Our Muslim friends often claim that Jesus is highly honored and respected in Islam. But then they tell us that Jesus' message was corrupted (by Allah himself, along with others), that Jesus' followers abandoned his teachings, and that we needed Muhammad to come along to accomplish what Jesus couldn't accomplish. But this means that Jesus didn't actually accomplish anything that lasted. How can Muslims say they respect Jesus when they portray him as a complete failure?
Wow, it's now how much? Like 30 reasons already that shows Muhammad is not a prophet, right? Am thinking how Joshua Evans will react- rejecting Christ's deity with his 10 reason, but accepting Muhammad's teaching with this 30 reasons... Funny...
God bless u guys. Let all the glory to our Lord...
I think we're close to 40. By the end of the month, we'll have the entire 50 posted, at which point I'll put all 50 together into a single post for easy access.
Great series! I must say I laughed hard and shook my head through five hours of these! But ultimately finished with a bang with this one! If everything else wasn't damning enough, I'd love to see a response from any Muslim trying to somehow reconcile this ultimate dilemma and still say proudly they are devout Muslims!
It's never too late dear Muslims. Your true Lord loves you and wants you to be saved!!
Islam has always used the name of Jesus in making itself seem benign and brotherly when gaining a foothold in Christian cultures (and also in its response to the accusation of being anti-Christian). It has been employing this tactic for 1400 years.
The only problem with this tactic is that the false Islamic Jesus, who is just a created man, and the true divine Jesus of the gospels are quite obviously not one and the same.
The Islamic Jesus is just another false Christ, and which the real Christ Himself warned us about long before Muhammad turned up on the scene.
“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it.
For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders...
(notice also "false prophets" e.g. Muhammad?)
Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the desert!’ do not go out; or, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it.
For as the lightening comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Mathew 24:23-27
Brillant brother David, looking forward to the single post.. for easy reference.. so vital to have this material at our finger tips!
When they refer to the corruption of the message, they are somewhat correct, in that his precise words are unknown. There are five gospels. No one of them is considered superior to the other, even though probably we know which one came first. They are also not identical. This implies that something changed (let's not say "corrupted") between the death of Jesus and the time they were written down. I don't see what the big deal is: obviously a generation or more after the fact, the story is going to be told differently from different perspectives. Did God make that happen? I dunno. What's "God"?
It was basically Paul who propagated the church, no? Which is a lot like saying that all the other followers did not do what Paul did. And most Christians don't really quite follow everything we're supposed to - it's almost a point of doctrine in most denominations (we're all sinners).
I don't buy the bit that we need a Mohammed, but if someone needs a Mohammed then history has left his best accumulation of knowledge and inspiration to us via the Qur'an. But what do I know, I'm not a practicing Muslim? A lot of pretty sensible advice seems to be mixed in though, if you ask me. But maybe he's not quite the example Jesus was.
Low bandwidth. I didn't watch the video. Just responding to the text description under the title "Do Muslims Respect Jesus?" In my experience, I have never met a Muslim who expressed anything other than greatest of reverence for Jesus. But they often warn not to excessively idolize his mother. There is a difference between revering and worshiping the virgin Mary.f
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