Friday, February 24, 2012

Kira Davis Apologizes to President Karzai over Quran Burnings

Absolutely brilliant. Wish I had thought of it.


Joe Bradley said...

I'm in love!!

Is she married???

Baron Eddie said...

I like how she started and how she ended her apology ...

Oh President Karzai ... don't worry it was just a radical soldier ...

I personally think that once US soldiers leave Afghanistan you will be killed by Islam ...

Maybe those soldiers trying to keep the tradition of Uthman ...

JBaker45 said...

I nearby nominate Kira Davis or President.

Samatar Mohamed said...

To be fair it did not seem like she sincerely apologized over the Quran burnings at all. Rather, she spent time going over the many terrible things that Karzai has done. And I agree with her on that by the way. Just wondering though, you all are against the burning of scripture right, regardless of whether it is the bible, Quran, etc... And of course I mean the intention behind the burning of the Quran, not just the act.

simple_truth said...

Joe Bradley said...

"I'm in love!!

Is she married???"


At least she shares my last name. Ha. Ha.

She did fool me though with how she started her speech. I was thinking that she was going to warm up to Obama and his decision. But as she continued to speak, I was very happy with her position on the matter.

You go, girl!

David Wood said...

SM said: "Just wondering though, you all are against the burning of scripture right, regardless of whether it is the bible, Quran, etc."

Yes, I'm against burning books as a means of criticism. But I'm for the right to do it, if someone chooses to do it. And I'm certainly far, far more against killing people over burned books than I am against burning books.

Radical Moderate said...


You wrote...

"To be fair it did not seem like she sincerely apologized over the Quran burnings at all. Rather, she spent time going over the many terrible things that Karzai has done."

Wow your quick nothing gets by you.

You also wrote...
"Just wondering though, you all are against the burning of scripture right, regardless of whether it is the bible, Quran, etc... And of course I mean the intention behind the burning of the Quran, not just the act."

Speaking just for me.

I really don't care. Just bring our troops home from that Godless country, let you guys have your Islamic paradise where you are free to Stone your whoring wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts and anyone else you so desire.

Leave you to kill your homosexual sons and daughters, newphews and nieces even mohters and fathers.

Chop off the hands of your theiving sons and daughters.

Behead your family members when they have had enough Islam and wish to leave.

Have at it man.

And yes I am being sincear.

Pierre_Picaud said...

Check the pin up of Allen West in the top right, behind her. Tee hee!


Kira Davis,
I love that, thanks for speaking out for American nation.
Islam is nothing, it’s an evil
Boota Singh

dstewart said...

Personally, I think it's a great message to radicals: If you don't want your holy books burned, don't hide secret messages in them...

curly said...

@ Samatar,
I have no feeling if someone burn Holy Bible, because Holy Bible is just a book! Addtions, I do not have a feeling if people mock the statue of Jesus Christ, people throw with many insults at Jesus Christ, and etc. They are nothing to me, because it is up to them and it is between people and Jesus Christ. Why I become a outrage against them for Jesus Christ? why I should assault atheist guy for Jesus Christ like as a muslim assault a mohammed-costumed atheist guy in parade? I think it is very stupid to harm them for Jesus Christ.
Anyway, if I will do not burn Quran, because It is not respect them. I am more interesting to build a relationship with people than burning a bridge between them and me.
I am support for the freedom of right.

Hey Samatar, I do have a question for you. Are you agree that Judge Mark Martin dismiss the charge of Muslim guy who assault a atheist guy? Just say yes or no that all. I hope you will answer my question

Billy said...

SM wrote: “To be fair it did not seem like she sincerely apologized over the Quran burnings at all.”

Samatar, you are the sharpest knife in the drawer.

This demonstrates the need to explain elementary truths to Muslims, in debates, not just once or twice, but three, four, five…ten or more times for them to reach the aha (& whoops) moment.

agrammatos said...

Perhaps I'm wrong, and Mr. Woods or Samatar (or anyone else who is knowledgeable) can correct me, but these were defaced Qur'ans. Qur'ans that were defaced or marred by the devout adherents and supposed practioners of Islam.

Is not burning (or burying, or blotting out, i.e. erasing) a valid means of disposing of these *defaced* Qur'ans? Is the defacing of Qur'ans by writing non-Qur'anic inscriptions on them not a sufficient reason for destroying them by burning (or burying, or blotting out - not that erasing would work nowadays with printed inks).

IMO, there ought to be praise for those who burned them since they were marred by the defacing inscriptions. They were *not* burned as an attempt at simply destroying otherwise perfect Qur'ans. These were Qur'ans intentionally defaced and marred by supposedly practicing Muslim extremists (who may have even washed their hands before defacing the Qur'ans???). What's wrong with this picture?!!

Please explain this to me, because apparently I'm not getting it.

Anonymous said...

A little more Muslim on Muslim violence.

Where's the love Samatar?

Reese Smith said...

Somatar remix:

To be fair it does not seem like Muslims sincerely apologize over the killing of apostates, and other general inhumane acts in the name of Allah at all. Rather, they spend time boo-hooing over the petty protests of a few who think burning a book actually changes something. And you agree with her about Karzi, are you being sincere? Just wondering though, you all are against killing apostates right, regardless of whether it is a Muslim turned Christian, or Muslim turned atheist, etc,...and of course we are talking about the reason for killing an apostate..because of the book some knuckle heads like to burn..just say'n

Unknown said...

@ Samatar Mohamed Although I have an aversion to burning any book because it hearkens to a destruction of liberty. I have to commit myself to liberty anew to permit the survival of such evil texts as the Quran and The Bible. These texts are such enemies of reason and morality, that I can only suffer their existence by reminding myself each day of a man's right to be mistaken. I keep one of each around to remind me occasionally of the evil one man can commit on another in the name of a non-existent, vicious, irrational being who personifies all of the worst in man and who men use to justify their commission of evil on each other. In short, Samatar, your Quran is allowed to exists only as a reminder of the nature of evil - it has no other virtue. But, in principle, I oppose burning books, except in cases exactly like these - where they are directly used to commit an evil act.

Tatersalad said...

Christian Copts have their own way of thinking on Jihad and Muslims!

JBaker45 said...

My apologies for the many typos in my previous post.

This is the kind of thing that happens when our devices are enabled to decide to themselves what we are trying to say - lol.

But speaking to the point, I am disappointed in the inconsistency of our leadership here in the united states.

If it is our policy to burn bibles when they are seen as garbage, then why make apologies when qurans are also to be considered as garbage.

Trueth demands one voice, and compromise is an admission of error uncorrected.

Samatar Mohamed said...


So you could care less if someone burns the bible or insults Jesus (pbuh). O.K. at least your being honest. With regard to your question on Judge Martin dismissing the case, I completely disagree with judge martin for dismissing the case of the muslim who assaulted the atheist.

Samatar Mohamed said...


"Samatar, you are the sharpest knife in the drawer.

This demonstrates the need to explain elementary truths to Muslims, in debates, not just once or twice, but three, four, five…ten or more times for them to reach the aha (& whoops) moment."

Billy, what does knowledge or understanding have to do with the religion you are affiliated with? Thanks.

curly said...

I start to like you, Samatar In my personal opinion, I do not understand why Judge Martin do that... I do know some Western Muslim are wonderful people. I have very few good friends, who are Muslim. Anyway, I do really not understand why Judge Martin do that..

Zack_Tiang said...

I do hope this video is passed to the White House to be passed to Pres. Karzai... and maybe Pres Obama himself too. Thanks.

Foolster41 said...

"At least your being honest"
Your implying someone isn't being honest, who do you mean? Who doesn't support the same position Curly does that one should be free to mock any religion without fear of violence, hmm?

shenzara said...

Love it Kira. Unfortunately most of them will never listen.

(Matthew 24)

dstewart said...

Everyone has a responsibility to take care of their "property" within the limits of their own "fence." If somebody burns the Bible, it's just more of the same sentiment that we see every day. Those people are the ones with the problem as long as they stay on their side of the "fence." I make it my problem when I take offense to it. That's a huge problem with today, everyone's so easily offended and they don't see what's wrong with that. It's almost like that's the standard how to get things done, like it's a virtue sometimes. What's worse is that it seems to be a Muslim's duty to be personally offended about stuff that's not even in their "property."