Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pakistani Doctor Shakil Afridi Sentenced to 33 Years in Prison for Helping U.S. Locate Osama bin Laden

Hmmm. It almost sounds as if Pakistan didn't want the U.S. to find bin Laden. I wonder why.

On an even more horrifying note, Dr. Afridi's identity and role were disclosed by the Obama Administration. Instead of getting him out of Pakistan and protecting him, the U.S. government basically handed him over on a silver platter.

FoxNews--GOP Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, expressed concern Wednesday about the extent of the Obama administration’s efforts to protect the Pakistan doctor who was sent to prison in Pakistan for treason after helping to find Usama bin Laden.

"This has been handled very poorly right from the time of the raid," King told Fox News.

Dr. Shakil Afridi ran a vaccination program for the CIA to collect DNA and verify bin Laden's presence at the compound in the town of Abbottabad where U.S. commandos killed the Al Qaeda chief in a May 2011 raid.

The operation outraged Pakistani officials, who portrayed it as an act of treachery by a supposed ally.

King, R-N.Y., said administration officials talked about the doctor and his DNA sampling.

"They put him out there," said King, who made clear he didn't know the exact details about what, if anything, the administration may have done to get the doctor out of Pakistan or otherwise protect him. "I'm focused on that they disclosed his identity."

The doctor was sentenced to 33 years in prison on Wednesday for conspiring against the state -- a verdict officials said is likely to further strain the country's relationship with Washington. (Read more.)


Mary said...

That poor man, trapped by Islam and trying to do the right thing.

One more treasonous action by Mr. Obama.

Title 18 of the U.S. Code defines treason: "§ 2381. Treason. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office in the United States. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)" (Emphasis added)


Anonymous said...

Obama just tossed this brave Dr under the bus wheels. And Seal Team 6

simple_truth said...

I would have thought that measures would have been taken to secure him and his family.

That was complete incompetence shown by Obama's administration. I wonder what can they do to get this man free.

Baron Eddie said...

the way that is going now ...

I would say USA will increase aid to Pakistan ...

Start teaching Pakistani language in our schools ...

Royal Son said...

First they want to release the taliban.

Then they send a key helper to his imprisonment.

What will be next?

WhatsUpDoc said...

I know Pakistan like the back of my head. He will be released for $$$$$$. Pakistan will not miss any opportunity to extract money from anyone.

Michael Schueckler said...

Throwing the quarterback under the bus.

blessed z said...

Obama fulfilled his promise to change America, i.e. bring down America, give way to gay life, funding islamic terrorist group, etc, etc...

Tatersalad said...

Seal Team Six - Adam Brown:

Mixing highly trained Seals with Afghan troops is asinine!

Alert said...

Didn't Bary declare that Pakistan helped in OBL's killing? If that is true, why is Pakistan trying the Doctor who helped the same way as pakistani intelligence did?
Barry and Hillary's lies that Pakistani intelligence helped in OBL's killing, are exposed!