Ugghhh. Can't catch a break for five seconds. Raining outside. Lost power to half our apartment: Reid and Paley's room (thus, all of their life support machines), the living room, and the kitchen. The other side is still working (including the internet!), so I ran some extension cords from one side to the other to keep the equipment running. I checked the breakers--no problem there. Since power is still working in half the apartment, I'm assuming it's not a neighborhood power outage. That means it's a problem somewhere inside the walls. There's a slight leak in our roof, so I'm guessing that some electrical boxes may have finally gotten damaged. I'll have to get ahold of our landlord in the morning to get someone out here to fix the power, but it's supposed to be raining all day tomorrow as well. Please pray that we can get power restored quickly. No sleep tonight!
***UPDATE*** Just got a call from Con Edison (the power company in the Bronx). We're on a contact list for people with medical equipment. They said it is an area power outage after all. Apparently, the two sides of my apartment are on different circuits. Fine by me, since the working side is keeping my kids breathing!
***2ND UPDATE*** Power's back on (for the moment)!
***3RD UPDATE*** Off again!
***4TH UPDATE*** Back on (for now)!
We are praying for you bro
I know the feeling
We will pray in agreement with you that the power is back on soon!
Definitely, David! I am praying for you. May God protect you and your family and use you mightily for his glory.
Praying for you & your family!!
Praying for you and family David! God be with you my brother.
Praying for you and your family, dear brother!!! You'll have victory in Jesus' name! The King is with you always!!!! :)
Dear God, please protect David and his family, keep providing for them as You always do, I pray in Lord Jesus precious Name. Amen.
Just read it all,I am glad things are better but I have prayed for no more shortages.We are with you David.
Just got the flash. Praying and hoping all is well now.
You can't have a happy after insulting the last and final messenger david keep this in mind your life will be always miserable and hell cause your an abuser
You always gonna have a miserable life david you can't have a happy life after insulting ,making fun of the last and final prophet your life will be miserable until you reach the grave your a blasphemer david and blasphemers deserve that your getting what you actually deserve
Who said anything about being "miserable"? Do you really think I'd be miserable over a few hours without power??? I face struggles every day, but I'm never miserable, not even for a second.
Compare this with your prophet, who died wallowing in agony after being poisoned by a Jewish woman. Aisha said that she had never seen someone experience such agony! Towards the end, Muhammad's followers had to carry him around, because he couldn't even walk! Quite a reward for all of his hard work (raping his child-bride, raping his sex-slaves, etc.). No victory whatsoever!
Hello David. I felt I needed to pray for your children specifically. This may be none of my business, but do you think that their condition is as a result of spiritual attack? I've been having that feeling, and I've not been able to shake it off. Please, i'm not trying to offend you. I pray in the name of JESUS that your children will receive their healing. Amen.
@Prince John: Thank you for showing us all the more that Islam is the religion of peace!
"This may be none of my business, but do you think that their condition is as a result of spiritual attack?"
It's a genetic muscle disease that affects half of male children on my wife's side of the family. We have four boys: two healthy, two affected. Seems more like straightforward probability than spiritual attack.
prince John said, "You always gonna have a miserable life david you can't have a happy life after insulting ,making fun of the last and final prophet your life will be miserable until you reach the grave your a blasphemer david and blasphemers deserve that your getting what you actually deserve"
And what do YOU deserve prince John? The bible says you deserve hell and torment for time and all eternity because of your sins.
God's wrath abides upon you prince John because you embrace an embarrassment of a man instead of true, PURE revelation coming from God's son.
Revelation you reject based on an ignorant power-hungry greedy man who abused people, killed people and had sex with children. I wouldn't look at Muhammad in admiration I'd look at him in total disgust and at myself for stupidly thinking this was the 'great' one the bible spoke about coming.
Don't be so quick to judge next time, not if you don't want to look up in the midst of eternal torment and damnation to see David and his whole family healthy and alive and happy in heaven.
@price John and now I have to go fart in the general direction of medina and your so-called prophet's grave.
David stop pretending that everything is fine with you LOL bullshit you have a miserable life and we know exactly why you are a polytheist who commit blasphemy 24/7 you think Jesus died for you BS Jesus didn't died for any of you Jesus taught accountability idiot correct me if I'm lying Jesus said ,Jesus said hes the son of man you say hes the son of God ,Jesus said worship God you worship Jesus david I better stick with prophet Jesus of Nazareth then a idiot polytheist like you who doesn't even have the real bible david who told you that the Gospel according to Jesus is still around ? your friend sam shamoun the abuser hahahahaha you people have nothing to do with Jesus Christ go abuse little kids thats what you christian missionaries are famous for you think Jesus will save you LOL Jesus can't save anyone only the one who created Jesus can
David hate Islam as much as you want but one thing I can assure you that your future generation will be Muslim Islam is the religion of future not this dead religion call Christianity Qur'an Say [to the people] that the Spirit of Truth has come and falsehood is vanquished .Christianity is bullshit pagan religion Jesus was a Muslim you know that deep inside david your just ignorant
"Go abuse little kids"? You mean like your prophet did to Aisha? He both raped and beat her, and you believe this is acceptable behavior. No wonder you encourage others to abuse children! After all, Muhammad is your highest moral example, right?
Fortunately, I'm a Christian, so I can't follow Muhammad's example. Of course, if I ever become a Muslim, I'll be sure to follow your advice by going on a killing, raping, and torturing spree. But in the meantime, I'll focus on obeying Jesus' command to love everyone.
"who told you that the Gospel according to Jesus is still around ?"
Another ignorant Muslim, who knows nothing about the bible and its history who ARROGANTLY claims to know better! The bible we have is based on scrolls from around 200 years BEFORE MOHAMMAD WAS BORN! thus THIS WAS THE BIBLE AT MOHAMAMD'S TIME and thus the corruption claim MAKES NO SENSE!
Prince John said: "Qur'an Say [to the people] that the Spirit of Truth has come and falsehood is vanquished"
Qur'an also say: "Let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein" (5:47).
Qur'an also say that no one can corrupt Allah's words (18:27).
Qur'an also say that we have no ground to stand on if we don't stand upon the Gospel (5:68).
But you tell us that the Gospel has been corrupted, which means that the Qur'an is a book of lies. How can a book of lies be the "religion of the future"?
David you said you obey the command of Jesus hahahahaha that's the biggest lie ever heard that should be the joke of the year Jesus said worship God ,you worship Jesus ,Jesus was circumcised most of you aren't I'm sure your one of them ,Jesus never touched pork you bastards love pork ,Jesus never get drunk you bastards love to get drunk LOL never say that you obey Jesus, Jesus himself said that Muhammad is coming you pagans reject prophet Jesus in way David yoy can't even answer my question yet you wanna challenge scholars like Dr Nauk lol david naik can destroy you in less then 5 minutes anyway tell me where did Jesus said the hes God in three different forms its a life time challenge fot you bring the verse where Jesus said I'm God in the form of a man
David the truth indeed has arrive and the false Christianity is dead david you quoted the verses of the Qur'an without knowing A....B...C in Arabic hahahah you made a poor case kid you can't even face Naik in your dream Naik can teach you the bible david ,david your ignorance knows no bounds how the hell can you say that the Gospel according Jesus is still around hahahahaha Qur'an 5-47 is talking about the real Gospel david not the king james or any other LOL
John said: "you bastards love to get drunk"
John said: "you bastards love pork"
John said: "Christianity is bullshit"
Do you kiss the Black Stone with that mouth of yours? Or do you follow the example of your prophet and kiss a child bride too?
John said: "Qur'an 5-47 is talking about the real Gospel david not the king james or any other LOL"
It's talking about the original Gospel? But you said it's been lost. If it's been lost, why does Allah command us to judge by it? Are you saying that Allah commands people to do things that they can't do? Or perhaps Allah didn't realize that his word had been corrupted? Is this why he said in 18:27 that no one can corrupt his word? Was he just mistaken? This is exactly what I would expect from a pagan idol like Allah.
John said: "you wanna challenge scholars like Dr Nauk"
Yes, I want to challenge "Dr Nauk." Unfortunately, I've never heard of "Dr Nauk." Where can I find this great debater of yours? Hopefully, he's less of a coward than Zakir Naik, who refuses to face experienced Christian debaters.
@prince john
Wah.... what foul language! Well, this muslim is being consistent, he is just following the satanic verses!
Its ok for this imbecile of a muslim to get personal with David, as they are just following their muhammad, the "high priest" of satan!
John said: "you bastards love to get drunk"
John said: "you bastards love pork"
John said: "Christianity is bullshit"
hey muslim "john" (is there a pun in there?:)
islam have zero theology hence all your vile, nasty, violent, nature and perversion!
Brother David, you have such a Grace filled Spirit that clearly shows that there is Freedom In Christ as you have demostrated by allowing this extremely vile and personal attack on your family!
The Lord continue to Shower you & your loving family abundantly with His Shalom Peace.
You always gonna have a miserable life david you can't have a happy life after insulting ,making fun of the last and final prophet your life will be miserable until you reach the grave your a blasphemer david and blasphemers deserve that your getting what you actually deserve
You curse your fellow human being.
And you claim to love God who made him.
Islam is profane.
Mohammed is a false prophet.
This is my only curse. And it is not even on your head.
Prince john,
you're seriously an idiot.
David's followers hate Prince John cause they don't wanna hear the truth about their hero the truth is always bitter ,david is a childish man with tow faces in front of muslim debaters he says that we worship the same God with different names and behind their back he says no Allah is not the same God when he knows deep inside thats false david thats what we call two face lair
Princess John said: "david is a childish man with tow faces in front of muslim debaters he says that we worship the same God with different names and behind their back he says no Allah is not the same God"
Does anyone recall me EVER saying, in any context, that Christians and Muslims worship the same God with different names? If not, why is John making things up? Is it because he worships the "best of deceivers" (Qur'an 3:54) and therefore views deception as a virtue? One more reason Christians and Muslims don't worship the same God!
Prince john,
And you need to learn the truth about spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Then maybe we may be able to figure out what the heck you're trying to say.
Caricature said: "And you need to learn the truth about spelling, punctuation and grammar."
Maybe he's just trying to be a little more like his prophet!
David said: "Maybe he's just trying to be a little more like his prophet!"
Yea, that's right. Muslims never fail to remind us about their prophet's inability to read and write. They rave over this stuff.
It's hilarious.
Princess John said, "David's followers hate Prince John cause they don't wanna hear the truth about their hero the truth is always bitter "
That's not true. I hate Prince john because he talks in the third person and his shocking lack of grammer. In a day and age of Google translate that aught not to be.
Please have an english speaking jihadist proofread your bomb threats before you send them out.
Oh....and you're a total tool. Now get lost troll.
@Prince John,
Zakir Nauk or whatever you called him, is Zakir Naik. He doesn't debate any Christians at all, he just conditions niaive mulsims who think he knows anything about The Bible.
As for your prophet? If Jesus Christ himself came to me and told me Mohammed was indeed the last prophet of God, I'd be an anti-Allah in the morning.
For the sake of the universe and everything in it, there cannot be one so undivine and unrightoeous in the hereafter as your prophet and Allah.
You are the perfect example of the nasty, twisted, angry, demented, niaive, mentally retarded and disturbed individual, type of person that Mohammed craved to fill the world with.
The religion of Islam is psychotic and mohammed is mentioned in the bible: He was the antiChrist and false prophet Jesus Christ warned us about. If Mohammed was the last messenger of God, why didn't God or Gabriel tell him much about Jesus?
The message in the Koran is at the polar opposite of what is taught in The New Testament and God must have been having a very bad hair day if he really sent the message of hate he did to Gabriel for Mo.
Islam is growing in numbers because of the weakness of Western leaders and the help of the communist/marxist media. These sad converts really do believe (at first)that it really is the Religion of Peace. We only need to go on the internet and Youtube to see your religion in action, and the real truth.
I'd rather go to hell than to a heaven where your god resides. To me there would be just two hells and no heaven.
David: This guy isn't Arabic at all and his grammar and language is bad becasue he's a spoiled American convert with a chip on his shoulder. He's not long come out of prison for mugging old ladies and groping kids. He's probably got ten kids who he doesn't live with or support financially or other. He's also got a narcotics problem and never attended school. He's basically a low-life convert to Islam because now he thinks he is 'somebody'.
Sadly, he only remembers wetting his pants until the age of 16 and his younger sister beating him up in fromt of his friends. You can tell this type of moron from a mile away. I'm a psychological profiler, and like to think I know what I'm saying. I've got an 97% accuracy rating in the 419 cases I've been involved in since 2004.
I'm sure he will be back soon. After he's finished crying ,he'll be back making nasty threats for sure. This will prove my point completely...and that he does wet his pants.
Pray for you and your relations, dear brother!!! You'll have conquest in Jesus' name! The ruler is by means of you forever!!!! :)Christian tv
Allah bless Kundan and Aastha as the ideal love and life partner.Circle this relationship with your love and blessings.Bring her in faith. amen.
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