NORWAY--At Hå asylmum centre, "Ali" had boiling water poured over him after converting to Christianity and not fasting during Ramadan. Now he and other converts fear for their lives.
"If you do not return to Islam, we kill you," was the message "Ali" got from other Muslims at the Hå asylum centre. He does not wish to have his face or real name published, out of fear of the Muslims at the centre. If Afghan authorities come to know about his conversion, he risks the death penalty by stoning if he is sent back to his home country. (Read more.)
Friday, August 26, 2011
Former Muslim Tortured in Asylum Center . . . in Norway
Of course, Muslims in Norway are now free to torture all the apostates they want. No one's going to make a fuss. After all, anyone who objects to torturing or killing those who leave Islam must be a racist, Islamophobic bigot. People who criticize Muhammad's teachings are no better than the terrorist Anders Behring Breivik.
That is just awful!
I wish there was some way to round up all Muslims and send them to current Islamic dominated lands so that they can harm each other and leave the rest of the sane world alone.
The Vatican must step in for these Christian converts, regardless of their denomination. If they have no safety in Norway (some Christian country, huh?) then Vatican City itself should be their refuge.
The Pope must speak up.
No, "simple truth" please, don't say that ... there are a lot of wonderful Muslim people ... the problem is in the teaching of Mohammed (Islam) ...
Baron Eddie should read the 1400 years of holy jihad (muslim) wars in India and Europe, plus the current invasion of North America,
and the steady infiltration of our schools and churches by "moderate"
imams like Yahya Hendi from the Georgetown U, the first Catholic (Jesuit) University in the U.S.
Imam Hendi will visit your church,
in your town (invitation only) to preach "peace & love"...and how to 'build bridges to understanding' with non-believers!
Better yet, read a few excepts from
the Holy Qur'an...
Allah's Apostle said, "I have become victorious with terror."
Bukhari, Vol 4, Book 52, 220
The 'wonderful muslims' that Baron Eddie refers to are raised in a vicious kill-culture that fears, looks the other way when there's a beheading, mutilation or an "honor killing" of a daughter that "sins".
We have 1800 mosques in the USA,
built with Saudi Oil Wealth, and Iran is nearing nuclear capability
to dominate the Middle East...
read my blog Baron Eddie! - reb
___ ___
This is really a big dilemma we have with Muslims. No one wants to be unjust to those of them who are nice and clueless of their religion, but we never know which Muslim who migrates to our countries is a nice one which one is a trouble maker and which one is a double-faced lier and which one is honest and which one who is nice now someday will decide to get serious about his religion and will become a trouble maker. One cannot even be sure if the children of a nicer kind of Muslim who moves to the West will not grow up more radical than their parents and start making trouble. So on the one hand it is a humanitarian issue and people want to help asylum seekers and not deport and uproot any innocent immigrants, but the dangerous elements which by no means are just a few are hiding among the normal innocent muslim population. I am really puzzled at how we should handle this dilemma without betraying our values of love and charity and treating all people equally and not punishing some for crimes of others. If any one has any good solutions I would like to hear.
The Purple Marquise said...
"This is really a big dilemma we have with Muslims. No one wants to be unjust to those of them who are nice and clueless of their religion, but we never know which Muslim who migrates to our countries is a nice one which one is a trouble maker and which one is a double-faced lier and which one is honest and which one who is nice now someday will decide to get serious about his religion and will become a trouble maker. One cannot even be sure if the children of a nicer kind of Muslim who moves to the West will not grow up more radical than their parents and start making trouble. So on the one hand it is a humanitarian issue and people want to help asylum seekers and not deport and uproot any innocent immigrants, but the dangerous elements which by no means are just a few are hiding among the normal innocent muslim population. I am really puzzled at how we should handle this dilemma without betraying our values of love and charity and treating all people equally and not punishing some for crimes of others. If any one has any good solutions I would like to hear."
That is basically how I view it too. Although I wish that we could place all of them in Islamic dominated lands, there lies a dilemma in doing that; however, I would rather see them away from the rest of us if only for the preservation of our ways of life and societies. Places where Islam and Muslims migrate begin to lose their societies and ways of life for no good reason. The infestation of Islam just reeks destruction.
My friend SNAKE HUNTERS ... then we agree because you quoted the Quran and that what I said is the problem ... As far as history, Who knows the histroy better than the one who lives it? ... "for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
Baron Eddie said...
'No, "simple truth" please, don't say that ... there are a lot of wonderful Muslim people ... the problem is in the teaching of Mohammed (Islam) ...'
I know that the problem is the teaching of Mohammad. That is why Muslims in general, are dangerous, even if a majority of them appear to be more tolerant of others.
The religion itself stands upon Mohammad's actions, rulings, and behaviors; therefore, anyone who claims to be a Muslim can and should be seen through the lens of Mohammad way of life which leads to destruction of non Muslims and their societies. Mohammad encourages his followers to emulate him; so, there is the problem. In contrast, Christians shouldn't be feared as much since most of them at least adhere to Jesus' teachings of grace, peace, and love although we are far from perfect examples of Jesus.
Shame is not the basis of Western law or society.
There is no honor in it.
Fear is not the law.
The law is Reason in the West.
The posts about the "moderate" or "good" Muslims are designed to shame us.
Those in Islam who behave as decent human beings should be suspect in their motives. And ultimately, motive is more important than actions or even attitudes.
And the motives of Islam are made clear in Muslim scripture and history.
To not judge Muslims by these things is to invite genocide.
In all honesty this poor young man should consider himself lucky and blessed.
If he were in an oppressive Islamic backward nation he would be dead. And most likely at the hands of his immediate family.
I recently met a young Iraqi man who now lives in the U.K on paltalk and have been corresponding with him almost daily.And he has found Christ, and he told me his father is in prison for beating him because of his love of the Lord.
Keep him and others in your prayers!
Peace and love
what kind of belief system has to use the threat of death the keep it's members in line?
Yep! That's what all the "moderate imams" preach to the gullible infidels...Peace...and Love!
And the Holy Qur'an says, "War is Deceit." Bukhari, Vol 4, Book 52,
Go to Detroit, then to Dearborne Michigan...if you're a female, walk
alone in an enclave without the muslim head-scarf and see how long it takes for thugs to call you a whore, or suffer a gang-rape.
Read..'Now They Call Me Infidel' by
Nonie Darwich. Research the author,
then read a summary of her book.
reb -
___ ___
Yes, the majority of muslims are peaceful, but their peacefullness behaviour -especially in muslim countries- doesn't prevent the laws which condemns apostates or whoever criticizes the Coran.
I used to live in a mulsim country and had muslim friends which used to visit me and even pray in my house when we need to stay for long hours during university studies.
However, no matter how good thoses friends were, I knew they would do nothing to help, in case I would be arrested by the authorities under "prolytization" or any similar charges against Islam.
The fact is that by their silence, fear, or approval, the peaceful muslims become complicit with their most fanatic ones. Didn't the "prophet" say: "Support your brother whether opressor or opressed"? We shouldn't also forget that only a minority of Germans were nazis. But they were brought to power by the majority on peaceful non nazis.
What to do with muslims in the West, as we do not know who is who?
It's simple:
Make sure they remain as an endless tiny minority. This is the best warranty that their peaceful behaviour will last.
Which means encouraging multi-kids families, and discouraging abortion. But this is totaly against feminists "right of choice" and homsexual militants agenda. Non forgetting the greens who consider the human beings (specially the whites) as a cancer to the environement.
For their hatred of the church, it is no surprise that the progressive lefties march hand in hand with islamists in their plans to destroy the judeo christian tradition of the West.
Charles....hate to correct you brother but the powerful elite population controlists do not consider "whites" to be the main threat to society. Most abortion clinics are in minority neighborhoods. From its inception, the legacy of Planned Parenthood is one of eugenics and racism against blacks, in particular. Don't get me wrong.....they want to eliminate whites as well (as the new school elites see ALL of us as a threat and want to bring the world population under 500,000) but the evidence is clear. The undesirables of this world, in the eyes of the evil elite, are the "less evolved" blacks especially....and they have used all at their disposal (including Islam and dumbed down media) to perpetuate the extinction of the "black" population. the end of the day, in the new school elite circles, they see people of all ethnicities as stupid sheep who need to be eradicated.
It is quite clear why the Western media defends and promotes homosexuality and protects abortion....both produce less people (while Muslims continue to reproduce at a record pace). We ALL need to fight the power and HAVE MORE BABIES!
@ Hazakim1
I do not disagree with you that the main victims of abortion are the blacks and the poors.
But let's not forget that it is Obama - a black, who is the most openly supportive abortionist from all previous US presidents. No wonder why the Media elevates him to a Sainthood status, even if his economical and social reccord is disastrous.
The helath care bill which he passed opens widely the door for abortion funded by the tax payers, despite his decree that forbides it (he signed the decree under pressure - but he will revoke it as soon as he gets the chance).
I do not think the elite particularily target the blacks or the minorities. Otherwise we would have seen the muslim population declining; but it is the opposite that happens:
It is the white, well educated and westernized societies which adopts the abortion as a contraceptive method, and as a way to "save the planet". The birth rate in those societies varies between 1.2 to 1.7 child per family. Far behind the minimum sustainable level (2.1).
As for the third world including the muslim countries, they picked up what suits them the best: The selective abortion which favour the boys. The unbalanced ratio is a greater threat to world peace as we will end up with hundreds of millions of mens unable to marry. How do they get busy? Usually by launching wars and conquer other societies.
As you say, we end up with a declining western populations and booming muslim ones. This is the real threat. But do not count on feminists or homsexual activits to bring it up. They are busy fighting the "fundamental christians" instead.
what kind of belief system has to use the threat of death the keep it's members in line?
A profane one.
As profane as the People's Temple.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy and give courage to these threatened people!
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Baron Eddie, you are right, i know how you feel, i have a muslin friend my own, the thing is that she must be a BAD MUSLIM to be a good citizen and to be my friend, because if she were a good muslims, she wouldn't take me as a friend (because of you know being christian). So thats the problem, good muslims (who follow the commandments of the quran) are bad ppl, bad muslims are good ppl. If you follow Islam the way the quran teaches you, you would become an awful person, why would they have to love us or even appriciate us if their prophet and god despise us? They say we are the worst of creatures in example, so they don't have the same command we have, in which a good christian is to love his enemy, the sinners, etc, because God loves them. Sometimes i think that even with this problem, having them here is good so we can preach them somehow, and just like this guy he can turn to Christ and survive even if he was tortured, because i am quite sure that if he were in his country he would be dead. I preach to my friend and she has been realizing that Islam doesn't make sense the way she used too think, and i hope that one day even if it takes years she might come to Christ. So to finish my point, i think that we must accept that they are here in Europe and US, so if our leaders are to deceive us trying to make us believe that Islam is peaceful, we must know it's not true, but we must use that knowledge to reach others and to reach even them who don't know their own religion, so take the oppurtunity to have them in your land and preach them if you can.
thanks CristoTeAma for your comment
I believe that it is right to feel indignation and sadness when one seen an example of persecution such as this one.
However, I look at the Scriptures, where the apostles were rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ. So the conclusion/question I'm left with is whether, even as we feel a little appalled, Christians ought to be happy for the "victim" and the rewards he/she is gaining in heaven - Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man!
I'm refugee,I live in one of this refugee houses in norway, in torendheim,I also convert from islam to other religion,Tonight one afghan he ask me about my religion after 10 minutes talking suddenly he start insulting me then he try to attack me but he found me more powerfull then he left, after I think what norway can do with these dangerous radical muslims,this is not helping humans, this is is giving chance to wild people to destroy norway.
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