LAGOS, Nigeria – A car bomb exploded along a busy roadway Sunday morning in a central Nigeria city, killing at least 38 people in the latest attack on a region beset by religious, ethnic and political violence, an official said.
The blast struck Kaduna, the capital of Kaduna state, leaving charred motorcycles and debris strewn across a major road in the city where many gather to eat at informal restaurants and buy black market gasoline. Nearby hotels had their windows blown out of by the force of the powerful explosion, which engulfed a group of motorcycle taximen.
At least 38 people were killed in the blast, said Abubakar Zakari Adamu, a spokesman for the Kaduna state Emergency Management Agency. Others suffered serious injuries and were receiving treatment at local hospitals, Adamu said.
The explosion badly damaged the nearby All Nations Christian Assembly Church as churchgoers worshipped at an Easter service, the possible target of the bomber. Witnesses said it appeared the explosive-laden car attempted to go into the compound of that church before it detonated.
"We were in the holy communion service and I was exhorting my people and all of a sudden, we heard a loud noise that shattered all our windows and doors, destroyed our fans and some of our equipment in the church," Pastor Joshua Raji said.
Another witness, Augustine Vincent, said he was riding a motorcycle just behind the car when it exploded.
"God saw our heart and saved us," he said.
No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, though suspicion immediately fell on a radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram.
Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the Hausa language of Nigeria's north, is waging an increasingly bloody fight with security agencies and the public. More than 380 people have been killed in violence blamed on the sect this year alone, according to an Associated Press count.
The sect, employing suicide bombers and assault-rifle shootouts, has attacked both Christians and Muslims, as well as the United Nations' headquarters in Nigeria.
The sect has rejected efforts to begin indirect peace talks with Nigeria's government. Its demands include the introduction of strict Shariah law across the country, even in Christian areas, and the release of all imprisoned followers.
The blast also comes as the United Kingdom and the United States had warned its citizens living in the oil-rich nation that violence was likely over the Easter holiday. (Read more.)
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter Bombing Kills at Least 38 in Nigeria
If Westernized Muslims spent as much time telling their non-Westernized Muslim brothers that Islam is peaceful as they do complaining about Islamophobia, perhaps we wouldn't read about terrorist attacks on a daily basis. Of course, we all know it would be a waste of time trying to convince non-Westernized Muslims that Islam is peaceful, since the Qur'an clearly indicates otherwise.
Boko Haram,
Worst part is that if this moon god called Allah was real, he would be clapping and rejoicing for these acts, the thing is that it's satan the one who can be happy for this, satan and allah are so alike.!
Another example of Muslims "fighting the good fight?"
Is Islam a religion of peace? The debate is over...
Allah very happy when muslims killing non muslims expecially during Easter Day..
But Allah want muslims keep saying that Islam is very peaceful..
Think about that..
This is what happens when you are conviced that you're imagination is real.
Another atrocity from the religion of pieces.
We are at war with islam and the sooner the West wakes up, the less loss of lives there will be.
Sadly, millions more will be killed before this perverted cult of death is eradicated for good.
The landscape has been is watered by the blood of 270 plus million innocent victims since islam spawned from the pits of hell.
There is NO peace with islam and with islam, there can NEVER be peace.
"Good" muslimes, like "good" nazis is an oxymoron.
This is proof that Islam is the greatest evil in the world today, what other religion or organisation is responsible for so much suffering and pain in the world today as Islam even in Muslim country's.
I am sure most Muslims don't even feel any compassion for what has happened to these people and no matter what they see or here they will never leave Islam out of fear or spiritual blindness.
The Antichrist spirit is truly in Muslims.
For sure Muslims will say 'Allahuakbar' when they watch this video. Rejoice Muslims.!!
Hezekiah Ahaz:
allah is very very very real, his name is lucifer, also known as satan, devil, the serpent.
And they shall be born without any natural affection, calling good evil and evil good. By their fruits shall you know whether they are followers of Christ or are the seed of satan the devil.
We must continue to tell them that only through Jesus Christ can they be saved. prayer, repentance, baptism for remission of sins, learning his laws and obeying them and enduring to the end. Only by doing this will they not be cast off on the last day.
Each day extra the Lord gives us to do this we must rejoice, for the end will come far too quickly and too few will be saved. Fortunatly we do have muslims who visit us, and if we keep up the good work, just maybe their hearts will soften and they will come to see the truth of Christ.
The Religion of Pieces!
We're seeing the beginning of the end of Christianity in Nigeria. The muslo-nazis have done the same thing to the Christians of Iraq and Lebanon, as well as the Jews of Syria, Iraq, Egyptistan, Libya and Morocco. I suspect Christianity will be eliminated from most of the Mid-East and N. Africa in our lifetime -- with the possible exception being Israel.
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