Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sudan's Genocidal Omar Al-Bashir to Be Appointed to UN Human Rights Council?

Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir has about as much right to sit on a human rights council as his prophet does.

FoxNews--The election of a Sudanese warlord accused of genocide to the United Nations Human Rights Council is now virtually guaranteed, since he has the full backing of the world body's African delegation.

The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant for Omar Al-Bashir -- its first ever for a sitting head of state -- for crimes against humanity he allegedly committed in Darfur. Yet, his regime is set to take its place on the panel, in the latest bizarre appointment to make a mockery of the UN's human rights credibility, according to critics.

It's like putting “Jack the Ripper in charge of a women’s shelter,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.

Neuer's Geneva-based group is calling on UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay to denounce election of the war-torn North African nation to the 47-member body. Sudan is not technically on the panel, but its election is a certainty because only five African nations are vying for the continent's five seats. (Continue reading.)


Seam_on_Us said...

Of all the...what evil obtains in high places!!! I'm sure if Hitler were still alive they'd have elected him to head the council.

Thorough clap trap.

Anonymous said...

What can you expect of the UN(United Nothings)? They condem Isreal constantly but never mention Hamas or Hezbola.

rowland said...

The UN has gone to the Dogs. Just when you expect them not to sink any further they drag themselves in the mud. Shame on the UN

rui said...

Hey, with China, Iran, and Sudan in UN comitees, then why the heck not? They deserve each other.

I mean, seriously, does anybody even fall for the pretense of justice or dignity from that farce also known as the UN? After they had Mugabe join the club, all bets were off.

Now if they appoint Satan for the comitee on religious freedom, I hope no one will act surprised.

rui said...

Hey, with China, Iran, and Sudan in UN comitees, then why the heck not? They deserve each other.

I mean, seriously, does anybody even fall for the pretense of justice or dignity from that farce also known as the UN? After they had Mugabe join the club, all bets were off.

Now if they appoint Satan for the comitee on religious freedom, I hope no one will act surprised.

Walter said...

Not surprising.

I mean Syria decided to run for a spot for a position on the Human Rights Council about 3 days after it was revealed they were running tens of detention centers for their rioters with real torture. Not US "Well that was unpleasant" torture.