Douglas County, Georgia—Investigators tracked down and arrested a woman they say killed a 66-year-old local businessman in a brutal attack in his own home, and Thursday she showed in court that she isn't afraid of making threats.
Sahara Tabriz Fakhir
Sahara Tabriz Fakhir, 32, of River Run Drive in Douglasville, appeared before Douglas County Superior Court Judge Robert J. James in what was a bizarre initial appearance hearing. The hearing was to formally inform Fakhir of her rights and to read the charges against her – allegations that she stabbed Jerry Wheeler repeatedly and left him for dead June 18.
From the beginning of the hearing Fakhir was defiant, threatening, called the courthouse "cursed" and claimed that she was represented by "Allah."
Fakhir, who is Muslim, said the courthouse was cursed and demanded to be released. When James asked if she understood her rights and if she had an attorney, she responded "Allah is my lawyer right now and if you do not release me, Allah will have vengeance on you. Like he did in 2009 when he sent that flood – it is only going to get worse."
But the display became even more bizarre.
Fakir, who stands 6-2 and weighs in excess of 400 pounds, was referencing her 2009 brush with the law in her comment. In January of 2009, Fakhir was arrested for allegedly threatening to slit the throat of her probation officer. When deputies came the following day to arrest her, she threatened to kill a deputy. While in custody she allegedly destroyed property at the jail.
After attempting to fire her court-appointed attorney due to religious differences, Fakhir agreed to a guilty plea in a deal that gave her five years with 130 days to serve in June 2009.
"I mean what I said," Fakhir said when told she would not be getting a bond Thursday. "If you don't release me. I mean what I said. I better be released from that Masonic Courthouse in the name of Allah. ... If they disbelieve they better not proceed. ...Why can't I get a bond today? Why?" (Continue Reading.)
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Georgia Murder Suspect Sahara Tabriz Fakhir Threatens Judge with Allah's Punishment
Hmmm. The old "Allah Will Punish You if You Don't Release Me" Defense. Classic.
Okay I don't think I can blame this one on Islam. The woman is just bug-nuts crazy.
A true follower of MuhamMAD cannot have a better mental state than this woman. Normal Muslims are those who do not follow the example of their false prophet.
Ridicule, mockery and satire - the best weapons against Islam.
"Georgia Murder Suspect Sahara Tabriz Fakhir Threatens Judge with Allah's Punishment"
Why, for pronouncing her name in an offensive manner?
I'm with the first commenter. This woman is just crazy. Islam is her weapon of choice. But the emphasis must be on her state of mind. She is a dangerous, delusional murderer who needs to be medicated and kept away from society.
I know her personally and in all honesty I don't think she is in the best state if mind more so because she can't believe the allegations against her. She didn't kill this man an any evidence they claim to have us highly suspect. I think if I were accused of murder that I didn't commit I would lose it a little too. No doubt I would not have had the same courthouse scene though. I will keep the victims family, as well as Sahara and family in constant prayer. I pray that the truth is revealed.
Right chocolate joy - his blood ad her dna on the same knife. highly suspect evidence, indeed
This woman should never ever be allowed to be around other humans. She should be locked away and forgotten about. How can she justify herself to anyone. She cannot. She must never be released. She should do the world a favor and kill herself. Maybe then she can redeem herself to her god. Or just shoot her in her fucking head.
Take her out back, and pop her one good lick across the base of her skull. Leave her laying there for the rats and bugs.
@chocolatejoy I would love to see if you are available to be on a show for Oxygen Network. Please email me at
Nasty piece of shit muslim.
Why text anonymously, Unknown.
She please not hungry and was slapped with a perjury charge
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