Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Top Ten Reasons Muhammad Is Not a Prophet

This is the first part of a five-part series in which we share 50 reasons Muhammad is not a true prophet (ten reasons per episode). In this episode, we cover our "top ten" reasons Muhammad was not sent by God. If you don't see your favorite criticisms against Muhammad on our "top ten" list, be sure to watch upcoming episodes of "Jesus or Muhammad?" on the Trinity Channel (Tuesdays at 8:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time).


Michael said...

Not only is Mohammed not a Prophet, Islam is not just a religion. It is a 100% way of predetermined life. David and Sam are loving people who really follow the Golden Rule, with no hate for Muslims, who they say, as I do, Muslims are deceived. If the world really knew what is in the Islamic literature on Mohammed, they would flee Islam. He made money robbing caravans; he killed or had killed people who disagreed with him. He was an obsessed man with his dreams of grandiosity and could not forgive those who stood in his way. Muhammad was a narcissist like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin. He was astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional intelligence was less evolved than that of a 6-year-old child. Speaking of six year old childs, he married one and consummated his marriage when she was nine. He simply could not feel the pain of others. He brutally massacred thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth. His ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is entitled to do as he pleased and commit all sorts of crimes and his evil deeds are justified. Just read the “official” Islamic bibliography on Mohammed, and you will be appalled.

Unknown said...

Reason #6
No Biblical Prophecies

According to Walid Shoebat, there was a prophecy about Muhammad/Allah by John of Patmos. John didn't use either the name Muhammad or Allah though, only the "Beast".

Anonymous said...

David wood you wish Muhammad is not a prophet deep inside you know very well who Muhammad was and obviously you will not find Muhammad in the bible because the original BIBLE does not exist KID grow up and face the reality, you people always say Muslims lie Muhammad is not mentioned in the bible Hahahaha Oh my Lord how can you find Muhammad from a bible which has been changed NUMBER of times tell me?? your bible is FULL is FABRICATION nothing is ORIGINAL in your bible how can we find Muhammad from today's Bible Eh david ???? there is no original bible but there is an ORIGINAL Qur'an and in that original Qur'an Jesus is more then clear he indeed said that there is a prophet coming after whos name will be Ahmed we don't don't to see today's CORRUPTED bible to see the prophecy of Muhammad Qur'an is more than enough the Injeel does not exist David keep wishing that Muhammad is not a prophet hahahah and keep on looking Muhammad in your corrupted bible God bless

Unknown said...

Muhammad did appear to show affection for those who accepted his claims. But it was deceptive because he still sent many of them to their deaths in pursuit of booty of which he was the chief beneficiary i.e. 20%.

Unknown said...

Muhammad a prophet like Moses?

So for a prophet who is supposed to be like Moses, Muhammad’s first encounter with his deity was clearly far from being Moses-like.

In addition Moses must have been one of the best educated men in Egypt whilst Muhammad confessed illiteracy.

Muhammad thought he was Jinn-possessed yet Moses nowhere teaches a belief in such creatures.

Unknown said...

Female captives of war face an extremely high risk of being raped. So can we find a single verse in the Quran which warns against or condemns this viscious and horrific crime?

WIKI's Page said...

Prince John,

If the Original Bible does not exist, how then you say it is corrupted. On what basis ? Are you parroting what has been drummed into your head by the mullahs ?

Looks like you did not listen carefully to point #1 the Islamic dilemma. Go and listen once more to find the answer for your illogical claim that the Bible was corrupted.

How come the original Qur'an which is supposedly an eternal word and a copy of that which is in heaven, contains the satanic verses. Your allah did not bother to stop the satanic verses or was he powerless to stop ?

Radical Moderate said...

Prince John,

How do you know what David knows deep down inside?

You said there is an "original quran". Ok where is it? Which ancient manuscript is the original uthman authorized version of the Quran?

Speaking of Uthman, how can you trust a man who was killed by Muslims for apostasy and even buried in a Jewish cemetery?

You said that "Jesus" speaks in the Quran. Can you show me Yeshua is named in the Quran? I know someone called Isa is mentioned in the Quran but not Yeshua.

Speaking of Isa, when did this Isa exist? Was it a few years before Mohamed a few decades a few centuries?

What language did this Isa speak?

Well thats it for now. Maybe you will be the first Muslim to answers these questions.

D335 said...

I agree with the historical context that muhammad is NEVER suffice or even right moral example for righteousness or even "normal" life.
But "predetermined" or "predestined" is a different context (see romans 8) and also exist in the bible, in which John Calvin and Arminians never going to agree between each other. But I'll leave it at that.

@Prince John
I wonder if it's all talk, yet you have shown lack of understanding about the scriptural evidence of the bible today, as the same with what was there long ago.
I know that muslim's understanding of Jesus that he was some sort of UPS /FEDEX courier for injeel but please, do see more if you can actually study the scriptural evidence of the bible, yet do the same research for quran.
As you can easily make fun of David Wood, ... remember that I can easily point to quran as it is a mountain of circular logic.

But rather than a stage of comedy, here's a good place to show the evidence or even learn from others.
That 's how you can show your consistency of what you are, because right now, I'm picturing you as a clown.

Deleting said...

@d335 I'm pretty sure prince John doesn't even know what a clown is or why you called him that.

Be prepared for another judgmental rant from prince John judging us.

By the way, if no one says anything bad about Muhammad he will stop judging us.

Unknown said...

@prince John

Your comment:

“David wood you wish Muhammad is not a prophet deep inside you know very well who Muhammad was…”

Only shows how hopelessly lost you are.

Unknown said...

Yo, just seeing if my account is still logged in lolz

Anonymous said...

Another good reason was that some of Muhammad's followers believed Muhammad was A THIEF.

After the battle of Badr, some of Muhammad's followers believed Muhammad STOLE red velvet for himself.

Now what type of follower of a prophet would believe their 'prophet of God' is a thief?

simple_truth said...

prince John said...

---“David wood you wish Muhammad is not a prophet deep inside you know very well who Muhammad was and obviously you will not find Muhammad in the bible because the original BIBLE does not exist”

Response: Since the original Bible does not exist, that means that the original message no longer exists? That means that God left people without guidance until Mohammad came along? If that is true, that means that all of the people after the original Bible went out of existence and up unit the time of Mohammad can’t be punished for not following a book they didn’t have? So, what you are saying is they don’t have to account to Allah since he left them no guidance. Interesting.

Consequently, if there was no true message after the original Bible was lost, Jews and Christians have no foundation upon which to determine if the Qu’ran’s claims are valid; therefore, Allah can’t condemn them on any grounds since Mohammad’s authority can’t be determined without the original Bible. The only way you can get around this is for there to have been a well preserved Bible for the claims to be tested against.

Now, the logical conclusion of you position of a lost message creates more problems than it solves because there is no concrete means to measure the Qu’ran against its claims if there is no Bible to test it against. This is critical since the Qu’ran makes claims both for and against the Bible. If there is no original Bible to discern the original message, then the Qu’ran’s many claims are unprovable. That is quite a dilemma.

---“KID grow up and face the reality, you people always say Muslims lie Muhammad is not mentioned in the bible Hahahaha Oh my Lord how can you find Muhammad from a bible which has been changed NUMBER of times tell me?? your bible is FULL is FABRICATION nothing is ORIGINAL in your bible how can we find Muhammad from today's Bible Eh david ????”

Response: Absolutely, how can you verify the Qu’ran’s claims about a previous scripture if that scripture isn’t available? How can you prove Einstein’s theories if they aren’t available for testing? Just knowing or believing that Einstein had theories about the universe is not the same as having them accessible for testing/validating. In other words, substantiate with original material or concede that your position is untenable.

---“there is no original bible but there is an ORIGINAL Qur'an and in that original Qur'an Jesus is more then clear he indeed said that there is a prophet coming after whos name will be Ahmed”

Response: If there is no original Bible, copies of it, or correct interpretations thereof, it doesn’t matter what claims the Qu’ran makes since they would be deemed unfalsifiable without some reliable external sources. Your idea of corruption couldn’t be used to validate the Qu’ran or falsify the Bible. Do you understand?

---“we don't don't to see today's CORRUPTED bible to see the prophecy of Muhammad Qur'an is more than enough the Injeel does not exist David keep wishing that Muhammad is not a prophet hahahah and keep on looking Muhammad in your corrupted bible God bless”

Response: Once the Qu’ran makes a claim either for or against the Bible, it needs a means of validating that claim. Using a corrupted Bible is not an option. Using rehashed Islamic propaganda isn’t either. You need some validating external sources as a starting point.

Mohammad may have been a prophet, but not a holy Biblical prophet in the line of Moses, Jesus, Isaiah, etc. He is definitely a false prophet.

Free to Love said...

@Prince John

Muslim scholars like Zakir Mail say that Mohammed is told in other religious scriptures like bible and Vedas. I remember once he said Mohammed is fore told in Bavishya Purana, in Hindu literature. Yes it is fore told. But not in a way to make you happy. Mohammed name is called as Mahamada (Sanskrit) and it called him as a demon who would spread a very evil religion. This. Muslim scholar also says that MO is the Kalki, the tenth avatar of Lord Vishnu. But Hindu scriptures says Kalki as an incarnation of God and not a prophet. If Muslims agree MO as Kalki, so will they accept Vishnu as the supreme lord? If they agree Vishnu, then Allah is Bhraman? But sadly there is a very serious contradiction. As per Hindus, everything manifest and unmanifest are same Bhraman. Bhraman cannot be worshipped but only can be realized through supreme meditation. Meditation and unconditional love are one and the same asper hindu literatures. Jesus showed unconditional love to all humans, animals and other creatures. Krishna recommends meditation and Bakthi(Love) in Gita. Is anywhere in Quran Love or meditation is mentioned or recommended? Is Quran says anything about the divine love between an individual and the God? No. In Islam love is treated as weakness. Meditation, they never heard that word. Sadly Allah lives alone somewhere away from this universe and he requires his slaves to worship him. He is not beyond the material dimension. This understanding requires evolved intellect and sixth sense. But oh no! Muslims only have three senses. Food, sex and killing.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha Its interesting how David wood's fans are getting UPSET the TRUTH IS BITTER friends by the way RADICAL MODERATE your questions are childish a 5 years old Muslim can answer these Questions,my friend wake up Isa is the ARABIC name of Yeshua just like Jesus is the English name of Yeshua its the same person just different languages.Then you asked when did Jesus existed ,Jesus was on this planet 2000 years ago 6 centuries before prophet Muhammad ,you've also asked which language Jesus spoke well everyone knows he spoke Aramaic I'm telling you 5 years old Muslim can answer these things

Unknown said...


cheryl_maree said...

@prince John,
Simple_Truth stated some very interesting facts, that you never responded to because you lack the intelligence to do so, as do most Muslims. If you cannot defend your prophet mo and the god you call Allah then why do you serve them? For me, if I could not answer the questions presented with logical answers, I would ask myself this very important question.....why am I serving a prophet and his god if I cannot defend them. Hmmm something to think about...

CharlesMartel said...

Prince john, if a five year old can answer those questions then you must be four. Yeshua is Yasu in Arabic, not Isa.

Selecta Mark said...

Response Number 9:
It's also worth noting Sam & David. When the so called 'last messenger' first claimed to receive revelation from god (Allah) Muhammad thought he had been demonised and wanted to kill himself. However when The True final Messenger (Jesus) encountered Satan in the wilderness, Satan tried to get Jesus to kill Himself by throwing himself off a mountain. But unlike Muhammad, Jesus quoted the Jewish Old Testament, "it is written, do not put The Lord thy God to the test". Muhammad's initial impression was correct because a sure sign of suicidal ideation is no doubt demonically inspired!

Anonymous said...

@prince john

"Hahahaha Its interesting how David wood's fans are getting UPSET the TRUTH IS BITTER"

what truth? the only thing that happened was you making random claims without providing any proof to back it up. that was why you resorted to the ad populum fallacy when you said "the fastest growing religion in the world and in your own country USA yes"

lets move onto the rest of your post

your quran does not help providing the dates like providing under who's rule isreal was under at the time like Pilate and Herod.

so if you only just relied on the quran. you won;t even be able to work out the 2000 years.

Deleting said...

Prince John said, "Hahahaha Its interesting how David wood's fans are getting UPSET the TRUTH IS BITTER friends"

HINT: Punctuation is a lovely thing. It's okay to occasionally make a mistake, but not using it should be a crime. It's hard to tell when your statement ends and the next starts.

Lets try this again...
"Hahahaha Its interesting how David wood's fans are getting UPSET the TRUTH IS BITTER friends"

You are absolutely right, the truth IS bitter. Is that why you're ignoring it?

People are citing facts. Because of these facts people REJECT mohammad, his authority and islam.

Also, you're the one who keeps posting so it seems the only person upset here is you.

"by the way RADICAL MODERATE your questions are childish a 5 years old Muslim can answer these Questions,my friend wake up Isa is the ARABIC name of Yeshua just like Jesus is the English name of Yeshua its the same person just different languages."

No its not. Jesus is the english transliteration from the greek for Ιησούς.

Isa is a character in the Koran based on what Muhammad (not God) thought he was.

Sadly this is in the arabic version of the bible from what I'm told.

The koranic character, Isa, doesn't act like Jesus in the Bible, doesn't speak like Jesus in the bible and doesn't do anything in the koran that Jesus did in the bible.
Second, you have no dates or chronology placing 'Isa' in the Koran 2000 years ago because it doesn't. You got that from the bible, not the koran.

"you've also asked which language Jesus spoke well everyone knows he spoke Aramaic I'm telling you 5 years old Muslim can answer these things"

Now, prince john, stop and do what you say 'a 5 year old muslim' would do.

But if the Koran doesn't say 'Isa' spoke Aramaic, where are you getting that stellar information from?

Shouldn't it dawn on a '5 year old muslim' that people can't speak languages that don't exist yet and the only exception is if you're a fictional character being appealed to to prop up a prophet that really isn't.

C'mon prince john...a '5 year old muslim' could figure that out.

Deleting said...

@prince john,,,,

by the way, I put 'Jesus' into google translator and it came up with يسوع..
when you click on the volume icon it sounds like 'ye-SOO-ah'.

asher said...

They said ( muslim) that the name of muhammad was mentioned in the bible song of songs 5:16 machmadim that they have supposing that this is the name of theirprophet if this is true there are many muhammad because the" im" in a hebrew grammar is plural one more thing in order to justify their claims their change the hebrew consonants and vowels to pronounce the name of muhammad which is wrong and blaspheme in the eyes of YHVH

Darrin Underwood said...

Muhammad died over 1,300 years ago and you are still trying to convince people that he was not a prophet. Your effort and focus on this subject alone, along with the 50 reasons you have painstakingly come up with tells me that Muhammad must have been exactly what you are trying to convince us he was not. How many other people are you trying, this hard, to convince people they were not a prophet?

I thought so. Thanks for the validation.

David Wood said...

LOL! 2000 years after the life of Jesus, Muslims are still trying to convince people that he isn't God and that he didn't die on the cross. Following your logic (or lack of it), this proves that Jesus is God and that he died on the cross!

See how silly reasoning can be flipped right back on you?

Unknown said...

there is now. 2019, a group called " the political party of islam". what is this all about? can it possibly be the same as the ones from islam? could they just be a group representing the people we call muslim? if you vote, are you all voting for the party that muslims vote for? are the muslims voting only for one party? in canada there are about 6 parties... therefore it is a wasted vote if we vote for 3 parties in one family. the muslims will win, because we split the vote. wasted... as far as i can see. why the many parties???

Unknown said...

there is now. 2019, a group called " the political party of islam". what is this all about? can it possibly be the same as the ones from islam? could they just be a group representing the people we call muslim? if you vote, are you all voting for the party that muslims vote for? are the muslims voting only for one party? in canada there are about 6 parties... therefore it is a wasted vote if we vote for 3 parties in one family. the muslims will win, because we split the vote. wasted... as far as i can see. why the many parties???