Friday, October 5, 2012

Reading University Atheist Group Punished for Blasphemous Muhammad Pineapple

Perhaps Muslims were upset that calling a pineapple "Muhammad" implies that Muhammad was a fruit.

UNITED KINGDOM--A group of atheist students were kicked out of their university's fresher fair because of a "blasphemous pineapple" named Mohammed.

The Reading University Atheist, Humanist and Secularist Society (RAHS) took part in the fair on Wednesday, in order to promote their upcoming debate "Should we respect religion?".

The society displayed a pineapple bearing the name Mohammed on their stall, to "encourage discussion about blasphemy, religion, and liberty".

"We wanted to celebrate the fact that we live in a country in which free speech is protected, and where it is lawful to call a pineapple by whatever name one chooses," a society spokesperson said.

Towards the afternoon, the group was informed they had to leave the fair by a member of Reading University Student Union (RUSU) staff. The reason given was several complaints had made against the offending pineapple, although RAHS members insist they were not made aware of any such protestations.

The society refused to remove the fruit due to their "commitment to freedom of expression", to which they were told by the RUSU member: "Either the pineapple goes, or you do."

A struggle ensued, wherein the pineapple was seized, but shortly returned to the owners, where it was re-christened Jesus.

According to the RAHS, a small group of students then gathered around the table and forcefully removed the pineapple's name tag. The society was then "forced to leave the venue", accompanied by security staff.

The society has voiced its disappointment at the chain of events, saying: "Our intent in displaying a pineapple labelled 'Mohammed' was to draw attention to cases where religion has been used to limit freedom of expression and other fundamental rights." (Continue Reading.)


KT said...

Wait, did the officials at this event first try to take the "Muhammad" pineapple and rename it "Jesus" as some sort of compromise before eventually throwing the atheists out?

That's how I interpreted this part:

"A struggle ensued, wherein the pineapple was seized, but shortly returned to the owners, where it was re-christened Jesus."

Am I reading this wrong?

Anonymous said...

lol what CC left out was jesus is god so god took it upon himself to get rid of the consequence of sin.

the imperfection that entered the world was sin which results in death .he left out a lot of our theology in his new article

But it gets worst
let me qoute

"How can the biblical God be so loving if He is unfair? Furthermore, if Jesus died for the sins of every criminal and rapist, why would they stop spreading their evil? The whole idea of retribution and punishment disappears with such a way of salvation."

wait a moment he ignored the part of who will be saved and it gets worst from that point onward.

Richard said...

From the students Union Vice President "..[we] took the action we felt necessary to maintain the culture that we exist to promote."

The culture that muzzles, criminalises and mandates violence against the Freedom of Speech and expression - the culture of Islam.

Anonymous said...

One of the things that jumps out of the Koran when reading it, is how much pride it contains and how it encourages and teaches its followers to cultivate and develop pride to the highest degree.

A description of pride, the way it operates and its fruit:

These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed inocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among bretheren. Proverbs 6:16-19

Some of the characteristics of pride:
Pride has a false sense of entitlement that is always trying to take credit for someone else's work or achievements. Its agenda of taking over is well diguised until it gets its foot in the door, then the benevolent facade is dicarded and the tyrant emerges.
Playing others off against each other is part of this strategy. It will also use flattery as a means of gaining advantage over others.

...with flattering lips and a double heart they speak. psalm 12:2

Pride has a sense of superiority that comes from nothing more than conciet and arrogance.
It is very judgemental and critical of others and is obviously not a big fan of Mathew 22:39 because that would interfere in its selfish ambitions. It can be very grubby in the way it treats others and will commit murder when necessary to achieve satisfaction in its schemes.

In today's world, people exhibiting this kind of behaviour are known as a sociopath or a psychopath; who, when caught or confronted will inwardly be full of disdain and ridicule towards their accusers, because they well know that everyone has, to varying degrees the same condition (pride), and, in their own mind, they deserve recognition for taking it to a higher level.

The strength and motivation of pride is envy, and its close relations hatred and revenge, which together are aided and abetted by a close asociate; rage. These will manifest themselves from tantrum like behaviour all the way to murder.
Pride will also play the victim to gain sympathy if required, as part of its camouflage or deceit.
Its insecurity comes from knowing that the Truth can see straight through it, and that it is doomed for eternity.

"...because the ruler of this world is judged and condemned and sentence is already passed on him." John 16:11

The most famous and efficient practitioner of the art of pride is of course the devil...

He beholds every high thing; he is king over the children of pride. Job 41:34

...who invented it in the first place, and, who also became its first victim.

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! ...For you have said in your heart: '...I will make myself like the Most High.'" Isaiah 14:12, 14.

Even though great strength can be gained from pride...

Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; though they join forces, none will go unpunished. Proverbs 16:5

Anonymous said...

I saw that too, at least they were consistent and denounced all blasphemy, but it goes to show that Christophobia is a perfectly tolerated prejudice in the modern world. Jerks. Funny enough we're going to be the ones to defeat Islam, and the secularists are going to hate us still once we save them from them. By the way, the Innocence of Muslims film calls Muhammad a fruit too right? Wasn't the original punishment for homosexuality being beaten with sandals? Because the women in the film did that to Muhammad.

Anonymous said...

callingchristian messes up again, aliyah is not reciting the torah its reciting a blessing before the torah is read. he must have skipped several inconvenient lines

aussie christian said...

Does anyone else see the grand hypocracy of double standards here?

An athiest group that has spend much time money effort and energy on ridding the public forum of free speach for Christians, are exactly the same group who are whinging loudly about having their free speach removed from the public fourm.

At least hypocrites can be consistant, free speach for me, not thee.

KT said...

Wait, did the officials at this event first try to take the "Muhammad" pineapple and rename it "Jesus" as some sort of compromise before eventually throwing the atheists out?

That's how I interpreted this part:

"A struggle ensued, wherein the pineapple was seized, but shortly returned to the owners, where it was re-christened Jesus."

Am I reading this wrong?

I had to post this again. Does anyone think my interpretation of that quote is wrong? It seems that the pineapple was renamed 'Jesus' in order to satisfy the atheists' desire to offend at least one religion while at the same time protecting the feelings of Muslims?