BOSTON – A 26-year-old Massachusetts man has been arrested and accused of plotting to destroy the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol with large remote-controlled aircraft filled with explosives.
Rezwan Ferdaus of Ashland was arrested Wednesday in Framingham when undercover federal agents delivered materials he'd requested for his alleged plan, including grenades, six machine guns and what Ferdaus believed was C-4 explosive.
Ferdaus, a U.S. citizen and Northeastern University graduate, was scheduled to make an initial appearance in federal court in Worcester on Wednesday afternoon.
A message for comment was left for his attorney, Catherine Byrne.
According to the federal affidavit, Ferdaus began planning "jihad" against the U.S. in early 2010. He allegedly believed he would have a large psychological impact by killing Americans, who he described as "enemies of Allah." (Source)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Rezwan Ferdaus Arrested for Plotting Jihad . . . in Massachusetts
Only one thing is clear at this point in the investigation: Ferdaus's decision to fight unbelievers had absolutely nothing to do with the Qur'an's clear commands to fight unbelievers (9:29, 9:73, 9:123). After all, as we all know, no Muslim in history has ever taken Muhammad's commands to fight and subjugate non-Muslims seriously. Hence, Ferdaus must have been influenced by violent video games or something.
I dont get it. Why dont you Islamaphobes understand that by presenting the facts and evidence of what Islam teaches and how Muslims are practicing Islams teachings, you are exposing your hatred and bigotry?
Your terrible for presenting facts. How dare you!
Hi David,
I totallyagree with u regarding theteachings of sunni/shia islam HOWEVER PLZ be very careful to blame any supposed gov claimed "terror" threat. It cld all be part of what i call "Operation Grand Scheme" which means tht the feds r trying to instill guilt within non Muslims after they finally release docs thtd most pobaly state thtthe gov carried out 911 n all these other pseudo terror attacks. THEN WHT will u do? Ull be filled with so much guilt tht ud stop criticizing islam altogether n willingly allow them to practice even shariah perhaps. NOTICE how the the elitists n politicians alway talk in favor of islam which even u stated many times. ET IT IS them whore also rel supposed terror plots by muslims? Isnt tht strange? SO I SUGGEST tht EVEN IF u dont accept 911 was an inside job or these terror plots every now n then AT LEAST dont make them the top basis for attacking islam N ALWAYS keep in ur mind tht even if muslims didnt carry out 911 IM sure if they had the powee they wld n never stop criticizing them even if they didnt do tht. watch the following from a Christian on the recent "terror" plot:
Yea, David why don't you!
"search4truth" forgot to tell us what is the truth ...
Is it saying something and doing something else!
"search4truth" I recommend for you to take a trip to Islamic countries and tell them about your peaceful Islamic version ...
Stop lying to yourself ...
May God show you the real Truth ...
He is Jesus Christ ...
Blessed His Name ...
+ + +
@ Baron,
I was being sarcastic.
John 14:16
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
God bless you sir. I'm glad i was so convincing. Because thats how Muslims think.LOL!
Search 4 truth. Were you being sarcastic? Or were you practicing taqiyya? Oh wait. Taquiyya doesn't exist. LOL
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