Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jesus: A Prophet of Islam?

A debate between Diaa Mohamed and Samuel Green. 21st March 2012.


Anonymous said...

Diaa left our christian and jews are the worst of all creatures. leaving out details is not good for one spiritual health

search 4 truth said...

Islam is Satans greatest deception. I cant hardly stand to listen to these ridiculous arguments by Muslims! To me they are so transparent.

Sam you did a great job! God bless you sir.

Royal Son said...

The Jesus of Islam does not exist. Grace to you brother Samuel. Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!

Dk said...

David did you ever see the “peaceful” Muslim Protests in Australia? Australia: Global Atheist Convention 2012 : Muslim Protests

Michael said...

I enjoyed watching this debate, it was very insightful. What was with that girl asking a barrage of questions at the end to Samuel? I felt she prepared for that attack of questions merely to trap Samuel but he had an excellent counter given the time restraint. I also thought Diaa was a respectful debater. Thanks for posting!

TPaul said...

Diaa brought up this verse of Luke 19:27 twice, to compare Jesus with Islamic jahidi fanatics, but it seemed like Samuel left it unanswered, which kinda confirmed his lie, although I am sure even Diaa knew it was taken out of context, but he played the dirty hand that typical Muslims often do.
27 "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me."

Clearly these words were from a parable of the cruel king, not Jesus' own words.

It seems that Muslims like Diaa, have already lost a debate with any Christian apologist, even before it begins, because they are willing to forego honesty to defend their lie.

Samuel did a good job of presenting a Messiah who is a fulfilment of the prophetic texts found in the Torah, and demolishing the Muslim's case that Jesus was a prophet of Islam. A personality who is more mythical rather than rooted in history, however I doubt Muslims are willing to study the material he presented, as long as they believe that the koran is the words of Allah verbatum.

I wish Samuel was a little more aggressive in shooting down lies of the Muslim apologist.

Davidsmountain .^. said...

To debate religion and the differences, between Christian, Muslim or Judaism, is an exercise in futility, because there will never be a consensus, among these groups. I think it's a far better argument to compare the political and social aspects of these groups. Only one specifically espouses the submission of the other two, through threats, violence and death! The consistent history of Islam, is the only one that proves to be a threat, to everyone, including other Muslims!

Samuel Green said...

Thanks for the comments and suggestions.

TPaul, I agree that I should be a bit more forthright. It is just how I am at the moment.

Michael, the Muslim woman at the end had a long list of set questions. I do not mind that. These are the issues that they read about on the web so I am happy to deal with them.

In Christ

simple_truth said...

Samuel Green said...

"Thanks for the comments and suggestions.

TPaul, I agree that I should be a bit more forthright. It is just how I am at the moment."

I think that it is imperative at certain times to show a little aggression to make both the audience and the opponent a bit honest and/or on guard so that they understand that you are not going to let them get away with a question or comment. I know that it is not always easy to spot these situations. It is tough enough just to stand up there and dialogue.

"Michael, the Muslim woman at the end had a long list of set questions. I do not mind that. These are the issues that they read about on the web so I am happy to deal with them."

I too felt that she was trying to trap you. I realize that we can't tell her true intentions; but, coming from a Muslim, it's easy to label her as such. I honestly can't think of a Muslim who has studied enough of the Gospels to have a decent understanding of the questions being asked and dialogue as she was without repeating rugurgitated material which she most likely didn't study herself to look for proper context. I know that there may be exceptions, but I just have a very difficult time either believing or accepting it, given all of my past experiences with Muslims. That maybe unfair to her, but that is how I see it.

You did a great job of answering her. I could only wish that I could make a rapid fire response like you did with appropriate scriptural references. I know that your ability has come from lots of study, debates, and help from God. I always enjoy your debates. I have a great admiration and respect for you and your ministry towards Muslims in particular.

May God continue to guide you and use you has one of his servants for His cause.

Kangaroo said...

Now Im more determined that Jesus (as) isnt God the Almighty. Thank you. I just cant imagine the fact that he took on all that punishment from everyone and died in 3 hours to save everyone from himself (justice/punishment of hell). Sounds very man made fairytale to me.

search 4 truth said...

OMG kangaroo. Your so ridiculous. Talk about man made. Tell me how this is justice. Your such a fool it is hilarious!

Sahih Muslim 6666—Allah’s Apostle said: No Muslim would die but Allah would admit in his stead a Jew or a Christian in Hell-Fire.

Islam i so stupid if you had any integrity and ability for objective reasoning you could see that. Explain in detail how you think Christianity sounds man made. The trinity is difficult to understand, if a man wanted to make it up, like Mohamed, all he would have to say is God is one. And then plagiarize from the Bible, Gnostic teachings and paganism hundreds and even thousands of years after. You make no sense, just like Islam!

sebsite said...

Kangaroo always lives in his/her imagination. Thats all.

Beth said...

Kitman: telling a partial truth to conceal a relevant fact. another way of lying and deceiving.

Luke 19: 26 and 27: 26 “He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. 27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’”

The Muslim speaker is commiting Kitman (or he hasn't done any real research) when he misquotes Jesus. Luke 19 is a story about a parable that Jesus recounted. Luke 19:27 are the king's words. Shame on the Muslim for saying Jesus supports Jihad. Shame on him.

Beth said...

Kitman: Luke 19:26 and 27 “He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. 27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’”
Jesus was telling a parable. These are not his thoughts on jihad, at all.

Shame on this Muslim for misquoting Jesus and commiting Kitman (telling a partial truth to conceal a lie.)


Christians believe that Jesus is the Word and Spirit of God. Who became through the miraculous birth from the Virgin Mother, Mary. Of course Christians do not believe that God, who creates from nothing, had any physical or human interaction with Mary: this is repulsive, blasphemous, and absurd. Let’s examine this through the Holy Bible and the Qur’an.
THE TRUTH ABOUT THE HOLY TRINITY: Sura 5:110 (Al-Ma’dah, سورة المائد,Table Spread) & Sura 4:171 (Al Nisa, النسآء, The Woman) says that Allah has Spirit and Word. This means he is God, one true almighty God with three “attributes”. Spirit and word, and are both eternal. Both are God. But they are not the same as each other and they are not identical to (Father) God.
The Holy Trinity is divine: this is not invented by any human being. If it had been invented by a person or a church they would not have imagined so complex a theory. Instead of a complex theory they have kept it simple, llike there is one Allah and one Messenger (Muhammad). They have kept it simple like that so the human mind can understand it; the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is much more complex as the nature of God so we can say that it is divine. so as the Injil says:
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
“Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counsellor, (Romans 11: 33-34.NIV)

The human mind is very limited; no human mind can understand the nature of God. God is supernatural, beyond the understanding of any human mind. So if we say God cannot come in human form it means that we are limiting God and that is blasphemy. In Exodus 3:4 we see God appearing to Prophet Moses in the shape of the burning bush. In Exodus 6:3 God again appears to Moses and says, “I am the Lord, I appear to Abraham to Isaac, and to Jacob as almighty God...” In the Qur’an surah Al-Baqarah, The Cow 2:253, Jesus is known as the “Clear Sign” because of his great miracles through which he showed love and mercy to all human kind.
That’s why John 3:16 states that “for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. (King James Bible – Cambridge Edition)
ONLY BEGOTTEN: The term “only begotten” is translated: “the only One of his kind, unique, Son of God”. The word in the original Greek is “Monogenes”, a combination of two words, “mono”, meaning “only”, and “genos” meaning “of the same nature, kind and race”. Therefore the only Son of God was Jesus Christ. He has no relation with angels, demons and men. A person can only become a ‘son’ of God by adoption (Ephesians 1:5; Galatians 4:5; Romans 8:15).
So it can be seen that we have witnesses from the both sources that Jesus is Word, Clear Sign and Spirit proceeding from God.

TPaul said...

Samuel said "TPaul, I agree that I should be a bit more forthright. It is just how I am at the moment.."

Sam, Please don't get me wrong, you are one of my favourite debaters. You provide excellent evidence to prove your case, but Muslims don't care if they build their case on lies, just like Mohammed Diaa did, in the past debate. It's just frustrating to see Muslim apologists like Diaa take advantage of your good nature and trash your entire scholarly presentation, based on lies of his own concoction.