Fortunately for Redegalli, Muslims are quite fond of artwork, and the tremendous tolerance inherent in Islam leads Muhammad's followers to show great patience even when they don't like a particular work of art. So I'm sure he'll be perfectly safe. Robert Spencer writes:
The courageous Sergio Redegalli, a sculptor and artist in Sydney, Australia, is the originator of the famous "Say No to Burqas" mural, which one would think that women's rights activists in the West would love, but as it turns out, the Leftist alliance with Islamic supremacists has proved stronger than feminists' concern for Muslim women. Leftist and Muslim vandals have defaced Sergio's mural many, many times.
Above is a photo of one of his latest works that will be showing at his Glass Artist Gallery in Sydney this Thursday evening. The artwork is made from cast crystal, hand polished with some sandblasting detail and copper work. It is 30cm tall and is called “Aisha from behind the veil."
Congratulations and bravo to Sergio. Long may he exercise his artistic freedom in peace.
Thank you so much for this! This amn is a unique truth teller; there are no other artists, they all avoid the subject or admit they will never mention izlam. Many artists are also anti-semitic and anti-Israel! True schizophrenia! God bless this man, I would love to meet him!
Would Robert Spencer offer "Congratulations" and "Brave" to Chris Ofili for his picture of Madonna which incorporates elephant feces?
Being catholic would he say "Long may he exercise his artistic freedom in peace?"
Just as question.
I'm not sure what Robert would say. But I don't see how the two cases are parallel. Redegalli portrays Aisha as a woman made of beautiful crystal, but wrapped in ugly metal. He's obviously making a point about Islam keeping women in bondage. I'm not sure how you can compare such a serious message with some doofus spreading feces.
Speaking just for me.
I would be offended if I saw such a thing as you described and I'm not even Catholic. The same goes for the famous Cross in a jar of urine. I would be outraged if I found out tax payer money went for such a thing and I would write and petition my state representatives as well as even protest if it was being displayed in my area.
What I have not done and will not due is threatin the artist, threatin the art studio, kill the artist or blow up the studio etc...
Muslims have every right to be offened by whater ever they want to be offened about.
Just as I have a right to be offeneded by what ever offends me.
What I dont have a right to do is go out an pillage, plunder stab shoot, burn and blow up.
So are you saying that Muslims have the right to pillage, plunder stab shoot, burn and blow up when ever they find something offensive?
RM said,
"So are you saying that Muslims have the right to pillage, plunder stab shoot, burn and blow up when ever they find something offensive?"
Reread my post and see if your question makes any sense?
Aisha showed concern for "the believing women" and indicated her own unease and unhappiness in being so used by Mohammed.
She's one of my favorite people in the Arabic world the Muslim scriptures create.
Good on this artist.
And good on Aisha!
She's a thousand times more decent than Mohammed.
@ Characterbulder
I agree his question may not have been relative to your post.
But i dont think your question makes sense either. There is in no way the two "works" are equal in any way.
Now if Aisha would have been spread in feces that may have made sense. But i dont know what you could derive from it. What is the significance of spreading feces on a picture of Madonna? At least Aisha in bondage represents a sentiment! I cant see ANYTHING BE derived from feces on a picture. Do you know what he was trying to say with that?
S4T said,
"There is in no way the two "works" are equal in any way."
Please reread Spencer's comments and then reread my post and see if I am implying the "works are equal in any way".
Here is a friendly hint ... Spencer says... "Long may he exercise his artistic freedom in peace."
It's a bit of a mystery to me why you're bringing up the Madonna and asking if Robert Spencer, being Catholic would say the same about both artists. I have never heard of this Madonna made of elephant dung. However, it is my understanding that Catholics do not go crazy and threaten people with death even with such shallow criticisms of their religion (and this piece HAS meaning to it). I don't think Spencer would say the same things simply because it's not needed. Also, the fact that Robert agrees with the message in this one, and probably not the other (being a Catholic), he probably wouldn't even say "Congratulations," but that's a very reasonable thing to expect of anyone.
dstewart said: "It's a bit of a mystery to me . . ."
It's a bit of a mystery to me as well, except that Characterbuilder likes to complain a lot.
An artist put his life on the line to draw attention to the plight of women in Islam. Robert praised him for doing so, and Characterbuilder responds by bringing up an artist who uses feces.
Let's take a parallel case. Suppose I give a speech about the dangers of Islam (knowing how dangerous it can be to give such speeches). Robert then praises me, saying, "Continue using your free speech, David!"
I'm guessing Characterbuilder would enter the conversation at this point and say, "Well, Robert praises David's use of free speech. I wonder, would Robert praise a neo-Nazi for his free speech? Huh! Would he!" As if this has anything to do with the issue at hand.
Brother DW,
I didn't know I was complaining. I thought I was asking questions.
DW said
I'm guessing Characterbuilder would enter the conversation at this point and say, "Well, Robert praises David's use of free speech. I wonder, would Robert praise a neo-Nazi for his free speech? Huh! Would he!"
And the answer IS .... Yes he would if he really believed in free speech and if he was consistent ... YES HE WOULD!
BTW DW I really enjoyed your teaming up with Spencer for the ABN debate. Excellent job as always.
Blessings to you and your family.
3 questions for characterbuilder:
1) Do you support free speech in America?
2) Do you regularly go out of YOUR way to praise the "courage" of racists and fascists that you otherwise have nothing to do with?
3) Would you expect Robert Spencer to go out of HIS way to praise the "courage" of racists and fascists that have nothing to do with what he's known for?
characterbuilder, I don't follow your comments and line of reasoning. It seems far fetched and quite detached from the topic anyways.
Even if I don't like something stated, I have to allow it to be said so that i can at least get to understand the person's view. Now, if the speech incites others to harm, then we have a problem.
I see a disconnect with what you are saying and the topic.
dstewart said...
3 questions for characterbuilder:
1) Do you support free speech in America?
Define free speech?
Example: I don't support yelling fire in a crowed building when there is no fire.
2) Do you regularly go out of YOUR way to praise the "courage" of racists and fascists that you otherwise have nothing to do with?
Nice try but my post was not about me but Robert Spencer's praise of Redegalli.
3) Would you expect Robert Spencer to go out of HIS way to praise the "courage" of racists and fascists that have nothing to do with what he's known for?
See answer to #2. But I suppose that is a question you would have to ask Mr. Spencer
BTW I do admire Spencer for his writing and courage in exposing the vile religion of Islam ... As I do Woods, Shamoun, White, Rogers and others I follow.
Notice the anti-burqa message that the infidel is protraying here: The woman can show off her curves, her sexuality, her boobs, and be alluring, arousing and enticing for all to see and enjoy.
Now I am a Muslim who doesn't believe in the Burqa, as most of the Muslims world-wide don't agree with the Burqa as well. This is why you the overwhelming majority of the Muslim women who are covered up, are covered up with their faces, hands and feet showing. But I just love how the opposite of Islam is: PORNOGRAPHY, OPEN LEWDNESS, BIKINIS, STRIP CLUBS, WHOREDOM, DRUGS, ALCOHOLISM, SEX WITHOUT MARRIAGE, AND MUCH MORE.
This is the anti-Islam message that the christians are pushing. Bravo!!!!
Osama Abdallah
1) Do you support free speech in America?
"Define free speech?"
Use your own definition of free speech that you held Robert to.
2) Do you regularly go out of YOUR way to praise the "courage" of racists and fascists that you otherwise have nothing to do with?
"not about me"
If you say that Robert Spencer doesn't support free speech if he doesn't go out of his way to praise the use by neo-nazis, that's an insane standard to hold anyone to. You can prove to yourself otherwise by using a counter-example that you are quite familiar with - you. E.g. if pressed I might say something, but I know I support free speech, and I don't go out of my way to praise the exercise of free speech of e.g. holocaust deniers, even if I believe they have a right to speak their mind, and I'm definitely not going to be supportive of what they say because I strongly disagree with it, only of their right to say it and my right to UNsupport it by saying something against it.
3) Would you expect Robert Spencer to go out of HIS way to praise the "courage" of racists and fascists that have nothing to do with what he's known for?
"you would have to ask Mr. Spencer"
Obviously he doesn't if you have to probe him for it, but that's not the point. The point is this: Would you still hold him to that standard before you say that this man supports free speech given your answers to 1 and 2?
This is the anti-Islam message that the christians are pushing. Bravo!!!!"
I can play that game too: Muslims try forced burqas, polygyny, sex slavery, honour killing, terrorism, genocide, rape, incest, let's throw idolatry and homosexuality in there just for fun, etc. This is the anti-Christian message the muslims are pushing. Bravo!!!
This was hard to type. It's difficult playing the crazy bigot.
"Nice try but my post was not about me but Robert Spencer's praise of Redegalli. "
Nice Try? You were complaining that Spencer doesn't praise nazis for their free speach, as if that had do anything with the issue in this topic. I thiknk the quesiton is reasonible, since you seem to not be following your own advice.
Still smearing people I see.
It's called FREEDOM. We as Christians don't nessicerly agree with either pornography, or perhaps even the use of nudity in art (and it is incorrect to call tasteful non-sexual nudity "pornography", even if you disagree with whether it is good.) but you see, Christians don't murder, maim and burn things down because they see things they disagree with, it is YOUR CO-RELIGIONISTS that do that. Yet, you spend your time here complaining about how WE are biggots for reporting on what your CO-RELIGIONISTS do instead of pleading with them to stop doing what is reported by us. Why is that? Even if these violent muslims are in the minority it is an evident problem since ALMOST EVERY SINGLE TERRORIST ATACK has been by muslims. So, when are you going to start maybe preaching peace and tollerance in some US mosques that seem to be preaching jew hatred and voilence? if you want I can recomend some mosques for you to start your world peace tour at.
Also you need to stop running away and ignoring me when I demand you apollogize for smearing me. I noticed you replied when I asked if you were ignoring me, but then when I mentioined your smears (and other errors you made) and my demand for an apollogy yuou went right back to ignoring me. You are a dishonest coward!
Nice Try? You were complaining that Spencer doesn't praise nazis for their free speach, as if that had do anything with the issue in this topic. I thiknk the quesiton is reasonible, since you seem to not be following your own advice.
Amazing! Show me in my post were I was complaining that Spencer "doesn't praise Nazi's for the free speach"
Typical straw man argument. Nice try.
Osama, what did Aisha mean when she said that no woman suffers as much as the believing woman?
@ Osama
So your against Allah and your sole pervert, child molesting, rapist serial killer false Prophet?
33.059 O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
33.033 And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.
And dont forget that Islam permits marriage to infants, and the rape of female non Muslim captives, and adultery with those female captives!
Your a hypocrite and a liar. Just like your evil pervert false Prophet!
Where is this Islamic Utopia you speak of? And guess what the child mother of Islam said?
Muslim (4:1039) - "A'isha said [to Muhammad]: 'You have made us equal to the dogs and the asses'"
And Momo made women property! Just as k Aisha!
Bukhari (62:81) - "The Prophet said: "'The stipulations most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women's) private parts (i.e. the stipulations of the marriage contract).'"
Ishaq 593 - "As for Ali, he said, 'Women are plentiful, and you can easily change one for another.'"
Oh wait? Is there more?
Qur'an (4:3) - "Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four"
But then again Mohamed and his alter ego were hypocrites as well! Talk about hypocrisy and evil! ISLAM!
Qur'an (23:5-6) - "..who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess..."
* تفسير Tafsir al-Jalalayn
{ إِلاَّ عَلَىٰ أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ }
except from their spouses, that is, to their spouses, and what [slaves] their right hands possess, that is, concubines, for then they are not blameworthy, in having sexual intercourse with them.
* تفسير Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs
{ إِلاَّ عَلَىٰ أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ }
(Save from their wives) up to four wives (or the (slaves) that their right hands possess) without any limit in number, (for then they are not blameworthy) when they engage in that which is lawful,
So it's ok with you and your hypocrite false Prophet and Allah as long as it is ordained by the liars. You can commit adultery and rape of female non Muslim captives all you want by virtue of them being non Muslim! So women that are non Muslim are not human beings? Is that your contention you hypocrite?
First of all Nazi's didnt allow free speech. Just like Islam does not permit free speech.
And I think anyone should be able to say anything they want in order to expose their ignorance and bigotry.
But there is absolutly no comparison between blatant insults with the use of feces to a sculpture that presents a certain perspective and view.
I still dont understand what the point of using feces on a drawing is. But they have the right to do it. But at the same time, it's apples and hand grenades.
Let people say anything they want so long as it is not screaming fire in a crowded room. That way we can weed out the idiots and ridiculous ideologies like Islam!
"Typical straw man argument. Nice try."
I'm curios, typical of whom? Who do you think I am ,that I'm making a "typical" argument? an "islamophobe"? And yes you did (see below) so it's not a "straw man".
At any rate, while it is your freedom of speech to say silly things that have no relevance, it is mine to point out how it is silly and irrelevant.
You said in answer to DW "And the answer IS .... Yes he would if he really believed in free speech and if he was consistent ... YES HE WOULD!" which implies that Mr. Spencer SHOULD indeed praise nazis freedom of speech, and is NOT being consistant, and should be expected to praise every single use of the freedom of speech of all parties including nazis on a site specifically about the violence and encroaching of Islam!
@ Osama
Here is a little bit the only nation on earth that proclaims to follow sharia. Lets see your Islamic Utopia. Not to mention where non Muslims are treated as animals! We can discuss that if you have the guts to respond to this! Please present your hypocritical responses! We all know you have to come here because nobody goes to your B.S. web site! Even Muslims condemn your lies!
Boy molested in a Mosque ( Satans Temple)
Do you want videos of prostitutes in Islamic countries? How about more child molestation?
Because you turn a blind eye to these things in Islamic countries does not mean they dont exist?
Do you want the studies on pornagraphy in Islamic coutries? No Problem!
Your a liar just like your pervert serial killer false Prophet Mohamed! You live a lie and you spew lies!
Google, the world’s most popular Internet search engine, has found in a survey that mostly Muslim states seek access to sex-related websites and Pakistan tops the list. Google found that of the top 10 countries - searching for sex-related sites - six were Muslim, with Pakistan on the top. The other Muslim countries are Egypt at number 2, Iran at 4, Morocco at 5, Saudi Arabia at 7 and Turkey at 8. Non-Muslim states are Vietnam at 3, India at 6, Philippines at 9 and Poland at 10.
Pig Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Egypt (No. 2) Saudi Arabia (No. 3)
Donkey Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 3) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Dog Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Saudi Arabia (No. 3)
Cat Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 2) Egypt (No. 3) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Horse Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Turkey (No. 3)
Cow Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 2) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Goat Sex: Pakistan (No. 1)
Animal Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Morocco (No. 2) Iran (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)
Snake Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Malaysia (No. 3) Indonesia (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)
Monkey Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Indonesia (No. 3) Malaysia (No. 4)
Bear Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Saudi Arabia (No. 2)
Elephant Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Egypt (No. 3) United Arab Emirates (No. 4) Malaysia (No. 5)
Fox Sex: Saudi Arabia (No. 1) Turkey (No. 4)[2]
Arabic is the 2nd most common language that is used to search for “gay sex.” It’s the number one language for search involving “sexy.” As you can see in that same graph, Iran is at 3 and Egypt is at 4, listed under regions where search on “sexy” was most conducted.
Arabic is the 2nd most common language that is used to search for “gay man.” The countries that most search for this is currently Malaysia (#1) and Indonesia (#2). For “gay girl,” Arabic is also the 2nd most common language.
For “child porn,” Turkey is the 2nd country where this is most searched. Turkish is the #1 language used.
Turkey has one of the most searches for the word “porno.” Morocco is at 5. Turkish is #1 language used to conduct the search in. Indonesia is currently #1 country that search for the word “vagina.”
Turkey is not an Arab country, nor are some of the other countries I listed. But they are Muslim, so I thought the findings were fascinating to say the least. All of this information is not in the least bit shocking, but it’s quite ironic.
What do you guys think?
Egypt is currently #1 for “fat sex.”
Pakistan, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt are at the top of the list when it comes to “animal sex.”
For “children sex,” Pakistan is at #1, Egypt #2 and Iran #3. The most common languages used to conduct the search in are Arabic and Turkish.
For “sexy children,” these results are probably the most disturbing. Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, followed by Turkey at #9.
For “sexy child,” Pakistan is #1, followed by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey. Common languages are Persian, Arabic, and Turkish.
For “homo sex,” Indonesia is #1, Morocco is at 6.
For “rape,” Pakistan is at 1. Malaysia is at 3.
For “bird sex,” Egypt is at 1. (Come ON!)
For “ass sex,” Saudi Arabia comes first, followed directly by Egypt and Morocco. Most common language is Arabic.[3]
November, 2007
A ban on pornographic websites in Pakistan by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) in November 2011 has led to a surge in the sale of CDs and DVDs of this particular type of entertainment in Karachi.
. . .
Dealers at the [Rainbow] centre say they have been seeing sales grow since November.
“People no longer come here for Hollywood or Bollywood movies. They want porn,” said Afaq, who refused to share his full name. “If you ask me, almost 90% of our revenue comes from the sale of such content.”
The PTA asked eight Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to restrict access to a thousand of the most frequented porn websites. The last ISP to comply finished blocking websites last month.
The irony is that the Rainbow Centre dealers download content from the internet as well, said another shopkeeper. “It doesn’t matter if a few websites are blocked. We can still access many more.” Torrents, which are used to download movies, software and other electronic data from millions of personal computers around the world, are used for pornographic content, the dealers said.
But not everyone has the time, internet speed or patience to download entire films.
. . .
Memon also claimed that a great deal of pornographic content is downloaded at bank branches, which shut their doors for people at 5 pm.
While Rainbow Centre is enjoying a reversal of fortunes, ISPs are facing unhappy customers. The chief marketing officer at Qubee, Hashim Sheikh, said some large ISPs took time to implement the PTA decision, which could have potentially resulted in customers switching services.
“In recent weeks, many of our normally happy customers have walked into our sales centres and said they do not want the service anymore. Now you can guess what the reason could be.”
. . .
Kashif Azeem, the administrator of the apnabroadband portal, which is frequented by people seeking information on different ISPs, says a post related to ban on pornographic websites has received the most hits.
“So many queries are coming in. People want to know if there is any ISP which has not blocked the websites,” he said. “Everyone seems to be in favour of the ban, even if they are searching ‘how to access porn sites’.”
. . .
While ISPs do not share customer data, a senior official confirmed that over 30% of all traffic from the country at any given time is directed to porn websites.
Saudi Arabia
Up to 70% of files exchanged between Saudi teenagers' mobile phones contain pornography, according to a study in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom.
The study quoted in Arab News focussed on the phones of teenagers detained by religious police for harassing girls.
The same researcher also found that 88% of girls say they have been victims of harassment using Bluetooth technology.
. . .
"The flash memory of mobile phones taken from teenagers showed 69.7% of 1,470 files saved in them were pornographic and 8.6% were related to violence," said report author Professor Abdullah al-Rasheed.
A Tunisian court has ordered the Tunisian Internet Agency (ATI) to block all pornographic websites, which became accessible after the lifting of censorship in January [2011].
. . .
According to the Tunisian Internet site Business news, seven pornographic sites have appeared among the 100 most visited sites in the north African country since the end of censorship. Five of them are among the 50 most consulted.
Funnily enough Osama, Pakistain is the rape capital of the world, with more rapes committed on a per capita basis than any other nation on earth. Furthermore, according to Pat Condell, Pakistain leads the world in google searches for rape sex and underage sex.
Yeah, muslimes are just the epitome of sexual morality. Cough, gag.
I should notice, I did notice the mention of CB admiring woods, etc, so I don't seriously think he thinks of me as an "islamaphobe", though I still wonder what I am "typical" of.
Funny that Osama listed "sex without marriage" as 'anti-Islam'.
I guess Prophet Muhammad and Allah are actually anti-Islam.
Muhammad was allowed to have sex with others, aside from the wives he married.
O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Believers of Islam are blameless when they had sex with their wives and slaves (who are not their wives, i.e. no marriage involved)
Who abstain from sex,
Except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess,- for (in their case) they are free from blame,
Not forgetting, believers are allowed to have sex or marry with slaves who are still married; that is 'adultery' in any book.
Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess
@ david
here is a thing you should do
debater Osama on 1 corintheans If he ever arranges the debate for a change. Since he still hasn't admitted himself that he misread it, we must assume he think it is true.
Still being a toad in the well osama assuming that the whole world is christian. Honestly you need to get out more and take some social activities outside your muslim distract hideaway.
I can say almost all the christians on the blog can refute you on 1corintheans 5:5 without needing to try.
I really like this piece, not so much because it's an attack against the burqa, but because it makes me think. There is a mother in my building who wears one everywhere. I guess the thing is, that you almost forget that there's a real woman under there, a real person. This piece reminds you, kind of like a cross-section that there is someone beautiful made in God's image and likeness under every ugly veil.
And no matter what Osama has said, I don't think ANYONE finds this piece the LEAST bit arousing. If you can get off to this piece... You're confused!
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