The Telegraph—Two women could be jailed after it was alleged they conspired to force a girl to marry against her will, breaching a court order banning any arranged wedding.
The girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, turned up at a police station on May 20 alleging she had been forced by her family to marry a man she had only met once, counsel for Bedfordshire Police James Weston told a hearing at Luton County Court.
The girl also alleged death threats had previously been made against her if she refused to marry he said.
His Honour Judge Sir Gavyn Arthur, presiding, said it appeared to be "a very sad case".
The women are accused of breaching Forced Marriage Protection Orders made by Judge Arthur at Luton County Court on November 27, 2012.
Both women deny any breaches.
At an administrative hearing in the case, Mr Weston said the orders had been made after the girl told police "there were threats to take her to Pakistan and force her to marry".
The girl had also alleged that if she refused "she would be taken to Pakistan and shot, and everybody back home would be told it was suicide". (Source)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Two Women Face Charges over Forced Marriage . . . in Great Britain
The fruits of multiculturalism.
Islam must and will be eradicated! Anyone who follows Muhammed are pedophile, murders, and liars. If a Muslim has the guts to meet me to disagree can meet me at 1600 Pennsylvania, D.C. at 9/11 in 2013 at precisely 1:00 to peacefully disagree!
According to a study, there are thousands of forced marriages each year in Germany:
Muslims deny evolution, probably because they are the missing link...
Science= bad
stupidity, lies and kissing a black pagan rock= good
Well, DUH! Like anyone can't see the problem here?
The Telegraph's writer plainly sez, "The girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, turned up at a police station...".
What the writer is OBVIOUSLY trying to tell us (but politely avoids spelling it out) is that the MISTAKE made by the two women charged in this event was in trying to marry off a girl who could find her way to a POLICE STATION!!
HELL-LOW? The two women charged with this UNBELIEVABLY inept effort at "marrying off" a child bride could have AT LEAST found a child young enough (or blind enough, or deformed enough) NOT to be able to find her way to a police station. I mean, it sez that in the unholy Koran!
Sura 143, [Al-e-Doo Dah Day] Aya 221: "OH YE WHO DECEIVE! Take NOT for your forced marriages women of such capability or presence of mind that makes them able to recognize the "mercy" being done to them! Women who will be furniture in marriage, or slaves, or dogs or Muslims should be about as sentient as a flower pot! Allahu Ohynkksmoor has an all-seeing eye like on the dollar bill!"
So, not only did these women lose the profit that might have been their's by providing an appropriate "partner" for their customer, NOW they have to live with the shame of being N.M.E. (Not Muslim Enough - AND THEY PROBABLY HAVEN'T YET EVEN HAD THEIR FGM!!) because they broke the unspoken rules that EVERY Muslim slave-trader knows without knowing.
It's all a part of Islamic dualism, of course.
Allahu Ohynkksmoor!! Allahu Ohynkksmoor!!
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