Saturday, February 9, 2013

Convicted Terrorists Smuggling Sperm Out of Prison to Impregnate Proud Wives

CHILD: "Mom, if Dad's been in prison for fifteen years for blowing up a bus full of Jewish civilians, how did you get pregnant seven years ago?"

MOTHER: "We smuggled his sperm out of the prison, Son."

CHILD: "What's sperm?"

MOTHER: "According to the Qur'an, sperm comes from between the backbone and the ribs (86:5-7). When the sperm gets into the mommy, it becomes a clot of blood and eventually turns into a baby (23:12-14). Then, when the baby grows up, he gets to blow up Jewish buses."

CHILD: "But the Discovery Channel didn't say anything about a clot of blood."

MOTHER: "Haram!"

Nablus, West Bank (CNN) -- Dalal al-Ziben holds her son and kisses his head. Al-Ziben never thought she would have another baby considering her husband has been inside an Israeli prison for 16 years and will likely never get out.

"When they arrested my husband I was 18 years old," she says.

As is expected from her in conservative Palestinian society she says she has been faithful to her husband. She has simply been waiting, hoping her husband may one day be released from incarceration.

It hasn't happened and likely never will because he is serving 27 life sentences and an additional 25 years for helping plan a deadly bombing in a Jerusalem market. An act of violence she says he has admitted to.

Palestinian prisoners jailed for terror attacks are not afforded conjugal visits. Nonetheless al-Ziben says she got pregnant by her husband because he managed to have his sperm smuggled out of a high security prison.

"Why does the wife of a prisoner have to suffer and stay like this without children and a family? It is our right to meet our husbands and our right to have children," Al-Ziben says.

The mother-of-two is one of five Palestinian women making the same claim. In an examination room Rimah Silawi, 32, stares at the tiny black dot on the baby monitor as the technician tells her she is one month pregnant.

Her husband is also serving multiple life sentences and she too says she received In Vitro fertilization using sperm smuggled from inside an Israeli prison.

She and the other women will tell you all about their babies, but not a word about how exactly their husband's semen was smuggled out of a high security Israeli prison leaving enough time for the semen to still be considered viable.

"I'm not going to tell so I won't ruin it for other people," Rimah Silawi whispers in response to our question. (Continue Reading.)


Aletheya said...


Koala Bear said...

Read on one message board that the JEWISH prison guards know about this and are switching the sperm samples. It does make me smile that they are having JEWISH babies. Ha ha ha!

Lauren Janell said...

"According to the Qur'an, sperm comes from between the backbone and the ribs"

I guess muslim men really don't have any balls

Deleting said...

And all God's people said.....EEWWWWwwEEEEWWW!!!


Deleting said...

Koala said, "Read on one message board that the JEWISH prison guards know about this and are switching the sperm samples. It does make me smile that they are having JEWISH babies. Ha ha ha!"

SHH!! Don't tell them that or they'll blow the kids up!

Seriously, don't. These people aren't smart...I think this would rank right up there with telling them drinking from a certain water fountain will turn them jewish.

Although they would never REALLY know about it....would they?