Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Was Muhammad a Prophet?

Several weeks ago I was in Phoenix, Arizona where I participated in two debates with Andrew Livingston, a Western convert to Islam and a writer for Taqwamagazine.com. Andrew has been promoting Islam and attacking Christianity for quite some time, even longer than his current penname would suggest, so I was more than happy to accept his challenge to debate.

The first debate we did addressed the following question: “Was Muhammad a Prophet?” The second debate asked, “What Did Jesus Say About Himself?” The first of these two debates can be viewed on the home page of Ministry to Muslims and was moderated by Sam Shamoun.

After watching, please come back and leave your feedback.


Radical Moderate said...

Wow what a devastating positive statement by Anthony Rogers. Great job of proving that the god of the Quran is self contradictory. Shirk or Shorn great tag line.

Its a shame we can not find any worthy opponents for Anthony Rogers from the Muslim side.

Tom said...

Oh my word, this guy Andrew, is way over his head.

He came out wildly swinging, that the Bible is unreliable, which effectively as far as I am concerned, gave muhammad the biggest rejection slip, ever... because the koran attests that the Bible is the word of God or was Sent by God!

He has no clue.. what was going on.... I think muslims believe this is another form, of "jihad" being sacrificed to the extend that you are looked upon as a imbecile & puerile, lacking any sign of intelligence!

David Wood said...


Is there some reason this is on some weird video hosting site rather than on YouTube? Should I add it to YouTube?

QuranIsCorrupt2 said...

Even though Anthony did a great job defending against Andrew's point...he didn't explain the many examples proving Muhammad was not a prophet. I could do it in a matter of five minutes.

Anthony Rogers said...


The person who put this debate up made the decision to put it on Vimeo. I tried to download it so I could put it on Youtube but I could not figure out how. If you can figure it out, that would be great.

Truth Defenders said...

Anthony Rogers did a fantastic job. Poor David Livingstone (aka: the Tadpole) was simply unprepared for a public defense and rebuttal.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Rogers, my brother in Christ, you are a GODSEND! Muslims MUST be confronted on what they mean by "ONE." This is something that needs to be pounded over and over and over again.

It's easy to say God is "one," but Muslim cannot explain it wihtout telling us what it's not!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I cannot begin to tell you how devastating this is for Muslims, bu tthen again Muslims do not operate on logic.

Anonymous said...

Could Anthony Rogers be the Christian Zakir Naik minus the stupidity of Zakir Naik?

Anonymous said...

How pathetic are these traitorous apostates. Culturally confused wannabe-arabs.

Anonymous said...

Also to note. NO MUSLIM CAN RELY ON THE QURAN AS SUFFICIENT ON ITS OWN TO NOT ONLY KNOW HOW TO BE A PRACTICING MUSLIM, BUT AS A SOURCE THAT CAN BE USED TO INTERPRET ITS OWN TEXT! Brother Rogers is right. It doesn't matter how "eloquent" the book is written or how poetic it sounds when recited, the Quran has NO substance. These are simply superficial aspects used to seduce people into this satanic religion.

Anthony Rogers said...


I gave three reasons for rejecting Muhammad's pretensions to prophethood, all of which revolve around Islam's central doctrine or ultimate presupposition: Tawhid. I pointed out that: 1) Islam's doctrine of God is incoherent and conflicts with its own teaching on Allah's oneness; 2) the Qur'an, as an allegedly eternal book that is either extra-deical or intra-deical, violates Allah's alleged oneness; and 3) Muhammad, who exalted himself alongside of his deity as someone who is to be absolutely obeyed and submitted to and who even aspired to sit on Allah's throne, violates Tawhid.

My reasoning is simple:

P1: Any worldview plagued by internal inconsistencies, especially as touching its core notion, i.e. Tawhid, cannot be a revelation from the true God.

P2: Muhammad proclaimed a worldview that is plagued by internal inconsistencies, especially as touching its core notion, i.e. Tawhid.

Conclusion: Muhammad's religion is not a revelation from the true God.

I certainly grant that there are other arguments to be made against Muhammad. I would also say that some of the other arguments are easier to understand and can be made quickly. At the same time, there are many good reasons for bringing up the issues I did in this debate. I won't list them all at this time...with the exception of the following: David Wood, Sam Shamoun, and many others have already brought up many of these other arguments to the absolute devastation of the Islamic position. People can go watch those debates and glean a great deal of material to use against Islam. I wanted to add to the large pile of problems for Islam other problems that are not as well known, but which are nevertheless absolutely devastating once you understand the arguments, and especially when you take into account how central Tawhid is to the Muslim mind.

Anonymous said...

Brother Anthony Rogers, do you follow Tyrese Gibson on facebook? He has 21 million followers and it seems like he's been seduced into Islam. There is a possibility that he may convert. Can you guys make a "da-wah" video showing him how Christ is the truth, the way, the light? We have some challenges because any criticism of people or ideology brings up the stereotypical "stop judging" comments from self-hating and ignorant christians and atheists. Muslims have a way of insulting christians and conveying the message of islam at the same time that is palatable to the masses. interesting how that works, huh? We need to figure out a way to convey christ and speaking his truth without looking insulting or jdugmental.

gcm said...

First of all, I was deeply disappointed in Livingston's refusal to answer, by way of Islamic sources alone, the central question being debated. To claim that Jewish and Christian scriptures are revised, and that God is anthropomorphised, states nothing about Mohammed. Has it ever occurred to this person that even revision may be divinely inspired? He questions not to know, but to deceive.
Second, in your positive statement, you talked about the confounded relationship between the deity and the prophet. An excellent point, as I have observed that Muslims confound institutional and patriarchal authority with divine command constantly. There is no division between the sacred and worldly in their minds. And yet, they have cut from such frail cloth, a division between sacred and profane that is designed to sanctify nothing and protect the worldly institutions Muslims confound with God.
That said, another possible question for debate is: to what does any Muslim submit? God, or the Ummah?

Unknown said...

WOW! This was fantastic! I look forward to when someone can put this on YouTube!

David Wood said...

That will be tonight, Caroline!

PoliticallyIncorrect said...

Do you know if the other of the two debates has been posted anywhere? Thanks...

Unknown said...

Can you please upload it to YouTube? I can't even see that yet.

Anthony Rogers said...


David uploaded it to youtube. Here it is:

Was Muhammad a Prophet?