Layla is a practicing Muslimah originally from Morocco, who works as a charity fundraiser. Here is our email exchange.
***WARNING*** Foul language follows.
Layla, I forgive you for your personal attacks and insults. Please think about the source of your hatred. Everything I say about your prophet comes from your own sources, so if you hate me for what I say, your anger is misplaced. God bless you.
Dear David,
You and your team is doing a fantastic job. God bless you and your family real good. I know a believer who responds to such folks with the same tone and they all run away from him. I know as a believer in Christ, we can't stoop to their low level. It is not that you can not respond, we have been commanded to pray for them.
Once again, may our Almighty God bless you and your family real good.
Isaac Chacko
"charity fundraiser"
Translation: jihad funding.
For those AM readers here who do not know of Nikolai Sennels, this is a perfect time to mention him.
Dr. Sennels is a courageous psychologist in Europe who has written extensively about Muslims' victimhood mentality, risking life & professional reputation to learn more on the process by which Islam erases individual human identity.
Please do a web search to find some of his writing... well worth your effort. BTW, Jihadwatch features him as an occasional poster, and Robert Spencer has put up several items sourced from Dr. Sennels' website.
Layla is a prisoner of her beliefs, and judging by the vitriol she threw at Dr. Wood, I am certain she knows how strong are those mental ropes binding her to the violence and hatred of Muhammad.
"Re-directed" and "displaced" emotions -- therapists identify it thus.
""Re-directed" and "displaced" emotions -- therapists identify it thus."
I've heard the interview Robert Spencer did with Nikolai Sennels. It was very revealing as to the psychology behind a lot of the anger some Muslims experience.
Interview with Robert Spencer:
And another artile:
Luke 6:22-23b, Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man. "Be glad in that day and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven.
With all due respect (not) this muslimah knows a whole lot about sex toys, closed doors and poopoo holes. I wonder if her knowledge comes from quran or hadith........ Come to think of it there is a hadith were a true Muslim is morning the death of uthman and he sodomise an infidel. Mashallah sister! Mashallah! I guess if that's how they mourn their dead make one wonder how do they celebrate??????
God bless you too Prof. David
Satan spoke through her. God bless You Dr. Wood!
Wow!!! what touches me the most in this whole thing is the way David responds to her. David God bless you. You are such an exemplary minister of the gospel. Please may I just kindly ask that you teach Sam Shamoun how to work in this same Christlike Spirit when he is dealing with those who do not agree with him. I have watched some of Sam Shamoun's videos and I really feel pained when I see the kind of insults he utters from his mouth against some Muslims. He is even antagonistic towards fellow Christians who do not agree with him on certain doctrinal issues. Please can I kindly ask you that you speak to him in your private moments about this because I know both of you are quite close and he may listen to you.
Once again God bless you for your Christlike response to this poor lady who the enemy possessed with such filth. Let us continue to pray for her that the Lord will deliver her from the pangs of the enemy and bring her into the loving grace and salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That layla is a spastic. Lol... I wonder if she was having a fit, and foaming in the mouth when she was typing. Lol dumb mozzi...May God have mercy on her soul!!!
That is no problem for her (devout Muslimah) because after that she will go to Mecca (that where Shytan reside) and throw stones at Shytan (الشيطان الرجيم), , and that way she reset the counter to 0 (all clean) ... No Problem!
"Layla" what's bothering you? Is it David'steachings? You need to be able to articulate your emotions in a much more mature way. It's well obvious that you're hurting inside, and I pray that you will come to know our heavenly Father. No need to take your frustrations out on David, he only speaks the truth.
God bless you dear David, may He keep you and your beloved family strong and safe from such people.
s'This what you do when you get angry?
Hatred and venom in your eyes?
You've been enslaved-girl, to Islam much too long
Mohammed is takin' you for a ride...
Layla [LAYLA!], go get down on your knees
Layla [LAYLA!], I'm begging darlin' please
Layla [LAYYY-LA!], darling can't you ease your worried mind?
Jesus could give you consolation
Everytime Islam paints your frown
Like a fool, you sell your soul to use
Mohammed and his tools drag you down
Layla [LAYLA!], go get down on your knees
Layla [LAYLA!], I'm begging darlin' please
Layla [LAYYY-LA!], darling can't you ease your worried mind?
Make the best of the situation
Before you finally go insane
Please don't say we'll never find a way
Or tell me all God's love's in vain
Layla [LAYLA!], go get down on your knees
Layla [LAYLA!], I'm begging darlin' please
Layla [LAYYY-LA!], darling can't you ease your worried mind?
Layla [LAYLA!], go get down on your knees
Layla [LAYLA!], I'm begging darlin' please
Layla [LAYYY-LA!], darling can't you ease your worried mind?
Lyrics adapted for entertainment. All Rights reserved
Published by
Lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
Brother Oje Amu,
I totally disagree with you that Sam Shamoun is ever out of line. He quotes their own sources in the language that they understand the best. Did you ever hear Deedat & Zakir Nayak and their vulgar expression which is nowhere mentioned in the Bible? Please read "Esther 8:9 - Where Mordecai commanded for an hundred twenty and seven provinces according to their writing and according to their language. Hence, if somebody brings Ezekiel 23:20 in a vulgar fashion, he should be given the same taste as a good debater. I strongly feel that he (Sam Shamoun) is amongst the best for his knowledge of Arabic language, which is a double bonus for him.
Brother Isaac,
Be careful of Oje Amu since he is a modalist heretic who denies the Trinity. That is why he is upset at me and trying to attack my character since he didn't like it when I went after him on my facebook page and exposed him for his damnable heresy. I even challenged him to come on Paltalk and debate me concerning his heresy since he was attacking the Trinity.
Brother Isaac,
Here is proof that Oje is a heretic who sides with the enemies of Christ to attack and condemn true believes in the Triune God. If you click on his name you will find this coward posting a comment on a muslim video where he attacks me and the Trinity. Note what he wrote:
''I am a born again Christian and do not support or believe in the religion of Islam. However on this particular issue, I have to agree with the author of this video. Sam Shamoun is very disrespectful and the spirit in which he debates his opponents is very disgraceful and appalling. He is not representative of Christ or the Christian faith and I do not endorse him in any way. Please note that this attitude Sam has is not displayed towards Muslims alone. He displays a very similar attitude even towards Christians who disagree with him. WHEN I CHALLENGED HIM ON THE FALSE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY, his attitude towards me was very similar. My prayer for him is that God will deliver him from his wrong spirit in which he attempts to use in falsely defending the Christian faith."
Notice a couple of things. First, he calls the doctrine of the Trinity false, proving that he is a heretic and not a brother. Second, he lies through his teeth since I was the one challenging him to show up and face me on Paltalk so he could defend his damnable heresy against me. The coward never showed up. Third, notice how he kisses up to David appealing to him as if he is a brother in order to try to turn him against me, even though David himself believes in "the false doctrine of the Trinity." Just like a typical snake and wolf, he comes in masquerading as a sheep in order to divide and devour the flock.
So brother Isaac beware of this heretic and enemy of the true God.
If Oje Amu is that offended by Sam's manner of speech, then he had better not read anything by Luther otherwise he will have a nervous breakdown.
In condemning you, Dr. Wood, she is claiming to have transcendent knowledge.
Gnosticism is a powerful thread in Islam. Muslims often claim to know things no human being could.
Islam is the perfect murdering the good, and so wherever it is, and whoever practices it, cannot show virtue because of it.
If there is virtue among Muslims, it is practiced in spite of, not because of, Islam.
Bother Sam,
Thank you very much for letting me know about this dual character (Oje Amu). I did feel the same in my spirit that he was talking with a fork tongue (East end of the west bound train), hence I was prompted to respond.
Can this woman not see that in speaking these kind of profanities that she is actually serving and honoring Satan, rather than God?
It's like the very voice of Satan speaking! BUT there is hope for her in Christ !! Look what He did with this guy!!
Acts 9
Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
3 As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. 4 Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
5 And he said, “Who are You, Lord?”
Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.[a] It is hard for you to kick against the goads.”
6 So he, trembling and astonished, said, “Lord, what do You want me to do?”
Prayin for Saul's sister!!
Christians might find that offensive but that girl is saying the TRUTH David Wood as an educated man talk so much TRASH about Islam and Muhammad which is a shame because he is an educated grown man and still act like a CRY BABY.That girl could be a teenager all teenagers do things like that but FOLKS David Wood is not teenager and he still behaves like one I saw bunch of videos of David Wood and Sam shamoun doing stupidity talking TRASH about Islam is that how grown educated men should behave ??? that girl is right folks I don't wanna say it but I have to David you are indeed an ASSHOLE RACIST PIECE OF SHIT man STOP it there is always room for improvement your jealousy is not effecting Islam ,Islam is winning the fastest growing religion in USA in Islam David you see that your wasting time making videos about Islam cause at the end of the day you are LOSING not Islam God is more than clear. They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it( Qur'an 61-8).David go home and relax take a chill pill buddy you are losing and admit it like a man don't act like a slut LOL
To my dear brethren Sam Shamoun and Isaac;
Oje Amu is a muslim Christian or the other way round. That is how we call them in Nigeria. On Friday they go to the mosque and on Sunday they go to Church. From his name I can tell you that he is a Yuruba. So brethren I just thought I should led you know that he is not a real follower of our JESUS CHRIST.
By the way Brother Sam I did comment sometimes back on this blog about your writtngs, some said you write long articles but all I will say to you is that the way you write is wonderful. Because you give no room to the opponent to escape or bring up any argument. Please Brother Sam Shamoun people like Oje Amu want to use you to be on the international level like you. I read your articles almost everyday I recommend your video to many friends including muslims. I am writing from Europe and I would like to let you know you are known here by millions in Africa and China not talking about America
You are blessed. Warm greetings to Dr. David and family and to your family as well Brother
Hi Mr. prince John do you know what you are talking about about? I can tell you are a muslim, From your comment you are hurt and mostly muslims get hurt by the TRUTH. But CHRIST JESUS said seek the truth and you shall be free. Unless Mr. prince John you seek the truth you will never be free.
1. Rather harsh comments from the Muslimah speaking to David
2. Is Oje Amu a synonymous or successive modalist? (Both are equally bad heresies I may add).
Hi Mr. prince John!
Are you a muslim? If yes why can't you come out clearly. Dr. David's information come directly from your sources. You spoke of jealousy towards islam. If someone can be jealous of islam it means the person is not living in this planet. In islam planet one put fridge in the bottle not bottle in the fridge as we do in this planet(sun set in the pool in islam planet). Bring the topic or point of which Dr. David did not represent islam truly. Bring it on the blog and we discuss about it. Muslims do stand any discussion. If you are a real man post your point please Mr. prince John. Do hide behind curtains come out. Show us your real face.
@princejohn, !! you make excuses for the muslimah - and then proceed to talk like a gutter mouthed juvenile yourself!! So funny if it wasn't so sad. You know, when someone criticizes the religion you hold, the political party you support, or a particular view you think is important, you're meant to engage in debate - rebutting their points (well, in civilised societies at least), not say: "ya boo you're a stinky poo", - you embarrass yourself and bring your religion into disrepute.
@prince john
",Islam is winning the fastest growing religion"
Here comes the ad populum fallacy again. As usual nothing interesting apart from fallacious arguments.
@Prince John
"I don't wanna say it but I have to David"
LOL you say you don;t want to use such language but after reading your youtube posts. your hypocrisy is over 9000
WARNNING: lot foul language from prince john from his normal life.
"Eat eat and eat FUCK that kind of life Jay you have no LIFE buddy get one "
"Christian prince STOP being a PUSSY man tell us first what is your qualification ,what is your REAL name ,where are you from,then we will go further you don't even show your face and you call Muslims cowards LOL you are the coward man grow some balls and come "
Brother Tarek,
Thanks for your insight on Yuruba's from Nigeria. There are many such Yuruba's hiding in our mindst.
Attn: Mr. Aaron,
You are a true follower of your self-proclaimed prophet Muhammad, as he also spoke the same kind of language and taught you all the same filthy language based on the quotes below.
Filthy language of Mohammad: According to Qaid al-Qadir (v.1, p.381), Muhammad told Muslims to retort to uppity infidels by saying things like — again, he didn’t pronounce it, but the text appeared on the screen — “Go bite on your mother’s clitoris!” or, according to Zad al-Mi’ad (v.3, p305), “Go bite on your dad’s penis!”
Attn: Mr. Aaron,
I am responding to your statement,
",Islam is winning the fastest growing religion". Current figure shows that ten thousands are becoming Muslims, as against 6-millions leaving Islam every year.
If you really believe your self-proclaimed prophet then read SAHIH AL-BUKHARI VOL-3 #1876 – Narrated Abu Hurairah, Allah Messenger said, “Verily, belief returns back to Al-Madina as a snake returns and goes back to its hole (when in danger).”
I hope you get the real picture!!!
Brother David God is doing mighty things through you and your ministry... SUPPORT FROM INDIA...
Lol @ Prince John. Since when is racist to discuss an ideology that portraits itself as being the true, timeless word of god? Once again, people try to pick on the likes of mr. Wood, mr. Shamoun or mr. Qureshi not on their arguments but on their supposed personality traits. It's not that their wrong, it's just that they're "racists", "islamophobes", "bigots" or something like that. Prince John's liberal usage of the term racist is truly despicable since it devalues the term, and it shows how intellectually bankrupt he is.
David,you are doing a very wonderful job.Hope the rest of the world can have the guts to offer you the necessary support.
i include you in my prayers.
Brother you seemed to have misunderstood me. I was qouting Prince John filthy language used in his you tube comments when he said he doesn;t want to use such language but we see him use it on a normal basis which means prince john is hypocritical
The quotations are not me saying it but prince john after i checked out his youtube channel.
For future reference please read everything
Lol, "Do you kiss the black stone with that mouth?"
Attn: Mr. Aaron,
I am extremely sorry to have misunderstood your comment, I now know that that should have been directed to Prince John. Please disregard my comment addressed to you erroneously.
Attn: prince john,
I am responding to your statement,
",Islam is winning the fastest growing religion". Current figure shows that ten thousands are becoming Muslims, as against 6-millions leaving Islam every year.
If you really believe your self-proclaimed prophet then read SAHIH AL-BUKHARI VOL-3 #1876 – Narrated Abu Hurairah, Allah Messenger said, “Verily, belief returns back to Al-Madina as a snake returns and goes back to its hole (when in danger).”
I hope you get the real picture!!!
On your using filthy language, you have got it from your prophet Muhammad, read quote below:
Filthy language of Mohammad: According to Qaid al-Qadir (v.1, p.381), Muhammad told Muslims to retort to uppity infidels by saying things like — again, he didn’t pronounce it, but the text appeared on the screen — “Go bite on your mother’s clitoris!” or, according to Zad al-Mi’ad (v.3, p305), “Go bite on your dad’s penis!”
I am Yoruba and a proud Trinitarian, while Oje Amu sounds Yoruba, it doesn't mean that he is Nigerian or Yoruba. Its better he clears that for us. Many Yorubas are muslims as a result of the Uthman Danfoodio's(Fulani) Jihad on a state we now know as Ilorin. Yet many Yorubas are Christians and mostly Trinitarians as one can conclude from most songs of praise in their worship. Tarek, are u Nigerian? Which group?
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