Greeting friends! I'll be heading to California next month for some events around the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. I'll post a schedule in a couple of days, though I should note here that in one of the events, I'll be sharing the stage with one of my childhood heroes, Dwight Schultz (aka "Howling Mad" Murdock from the original A-Team series!). Sam and I will also be doing an entire series in California in early November. I hope to see those of you who live in the area.
Plane tickets are surprisingly expensive nowadays, so if anyone wants to help out, my ticket was over $300 (which is a lot when you've got four boys!).
Now for a blast from the past:
I love it when a plan comes together.
Why didn't I think to say that first.
"I pity the Foolster?"
OK, that gets a genuine groan. :P
Just in case people here weren't aware of it, the Premier Christian Radio aired yesterday a debate between Robert Spencer and Adnan Rashid on the existence of Muhammad. You can listen to it by going to and clicking the appropriate link on the "On Demand" column on the right side of the page. The debate got pretty heated and didn't accomplish very much, as Adnan seemed to be more interested in all kinds of diversions - and even when he got around to dealing with the topic at hand, he mostly just quoted the conclusions of some authorities.
Thanks David Wood, I have now been watching the A Team on Hulu for the past two days.
Let's make it a first Class ticket :)
Once again, it couldn't be muslims who do this, it must be a conspiracy of people PRETENDING to be muslim! Osama, you still refuse to apologize for the nonsense you spew, and then make up new nonsense!
"Make sure you speak about how whites in the US have become extremely dangerous!"
white people aren't a social or religious group, so to say that "white people" are more prone to violence (except for the statisticly true fact since there are more white people) is RACIST.
You still refuse to accept the challange to show more deaths from a group (such as another religion) that equals to that of Islam since 9/11. In response you threw out some garbage about drunk driving, gang violence and rapes that made no sense since drunk driving isn't terrorism, and none of those things are condoned (their condemned) in Christianity.You show how completely dishonest and cowardly you are, you make numerous false statements and slanders, and run away instead of apologizing for your "mistakes". All pretenses of you being honest or descent is gone.
To top it all off, you show how vile you are, and a hypocrite to boot since you accused others of being filthy-minded from an innocent idiom.
Osama said, "Come! Just come and kiss and lick my ass whole!! I'll make sure I'll have diaria for you that day! I promise you!"
Actually it's spelled Diarrhea and not diaria and maybe you should run spell-check before you post. It won't help you sound intelligent or anything like that (you pretty much blew it with all your posts) but would at least signal your trying.
Oh, and it's 'asshole' and not 'ass whole'...although you are a whole ass.
Sorry, I deleted my previous post, because it had a terrible taste in it. My apologies.
Osama Abdallah
My point of this video is how people help the needy!
even if she was a Muslim ...
and putting on the cover on the head does not make her holy.
@Osama: Well, you are taking responsibility and apollogizing for a mistake, that is a good first step. Will you apollogize for your slandering of me as wanting hate crimes to happen? Will you apologize for your mischaractization of Christian beliefs (1 Chron 5:5, 12:9, Christianize promoting drunk driving, rape, gangs, wars)? Will you disavow your past statements that demonize Christians and call for violence against ("bloodbath"), and subjugation of Christians? If not, why not? Will you once again ignore me?
"Osama said, "Come! Just come and kiss and lick my ass whole!! I'll make sure I'll have diaria for you that day! I promise you!""
Being a typical liar and a bigot, as usual. You failed to mentiont hat this was about the ****CIA**** and not about anyone else. I was making a point about the 3 domestic terrorist attacks that happened in the US in the past two months that were ALL DONE BY WHITES. I was talking about how the CIA puts phony "Muslim terrorist" agents and play plots and BS, while the real terrorists are out there and they're striking hard!
Man, honesty is scarce among many of the people here! This is why in my original post I also told David that I think he's more honest and DIFFERENT from the others when I invited him to talk about this.
Get some honesty dude and stop distorting and lying.
And no, I meant whole as whole and not hole. I didn't realize till now that it actually sounded like that, LOL. Ewwwww you're soo disgusting Deleting. And when will you finish deleting anyway??? Go away!
Osama Abdallah
It is good that you keep coming back because it shows what is in your heart (hearts of moslems in a bigger sense) which is nothing else then complete filth. What comes out of the mouth is what is in the heart. You would also agree that your heart is filled with the love of Mohammad and Allah. Guess what, all your love for Mohammad and Allah resides in a heart which is filled with complete filth. What a place for Allah and Mohammad’s love to reside, in complete filth.
In Proverbs 22:11 we read, “One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend.” You lack both. You do not have a pure heart and you do not speak with grace.
In Matt 5:8 we read, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” You can only have a pure heart if you come to the true and living God of the bible. As long as you stay under the influence of Islam, your heart will remain filled with filth. But some times I wonder, the one who blasphemes the true and living God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, can God have mercy on such a person. But then again, God is a merciful God. May He have mercy on you.
Osama used the same lenguage than his prophet, disgusting, obscene, but wait, it's western societies the one pornophied, it seems to be that your faith is so weak that "the pornographic society" is starting to fill you, but if we think twice, Muhammad didn't live in the western and yet he had these filthy expressions, so it seems to be that it's all about long beard, cover your women, etc but inside you are rotten like a mummy in it's coffin.
Matthew 12:34 "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."
@ Osama,
On a side note, everything you say has a terrible taste in it. Even your apology has a terrible taste in it. I guarantee this, give another couple of weeks and you will have another filthy diarrhea from your mouth again.
"@Osama: Well, you are taking responsibility and apollogizing for a mistake, that is a good first step. Will you apollogize for your slandering of me as wanting hate crimes to happen? Will you apologize for your mischaractization of Christian beliefs (1 Chron 5:5, 12:9, Christianize promoting drunk driving, rape, gangs, wars)? Will you disavow your past statements that demonize Christians and call for violence against ("bloodbath"), and subjugation of Christians? If not, why not? Will you once again ignore me?"
I love you too Smartster. On my list of to-do do do do do list :), I have the following article in the works, and I am hoping that it'll be a title for a future booklet (or book) that I write, insha'Allah. It's called:
1- The dark secrets of the New Testament that the NT Theologians don't want you to read, from the NT.
I will address 1 Corinthians 5:5, and how Paul wanted , BUT COULDN'T, to become a ruler to an extent that he would kill those who disagree with him, and how he wanted very badly for all "believers" to revolt against all governments that they were under, and to come under him to serve him. He did demand that all money be sent to him! It was all about $$$$$$$$ for Paul. He was having free vacations too in the beautiful Mediteranean sea between modern-day Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Palestine and Egypt.
I will address how the Disciples openly blasted each others, and had problems and conflicts with each others, AND HOW PAUL WAS CALLED A FALSE PROPHET BY SOME OF THEM, all a while everyone onf them claims that the Holy Spirit is inspiring them.
I will address Jesus Christ's promise about how the Holy Spirit will come and reveal clear inspirations to the disciples and not CONFUSING PARABLES LIKE HE WAS GIVING THEM. Jesus promised them that all of their questions and inquries will be answered and addressed clearly by the Holy Spirit. YET, IN THE NT TODAY, THERE IS OPEN DEBATE AND DISAGREEMENTS between the disciples on issues such as how well should your steak be cooked/done, what food you can eat, whether you little weeny should've been circumsised or not, what the Jews' obligations and status is when they convert to Christianity, and several other topics are are open debate in the NT that the Holy Spirit has dismally failed to answer.
OF COURSE, THE MONEY COLLECTING FRENZY that took place, and how everyone was inspired by the Holy Spirit when it came to money will not be ignored as well. When it came to money, they all had the Holy Spirit in them. But when it came to answering some questions, the Holy Spirit was no where to be found, and they were left conflicting with each others. And like I said, it got so ugly that Paul was even called, FLAT-OUT, a false prophet by some of the very disciples of Christ!
I am currently burried alive in life! LOL. If you also see my webdite's regular updates, then you'll see the time-consuming work and articles that I've been doing. All Praise and Glory and Thanks and Credit are due to Allah Almighty Alone.
Ok Foolster, I hope that I've addressed you well. I feel guilty when you post your posts and me ignoring you :). Hope you're happy now.
Osama Abdallah
See, this is why I affectionately call him Osama Abdullah. When he posted this:
"Sorry, I deleted my previous post, because it had a terrible taste in it. My apologies.
Osama Abdallah"
I was proud of him.
Then he opened up and released this load of pig crap:
"Being a typical liar and a bigot, as usual. You failed to mentiont hat this was about the ****CIA**** and not about anyone else. I was making a point about the 3 domestic terrorist attacks that happened in the US in the past two months that were ALL DONE BY WHITES. I was talking about how the CIA puts phony "Muslim terrorist" agents and play plots and BS, while the real terrorists are out there and they're striking hard!"
My response:
No, my post was about your bad grammar and even worse taste. Once again you've proven nothing but vile.
I don't need to mention the CIA when I'm commenting on a different point entirely. Had you kept the post up people would have had the opportunity to see what you really said and how dumb you sound.
But you didn't. You 'DELETED' it. And yet, I'm the one you want to go away? If there is any mark of dishonesty it shows on you, not me. I didn't know you were going to delete your post. It seems to me that's a true mark of a dishonest person.
Do planet earth a favor, go back to whatever rock you crawled out of. Wait, do us an even bigger favor and DON'T breed. One of you is too much as it is.
"Being a typical liar and a bigot, as usual."
Said the liar and bigot. Again, you are being a hypocrite.
Where did deleting lie in this post? He didn't, but you're just throwing names at him to try to silence him.
And once again, you seem to be making the (frankly racist) claim that muslims can't be white, and if white people claim to be muslim, they MUST be agents and fakers and not really muslims! But other people here are the dishonest ones!
Care to actually respond to my post above? You're ignoring me just shows all the more you dishonesty! Hypocrite!
"Man, honesty is scarce among many of the people here!"
Once again, complete hypocracy. what is exactly being said that's so dishonest? The one I see making dishonest statments is YOU. (and then you refuse to fess up!)
Your post was vile, "whole" or "hole". And yet you accuse others of having filthy minds! Ha!
"Ok Foolster, I hope that I've addressed you well. I feel guilty when you post your posts and me ignoring you :). Hope you're happy now."
You dind't so, not really. (and why didn't you say this a LONG time ago? You admit you read my posts and intentionally ignored it!) I will wait for your further explination on the verses, (and I have a feeling your arguments will be once again weak and easy to destroy) but you refused to answer many of my questions and expect me to be happy?!!!
what about the slander against me? You won't apollogize for that? What about your name calling on other people? What about your mischaricatarization of Chrisitanity as promoting drunk driving, rape, gangs and wars (which you used as a silly excuse to get out of a challange about muslim vs. any other religion's violence) when Christianity forbids all these things? What about your racist assertion that white people can't be muslim, and if a white person calims to be muslim (for example, the death threat before) they must be faking? You won't apollogize for that either? What about your past calls of violence and subjugation against Christians? Not that either?
You're stil being dishonest! Then you have the GALL to call other people dishonest! You're a hypocrite to top it off! This bis why no one takes you, or your articles seriously!
"I will address 1 Corinthians 5:5, and how Paul wanted , BUT COULDN'T, to become a ruler to an extent that he would kill those who disagree with him"
Osama your claim on 1 Corintheans:5 was that paul ordered the death of immoral.
"And by the way, PAUL IN 1 CORINTHIANS 5:5 did order his followers to execute those who were immoral. Go and read it."
these are your own words, it was not disagreements with other people Paul was having. read the entire chapter and it clearly states expel the immoral brother on the title for starters.
your lies grow from bad to worst
for goodness sake will you stop putting one lie to cover up your own another lie its not doing you any good.
on the good note nice to see you had some honesty for apologizing for once for using foul language.
here is the next step for you, take away the ridiculous claims of adam being 90 feet and earth being smaller I used two NASA sites with newton second and gravitational law to refute you.
Saw Dwight Schultz recently on The Glazov Gang. Worth a look. With his conservative politics he has some stories of what it's like to go against the prevailing religion in Hollywood. Also FYI, he and Dirk Benedict (Faceman himself) have a few articles on Big Hollywood .com.
You said: I will address 1 Corinthians 5:5, and how Paul wanted , BUT COULDN'T, to become a ruler to an extent that he would kill those who disagree with him, and how he wanted very badly for all "believers" to revolt against all governments that they were under, and to come under him to serve him. He did demand that all money be sent to him! It was all about $$$$$$$$ for Paul. He was having free vacations too in the beautiful Mediteranean sea between modern-day Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Palestine and Egypt.
-WOW i would say i will be waiting for this, but i know how your arguments are, so actually i know it will take like 10 minutes to correctly refute you with the Bible, and 7 of those 10 minutes will be spend reading the text.
-About 1 Corinthians 5:5 again it seems to be you haven't read the whole chapter refering to excommunication, but in case you just don't wanna see it, there is still this verses from the same Paul to the same corinthians talking about receiving back the man who was handed "over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh" in the church:
2 Corinthians 2:5 “If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you to some extent—not to put it too severely. 6 The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient. 7 Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. 8 I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him.”
-So if according to your "logic" this man is already dead, how come they are going to receive him back.
-Then you said Paul wanted to be the ruler, "BUT HE COULDN'T"...etc
If that's the case, why did Paul said:
1 corinthians 7:20 Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.
21 Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you—although if you can gain your freedom, do so. 22 For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave. 23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings. 24 Brothers and sisters, each person, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation they were in when God called them."
I don't see Paul calling them to become his slaves or nothing like it.
ephesians 6:5 "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.
9 And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him."
-I don't see Paul telling them to become his slaves, nor telling the masters to give him their slaves.
-To finish you said Paul was all about MONEY, how can that be true when he is the one teaching us to use the money to help widows, elders, needy people, etc... even more when he was using that money to create churches and travel to many places (which in case you didn't know, it cost money), you even said "He was having free vacations", vacations is being persecuted, flogged and finally end being murdered? wow i don't envy the Muslims vacations... BUT now let's think about the difference between Paul and Muhammad about this issue:
-Paul didn't use "his power or money" to get women or lands, yet MUHAMMAD DID even more than allowed for the Muhammad's slaves, sorry Allah's slaves..
-So Osama i really wonder how can you even think about yourself as a Muslim apologist, or even more running a website which supposely expose the Christian errors and points to the "Islamic True"...
@ David Wood, as long as we know that you need money for your things, how much money do you need to finish your book? That would be another point for Christ if you and Sam Shamoun finished writing your book. : )
Hi David, I met you and Sam last year when you went to California to debate Nadir Ahmed. I would love to see you guys again. Which part of California are you going to?
Osama = the greatest ass of all time.
@ reconn
Not quite, I rank Mohamed far worse, but those willfully ignorant come in a close second. I regard the vast majority of Muslims just plain victims.
I'll be in the Orange County area. If you can make it, we should hang out.
Sam and I got sidetracked . . . by the biggest, most devastating to Islam project you've ever heard of. You'll hear about it in a couple of months.
@ David Wood
I regret not having the chance to have met you when you graced us with your visit to London few years ago, unfortunately I didn't know you existed until Shorty after that when I stumbled across one of your articles from some random website.
I'm hoping that you'd visit again perhaps in the near future and stage a debate with Zakir Naik, I know it's wishful-thinking but I'd kill for frontrow seat to that debate.
Joseph Samoo
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