Recently Paul Williams of the Muslim Debate Initiative, an implacable enemy of Christian "fundamentalists" and "fundamentalism," and in a spectacular display of bad scholarship, argued that the original Hebrew text of Psalm 22:16 did not say "they pierced." Apparently after being apprised of the truth, Paul decided he would delete the offending post. The problem is, he failed to inform his co-religionists about his horrendous gaffe, leaving them to labor under his egregious error and to potentially repeat it to others in the future. Unfortunately for Paul, who may now say after the fact that it only appeared to me that he ever wrote such a post, and that his "god" was the one who put the appearance of a bad argument on the MDI website, I saved a copy just in case. When interacting with those who follow a "god" who admits to being a colossal deceiver, a cosmic trickster that would make Loki blush, it pays to be prepared for such antics. As the Lord Jesus said: "Be wise as serpents, and as harmless as doves."
Yesterday was Easter Sunday and at Speakers Corner an enthusiastic Christian told me of the amazing prophesy to be found in Psalm 22 concerning Jesus’ death on the cross. He read the following to me from The King James Bible Psalm 22 16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. My Christian friend drew my attention to the detailed prediction of verse 16 ‘they pierced my hands and my feet.’ This of course refers to Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross as told in the gospels. click pic I remarked that my Jewish Study Bible (published by Oxford University Press) has a different translation, which gives a rather different meaning. He looked at me very skeptically and said that “God’s Word was very clear in Psalm 22” and that I had not provided any proof of my claim. Of course I did not have The Jewish Study Bible with me at Speakers Corner. But I do now, and here is the translation of verse 16: Dogs surround me; a pack of evil ones closes in on me, like lions [they maul] my hands and feet
I also checked a Christian translation of the Bible, the respected New Revised Standard Version, which renders the verse: For dogs are all around me; a company of evildoers encircles me. My hands and feet have shrivelled;
So now we have three different translations of the same passage! But since the King James version was made over 400 years ago numerous manuscripts of the Hebrew bible have been discovered taking us ever closer to the original text. In a number of significant places our translations have been revised in light of these new discoveries, Psalm 22 being a good example. This has meant that a number of traditional proof texts employed by Christians as prophecies of Jesus are no longer credible. The traditional Christian translation of Isaiah 53 has also been called into question, but that is another story... |
****Update**** In an attempt at damage control, Paul Williams has put the post back up, this time adding a couple of links, neither of which are at all helpful.
The first can be found here, and is supportive of what I wrote in my reply.
The second can be found here, and says nothing about the supporting evidence for the pre-Christian LXX reading found at Nahal Hever that goes clear back to the first century.
The other articles I linked to in my original post cover all other bases that Paul did not mention as of yet, but which he may try to latch onto in the future.
What a tangled web Paul weaves
When first he practices to deceive!
That is why when I went to his blog I saw nothing of the article,so I thought Paul Williams had written the article a long time ago and that the Anthony reply was not recent but had been written way back then.
And now it turns out it was just yesterday?It looks like a telenovela,like the very recent blockbuster Corazon de Fuego/Heart of Fire many are watching via youtube.
But we all make mistakes,in fact in 1 or 2 articles in French in the comment section Muslims offered good counter arguments
and I said they were right.I gave in,they had a point,though it was by conceding the real possibility X Arabic word meant something else,for all I knew.
Make sure to read Paul William's latest comment:
"The Jewish people did not expect their Messiah to die but to be victorious over his enemies.
The prospect of God’s anointed being abandoned by God and not knowing why God had forsaken him I would imagine is repugnant to Jews and Muslims. Muslims believe that God saved him from this ordeal.
I think it is helpful to recall that first and formost Psalm 22 is a Psalm of David, so we must imagine King David pleading for deliverance from suffering and hostility."
Apart from showing he knows nothing about ancient Jewish beliefs on the Messiah, (he doesn't even know the difference between Messiah Ben David and Messiah Ben David), he also contradicts his own religion.
As his own religion clearly states:
When God said, 'O Jesus! I will make Thee die and take Thee up again to me and will clear thee of those who misbelieve, and will make those who follow thee above those who misbelieve, at the day of judgment, then to me is your return. I will decide between you concerning that wherein ye disagree. 3:55
In order for Allah to purify or clear Jesus from the disbelievers, Jesus himself must have suffered slander, insults and abuse. Perhaps even physical abuse, meaning Jesus suffered in Islam, and Jesus was raised to God in Islam.
According to swoon theorists and the number one Muslim debater Shabir Ally, Jesus went through all the torture, and THEN was raised, as the Quran says "they did not kill him INDEFINATELY'.
But further more you clearly have Allah vindicating Jesus by clearing him of this, meaning just like in Christianity, the Messiah suffers, the Messiah is raised, the Messiah is vindicated.
Paul Williams proves Jesus cannot be the Messiah even in Islam *clap clap*
Muslims Schllars.... they are like Deedat, it's all about bringing some unfundamented doubt so Muslims can be sure they are on the "right patch", and Christians doubt with lies, real followers of Allah.
well at least the person got integrity then OSAMA
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