Monday, October 17, 2011

Glenn Beck and David Barton Discuss Islam in Early America

President Obama and Rep. Keith Ellison like to talk about Islam's early influence on America. Let's have a look at reality.


Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT! America HAS paid the Islamic State Jizya... I knew it had to be true... although the amount is a bit high for a "traditional levy" of Jizya.

Radical Moderate said...

WOW, I do not like Glenn Beck but this is amazing

Anonymous said...

ALLAHY AKBAR Islam has been exposed Islam has always considered us in the West as a pack of Dhimmies and is forcing us to pay the Jizya, Only now tell all it foriegn aid.

David I think this is the most informative video that you you have ever posted. Please bring us more of these.

D. Collaric said...

the Korraan says also that Muslim should RETURN to the land they were DRIVEN from.
WHEN did Muslims live in SPAIN, prior to AD 711, when Muslims marauders for the first time in history invaded the European continent. Also when did MUSLIMS live in what was to become the Austrian-Hungary Empire that they could TWICE besiege the city of Vienna?
When did Muslims live in India to be driven out and then have a right to return? Funny is this they deny Jews from living in Israel even though they have a historical right to it. Here in Vienna/Austria the Saudis opened a "Center for Dialog" and one person asked why are there no Synagogues in Saudi Arabia? The answer was telling, "because there are no Jews, so we do not need Synagogues!" The Journalist did not follow up with: "Why are no Jews in Saudi Arabia?". Of course Islam-critics know the answer: Because they were driven out or killed.
So it was not the "Unbelievers" who started the fight, it was always a response to the islamic attacks...

Baron Eddie said...

Thanks David for posting this ...

I was not aware of this event in American History ...

I will share this with all my friends ... God Bless You

simple_truth said...

Very informative!

Thanks, David.

Tatersalad said...

C.A.I.R.'s odd stance on the Iranian assassination plot. CAIR, like usual, blames someone else, in this case, the F.B.I. How typical! It is always someone else's fault, except a Moslem's. Pathetic!

southwood said...

I am almost finished reading Mr.Barton's book, American History in Black and White , a real revelation about the Democratic party's long history of racism. This talk on the video puts him even higher in my estimation.