Friday, April 19, 2013

Muslim Brothers Djohar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev Bombed Boston Marathon

Muhammad commanded his followers to violently subjugate non-Muslims (Qur'an 9:29), and to kill those who "make mischief" in a Muslim land (5:33). Also, according to Muhammad, those who financially support soldiers are equally responsibility for the deeds of the soldiers (Sunan Ibn Majah 2759). Since U.S. tax payers financially support the U.S. soldiers who are fighting in Muslim lands (e.g., Afghanistan), U.S. citizens are viable targets for terrorists. Hence, by blowing up spectators at the Boston Marathon, Muslim brothers Djohar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were simply following the teachings of Muhammad.

Here is Djohar's VK social media page, where he identifies himself as a Muslim.

For more on Jihad, see the following video:


Anonymous said...

Islam conquers 1.93% of all terrorism ever committed. Why does everyone hate Muslims? They really are nice people. Did you guys forget an AMERICAN killed so many children recently? Does that mean Americans are terrorists?

David Wood said...


You seem to think we're claiming: "Since Muslims have committed an act of terrorism, all Muslims must be terrorists." If this were our claim, it would be quite reasonable to respond: "Well, since others have committed acts of terrorism, why not condemn their groups as well?"

But this isn't our claim. If you had bothered to read the post, you would see that our actual claim is: "Since the Qur'an calls for the violent subjugation of non-Muslims, and since the Qur'an calls for the deaths of those who "make mischief" in Muslim lands, the Boston bombing makes perfect sense.

How would this apply to other groups? No other mainstream group calls for terrorism.

GreekAsianPanda said...

Leftists would be able to blame the brothers' actions on oppression if only the attack had been carried out in Russia. Ha.

And just a thought...The F.B.I. released some photos of the bombers at the Boston marathon. This one, hilariously, looks a lot like Dylan Klebold in the Columbine cafeteria footage.

TPaul said...

Maybe David is too nice to say this but Muslims are the very first victims of the evil that is Islam, because this ideology blatantly calls for either execution, eradication or extermination of those who do not submit to this cult, and the agents to carry out this mindless tasks are the ones who have been brainwashed and submitted...

Jesus Is Lord said...

Well said David!
I just hope the main stream media tells this story like it is and call this An Islamic Terrorist Attack. But the main stream media is too coward to do so in my opinion...

Jesus Is Lord said...

And just out of curiosity Ahmad, where did you get that 1.93% from...?

KhaLiD said...

Hi David,

There is not a single sentence in the Qur'an that calls for the murder of innocent people. That's a fact. Now if we want to talk about opinions, then I'm not interested. The versus you pointed out talk about the laws within a Muslim land. The second one really talk about taxes and talks about laws of deportation and imprisonment (Far from justifying or making an incident like the Boston one "making sense") The first one speaks about defending the Muslim lands against occupiers. Again, far from justifying the incident. I would be really careful on which translation of the Qur'an to trust to be honest with you...Because the way you wrote those versus in English and when I went and looked them up in Arabic, it seemed like i was reading two different ideas...

Radical Moderate said...

Well that is so not surprising. Anyone shocked by this? It's sad really that this does not even come as a surprise.

Radical Moderate said...

Lisitng to NPR, one of the reporters said "We know they are Muslims and they were devout Muslims. What is un known is why they would do something like this?"

The reporter gave the answer to before he asked the question.

They were devout Muslims.

Jesus Is Lord said...

Well said David!
I just hope the main stream media tells this story like it is and call this An Islamic Terrorist Attack. But the main stream media is too coward to do so in my opinion...

Unknown said...

I will TRY to keep this as simple and short as possible. Islam does not claim to take violent action against any other person or religion. In fact, the bible actually condones violence AND writes that the Christian God is vengeful among other things. Despite what is written in the Bible (including Torah-that anyone who is not a Jew is lower than dirt), I do not believe that Christians follow to that idea. Islam has always had opposition because of the rumors and lies that have been spread since way back when. One example are the crusades, it was the Christians that went on to spread the word and take over the world. Islam was defending themselves. It is more complex than this, but this is the short version.

GreekAsianPanda said...

@ Ahmad,

1.93%? Well, that is a plausible statistic if that really includes "all terrorism ever committed", but the fact remains that currently the majority of terrorism-related deaths in the world are at the hands of Sunni terrorists (and by that one does not mean terrorists that happen to be Sunnis but terrorists who kill in the name of Sunni Islam).

That doesn't even cover extremist non-terrorist activities. Now, this isn't all to say everyone should "hate Muslims", or that there is no non-Sunni terrorism (political terrorism and other religious terrorism also cause considerable harm), but downplaying a current problem does not help anything.

Also, do you really want to pretend Islamic terrorism and extremism are not major problems in the world today when a majority of its fatalities are Muslims as well?

Excalibur said...

The Muslims Are Not Happy! They're not happy in Gaza. They're not happy in Egypt. They're not happy in Libya. They're not happy in Morocco. They're not happy in Iran. They're not happy in Iraq. They're not happy in Yemen. They're not happy in Afghanistan. They're not happy in Pakistan. They're not happy in Syria. They're not happy in Lebanon. So, where are they happy? They're happy in Australia. They're happy in England. They're happy in France. They're happy in Italy. They're happy in Germany. They're happy in Sweden. They're happy in the USA. They're happy in Norway. They're happy in every country that is not Muslim. And who do they blame? Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves. THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN! AND THEY WANT TO CHANGE THEM TO BE LIKE THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY. Excuse me, but how dumb can you get?

Unknown said...

muslims are always quick to say 'muslims are nice people'..but they never question what the quran says about the hateful verses.why should they?'s 'holy' after all. and ahmad is asking why everybody hates muslims?..thats the problem...u never research.if u actually read ur quran well u'd know why the terrorists do what they do.if non-muslims blame islam and u say they don't practice islam why have we not seen a single muslim protest against terrorists.if the terrorists read the quran and we non-muslims have read the quran and we all agree muslims are commanded tofight the unbelievers and u 'moderate' muslims deny this then i can say for sure even more dangerous than the terrorists because they tell the truth and you lie.'moderate' or 'nice' muslims are just another rank in the islamic army whose job is to deceive unbelievers so they let their guard down. it's moderate muslims who have infiltrated the west and are making it easy for terrorists to get easy access in europe and united ahmad..sorry but u're not fooling anybody here..go read ur quran well beacuse we have.

taomeano said...

I am assuming you are an intelligent person, you must have just been waking up from bed or something because your post does not make sense at all.

All muslims are not terrorists but about 99% of terrorist acts have been done by muslims in the name of their violent religion. Does it not make sense that we ask why most terrorist acts are committed by muslims?

It is quite embarassing that Islam claims to be a religion of peace and yet it is the source of most violence in the world. So please Ahmad use your intelligence and get out of the religion of darkness. You are damning your soul if you don't. May the LORD JESUS CHRIST guide you to the real God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Unknown said...

You're kidding... A serious matter, people died and are critically injured and you take advantage of an incident like this to further your cause? What other point do you have in this post? Anyways, the bible says to kill non-believers who worship other gods, it says to kill non-believers and that women should act and be controlled by men. You're a hypocrite.

Just to add, 9:29 says fight the non-believers until they psy jizya, a tax which means they get protection, don't have to fight and don't pay zakat. Also, this verse applies to a Muslim state, jizya can't be paid to nowhere without a Muslim state.

hugh watt said...

So, as the runners are nearing the finish line they hear two guys sounding like they're happy for the runners who are finishing the race. As it turns out they were not saying, "GEE, I'M GLAD!!! GEE, I'M GLAD!!! GEE, I'M GLAD!!!"

hugh watt said...

KhaLiD said: "There is not a single sentence in the Qur'an that calls for the murder of innocent people."

I was once told by a Muslim, 'no non-Muslim is "innocent", not even children.' I guess technically that makes your comment true.

David Wood said...

B.O. said: "You're kidding... A serious matter, people died and are critically injured and you take advantage of an incident like this to further your cause?"

Well, my "cause" is stopping people from continuing to slaughter people, and I'm not sure how to do this apart from challenging the ideology that commands the attacks. But feel free to try your method (i.e., ignore the ideology and hope that the problem goes away some day).

B.O. said: "Anyways, the bible says to kill non-believers who worship other gods."

Show me where the Bible commands me to kill non-believers who worship other gods.

B.O. said: "Just to add, 9:29 says fight the non-believers until they psy jizya, a tax which means they get protection, don't have to fight and don't pay zakat. Also, this verse applies to a Muslim state, jizya can't be paid to nowhere without a Muslim state."

Nonsense! If it was a Muslim state, people would already be subdued. Why fight people who are already subjugated? The verse commands you to fight people UNTIL they are subjugated and paying you the Jizyah.

David Wood said...

Ahmad said: " Why does everyone hate Muslims?"

Who hates Muslims? I certainly don't. However, if you believe that anyone who criticizes another persons views must hate that person, then Islam is the most hate-filled ideology in history, since it criticizes everyone's views. For instance, the Qur'an refers to Jews and Christians as the "worst of creatures" (98:6). Do you agree?

David Wood said...

Khalid said: "Because the way you wrote those versus in English and when I went and looked them up in Arabic, it seemed like i was reading two different ideas."

Oh, so your Muslim translators are deliberately distorting the text in order to make Islam seem more violent for a Western audience? I guess that's much more believable than you trying to water down the Qur'an to make it seem more peaceful for a Western audience.

Khalid said: "The first one speaks about defending the Muslim lands against occupiers."

No, it doesn't. But just for fun, are you saying that Western nations are not "occupiers" in any Muslim land?

David Wood said...

Marc Si said: "Islam does not claim to take violent action against any other person or religion."

I guess you forgot to tell this to Allah and Muhammad:

Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Qur’an 9:73—O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.

Qur’an 9:111—Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah's way, so they slay and are slain.

Qur’an 9:123—O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

These sure sound like calls for violence against other people. But maybe you know better than Allah and Muhammad. (Feel free to change the subject now.)

Marc Si said: "Despite what is written in the Bible (including Torah-that anyone who is not a Jew is lower than dirt)."

Could you give me a chapter and verse of the Torah saying that "anyone who is not a Jew is lower than dirt"? I can give you a verse of the Qur'an saying that non-Muslims are the "worst of creatures" (Qur'an 98:6).

Henri-Paul Indiogine said...

David Wood wrote:

For instance, the Qur'an refers to Jews and Christians as the "worst of creatures" (98:6). Do you agree?

That is not correct. The text has (translated in English) "the unbelievers of the People of the Book ... are the worst of creatures." This is perfectly Biblical expression that can be found in the Book of Revelation and the Gospels.

Dk said...

So Muslims once again terrorize westerners and the Muslims on this blog respond by saying "The bible says to kill non-believers, the Quran does not!"

Cant say I'm suprised knowing how bad Muslim apologetics is in general, I just thought maybe for once instead of attacking the Bible they might atleast condemn the terrorists.

David's point that these Muslims were following Islam, is not just his opinion, if you look up there youtube page, they were watcthing Jihadist Videos and praising terrorism. This is their own view.

So rather than taking "pot shots" like "your bible is worse", why don't you just admit that no one uses the Bible to justify terrorism in 2013, it's your Quran that is intepreted this way, and these Muslims were merely following Jihad as prescribed by Islam they themselves admit this!

The dishonesty and escape goat tactics are standard, but offensive in this case.

David Wood said...

Henri-Paul said: "That is not correct. The text has (translated in English) "the unbelievers of the People of the Book ... are the worst of creatures." This is perfectly Biblical expression that can be found in the Book of Revelation and the Gospels."

Horrible exegesis. The "people of the book" are Jews and Christians. The "unbelievers" are those who reject Muhammad. So any Christians and Jews who reject Muhammad are the "worst of creatures."

It's as if you only come here to distort things.

Osama Abdallah said...


The backpacks being dropped on the ground and left by the alleged terrorists?

2- The alleged terrorists putting a high speed chase with the police at night?

3- The video of the fighting that took place between the police and them, which resulted in the killing of one of the alleged terrorists and a police officer?

WHY CAN'T THESE BE CIA ZIONIST AGENTS? The former Sovient Union's States are infested with Jews. This is Borat's and Kim Kardashian's neck of the woods. Lots of zionist and mossad agents there. This thing smells like turd! At least show us the evidence.

All we have right now are empty allegations. I will be THE FIRST to condemn this cowardly act even if they were Muslims. But don't glue it to Islam when you have no evidence. 9/11 was a complete zionist and mossad operation.


How come all of the sudden we have ample terrorism in the USA all in one year? Sounds too fishy to me. Could it be a government plot to something much bigger?

Osama Abdallah

Selecta Mark said...

Terror threat: Four jailed in homemade bomb plot case

Surely they can't all be misinterpreting the Quran!

Craig said...

I was told that the blog is fake and made up, is there anymore proof there muslim?

Unknown said...

moderate muslim deception is brainwash they can't even see the truth if it punches them in the face.we quote from their own quran and they say we misinterpret.but how come they terrorists quote those same hateful verses when they carry out their moderate muslims most of whom are not even arabic understand the koran better than those terrorist who spend day and night memorizing it?..if they get the message and we get the message why can't moderate muslims get the message.the quran says islam should dominate, the terrorists say islam should dominate but moderate muslims say nooooo..out of context. i seriously think 'peaceful' muslims are the most dangerous because they deny everything that is plain truth.

Foolster41 said...

Once again Osama comes in with conspiracy theories and anti-semetism ("infested with jews") that shows Osama's deep seated Jew hatred (his prophet Mohammad hated Jews too, so no surprise there).

Of course, it MUST be the Jews behind every terror attack (all 10,000 of them!) since 9/11 not the muslims! Osama ignores the evidence of witnesses (the cops who were in the shoot-out with the perps), and puts a far higher standard for Muslims than non-Muslims (would you say actual recorded evidence of a non-Muslim is required to convict or prove it's not a frame up? If not why not?)

Osama, you're either a creep, or genuinely believe this and are mentally ill.

Your hatred and Islamic supremiscism is perfectly clear.

Foolster41 said...

Also, here you go Osama, the proof that's required of Muslims that's not reuqired for non-muslims!

goethechosemercy said...

If you follow Satan, then it is no surprise that you do evil things.
Islam is profane.
Same evil.

Habibur Rehman said...

Muslims ,Quran, Prophet (SAW)His cousin brother Jesus Christ(AS) and Christianity do not responsible for this type of job called terrorism by some gentlemen. have any body of you counted the unarmed innocents killed in Muslim countries or domain without any of their fault. Now please think for a moment about what is left to enjoy in the life of remaining generation. Actually now U.S. not Americans are at declared war against Muslims throughout the world. Why? Are they too stronger or wealthy ?The reality is that capitalists of U.S. and its allies had been trying to loot the natural wealth there. But It is not an easy job to loot Muslims and therefore they miserably failed. Therefore in frustration try to risk in other parts. They can do any thing even in your country. They have full control over your democracy. Their advisers are Jews you all know .The fight is now between blood and money the real God of Jews. Muslims have nothing to lost. Still majority is not supporting terrorism and you have time to do something for improvement the relationship .Don`t blame Quran because only a few people approx.1000 both Muslims and non Muslim would have been killed in the whole period of Prophet (SAW)

Deleting said...

KhaLiD said: "There is not a single sentence in the Qur'an that calls for the murder of innocent people."

Then why have their been 20730 acts of terrorism since 9/11 directly related to Islam?

By the way, do the math.
9-11-2012 to 4-19-2013=11 and a half years (roughly)
11.5 years divided by 20730=1802 terrorists acts in a year.
There's only 365 days in a year

Khalid which works out to 4.93 terrorists acts a DAY.

So either the whole muslim world, including Allah and Mohammad, are wrong and Khalid has the only correct interpretation of Islam or

Khalid is wrong as well as the rest of western islam and these guys were right.


Radical Moderate said...

@Osama abd foolah

Yes yes yes, it was done by Zionist Joosh and the CIA.

All is right in Osama's world

Deleting said...


1- The backpacks being dropped on the ground and left by the alleged terrorists?

2- The alleged terrorists putting a high speed chase with the police at night?

3- The video of the fighting that took place between the police and them, which resulted in the killing of one of the alleged terrorists and a police officer?

WHY CAN'T THESE BE CIA ZIONIST AGENTS? The former Sovient Union's States are infested with Jews. This is Borat's and Kim Kardashian's neck of the woods. Lots of zionist and mossad agents there. This thing smells like turd! At least show us the evidence.

All we have right now are empty allegations. I will be THE FIRST to condemn this cowardly act even if they were Muslims. But don't glue it to Islam when you have no evidence. 9/11 was a complete zionist and mossad operation."

YET if these were jews/christians/hindus/Ba'hais/buddhist/rednecks/people who practice divination by way of picking their noses and letting their booger shape tell the tale....Osama wouldn't demand such things.

Consistancy thy name is not ISLAM.

Osama Abdallah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melvyn Cyrus said...

Who of you guys ever doubted that this was again the work of Muslims terrorists? I was sure from the beginning.

BTW, watch your back, Osama is back!

Radical Moderate said...

Osama Abdullah said...


Yes and why couldn't it be green men from Mars, or Venus.

And while we are on it, why couldn't the destruction of the first death star been an inside job. I mean do you really believe a farm boy from Tatoheen with no experiences could of made that one in a million shot. That other experienced X wing fighter pilots said was "Impossible".

Unknown said...

@ Ahmad.
anytime non-muslims quote hateful quran verses moderate muslims say we quote out of think you know better than those jihadis what islam is all about? u even know about how a 'prophet of god' raided caravans and married little girls, and thought his followers to fight in the name of allah?
after watching this video, it shows what hypocrites moderate muslims are.

Deleting said...

Habibur said, "Muslims ,Quran, Prophet (SAW)His cousin brother Jesus Christ(AS) and Christianity do not responsible for this type of job called terrorism by some gentlemen."

Jesus was a jew so how was he a cousin to 'brother Jesus Christ'?

Hadith and Surah please.

Excalibur said...

He also SLAUGHTERED 900 Jews in one day and don't forget that he raided their caravans, looted them as well as taking their women as his "wives" or sex slaves.

Here are just some of the battles that Muhammad fought in, in order to spread his religion with the sword...


There is not a time in history where muslims were apathetic or pacifist rather they were and still are pathetic and antagonistic.

Foolster41 said...

Oh look, Osama has sonmeone he can be jew-hate buddies with. You can stay both up late and share giddy stories of the Jewish conspiracy and talk about Mein Kamph and The Prodicals of the Elders of Zion.

@Osama: I have no idea what you're talking about. How does making up stories help your credibility (as if you had any)? Seriously man, get help.

angel said...

The torah and New testament are the inspired word of God and one must study it to learn it's meanings you have to apply Reason and Logic. The Koran on the other hand is considered the "Word" of God and as such you do not need to and can not apply logic nor reason to it, you must only obey. The Koran most certainly teaches Hatred and disdain for non- Muslims it teaches that non- Muslims must submit to Islam those that do not must be killed or maimed, enslaved and they are subject to whatever penalty Muslims enact. Just read the koran and it is obviously hate filled.

hugh watt said...

Osama said:

"All we have right now are empty allegations."

Funny that. Some martyrs ask the same for proof of Muhammad's "angelic visitation in that cave."
As the cold blade of a sword is placed on their neck they say, "At least show us the evidence," only to hear something along the lines of, 'Of course it happened!'

It's the lack of consistency that gets me.

Perhaps it sounds too much like a Hollywood movie, hey? Maybe there's some money to be made here. Let's try this..

Two guys are caught on CCTV who then hold up a store, steal an SUV and are chased across town whilst shooting and throwing bombs at the cops. One is shot and wounded fatally and the other escapes. [Other], is then cornered as he hides in a boat covered in blood he received from a gunshot wound. He happens to be one of the two suspects caught on CCTV. His uncle then goes on TV asking him, 'What the heck are you doing?' and telling him to surrender himself as he begs the cops not to kill his nephew. He is then apprehended and taken into custody.

(How am I doing so far?)

As [other] is cuffed and taken away a reporter manages to ask, 'What was this all about? Are you a terrorist? Why do you want to kill innocent people?' He lets the world know the reason for the whole affair as he replies with: "The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,.." © (Just in case. Well, you never know).

Leslie Nielson would have been in the starring role. Osama gets to play [others] lawyer.

Osama says, "This thing smells like turd!"

Well, so might you if you were innocently holding up a store and being chased in a stolen vehicle across town with the might of the US army behind and shooting at you.

cheryl_maree said...

Just read John 16:2

Deleting said...

Cheryl-maree said, "Just read John 16:2"

after that, read John 16:3.

Oh wait, let me make it easy for you.

j 16:2 They will expel you from the synagogue but an hour is coming that everyone who kills you will think they are offering services to God.

16:3 And they will do these things because they do not know the father or ME.


You don't know Jesus. you don't know God the father and you don't know ALLAH either!!!

Babs said...

@Osama Abdallah

"Innocent" men do not kill policemen or throw explosives at them.

And you are showing signs of the sort of paranoia which makes it easy for Muslims to believe as truth whatever wacky conspiracy theory about "Zionists" might take their fancy.

Do you believe in the tooth fairy too?

Babs said...

I also note that Khalid is resorting to taqiyya. When Islam is allowed to define "innocent" then non-Muslims are invariably not so defined.

Babs said...

Excalibur, with respect you are mistaken. The muslim prophet did not actually fight in any battles. He did what far too many imams do today - crank up the soliders of allah and leave them to get killed.

You are right, however, about the murder and mayhem the muslims perpetrated.

John 8:24 said...

Osama said: "WHY CAN'T THESE BE CIA ZIONIST AGENTS? The former Sovient Union's States are infested with Jews. This is Borat's and Kim Kardashian's neck of the woods. Lots of zionist and mossad agents there. This thing smells like turd!"

Now this is GETTING VERY SUSPICIOUS OSAMA. It is now looking like YOU ARE A CIA ZIONIST AGENT pretending to be a dumb and crazy Muslim to give MUSLIMS A BAD NAME and EMBARRASS THEM!!! This thing smells like turd...straight out of your pants!