Thursday, October 13, 2011

Muslim Mother Tries to Kill Son for Converting to Christianity

But I thought that no Muslim ever wants to obey Muhammad's command to kill apostates, and that all Muslims are happy to live under Western laws rather than Sharia. Now I'm confused.

And for those who don't believe that Muhammad commanded his followers to kill apostates . . .


Hemel said...

I will love to know what those two muslim debaters Bassam Zaawadi and Sami Zaatari says about this issue as they contradict each other

Cristo Te Ama said...

Anyone knows what happened with the guys who tried to kill him? anyway it's a great testimony, Satan knew what he was doing when created Islam, it's about a system where you are to hate anyone who makes "shirk" which according to them is recognizing Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, it's shockingto see how easily Muslims are willing to KILL for their religion instead of argue and debate, they could've argue back in the Mall, yet i suppose that the word of God was too much for them to hadle, God Bless Him!

armand said...

I can totally relate to this with the only exception that in my case it was the father

Deleting said...

Pyem, I am so sorry your dad did that to you.
Christ converted me from being hindothetist new ager last year but one element that helped me see the bible is true is Islam. It is the antichrist system the bible talked about.
Thank God I'm not a muslim.

Locrian said...

Not really a comment about the thread. But what a neat comment from Deleting. Coming to Christ by seeing prophecy unfold and actually being in tune enough to recognize it.


Deleting said...

Locrian-Christ pulled me into him. As for seeing Islam...well, he showed me that later on.
It's all glory to Jesus. It's got zilch to do in regards to education or preconceptions. Trust me, I was a new ager. New agers collect everything and say it's all God and everyone goes to heaven.