Monday, February 24, 2014

Muhammad Breaks His Oath to His Wives

Muhammad's wife Hafsa once caught him in her bed with another woman—his slave-girl, Mary the Copt. Seeking to avoid further conflict, Muhammad promised that he would stop having sex with Mary. Later, however, Muhammad received one of his infamous morally convenient revelations from Allah.

Qur'an 66:1-2—O Prophet! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you; you seek to please your wives; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Allah indeed has sanctioned for you the expiation of your oaths and Allah is your Protector, and He is the Knowing, the Wise.

Here's Tafsir Jalalayn commenting on this verse:

O Prophet! Why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, in terms of your Coptic handmaiden Māriya — when he lay with her in the house of Hafsa, who had been away, but who upon returning [and finding out] became upset by the fact that this had taken place in her own house and on her own bed — by saying, ‘She is unlawful for me!’, seeking, by making her unlawful [for you], to please your wives? And God is Forgiving, Merciful, having forgiven you this prohibition.

For further confirmation, we have the following hadith:

Sunan An-Nasa'i 3411—It was narrated from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah had a female slave with whom he had intercourse, but Aishah and Hafsah would not leave him alone until he said that she was forbidden for him. Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed: "O Prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you" [66:1] until the end of the verse.

Since the Qur'an is supposedly Allah's eternal Word, our Muslim friends expect us to believe that, from eternity past, Allah had nothing better to do than compose verses giving Muhammad the right to break his oath to his wives so that he could continue having sex with his slave-girl.

***UPDATE*** A Muslim just claimed in the comments section that this hadith doesn't exist. So here it is as it appears in the Darussalam edition:


Anonymous said...

The god of the Quran obviously cannot in any way be related to the God of the original Scriptures which are found in the Bible (and which are verified by, amongst other sources, the Dead Sea Scrolls, which includes the whole book of Isaiah).

The God of the original Scriptures found in the Bible says,

"You shall not commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14)

Just from those five words alone we can see that the whole of the Islamic doctrine is completely false and that Muhammad is a false prophet, if indeed he can even be called a 'prophet' at all, since he does not seem to have done much, if any prophesying in first place.

The only ‘prophesying’ that Muhammad seems to have been engaged in was for the purpose of enabling him to feather his own nest or to procure a ‘get out of jail free card’ for himself when he was caught out doing the wrong thing, and/or, to freely, and without hindrance, enable him to do the wrong thing without getting into trouble and looking bad in the first place.

Nakdimon said...

Just think about the nonsensical nature of this “revelation” for one second: Muhammad is allowed, NOT COMMANDS, to sleep with his slave girl Mary the Copt. Muhammad promises his wife that, although he is allowed to do so, he makes a vow to her not to do it. And Allah gets upset??? Why on earth would Allah get upset about this? Unless it is a command from Allah and he insists that Muhammad sleeps with his slave girls, what is wrong Muhammad not making use of his permission to do so? That is like a Muslim man being allowed to marry 4 wives but vows to his one wife that he will not marry another woman while he is with her. Why would anyone, especially God, be upset with such an oath? This makes NO SENSE whatsoever for Allah to basically demand Muhammad to sleep with his slave girl, unless Muhammad simply made it up to be able to satisfy his uncontrollable urge to sleep with his slave girl.

This “revelation” is another hoax!

Unknown said...

Mohammed is in big trouble with women. He appears to be the worst of so called prophet

Raj modi said...

There is no god in Quran, it's terror and overpowering entire world.

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Unknown said...


(Firstly , I wrote this before and it got deleted (while still typing and so I will shorten it - sorry )
"Sahih International
O Prophet, why do you prohibit [yourself from] what Allah has made lawful for you, seeking the approval of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (66.1)
"Sahih International
Allah has already ordained for you [Muslims] the dissolution of your oaths. And Allah is your protector, and He is the Knowing, the Wise." (66.2)
In these two verses I see nothing to with Mary Copt and Cheating on someone. If you reread it you will realise that in could be put in a couple of different stories and even looked at in general point of view.
Key points to knowing the Quran :
1) Its in Arabic , so when many people translate it ,it becomes close and similar (to the original) which is normal since you can't translate every single word in exact meaning. This means you could learn the language , seek a scholar in that area or even look it up.
2) When you read the Quran , or even the Bible - note that you need to read the verses before and after. This helps you understand it better .
3) context- when wanting to know the context of a text , you should look into a couple of sources - scholars , official webpages and institutes and peoples point of view . A lot of the time you could find that they have the main point in common. (note :not because one does or says something , it means that it is on behalf of all Muslims or even Islam)
I have searched the context and this is what I found...
"The Holy Prophet used to visit all his blessed wives for a short time after the prayer of Asr. Once when he was with Sayyidah Zainab , She offered him honey ,and for that reason he remained with her for some more time than usual. Than he visited Sayyidah Asiah and Sayyidah Hafsa who were waiting for him .Each of then asked him whether he had eaten maghafir(a herb having bad smell) .He replied in negative and asked why they had suspected him of having maghafir. They said 'what is the smell felt from your mouth?' the Holy prophet thought that the smell was sensed due to honey offered by Sayyidhdah Zainab , as the honeybee might have suck maghafir . As such he swore an oath that he would never drink honey . On this occasion the present verse was revealed in which he was directed not to make a lawful thing unlawful for him self" context found for (66.1)
"This alludes to 5:89 where kaffarah (expiation)for breaking an oath is prescribed. This verse indicates that if a person swears on an oath to do or omit something ,and then it appears to him that he should not have sworn such an oath , or that expiation requires that he should break the oath , he should break it and offer the prescribed kaffarah (expiation)." (context found for 66.2)

There are many misconceptions people make and take about the Quran and even the prophets because they don't read the Quran properly, they don't see the context ,they don't read the verses before and after or they are just not open minded.
Advice: when you read a sacred text , note that you need to be open minded and neutral because you will be judgemental before you even get the chance.
With all due respect , I understand if you don't want to accept this message, after all I can't compel you into religion , though if you would like to reply , either reply with respect or not reply at all.
Final point : there are 2 sides of a story and you might need to know both :)
Peace be with you

Anonymous said...

"there are 2 sides of a story and you might need to know both"

I am pretty sure everyone knows "both sides" of the story of Muhammad by now.

Anonymous said...

Jazzmine M, you say,

"Key points to knowing the Quran :
1) Its in Arabic , so when many people translate it ,it becomes close and similar (to the original) which is normal since you can't translate every single word in exact meaning. This means you could learn the language , seek a scholar in that area or even look it up."

That still means nothing and is a completely misleading/false argument because it makes no difference if the Quran is written and read in Arabic since the Quran and Islam (and anything else in life) are known and judged by their FRUIT, not their language.

The history of Islam shows that by and large it is a system of oppression and murder, of both soul and body; a criminal empire, which for the last 1400 years has been bent on conquering the world by any means possible.

Some may argue against this, but… “For a tree is known by its fruit.” Matthew 12:33

The fruit:
Here are the deaths due to jihad over the last 1400 years.
Buddhists: 10 million
Christians: 60 million
Hindus: 80 million
Africans: 120 million
Total: 270 million

These deaths are known as the tears of jihad


Islam enslaved Africans, Europeans (over a million of them), Hindus, Buddhists, and anyone else who was in the path of jihad. Islam has enslaved more people than any other culture. Muslims do not acknowledge and apologise for their history of enslavement of all races and faiths.

Islam still practices slavery [as per the Koran] in Africa. It is found in Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, the Sudan and other Islamic areas that are near unbelievers. Historically, it was the political actions of Christians that ended slavery. (For more information go to

The Bible’s foundational command to treat others as ourselves (Matthew 7:12) is an all-encompassing, non-negotiable and permanent command. It is a universal guide and reference for all other rules and regulations. It is the only command in existence that enables equality between all people and individuals.

The Quran’s very flexible, no-holds-barred, do-whatever-it-takes-to-win-relative-to-the-circumstances (in order to achieve the goal of a global Islamic state) commands are in complete contrast to this.

the lyrical fish said...

can the person who wrote this post reply please, because the hadith(Sunan An-Nasa'i 3411) he quoted DOES NOT EXIST.

this is Sunan An-Nasa'i 3411:
Shu'bah said:

"I heard Qatadah narrating from 'Ata', from Jabir that the Prophet said: 'Umra is permissible.'"

Meaning whatever nonsense he spouted on here does not exist at all.

David Wood said...

Lyrical Fish,

Just posted it from the Darussalam edition. Any more complaints?

Unknown said...

How many women can a Muslim marry in his lifetime (he can keep 4 at a time)For Muslims Rape is permissible as long as it is a women of Kafir or defeated enemy.

Unknown said...

I think it is a high time people like Muslims stop defending what is wrong. This is one of thier reasons why they kept killing inocent souls without seeing anything wrong with it.

Who will like a president or a leader of a group of people going round sleeping with women and allowing his followers to do so. He Mohammed was poisoned by a Jewish woman probabily he was in love with her. How can this be a prophet of the most high God.

Apart from giving his followers hearts to be terrorist around what else can he give.You people fight for your Allah but Christians God fights for Himself. Please, all Muslims should read these BIBLE verses bellow and think about it,

II Thessalonians 2:9-12[Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Unknown said...

There is an Hadith that states that if a woman divorces her husband, she cannot remarry him, UNTIL another husband has tasted her HONEY.

Check it out, David

Elijah J. Sanders said...

Lyrical Fish (and David), I copy and pasted
Sunan An-Nasa'i 3411
into Google, and found the hadith David used in the top spot. Got a screenshot, but can't post it, so here's the link:

I know you're anxious for David to be wrong, and for your false prophet not to look like an oath-breaking (lying) sex addict who owned a Christian slave girl, and your false god as one who had it written for all eternity that he could do so, BUT... what can you do?

Unknown said...

Jazzmine M
You wrote:
'Holy prophet thought that the smell was sensed due to honey offered by Sayyidhdah Zainab , as the honeybee might have suck maghafir . As such he swore an oath that he would never drink honey '

This was probably because they all tried to avoid him because of the smell. If he continued to smell like a rotting herb, which wife would want to - you know - ... you know what i mean?

Saadman said...

I guess you all heard wrong. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) never sinned. It's just a mistake of you. Prophet (pbuh) forbade adultery and fornication. Even looking at women in a lustful way is Haram. Search stuffs from a trustworthy source. The thing that you're supporting is unbelievable.

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Elijah J. Sanders said...

Jack... Muhammad's dead (and most likely in Hell), I think you mean in History. And that either shows that you're extremely ignorant, OR your standard of good is extremely low (and you'd still be ignorant). If a murderous, adulterous, lying, and otherways immoral false prophet and anti-Christ individual can be "the best person in the world", especially compared to the ONLY perfect person Who has ever lived (Jesus), not to mention compared to other normal people who aren't murders or adulterers or liars, etc. ... then there's something severely wrong there.

The Lord Jesus loves you, He is King, He died for your sins to be forgiven of your sins and given eternal life, and He rose from the dead to prove Who He said that He is. Turn to and trust in Him as your Lord and Saviour, and He will give you eternal life.

Elijah J. Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elijah J. Sanders said...

Late here, sorry for the typos :D Died for your sins so you can be forgiven...

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This comment has been removed by the author.
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Activate Amazon by Visiting our website. The Amazon video activation code is used to enact Amazon Prime items and check Prime membership. The Amazon Prime Video Code consists of digits and the code is on a card. To use this code, the card must be retrieved. Activation code consists of two arrangements of characters and numbers separated by a hyphen. This code is fundamental to starting your Amazon Prime Video item.

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Is your Yahoo Mail not working on the computer browser ? This guide is intended to take you through several different troubleshooting steps. After each step, try to open your Yahoo mail on the computer to check the issue status. If the email starts and runs, stop at that time; you do not need to go any additional

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SBCGlobal is one of the advanced emails used to send and receive messages, documents, gifs, etc. It was merged with an AT&T email. You can login to the SBCGlobal email account using AT&T email with a valid user id and password. Reset your SBCGlobal email account password using security questions or temporary password methods. If you have any recovery email or mobile number, you will get a text code in it. It depends upon your choice to select the most suitable methods for receiving a code. Enter the received code or temporary password to reset the SBCGlobal email password. For any problem, you must call the SBCGlobal Customer Service to fix this issue.
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Set up Microsoft 365 through | | | | and use Microsoft apps such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, online storage, cloud-connected features, and more. If you have a Microsoft account associated with Outlook, OneDrive, Xbox Live, or Skype, you can proceed with Microsoft 365 login. enter code said...

Hulu Activate - To activate Hulu on new gadgets or computers you need to login to your Hulu account at and enter the activation code Hulu. On the off chance that you do not have to face any issues in Hulu records or hulu activation code volume, you can contact the retention group Hulu for complete direction.

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How to contact the Yahoo support team

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Want to find your MAC address in Windows 10/11? Luckily, it's not too complicated. There are several different methods you can try if you want to find the MAC address in your windows. If you have any questions related to this then you can read the complete article via this link
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The users can immediately connect with customer support through phone support, chat support, email support, and social media platform. The support team of Yahoo works 24/7 even at night. You can get in touch with a representative from the support team of Yahoo.
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Windows 11 the new sensation of the moment is on everyone's mouths. But will it be as good as they say? And it is that Microsoft says that this version of Windows will be one of the best of this decade since it guarantees to get the best performance in our computers. So what are the requirements to install Windows 11? To know all the information you can read our complete guide by clicking here
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Is your Windows 11 webcam not working? The best way to find out is to go through the Camera Properties in Device Manager. If there is a file named stream.sys in the driver details button, then you need to replace the webcam with the new webcam.
How do I fix camera not working in Windows 11

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If you own an empty property, there are a few things you can do to avoid paying council tax. For example, if the owner of the property is in prison, the armed forces, or a care home, you do not have to pay council taxes on it. Alternatively, you can seek a reduction or exemption - in some cases, you may be able to get a full refund of the money you owe.Avoid paying council tax on an empty property

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Yahoo mail temporary error code 8 is one of that many errors. When you notice error 8 which is a temporary error that indicates that your yahoo mail is not working properly and that you need to get this issue resolved as soon as possible. To get instant support you can go to the Yahoo support team to get your query resolved.
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Does have a 30 day free trial? Unfortunately, we have some bad news: you can't get a Disney Plus free trial anymore in most parts of the world. That means your cheapest option is now a single month of the service, and this weighs in at $7.99 in the USA, £7.99 for UK viewers, and AU$11.99 in Australia.Disney+ subscribers have the ability to cancel their subscription at any time. Please keep in mind, canceling your Disney+ subscription will not delete your Disney+ account or the Disney account you use for other products and experiences from The Walt Disney Company, if applicable

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First, check whether your device is compatible with or not. If it is, then check your internet connection or an app update. Also, restart your device. Go to the Updates tab – DisneyLife will appear here if there's a new version of the app to download. All you need to do is tap Update. How long the update takes will depend on your device and your internet connection. Note: Remember, you'll need to update the app separately on each of your registered devices.If Disney Plus is Not Working on Samsung TV, try clearing the cache in the app, reset the smart hub, make sure that the TV model you have supports the app. Reset the Internet in your home, uninstall the application and reinstall or close it. Please turn off the app and your TV and turn it on again.

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