Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tampa Police Covering Up Honor Killing of Fatima Abdallah?

So . . . a Muslim woman who dishonored her family is found dead after her head was smashed into a coffee table. Conclusion? She must have thrown herself into the table. To conclude otherwise would be both racist and Islamophobic. Message to Muslim women? The U.S. government is too politically correct to protect you.

Muslim woman's death questioned by conservative activist:


Joe Bradley said...

It makes one wonder just where the National Organization for Women stands in all of the honor killings across the U.S..

Perhaps the N.O.W. are just a lot of bigoted, upper class, white women who refuse to represent the interests of ALL women within the United States. They certainly champion the equality causes of upper class white women, why not Islamic women?

Unknown said...

They (liberals) won't ever see anything wrong with islm, until they have to hide their gay bars like it's the 1950s.

Anonymous said...

This is a real problem when our Police Department has become so politically correct that a segment of the population must be allowed to die so that certain people won't become "offended". There's never a time a Muslim isn't offended about something, and they're always boiling with rage and sexual repression, waiting to explode...these are facts of life we should accept. Obviously, it's time to do some spring cleaning in the Mayor's office. We need some REAL conservatives who will be tough on crime running Tampa.

Unknown said...

The mother went back to Pakistan? Left the country? At least two muslims are not in our country anymore. And three families were living in one house? And the police just don't want to get the muslims upset, that is why they won't do anything about this.

momofmany said...

I'd like to know where are all our All American Men, who desire to stand up for our American rights, knowing the difference between good and evil, right and wrong; rather than lying down on the couch, watching t.v. allowing all this stuff to take place.

Sadly, I think they're all over in Afghanistan.........

Xiao-Fury said...

Political correctness---that's another word for being a coward, and there are tons of cowards in the U.S. now. Women involved in Islam can't catch a break, not even America.

Is it extreme to suggest that these women should carry guns to stop these monsters from killing them?

Anonymous said...

This isa shame and a grave tragedy that has marked the USA is a very terrible way. The police took an oath to protect the innocent/the victim. Not turn their heads. That is inexcusable. Xiao-Fury said it right about being politically correct. It equals being one of the worse cowards on the face of the earth. We need leaders with backbone to uphold the law of the land, and in this land of America, it is the US Constitution. Not the Shari Unlaw. Let's continue to pray for the Muslim movement to cease in America. And never foget that the God of the Holy Bible is in complete control. Love all of you in Christ for your boldness for the Lord, Ronnie

goethechosemercy said...

God loves her.