Thursday, September 1, 2011

California Events Schedule

We still have a few slots to schedule, but here's what we have so far in California. (For those who plan to attend, pay close attention to the various locations.)

Friday, September 9th, 7:00 P.M.
Calvary Chapel Chino Valley - 12205 Pipeline Ave., Chino, CA 91710
Sam Shamoun & David Wood: "The Islamic Dilemma"

Saturday, September 10th, 8:30 A.M.
Calvary Chapel Anaheim – 270 E. Palais Road, Anaheim, CA 92805
David Wood: "Facing the Islamic Challenge Biblically"

Saturday, September 10th, 12:30 P.M.
Calvary Chapel Downey - 12808 Woodruff Avenue, Downey, CA 90242
David Wood: "Exposing Muhammad and the Qur'an"

Saturday, September 10th, 2:45 P.M.
Calvary Chapel Downey - 12808 Woodruff Avenue, Downey, CA 90242
Sam Shamoun: "The Islamic Dilemma"

Sunday, September 11th, 8:30 A.M. & 10:30 A.M.
Calvary Chapel Downey - 12808 Woodruff Avenue, Downey, CA 90242
David Wood: "Facing the Islamic Challenge Biblically"

Sunday, September 11th, 6:00 P.M.
The White House - 1238 South Beach Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92804
Sam Shamoun & David Wood: "Unveiling the Power Behind 9-11"

Monday, September 12th, 7:00 P.M.
Orangewood Avenue Baptist Church - 8421 Orangewood Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92841
Nadir Ahmed vs. David Wood: "Does Islam Promote Violence Towards Non-Believers"

Tuesday, September 13th, 7:00 P.M.
Orangewood Avenue Baptist Church - 8421 Orangewood Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92841
David Wood vs. Nadir Ahmed: "Does Christianity Promote Violence Towards Non-Believers"

We'll be sure to record everything and post it on YouTube (so long as they haven't closed my account). Indeed, if I can find a good internet connection, I'll try to post presentations right after we give them.

On a related note, I see that we've received more than a thousand dollars in donations for the series, which should be more than enough to cover our trip (and possibly groceries for our families while we're gone). I might even be able to get my laptop repaired so I can run PowerPoint during my presentations! Anyhow, since we've already received enough financial support for this trip, I'm closing the ChipIn. Please support us through your prayers.


Haecceitas said...

So you're debating Nadir Ahmed? Should be at least entertaining if nothing else.

Haecceitas said...

By the way, there must be a mistake in one of these lines:

Monday, September 12th, 7:00 P.M.
Monday, September 13th, 7:00 P.M.

Dk said...

I don't get it, why are you debating Nadir, after all your articles divorcing him and his credibility?

Maybe I'm a few years out of date!

Anonymous said...

David thankyou for publishing the schedule. I have posted an enterview on my blog between and Ezra Levant and Pam Geller on the 9-11 Feeedon Rally.

Cristo Te Ama said...

I wish i live in the US to see you guys, but i will have to conform with the videos.
I'll pray for you.
BTW: I ve been traslating some of your videos into Spanish, i will put some in my sunday school.
Keep it up.

Search 4 Truth said...

Hey David. I looked all over trying to find how to contact you. But I guess this will do. Theres an interesting story about Muslims wanting to endanger themselves and others because of their head scarf. And then fighting with police! You dont need to post this I just though it would be good for your blog!

And theres a video at liveleak.

Its under News and Politics and the title of the video is "Muslims, Police Fight at NY Theme Park"

Peace and love and God bless in California! I would love to donate but am laid off at this time! Sorry bro.

Anonymous said...

Dk, if you watched Nadir's recent debate he did act somewhat respectful and actually interacted with what his opponent actually said. Maybe this is something good. I hope I can see this series when it comes out. Sounds very interesting.

TAREK said...

Hello Dr. David!
I'm praying for you all. Please D. post them as soon as you can. I'm in Europe and there is no way I can travel. I'm using all the tools you have on the website to reveal to truth to my sisters and brothers muslims whom I love so much that I do not want to see them in hell fire tomorrow. My best regards to the Divine Search Engine Sam Shamoun and all the organisers.


francis said...

Dear Brother David & Sam,

you are doing excellent work.

May God give you more wisdom and miraculous power to reveal the love of God in Muslims, So they can set free from the spirit of Muhammad and the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorify. Amen

God Bless you!


francis said...

Dear Br. Sam and David,

May God bless you and Strengthen you to help Muslims. So they can set free from the spirit of Muhammad, and the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorify. Amen



David Wood - Your attempt to inform
is laudable...I've tried too.

It's a frustrating business to post solid, fact-based information concerning a 1400 yr track record of muslim holy wars in India and Europe, and receive naive comments (and public prayers) for this noble effort.

> Items:

* First of all, Jesus said not to pray in public. Read Matthew 6:5-6
(It's what the hypocrites do, in synagogs and street corners **Also blogs.) If you offer up public prayer here, you've already rec'd your reward.

* Secondly, INFORM YOURSELF. Read some excerpts from the holy qur''s the Link -- >
-- esp. the chapter on violence.

* Third - Print and photo-copy the grim, murderous quotes in the Qur'an, then pass them around to family & unaware friends.

* Politics anyone? Read about Hillary Clinton's 15 yr close friendship with a hard-core muslim family with strong ties to the notorious Muslim Brotherhood!

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