Spain—Moroccan children adopted by Spanish families will be monitored by the Moroccan government until they reach the age of 18—but not to check up on their overall well being. Instead, Morocco intends to ensure that the adopted children remain culturally and religiously Muslim.
Morocco enforces an Islamic practice called kafala, which prevents conversion to Christianity among adopted children by ensuring that children are raised Muslim.
According to the Gatestone Institute, Morocco issued a provision preventing foreign adoptions to non-Moroccan residents, but the new Spanish agreement overrides that restriction. Spain reportedly agreed to allow Morocco to monitor the adopted children in order to finalize pending Spanish-Moroccan adoptions.
CT previously has reported on the topics of Spain, Morocco, and adoption, including the short-supply of available foreign adoptions and the trend toward open adoptions in the United States. CT also noted Russia's recent decision to restrict adoptions of Russian children to American parents. (Source)
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Sharia Alert: Spanish Government Says Children Adopted from Morocco Must Remain Muslim
So if you're a fifteen-year-old student adopted from Morocco and living with a Spanish family, and you read the Qur'an and realize that Islam is false, better keep your mouth shut . . . or else.
David I know that in Islam Jesus is the one who is going to return (funny Muhammad isn't) at the end and fight the Anti-CHRIST, not Anti-Allah.
Muslims say that Jesus is coming to "break the cross".
I see that as Jesus is on the cross and he will BREAK it to get free, the ties that bind him on the cross and break it, destroy the cross that holds him...not that he is going to destroy Christianity.
It is possible that Muslims misinterpreted it and didn't see the metaphor.
Also you should do a segment about music being haram in Islam. About 2 times a day I get a Muslim arguing with me in forums and then I find out they are INTO MUSIC. Yet all of us that in Islam music is forbidden, even nasheeds. Music is going to send them to hell.
Spanish should adopt children from Latin America instead or other non-Muslim places.
If they adopted them from Latin America at least the share the same culture and religion, not the false Islam.
You gotta see this one!!
Muslim Prayer Service 'Ruined' by Derogatory Sermon against gays;
Well, perhaps we can hope that if the thing is made "mandatory" for children (in a liberal democratic setting like Spain, where there are all kinds of alternative ways to live), that mandated way for children will be exactly what most children will want to rebel against and reject.
But I'm probably being too optimistic.
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