As this story circulates, we'll constantly be reminded that this girl's brutal murder, carried out in the name of Islam by Muslims because she rebelled against Islam, has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
(Note: The most straightforward justification for executing Katya under Sharia would be on charges of apostasy. But the correct penalty would be beheading, not stoning. Apparently, the Muslims who killed her associated her activities with adultery.)
UKRAINE--A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under 'Sharia law' after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine.Greek Asian Panda coming to defend Islam in five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . .
Katya Koren, 19, was found dead in a village in the Crimea region near her home.
Friends said she liked wearing fashionable clothes and had come seventh in a beauty contest. Her battered body was buried in a forest and was found a week after she disappeared.
Police have opened a murder probe and are investigating claims that three Muslim youths killed her claiming her death was justified under Islam.
One of the three - named as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev - is under arrest and told police she had 'violated the laws of Sharia'.
Gaziev said he had no regrets about her death because she had violated the laws of Islam. (Source)
im shcoked, im sad, im angry, im frustrated, i feel helpless to do anything, im confused, im heart broken, im desperate, im sick, im disgusted, i want this and everything to end. Enough is enough! I WANT JESUS TO COME!
That is horrifying. Why would anyone (GAP) defend such an act of murder?
I haven't heard too much from the National Organization for Women regarding the mistreatment and murder of Muslim women by Islam.
It looks like any consideration of the plight of Muslim women by "NOW" begins with a, rather large, check.
Nothing new...just islam as usual
That is horrible and they live in the dark age! They shouldn't wondering why most ppl don't like muslime!!!!! We don't make the differents and think every muslims are the same.
Friends, visit dis link and take the poll :
you should read this
Joe Bradley,
For as long as I have been alive NOW has had a different type of woman in mind for protection than the working class mothers of America. We are simply "NOKD"
Why would the poor of Europe or Asia be treated any better than the American sisters of NOW?
Dirty Islamic swines. Islam is blatantly barbaric, they treat women like total trash, they can kill whenever they feel like it, and say that "Oh, I'm justified by the Sharia Law".
Well, in God's eyes (Jesus Christ)YOU'RE NOT!! These people had better get to know God's love, or they'll feel his wrath for sure.
I come from a part of the world where such killings were NEVER based on religion but simply because a boyfriend had been told by his lover that she was leaving him or a husband who found out his wife was cheating on him.
Not even once did I hear of such a killing,or because a daughter had a boyfriend-lover and so was killed by her family,father,brother.
You feel like giving up and just feeling happy you leave in a part of the world that has little or no Muslims.It is only,so it appears,among Muslims that we have such deaths.If it happens in other groups it is 1000 times less.You feel like giving up,what is the use?
It's been debunked on multiple sites...blame a deranged obsessed classmate and not islam or muslims please....otherwise its slander and hate speech...thanks your friendly muslim neighbor
Just read the link that says it was done by somebody else.If its true then so be it.Only one thing,if only conspiracy theories were not so abundant among Muslims.I have noticed there is an obsession with the Jews among Muslims.I have never seen anything like it in all my life.
People are right when they call you Islamophobic, racist, bigot, as you have written every thing without any investigation. For your information the Girls is not Muslim but Christian, and was not punnished by SHARIA LAWS.... do your home work before writing something....
No, I'm not going to defend the action, but I think you should at least mention, David, that it's disputed whether she was actually stoned in the name of Sharia law. The police say that it was done by a crazy student.
Katya is innocent.
Those who murdered her are guilty and sinners in the eyes of God.
Their righteous in their own eyes and in the eyes of their false prophet condemns them.
The Lord protects her.
The Lord saves her.
I didn't say you'd defend the action. I said you'd defend Islam, i.e. your standard "But this has nothing to do with Islam." And I was absolutely correct.
You say it's disputed that this act was carried out in the name of Islam. Sheesh. It's still disputed whether Nidal Malik Hassan carried out the Fort Hood Massacre in the name of Islam, and he was yelling "Allahu Akbar" and had given a PowerPoint presentation on why Muslim U.S. soldiers would eventually start attacking their fellow U.S. soldiers, based on the Qur'an. People still say he was simply disturbed and that his attack had nothing to do with Islam. But people can always say that, no matter how many Muslims kill people. "He was just disturbed."
"You say it's disputed that this act was carried out in the name of Islam. Sheesh. It's still disputed whether Nidal Malik Hassan carried out the Fort Hood Massacre in the name of Islam, and he was yelling 'Allahu Akbar' and had given a PowerPoint presentation on why Muslim U.S. soldiers would eventually start attacking their fellow U.S. soldiers, based on the Qur'an. People still say he was simply disturbed and that his attack had nothing to do with Islam. But people can always say that, no matter how many Muslims kill people. 'He was just disturbed.'"
No, I didn't mean that the suspect was crazy when he was doing something in the name of Islam, I meant that he was just crazy and that it is uncertain if he said anything about Sharia. The report of people stoning her and then saying stuff like "She violated the laws of Sharia" is disputed.
"There were conflicting reports of how and why she was murdered. Some local newspapers claimed she had been stoned to death by hardline Muslims upset by her participation in the beauty contest and that police had three suspects in their sights.
"But the police said her killing had nothing to do with sectarian violence and that the girl had been killed by a psychologically troubled classmate who had given her a lift on his moped and then robbed and possibly raped her before battering her to death with a rock."
sure, a "crazy student" who happens to justify her death through Islam.
I am amazed, Katya is not a muslim name, and there are many orthodoxes and jewish use Koren as family name. please stop the propaganda against Islam.
The original Russian article from Komsomolskaya Pravda of 28/05 does not mention any religious motives in this murder (I can provide the link to the original story). Katya wasn't a Muslim. Katya Koren is not a Muslim name. There was no "three Muslim teenagers" who "stones Katya". there was just one mentally distrurbed boy of Muslim origin who hit her on the head once. He doesn't know himself why he did it. People suspect because Katya rejected him. This has absolutely nothing to do with sharia, Muslims, religion etc. Who is making up such stories? You should be ashamed of yourselves, but I bet you knew very well what you were doing.
THE KEY FACTS: 1. Katya is an Orthodox Christian. 2. Bilyal is formally Muslim, just adopted by Muslim man 3. Bilyal is not religious, like his father, even didn't go to mosque. 4. Murder is not done by stoning. 5. Internal Affairs Dep. announced that murder has no religious roots. 6. Such a news first appeared in pro-Russian media.
There is a point to be made here which, so far, has gone unnoticed.
While there is some controversy, particularly in the Huffingpost Blog, as to the religious origins of Ms. Koren, there is one statement reportedly made by one of her assailants which remains uncontroverted. This would be the reported statement in which 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev told police that she got what she deserved because she had violated the laws of Sharia.
If Ms. Koren was a Christian and not a Muslim, then this statement, which imputed a Sharia Law Enforcement motivation, supports the disturbing belief that Sharia Law WILL be enforced on EVERYBODY, whether Muslim or not. It seems that all murderous Muslims need do to find vindication for their homicidal mania is to state "Allah Akbar" and "Sharia" in the same sentence.
For those of you who mistakenly believe that "Honor Killings" and "Sharia Law" are mutually exclusive, having no correlation to one another, then I would suggest that, within your religion, there are not only murderous Muslims who wrongfully kill in the name of Sharia Law, but Maverick Murderous Muslims who are acting in the name of Sharia and Allah, never having been properly taught Islam within the mosques and by your Imams and Mullahs.
Why are Islamic holy men misleading the youth of Islam through an abject failure to teach the peaceful aspects of Islam and teaching that the portions of the Qur'an that foment violence do not mean what they say. Better yet, where is the movement to rewrite the Qur'an and take the mean hate speech out of the book entirely, thereby avoiding misunderstanding altogether???
False Prophecy seems to run rampant within Islam as the children of Islam are like undisciplined weeds who are not being properly taught to reject violence and ignore those portions of the Qur'an and Sharia which support violence. Instead, they are being taught that there is no problem so large that it cannot be solved with murder or mayhem - WHY? Why aren't your holy men held accountable for their acts of blasphemy for failing to teach proper Islamic doctrine to your youth?
The results of this failure not only speak for themselves, they scream for themselves.
El: What exactly is a "Muslim" name? My daughter's name is Katya and she is Muslim. Last time I checked, there is no law commanding Muslims to have "Arab" names...Just sayin'.
Hello Dilawar
How can you call David Wood a racist if ISLAM is NOT a RACE.You think people here actually believe that,we all know Islam is a religion.That argument can convince Oprah or Geraldo but not us.
Also David Wood is not a bigot since his critique of Islam is based on what traditional Islam says:kill apostates,for example.Even AVERROES said to KILL APOSTATES,the one you say was your greatest philosopher:
i suggest you read this, you ignorant fools
Here you go! Pick the version of this story you like the best and go with that one, although the most numerous version is the one that is posted on this blog.
many muslim misunderstood syria law...Prophet Muhammad urge us to pardon the criminal and we Muslim can take mininum punishment,no muximum of its.We can take worldly law,named takzir.Takzir is worldly that make by us to protect our life againts criminals,since our prophet Muhammad said taht better we pardon them with the law that written in Quran.The law in quran must be interpret by what our Muhammad interpret.He is the highest man who can interpret Quran with true meaning.So we must pardon the criminal and punish them with Takzir,worldly laws and not with Quran law.Allah allowed this.Because Prophet said this.See Alhadis (the saying and the doing by Prophets muhammmad pbuh on Hudud (syaria law).These tree boy know nothing about Islam.Even some shcolar dose not know the true Islamic law.Dont blame Islam, blame some agnorant muslim,including many of their scholars and all non muslim.Know Islam by Allah guide,not by ourself.Peace to all.
It is not any one time crime when it comes to islam. Islam is invented in the middle east and where their so called prophet came from and where the quaran is coming from. As most of the imam sais too (they are all getting their informs and headers from there), there is no moderate islam and the quaran is not a gentle and good book. Read more on BNI´s site ( where they have a lot of problems with islam and the muslims. Even in the whole Europe we all have big, big problems with islam and it is the same all over the world where they are invading, with their damands and they are not going or are willing to integrate in the west world. One step at the time they take over more and more from the west (I forgot to menchen China, Thailand, India, Australia and New Zeeland and not forgetting the whole north and big parts of the central Africa).
To "Zaba" I want to say, that Ur prphet was one of the worst butcher himself during his lifetime.Look at the site I wrote about and U can see so many videos with muslims all over the world killing by beheading and slaughter with swords when they dont get what they want, others land.
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