INDONESIA--A popular Muslim cleric was questioned by the police on Monday about claims by 11 young men that he molested them years ago.
Despite the serious nature of the allegations, the cleric, identified only as H., had ignored other police summonses, saying his preaching schedule was too busy.
“He was questioned as a witness,” Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr Rikwanto said. “After [his deposition] is crosschecked, the information will be analyzed.”
Riwanto said the police had already questioned the accusers and conducted psychological tests on seven who are still minors.
“The others were not tested because they are adults,” he said. “We will then determine whether the accused really did what he is reported to have done.” (Read more.)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Indonesian Cleric Accused of Molesting 11 Boys
But no matter how many of these molestation cases we read about, don't ever forget that Islam will save the West from immorality. Islam hasn't prevented immorality in the Muslim world, but surely things will be different here in the West.
No David you got it all wrong. It must have been a priest masquerading as a cleric.
Dk said: "It must have been a priest masquerading as a cleric."
Let's not jump to conclusions. The fact is that it could just as well have been a Zionist impersonating an imam in order to ruin Islam's reputation.
I guess we'll have to wait for Osama to decide whether it was a priest or a Jew.
Hey, Hey, what is this? An atheist and a Christian apologist tag teaming against Islam? Now that is a beautiful thing!
Billy said "an atheist and a christian apologist tag teaming against Islam? Now that is a beautiful thing!"
So is common sense but Muslims don't seem too fond of using it.
The MSM would be all over this story -- if the suspect had been a Catholic priest!
Cornholio said, "The MSM would be all over this story -- if the suspect had been a Catholic priest!"
Don't worry....they'll still bomb churches regardless of the slap on the wrist this imam will get.
Just like they do every time a muslim gets caught literally red-handed.
I think it's in their penal code. Muslim bomber caught....five christians have to die or two churches bombed.
"I guess we'll have to wait for Osama to decide whether it was a priest or a Jew."
So David Wood had finally scored his #20 finding for the past 5 years. Wow, I am very impressed David, especially when we can multiple this number by 60,000,000 when compared with Christians and their sexual acts and rapes.
So no brother, I am not impressed at all! Your people would be much better, morally, if they were Muslims. Has your scumbag #20 been caught in Saudi Arabia or Iran or with the Talibans, his head would've been chopped off by a sword. At the very least, he'd be publically flogged and humiliated.
************TRUE STORY!
When I was a kid, we heard on the news, in Jordan, of two military recruits (18+ years olds) brutally raped a 14 year old girl after kidnapping her. Guess what was their punishment after they were found guilty? Execution! Shariah is indeed the cure for humanity. And why not when it is GOD Almighty's Divine Law on earth?
Osama Abdallah
Osama said, " I am very impressed David, especially when we can multiple this number by 60,000,000 when compared with Christians and their sexual acts and rapes."
after David wrote: "Dk said: "It must have been a priest masquerading as a cleric."
Let's not jump to conclusions. The fact is that it could just as well have been a Zionist impersonating an imam in order to ruin Islam's reputation.
I guess we'll have to wait for Osama to decide whether it was a priest or a Jew."
Me: So I guess Osama is saying the Imam is actually a christian?
Osama said: "Has your scumbag #20 been caught in Saudi Arabia or Iran or with the Talibans, his head would've been chopped off by a sword."
This is Osama’s Islamic evangelism. Recall the exemplary example of the Islamic rule in Afghanistan under the Taliban. Don’t you Americans want to live just like the Afghans lived under the Taliban? This is why Osama’s own coreligionists have abandoned him.
Why is homosexuality a sin on planet earth according to Muslims, yet not a sin in Islamic heaven (i.e. the prepubescent pearly boys). The Muslim was just enjoying a little Islamic heaven on this earth.
Osama is just playing make believe.
Why pray 5 times a day when you can pray without ceasing.
Osama what do you pray to Allah about?
I'm an Indonesian and I CONFIRM THIS NEWS!
Btw Just want to add another INTERESTING FACT! this pervert Cleric is A HABIB!
Maybe for Westerners in here aren't quite familiar with that term, so let me briefly explain
Osama, you still owe me an apology for slandering me by saying I'd love for hate crimes to happen against Muslims (apparently because I don't believe they happen in a report). If you think I'm going to forget it, I'm not.
I publicly disavowed all hatred and acts of violence against Muslims. Can you do the same for hate and violence against non-Muslims?
You also owe an apology for your mistake/lies about 1 Chron 5:5 when you presented it as something it is not (a command to kill unbelievers, even though that contradicts the rest of the new testament teachings, and interpretations of the OT commands).
Why not be a man and owe up to your mistakes? It's not because your a dishonest fraud is it?
Another important information , molesting clerics apparently is a common hidden phenomena in Indonesia . According to Mr Fakhurozi the Director of LRC-KJHAM which is a human right organization in Indonesia there has been 100 cases of sexual abuse by Islamic clerics on 2011 in Java island particularly (unfortunately there haven't been any investigation like this in other regions of Indonesia)
The news can be spotted here but sorry it's in Indonesian language
"Why pray 5 times a day when you can pray without ceasing."
Prostrating our faces down to the ground before Allah Almighty is a Great Prayer that Allah Almighty Loves, and it is the best one. Jesus Christ in the NT prostrated to GOD Almighty, like we Muslims do in our five daily Prayers, during his desperate times. So even Christ in your corrupt book believed that this form of Prayer is the BEST ONE! Otherwise, he wouldn't have compromised his own "stand on your knee" one.
Muslims do indeed worship GOD Almighty in the Prayer that truly Honors Him and Glorifies Him. Visit: for more info.
Osama Abdallah
Billy said : "Why is homosexuality a sin on planet earth according to Muslims, yet not a sin in Islamic heaven (i.e. the prepubescent pearly boys). The Muslim was just enjoying a little Islamic heaven on this earth."
Yep, also you can make the same question about alcohol.. or fornication....
Osama said: "Jesus Christ in the NT prostrated to GOD Almighty, like we Muslims do in our five daily Prayers, during his desperate times."
Yep he did it not like a duty but as a desire to comunicate with his FATHER Matthew 26:39 "And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O MY FATHER", and not looking to a pagan stone (which according to you muslims it already exist at that time), and also his prayers were right before the camy to crucify him, in case you didn't keep reading the next verses, so now you believe Jesus was crucified? or you just take the parts you like and put them out of context as all dishonest Muslims (going against what the quran teaches, since it says your prophet had to come to us in case he had doubts, that goes for your comment about "corrupted book") Islam is so nonsense.
i would like you to check this too
Matthew 6:5 “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your FATHER who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.[b] 7 And when you pray, do NOT use VAIN repetitions as the HEATHEN do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words."
You should be very concern if you actually believe in Jesus words and actions according to the Bible, but i'm sure you just take what you need to give shape to your religion...
Also check this part :)
Matthew 6:16 “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."
Ramadam style.. right?
Osama, I don't think you understand what the word "Hypocricy" means.
Calling someone who betrays you a friend is hypocracy?
Here I'll help you.
Hypocricy is OFTEN critisizing tghe bible by using dishonest arguments and taking verses out of the bible, as a non-Christian and then saying "And what the hell were you doing teaching the "history of Islam" to others when you weren't a Muslim??"
"Jesus calling his betrayer as "friend" is hypocrisy and is inconsistent with the Divine Perfection and Standards of GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty in the Old Testament is extremely tough on renegades or apostates and Commands His Servants to punish them to death"
Hmm. It seems Osama thinks Jesus is a hypocrite because he didn't kill him on the spot, or in other words, because he didn't act more like Mohammad!
Also, I see you've decided to ignore the previous post.
He could not wait to get into Muslim heaven and get the 300 boys, "as beautiful as scattered pearls, who never age..."
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