Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Testimony: Pastor Said Oujibou

Here's a brief testimony by Pastor Said Oujibou, who left Islam and now preaches the Gospel to Muslims in France (French with English subtitles).


Don Dan said...

wow these arabs, muslim or christian fanatiscism is in their dna

Ahmad said...

immm i have seen the holy Prophet and Jesus together ! hence I am now a Muslim


Dragon said...

It shows that the world has hope coz the Immam chose Christ and has discarded the Anti-Christ = Mohammed

Unknown said...

“...i have seen the holy Prophet and Jesus together!”- Ahmad
You are lying, where did you see your holy prophet Muhammad?

As per Quran, Muhammad proved to be a false prophet, because he was killed by poison by eating poisonous lamb meat cooked by a Jewish woman. So Muhammad is not in heaven. Because of this, all Muslims pray for Muhammad to be in heaven after each prayer to your Allah. Can you deny this Muslim faith?

But on the contrary Jesus Christ is now in Heaven and sitting at right hand of God, the Almighty. You cannot see a person (Muhammad) living in hell as well as a person living in Heaven (Jesus Christ) together, you are lying. You will be in Hell if you still believe Muhammad, who is now in hell. But Jesus is calling you from Heaven, because He is now in Heaven.

Wish you and every other “Answering Muslims” readers a meaningful spiritual life with close to Holy God and prosperous and happy New Year 2015!

Unknown said...

Jesus is Lord! The bible says when the enemy rises up, God will raise up a standard against it.
The Church is marching on and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
God bless you all.

Dacritic said...

Suddenly a thought here. Besides getting to talk to Obama, the other way I can think of of getting the global public to be more aware of Islam is to make a movie about Muhammad, following closely to the Quran the Hadiths. In the movie, for every atrocity he committed, a Quranic or Hadith verse be can shown on screen. It really doesn't matter if the Islamic nations ban it. Just to create more awareness and attention (via possible controversy it has to be said) about Islam.

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