Friday, July 18, 2014

Muslim Tells Me I'm Dead If I Don't Take Down My YouTube Page

Keyboard jihadists are the worst!


Aletheya said...

I wonder why he didn't mention Christianity. oh, I forgot, he couldn't otherwise allah will burn him, but why Judaism though, since allah too says it's hi religion.

Does that mean allah will burn him for criticizing his religion (Judaism)?

Anyway, as always, Muslims are cowards, all they do is threats and attack others when they aren't prepared because they know they won't stand a chance in duel.

donaldperry said...

Ummah, your inability to answer the argument demonstrates that you lost the argument. You should know that your an ebarisment to Islam. Answer the argument. .. how old are you?

Unknown said...

Islam is fastest growing religion.

All should be afraid of them because it is religion of peace rather responsible for worldwide peace, just proven through the peaceful loving messages sent to Brother David.

If you want to know one main reason of it's growth, check this out.

Unknown said...

Ummah, I am compelled to pray for your conversion to belief in the loving Lord and Saviour Jesus the Annointed. You can't possibly contain all of that hate. It is not good. Please search your heart & seek God with all your might. He can certainly use someone in His kingdom here on earth with as much fervor & zeal as you obviously display. Peace.


scottstorch7 said...

Pray for him pleas! May God guide him to the right path in Jesus name, Amen.

Termin80r said...

they say crap, because they do not have answers... their bitter words are the direct impression of what their culture represents. also this is one of the Major sociological differences between Islam and christianity according to that man (how he spoke)
read Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.
32 Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

Unknown said...

Islam's god of hate appeals to hateful, insecure, pathetic men who enjoy hurting people and want to feel superior and have power over others. Then, they kiss a black stone and do a mock stoning of satan and walk around a cube building and feel purified. How ridiculous.

Unknown said...

Not related but FYI - this in Philadelphia - new example of Muslim ' brotherly love' I guess.

9jaguy said...

The religion of peace showing it's true colours as usual.
Ps, David, or anyone on here, is there a credible news site where I can follow the whole 'invasion of Gaza' story to find out the truth about what's really going on there? Thanks.

Robert said...

You should report this to the proper police authorities. I don't know from which country this character is but in my country if you so much as fart on social media, cops come knocking at your door complaining about the smell. Threats like these will put you in court.

sridhar jeremy said...

Dear Brother David,
I will pray for you and your
Family that God will watch over you will protect you
and your family.
Your Brother in Christ.

Unknown said...

we shouldn't be surprise cuz thats a real muslim right there is all violence and try to kill people. thats what the quran command them to do. when they don't have a answer or when the find out what the hadith n quran say, things that they didn't even know , thats how they get lol

Unknown said...

I agree with you. Thank you.

Johnny said...

filthy fruits of islam

Radical Moderate said...

Its Saturday

Unknown said...

you're lucky david, he s a moderate muslim, i doen't want to kill you, he just wants to teach you :D

TAREK said...

I think this guy is one the muslims ignorant of their own sources. Mr man can you olease listen to your hear and read the following verses from your own so called holy book please: Surat 5 Ayaa 20 to 21. this passage shoukd give a clue of how allah your god treats Jews.
Well answered D. David

PRODOS said...

I was watching an online debate/discussion between Rev Dr Mark Durie and a Muslim a couple of months ago.

The Muslim was asked by the host/moderator why Muslims get so enraged and so violent so often.

Apparently it's because they LOVE Mohammed and Islam soooo much.

That's what the Muslim guest argued!

So going berserk is PROOF of love.

Hating David Wood would also be proof of loving Islam.

In contrast, Christians prove their love by ... loving.

You weird Christians! :-)

PRODOS said...

Only just noticed David Woods' reply to the hate-ranting Muslim:

"Wow! Someone needs a great big hug!"

That's classic, mate.

You're my hero. :-)

Unknown said...

Islam has a 1400 year history of savage violence which includes murder, rape and destruction of things not of Islam.

Contrary to what we are being told, Islam has a record of intolerance and violence that is unrivalled in recorded history and continues till today.

The Islam of today is the same Islam of the 7th century.Savage and barbaric. Nothing has changed in 1400 years.Islam does not allow change.

Anonymous said...


Well then Islam also has to be thrown into hell and burned, since, and as everyone should have realized by now, Islam is also based on idolatrous pagan beliefs and practices (e.g. bowing to the Kaaba and kissing the black stone).

Dacritic said...

Prodos, I was having a chat yesterday with someone about how religion can be discussed, researched, and conclusions can be derived. Living in a multi cultural/religious country, you always hear the phrase religion can be a "sensitive" issue. Now, why does religion have to be "sensitive"? I can understand why politics can be sensitive, because politics are run by humans, and usually you can find both rights and wrongs on multiple parties of human beings, so it comes down to a subjective liking of one person or one party over another. However, God is not human (though about 2,000 years ago he was). If enough research is done, He can be found. So while Muslims use the lame excuse that they're angry because they "love" Islam and Muhammad so much, we can suggest to them that we can stop the mutual insults, and sit down and consider and discuss the facts. But that's not what they want to do is it? Because they're afraid the facts WILL reveal the faults of Islam, and prove them wrong. Of course it's ego. And another thing. Why do all these bloody kafirs like to aggravate Muslims so much? Why don't they take their issues to Buddhists? Or Hindus? Funny isn't it? Or maybe the Buddhists don't get angry as much so you don't hear about it. Buddha did not command people to be violent to unbelievers.