islam is true!!!! ;-)

Unknown said...

David you hit the nail on the head. I guess Theresa Corbin is like alice in wonderland. Hoping that someday all her wishes will come true. If she is half a muslim feminist as she thinks she should take a brief holiday to the birthplace of her prophet and openly profess her feminist values.... I bet she will change her mind so quickly about islam unless of course she is as mohammmed said of her intellect. These so called neo liberals. what a shame

zeni4444 said...

I have a question for this recently pseudo-enlightened Mrs. Theresa Corbin (I hope, as a feminist, she retained her surname after being married): If Allah was so "Akbar" (Great) and revered what might be so-called islamic feminism, why wouldn't Allah grant all of the Saudi Arabian women a driver's license today???? Oouww... Perhaps Allah has been just too busy sprucing up those seventy two virgins (or the correct quranic interpretation for it was seventy two dates, not virgins!!! wish they were heavenly virgins!!!) for the endless streaming of muslim suicide bombers queuing anxiously at the islamic paradise gate, I guess.... By the way, the reference of 'virgins' goes to show how the role of female even in islamic paradise is reduced to merely a function of fulfilling muslim males unsatisfying libido!!!!