Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chrislam: How Missionaries Are Promoting an Islamized Gospel

Are there missionaries who promote converts from Islam remaining in Islam? Is Islam the primary identity for a new believer and how does this identity interface with one's deliverance from a false religion? Which rituals and phenomena of Islam may be given new meaning by converts? Is the Gospel of Jesus being Islamized by Western missionaries? This anthology of twenty-five essays approaches the various questions of the "insider movements" that are being raised within the mission community. Offering not only a critique of the problematic issues of IM and it's proponents, Chrislam also provides a necessary corrective in the areas of theology, exegesis, translation, missiology and a theology of religions. The authors include converts from Islam, practicing missionaries, pastors, missiologists, Bible translators, professors of Islamic studies, biblical studies, and systematic theology. This multi-faceted approach to a serious problem in missions is a much needed manual for the church as she thinks through the ramifications of supporting "insiders" and the proponents of IM.


Deleting said...

Church of Laodicea anyone? anyone??

taomeano said...

Chrislam is from the devil, using christians' ignorance of the real teachings of Islam to deceive.

A true convert to Jesus Christ will never never be identified with any other religion. Either you are for Jesus Christ or not. Jesus said "If anyone will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" Luke 9:23.

Jesus did not say follow Him and something else.

Chrislam is straight from the pit of hell. As true believers of the LORD JESUS CHRIST this is the verse we follow "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?" 2Corinthians 6:14.

Islam is darkness, Christianity is light so just as the verse says " WHAT COMMUNION HAS LIGHT WITH DARKNESS"

donna60 said...

This has been happening for a long, long time. When I was a girl, there was this push to state that all churches were equal, even those who disobeyed scripture. It was called ecumenicalism.

Some denominations are in open rebellion against God's word, and they know who they are. This is just another manifestation. There is nothing new under the sun.

Hemel said...

I do not know about what is written in that book.But I am a Bangladeshi convert from islam living with my muslim parents.My identity is muslim officially but people who asks me I speak boldly that I dont follow islam anymore and believe in the LORD Jesus Christ.They hate me but as islam is so weak in our country so they cant do what islam says.There are about 40,000 muslims who converted to Christ truly.Yes they are said to be over a million people who believe Jesus as their savior and muhammad as their prophet.They belieev both the quran and the gospel.But we consider them as heretic.But you need to understand initially its not possible for everyone to teat the quran or muhammad as you do.We muslims who came to Christ we came for everlasting life.So initially we dont understand the trinity that well or we cant say muhamamd is a false propeht or sth like that.But soon as people start to grow in knowledge or Christ they understand that muhammad is a not a prophet or quran is a satanic book.But it takes time for someone.You guys need to understand that missionaries cant speak like David or Sam as they do on ABN .Because in that way its not possible in the muslim world.Evengelizing is a very tough job.And me myself know how difficult for MBBs is to live as apostates in the muslim community.Yes there maybe people who maybe didnt get teh real gospel rather than a mishmash faith,but is not it obvious.As Luther said,"Where God build His church ,satan builds chappel"

Hemel said...

David,I really want to know what is your opinion about that book and what is chrislam.

Tom ta tum Tom said...


Thanks for connecting us with the i2 website. We need these folks to help train us to evangelize among the Muslims right here at home. Let me echo the statement from taomeano: "Chrislam is from the devil, using christians' ignorance of the real teachings of Islam to deceive."

LOVE in the precious Name of Christ Jesus does NOT include acceptance of any part of the lies of Islam. God does not cohabit with SIN.
LOVE the Muslims and let's separate them from the prison of Islam.

BTW, David: THANK YOU and THANKS to Acts17 for your example. You have NEVER diluted the truth of Christ with lies. "Chrislam" may be well intended but it denies the power of the ONLY living God in Christ Jesus. Christ alone can transform. Christ alone can redeem. Christ alone can set the prisoners free.




Hemel said...

Tom go and preach in muslim lands several years.You will defeinitely start to sound different

Tom ta tum Tom said...

Lord Jesus - who is My Savior, My Master, My OWNER, my best friend, LOVES the precious Muslim people and He has forbidden hatred in my heart so, I REFUSE to hate even MUSLIMS. My sense is that you believe I would hate them if I lived among them. I think not. I DO live among them and I don't hate them. Hate is the refuge of people who've been rendered ineffectual. The Holy Spirit is dynamic and VERY powerful. May I be even more surrendered to His purposes.

Yes, the worldly me would have hated Muslims but my SAVIOR is working such wickedness out of my heart.

We MUST continue to confront Islam with the TRUTH - without flinching - but the truth of Christ Jesus can only be spread through Love.
It is NOT love to allow the lies of Islam to go unchallenged. And yes, we MUST defend our civilization against the mindless savagery of Islam but even that doesn't mean hating Muslim people.

Helping Muslim people get OUT of Islam and into the arms of Christ Jesus is one of the most loving things we can do for them! Compromising the Gospel for ANY purpose does not help those who need to hear the truth.

Don't be afraid, Hemel. Islam has no power other than deceit and violence. Compromising the Gospel is entirely unnecessary. You are needed to help Christ Jesus liberate the precious Muslim people from the shackles of Islam. You've come to the right place.




Fifth Monarchy Man said...

Hey Hemel,

God bless and protect you and those like you.

I will pray that you continue to be bold and that God continues to gather his Church in Muslim lands even when we Christians don't do it right.

I will also try and not be too critical with the way others are trying to live out the great commision untill I have done all that I can do myself.


curly said...

are you still live in Banqladeshi? I m curious how you believe accept Jesus Christ the Savior and Lord instead prophet?

Jesus bless you,

PS- if you want to be private email, you can email me

Hemel said...

@Tom.You said,
"Compromising the Gospel for ANY purpose does not help those who need to hear the truth."
It is not compromising the gospel.But giving the person time to understand and to grow in knowledge..Not just bang bang bang!!

Hemel said...

@Curly.I do live in Bangladesh.
As I said earlier I heard gospel of salvation from some foreign missionaries.And for your information I am not the only one but there are more than 40,000 MBB(muslim background believers).Though I dont go to the MBB church(jamat) I go to an international church as I am much influenced by the west.For me rejecting quran and muhammad was very quick after accepting Christ.As I am educated and also as an urban person my mind is more open and rational.But there are people in rural areas for whom its very tough to call muhammad a false prophet or thinking quran as a false book.It takes time.But eventually when they grow in knowledge they understand that as the gospel of Christ is true,so the quran cant be true

Tom ta tum Tom said...


It appears that I've been misunderstanding you. In this regard I'm grateful to know I was wrong. THANK YOU for bringing good news from Bangladesh to us all. May Christ Jesus guard and keep you and may you be even further empowered to do His work.

curly said...

Oh I see. Thank you for making clear again. Anyway, Thank you for sharing your perspective.
Hey, I m curious, what is your parent respond you when they learn that you convert to the follower of Jesus Christ ??

Hemel said...

@Curly,my parents are not die-heart muslims and they do fear allah very less.Wealth is where their minds are.They have been to the west and they have many christian friends.They know about christianity,just dont accept it.But they think themselves as muslims.The only reason they make problems for me in the walk of Christ because they fear of my security.Because if I speak in public what I say at home ,surely the mob will tear me apart,They certainly dont accept or like me becoming christian,But their fear is more of the society not of allah.Its very tough to explain here briefly how much mental persecution I needed to bear.But certainly its not that type of honor killing which went through their minds.As I said before that in Bangladesh islam is very weak.The islamic leaders are generally viwed as weired and backdated and also war criminals(in 1971 pakistan killed 3 million bangladeshis and raped 200 thousand women which eventually lead to the partition.)So anyway islam is very weak here esp under the present govt and in the city areas in many places you can hardly find any difference from the west,

curly said...

"in 1971 pakistan killed 3 million bangladeshis and raped 200 thousand women"
No wonder, my Deaf Bangladeshis friend told me that Bangladeshis and Pakistan are barely married together in America even they both are muslim. I was little puzzled and never understand why.
It is very sad. ANYWAY, I would love to ask you more questions but I m not comfortable to ask you in this blog. I prefer to email you. You can give me your email address if you can't mind or email me
I glad you found a truth. Jesus bless you

Hemel said...

@Curly.I am always interested to talk with christians as here I dont get chance that much for being minority.So my mail address is and I have no problem in answering mails