Thursday, May 26, 2011

Free Speech Victory in Dearborn, Michigan!

Maybe I shouldn't say "in" Dearborn, since the city only sought to suppress free speech in this case. An outside court (the United States Court of Appeals) had to impose Constitutional law on the city.

Dearborn hosts an annual Arab Festival on Warren Avenue. During the festival, the street is reserved, but the adjacent sidewalks are not reserved and therefore remain public property. Hence, prior to 2009, many people would distribute pamphlets, DVDs, CDs, etc., on the public sidewalks. However, when Ronald Haddad took over as Chief of Police, he announced that no one would be allowed to distribute materials on the public sidewalks. Indeed, he insisted that no one would be allowed to distribute materials within five blocks of the festival. (He justified his decision by claiming that he needed to keep the area clear for pedestrian traffic.)

From a Constitutional perspective, this was quite disturbing, as the government was officially limiting free speech on public sidewalks. Moreover, those of us who attended the festival noticed that security only enforced the policy on Christians. Muslims remained free to distribute their materials.

Pastor George Saieg, an Arab Christian from the Sudan (who has observed the effects of Islamic law in his home country and therefore understands the importance of free speech better than many of us) decided to take the case to court. The freedom fighters at the Thomas More Law Center (praise God for them) took the case free of charge, and they won.

Lower courts had ruled in favor of Dearborn (i.e. that Dearborn police could stop people from exercising their freedom of speech on the public sidewalks adjacent to the festival). The appeals court reversed the decision on Constitutional grounds. Here are two excerpts:

On the free speech claim, we REVERSE the district court’s grant of summary judgment to the defendants and its denial of summary judgment to the plaintiffs. We thereby invalidate the leafleting restriction within both the inner and outer perimeters of the Festival.1 The restriction on the sidewalks that are directly adjacent to the Festival attractions does not serve a substantial government interest. The City keeps those same sidewalks open for public traffic and permits sidewalk vendors, whose activity is more obstructive to sidewalk traffic flow than pedestrian leafleting is. Moreover, the prohibition of pedestrian leafleting in the outer perimeter is not narrowly tailored to the goal of isolating inner areas from vehicular traffic. The City can be held liable because the Chief of Police, who instituted the leafleting restriction, created official municipal policy. . . .

The leafleting restriction is not a reasonable time, place, and manner restriction. In the inner perimeter, the restriction does not serve a substantial governmental interest. In the outer perimeter, the restriction is not narrowly tailored. The defendants therefore violated Saieg’s First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Absent an injunction, Saieg will continue to suffer irreparable injury for which there is no adequate remedy at law. As a result, on the free-speech claim, we REVERSE both the district court’s grant of summary judgment to the defendants and its denial of summary judgment to the plaintiffs.

Interestingly, the court even recognized that the penalty for leaving Islam is death. They state:

In 2009, Saieg had planned for 90 ACP members to continue the practice of leafleting while roaming the Festival. However, when Saieg shared these plans with a City police sergeant, Saieg learned that the new Chief of Police, Chief Haddad, would not permit anyone to distribute leaflets while walking around the Festival. Instead, the City provided the ACP with a booth, waiving the standard fee. The booth was poorly lit and located by carnival rides, which attracted mostly children. This problem was remedied in 2010, when the ACP’s booth was lit and located “in the central area.” Saieg v. City of Dearborn, 720 F. Supp. 2d 817, 834–35 (E.D. Mich. 2010) (describing then- upcoming plans for the 2010 festival). Saieg also faces a more basic problem with booth-based evangelism: “[t]he penalty of leaving Islam according to Islamic books is death,” which makes Muslims reluctant to approach a booth that is publicly “labeled as . . . Christian.” R. 48 (Ex. A: Saieg Dep. at 75). Saieg believes that evangelism is more effective when he can roam the Festival and speak to Muslims more discreetly. The ACP distributed 37,000 packets of religious materials in 2007 and 20,000 packets in 2008, but only 500 packets in 2009 due to the remote, fixed location. Numbers from 2010 are not in the record. (Click here to read the entire ruling.)

Hence, at the festival next month, police will no longer be permitted to interfere with Constitutionally protected free speech activities. Additionally, the city may now be held liable for damages to anyone whose rights were violated by police at the festivals. That has profound implications for our own case against the city, which is based, in part, on the following incident:

The ruling will also apply to many other people:

I wonder how long the city is going to put up with officials like Chief Haddad, Mayor John O'Reilly, Judge Mark Somers, Prosecuting Attorney William DeBiasi, and others, who apparently have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution, and are responsible for numerous lawsuits against Dearborn. Are the citizens of Dearborn going to continue letting their leaders destroy their city's reputation? Or will they eventually elect leaders who will champion the Constitution and fix the damage that's been done? Only time will tell.

For more on Dearborn, click here.

Now that we're allowed to distribute materials, please support our outreach this year:

***UPDATE*** Thomas More Law Center posted a press release:

The U. S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that Sudanese Christian Pastor George Saieg has a free speech right to distribute religious literature on public sidewalks and evangelize Muslims during the Annual Arab International Festival held each year in Dearborn, Michigan.

For five years Saieg, who specifically ministers to Muslims, had been discussing his Christian faith and passing out literature on Dearborn’s sidewalks during the Festival without encountering any problems. Nevertheless, in 2009 police officials informed him he had to remain in a booth, prohibiting him from distributing his literature on the nearby sidewalks and public streets.

Dearborn is one of the most densely populated Muslim communities in the United States. It has the largest Mosque in North America. In the past few years Dearborn has gained national attention for taking a pro-Muslim stance and for the arrest and intimidation of Christian evangelists for engaging in protected speech activity.

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national conservative Christian public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, filed the federal lawsuit on behalf of Pastor Saieg in 2009, naming the City of Dearborn and its police chief, Ronald Haddad, as defendants. The case was handled by TMLC Senior Trial Counsel Rob Muise.

In ruling for Saieg, the court recognized the problem Saieg had with booth-based evangelizing: “the penalty of leaving Islam according to Islamic books is death,” which makes Muslims reluctant to approach a booth that is publically “labeled as … Christian.”


IcyBlueRiverWithDiamonds said...

yay!! Finally a court has decided to uphold our free speech laws!!

Jason Gillman said...

Sue em into an EMF situation.

Maybe the only way to make them "submit" to OUR law.

Joe Bradley said...

That's a victory for the righteous and a defeat for the Satanic forces that are pervasive in Dearborn.!

Radical Moderate said...

David, Nabeel, Sam, Negeen and anyone else. You have just been given a very powerful weapon. Freedom of Speech mixed with a magazine loaded with the Gospel. Use it wisely my friends. :)

Angelo Immanuel said...

praise the Lord...........finally free speech wins.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord

Now may the Lord bless our efferts as we pass out Christian literarue at the Arabfest. I think I even give a tract to Ron Haddat and Jack Or'Reilly.

Pierre said...

Would you wear a T-shirt with a Mohammad cartoon printed on it?

You might in Montana. Don’t try it in Mecca.


Because, Islam trains a small number of its most devout believers it’s OK to kill. And Islamic killers have been trained to kill anyone who insults Allah and/or Mohammad.

In Montana you’d have a good chance none of these Islamic killers would see you.

In Mecca you wouldn’t last five minutes. One of Islam’s killers would come from out of nowhere and kill you. It is that simple.

You don’t believe me? Ask any Muslim!

Read it all at

donna60 said...

I doubt very sincerely if lawsuits restrain Mr. O'Riley. The lawsuits will be payed for by tax-dollars, probably gotten by the state of Michigan. In which case I will be paying for those lawsuits, instead of better roads and police protection.

BLT31 said...

Question now remains: With the U.S. Court of Appeals making the correct ruling and siding with the U.S. Constitution, will the Arab community show their "true colors" about the Constitution versus Sharia Law and appeal this ruling? If they appeal this ruling, the true underlying ideology will be exposed...once again! Lets wait and see!

Joe Bradley said...


The Federal DOJ can sue the city of Dearborn and obtain a court order forcing Federal supervision of the Dearborn Police Department as they have done with the New Orleans Police Department. This would, certainly, be welcome by the taxpayers and the public at large since the corruption of the City of Dearborn is preventing them from, properly, enforcing constitutional law.

The only problem would be that, at this time, there is as much corruption in the Eric Holder Justice Department as there is in the City of Dearborn and birds of a feather DO flock together.

Perhaps a Federal civil suit brought by the Thomas Moore Law Center requesting a form of Federal Receivership of the Dearborn Police Department would o the trick

Tizita said...


one step at a time evil will be defeated. Congrates!!!!

Way2Yeshua said...

Great news. It's shocking that it even came so far in the first place - free speech has to be protected at all times in America. Muslims can't handle opposing views well, which is why they tried to deny freedom of speech in Dearborn and why in basically all muslim majority countries open religious dialogue is not allowed and Christianity is suppressed as much as possible.
Common sense and the Constitution has prevailed. They shall hear the truth and opposing views in America no matter how much they may hate it or try to oppress it. May the Holy Spirit guide them to the truth

Tom ta tum Tom said...

hmmmm, now where are all those folks who accused Acts17 of inciting? I wonder if they even realize that this decision for Pastor Saieg is a decision for their freedom as well?

Bless you, David, for this uplifting post. You have helped my heart to be not so heavy.


Truthiocity said...

Interesting. I had thought it was a Muslim festival and these guys were intentionally inviting trouble. BUT IT'S NOT A MUSLIM FESTIVAL!!!

It's an ARAB festival. If you look in your Oxford English Dictionary, MUSLIM is not the same word as ARAB (go ahead, check).

There are millions of arab christians. The pastor is an arab and has every right to be at the festival in whatever capacity he desires.

I saw the vids, for those creeps to manhandle and interfere with this groups first amendment right while making full use of it themselves in utterly unamerican.

donna60 said...

Joe Bradley, the article about this was in the newspaper--I don't remember if it was Detroit Free Press, or Detroit News, but it was a small article yesterday on page 6A at the bottom of the page.

Mr. O'Riley said it was a "narrow interpretation" but that they would abide by it. I get the impression that he doesn't like the law, but he will obey it since he has to.

If he ever runs for any position outside of mayor of Dearborn, I am knocking door to door for his opponent.

Alex Humphrey said...

Congratulations! This has been a long time coming! Praise God!

Joe Bradley said...

The Federal courts need to place the Dearborn Police Department under a receivership and closely supervise the Dearborn P.D..

George said...

Praise the Lord ! This is why we must be eternally vigilant to uphold the laws of the land under our Constitution and Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. Because there are always those out there who would take those God given freedoms away from us. And even the Apostle Paul at times would use as in the book of Acts his rights as a citizen of Rome to cause those who oppressed them for preaching the gospel by beatings and imprisonment to come and fetch them out themselves and didnt cover it up at all. So that the truth of the gospel would be able to continue and prosper. And I would advise all wether Muslims or not to read the word of God , the Authorized King James for themselves and see the truth of how God loved all mankind enough to send the Lord Jesus Christ to die for sinners on the cruel cross of Calvary almost 2000 years ago. Who was buried , and rose again the third day from the dead , was seen of men , and went back up to heaven. We need to submit our wills to God and trust him as personal Saviour and Lord God to be saved and go to God's heaven by grace through faith in the sinless shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sincerely ;

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!

Ralph said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ralph said...

What do we value more- free speech or a loving witness among our Muslim neighbors? As one who has forsaken all to follow Jesus to the ends of the earth to be a witness to these people whom God loves, I am saddened by this whole debacle. Do we really believe passing out literature is how Muslims will come to embrace Jesus at Lord? Although we have a victory for "free speech" I'm sorry to say that this victory has also brought with it defeat. Rather than being a loving witness for the glorifying of the true and living God, we have unnecessarily caused us and the one we serve to be a stench in the nostrils of those whom we seek to reach. Let's reconsider our approach.

David Wood said...


I'm surprised so few Western Christians see the connection between freedom of speech and witnessing to Muslims. Visit Pakistan, or Egypt, or Iraq, and tell me how "simply showing love" to Muslims is working out for them. If we do not defend our freedom of speech against a religion that does not allow freedom of speech, there will come a day when you won't be sharing the Gospel with anyone, because doing so will get you brutally murdered. Are you planning to show your love as you're being beheaded?

Carol said...

Thank God, for you guys, for all of us. This is a wonderful victory for everyone (except the Religion of Piece). Thank you, brave souls, who pursued justice with your own bodies, freedom, persistence, good will, belief and funds. God bless you, and may He grant us future victories in blessings and peace against this evil force.

Joe Bradley said...


Remember when Jesus made a mess of the temple? Are you saying that he was wrong because he upset the Pharisees and the Sadducees through his protests against the temple's conversion into a bazaar?

Man has not developed extensive telepathic talents so he must rely on his speech skills to communicate his ideas and philosophies. With this reality in mind, how does one go about witnessing if not with speech.

You should study the history of England at the time of the American colonies to obtain a better view of why the freedom of speech and religion was paramount in the minds of the colonists (it is, after all, the FIRST Amendment).

Any who did not belong to the Anglican Church (Church of England) were persecuted and had second class citizenship status - just as Non-Muslims have in Dearborn today.

Christians have lost nothing through this court ruling, yet have gained their Constitutional Rights which were denied them through ALL agencies of the City of Dearborn.

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

~Winston Churchill

Letitia (The Damsel) said...

Thanks be to God, for He has granted way for believers in Jesus Christ to proclaim the Gospel with permission that was already supposed to be granted by our Constitution. This is welcome news, and my God use this opening for many to come to Jesus and receive eternal life through Him.

Radical Moderate said...


Who said this...

"When they came for the Communist, I was silent, when they came for the Jews I said nothing, when they came for me there was no left to say anything."

Ralph said...

@ David, Joe, and Radical Moderate – Thanks for your thoughtful responses. Being a “loving witness” does not necessarily mean “simply showing love”, i.e. not using speech. Witnessing, regardless of who we are talking to, seems to be more effective over a cup of coffee or over a meal together. I would hate to think that we have allowed extremists, to strike fear in us which would prevent us from inviting Muslims home to meet our families, share a meal together, and building a relationship with. From within this context, a safe environment is established from which those who are truly “people of peace” can explore the Scriptures, and see first-hand, the love of Christ taught and demonstrated in a Christian home (assuming it’s a loving, Christ-centered home). David, since it appears you have visited the Middle East, you must know very well, the important role that community and hospitality play within a Muslim society – especially Arabs. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying that there is never a time to pass out tracks or Bibles. But as Rolland Mueller in his excellent book, “The Messenger, The Message, and The Community”, points out – Historically we start with evangelism, then move to discipleship, then we welcome them into our community. But what he, and others of us who have been at this for a while are realizing, is that it is much more effective if we reverse that order. In other words, we should start with community (welcoming them into our lives and circle of friends by building redemptive relationships), then move to discipleship (meeting regularly to dig into the Scriptures – Jesus said go make disciples, not converts; “Faith comes by hearing”, etc.), then evangelism (the truths about God, man, sin, and salvation will flow naturally out of such studies). I wish I had the space to share some stories. Many blessings!

W.I.R.E.D said...

Ralph ...Have you ever read any of the koran or the hadiths??? Do you not understand that the ONLY reason muslems come to other countries is to eventually take over and kill or subjugate the citizens of that country??? Do you not know that muslems are not allowed to become your friend and if they do "become your friend" they are using taqiyya or stealth jihad. You really NEED to read some books and educate yourself

Joe Bradley said...

Ralph, You say:

"Witnessing, regardless of who we are talking to, seems to be more effective over a cup of coffee or over a meal together."

How do you get Muslims to sit down and break bread with you when you are arrested for merely speaking to/with them?

Who knows, perhaps Nabeel would have shared his falafel with Akim Mohammed Jason III however the thugs from the Dearborn Police stepped in and arrested the Acts 17 crew before their good works bore any fruit.

Ralph, your expectation that a Christian picnic held for Muslim guests would have been successful in getting the Christian message across to the Islamic community is, somewhat, Pollyannaish at best.

How would one go about informing the Islamic community about such a shindig? Obviously leafleting wouldn't work. The Dearborn Police arrested the Acts 17 crew for doing that. Word of mouth perhaps? NO, the Dearborn police arrested the acts 17 crew for doing that also. Even if one were successful in getting the word out, somehow, the stigma of attending a Christian gathering would keep the Islamic community away in droves.

No Ralph, the answer cannot lie in the mere extension of one's hand in friendship when the hand is shackled behind one's back by the same police that violate the very laws they are sworn to uphold.

It is obvious that the City of Dearborn has turned its back on the Constitution that they have sworn to uphold and Constitutional Law must be imposed on Dearborn by the Federal Courts as a precursor to any free dialog.

I don't think it will end here though as I foresee the possibility of consent decrees and, perhaps some jail time for city officials (cops included) if they continue with their illegal practices in violation of Federal Court orders.

Federal Judges dislike being ignored.

TartanMarine said...

Great article. I will link from my Old Jarhead blog. Unfortunately, Dearborn is the leading edge of the collapse that is already starting.

Robert A. Hall
Author: The Coming Collapse of the American Republic
(All royalties go to a charity to help wounded veterans)

Anonymous said...


Yes, it is. It's called an "Arab Festival" to sucker infidels who think like that. Islam makes no such distinction. Indeed, since the Quran itself makes Arabic Islam's holy language, and Muhammad made Arabia Islam's holy land and instructed Muslims to eliminate all infidels from it, Muslims themselves equate Arab with Muslim. Any Arab who isn't is a traitor.

Ralph said...

@ W.I.R.E.D – Thanks for your passionate response. I can tell this is a subject near and dear to your heart. In answer to your first question – Yes, I have read and studied, in depth, both the Qur’an and the Hadiths. And, yes, I agree with you that Jihad is clearly taught. However, there are two points which need to be made about this: 1. Muslims fall into three general categories – liberal, moderate, and extremist. The last category is arguably the smallest. Most liberal and moderate Muslim’s would take the Lesser Jihad view – That is the inner (i.e. spiritual) struggle that each Muslim must overcome the inner passions that war against them. Greater Jihad, which the extremists buy into, is the physical struggle (i.e. Holy war) to defend Islam against those who oppose and oppress it. 2. As you get out and talk to Muslims, you will learn that most have never actually read the Qur’an. And out of those who have, most don’t understand what they are reading since less than 10% of Muslims speak Arabic. This is one of the many anomalies within Islam. Thus, although Jihad is a clear teaching of the Qur’an, the reality is that most haven’t read the Qur’an for themselves or, like the majority, they tend to view these verses as embarrassing so they are forced to spiritualize them. Therefore, your remarks that “the ONLY reason muslems come to other countries is to eventually take over and kill or subjugate the citizens of that country” and “Do you not know that muslems are not allowed to become your friend and if they do ‘become your friend’ they are using taqiyya or stealth jihad”, although well intentioned, are both careless and mis-informed over-generalizations, which have obviously led to un-warranted fear and bigotry. If you can get past such hurdles, you would be amazed at how kind, hospitable, and well intentioned the vast majority of Muslims are. God bless!

Ralph said...

@ Joe – Thanks for your thought provoking response. First, you asked, “How do you get Muslims to sit down and break bread with you when you are arrested for merely speaking to/with them?” How about talking to, and befriending the Muslim at the gas station, at the local convenience store, the family at the park, at the mall, at school, etc. I’m sure you could think of, and add some other creative suggestions. Second, you asked, “Ralph, your expectation that a Christian picnic held for Muslim guests would have been successful in getting the Christian message across to the Islamic community is, somewhat, Pollyannaish at best. How would one go about informing the Islamic community about such a shindig?...” Putting your sarcasm aside, I don’t remember mentioning anything about such a picnic or “shindig”. I’m not sure what was said that might have given that impression, but what I was talking about was getting together, one-on-one, or having one family over for dinner and maybe some games. Such a relaxed setting goes a long way in having people open up about real struggles in life which often leads to spiritual things. Blessings!

Joe Bradley said...

Ralph, here is a video in which you may be interested.

So much for the myth of the moderate Muslim.

Don't worry Ralph, Muslims won't hate me any more for expressing my critical and, sometimes, sarcastic views. They will not like me any more if I attempt to appease them with beautiful lies about their hellish religion so I tell the truth.

What you suggest is like a lamb and a tiger sitting down at a meal and discussing what's for dinner.

Joe Bradley said...

Just as a side note to anyone who believes that they can lead Muslims away from Islam or towards a more moderate form of Islam, you must view the probability of this occurring from an Islamic perspective rather than a non-Islamic prospective.

Most religions and their adherents follow the blind presumption that holy people will always tell you the truth. To do less would dishonor their God(s) and prophets. However, there is a concept within Islam which turns this notion on it's head. It is the philosophy of "taqiyya" and, for those who either do not understand the term or have never heard of it, you must familiarize yourself with it if you are ever to make any proper judgement regarding Islam.

This term is NOT a contrivance of non-Muslims attempting to make Islam look bad, it is an exclusively Islamic concept which is promoted within the Qur'an and Sunna.

Here is the link to the Google search on this term:

V. Anthony D'anjou said...

V. Anthony D'anjou

I have to say that I love you David Wood. I had just finish my three week to four week notifying government officials and others through e-mails about this matter on May 25, 2011. Read the exact letter below;

Hello Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg I have a Serious Crime and Human Rights Violations to tell you about that is going on in Dearborn, Michigan. I want to Warn you first Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg before I tell you what the Serious Crime and Human Rights Violations is about that the Mayor John B. (Jack) O’Reilly, Jr., Chief of Police Ronald Haddad and Other Government Officials in Dearborn, Michigan Will try to lie to you. The Serious Crime and Human Rights Violations that is going on in Dearborn, Michigan is the Violation of the United States of America's Bill of Rights, Amendments and Constitution.

The Dearborn, Michigan's Mayor John B. (Jack) O’Reilly, Jr., Chief of Police Ronald Haddad and Other Government Officials in Dearborn, Michigan are Supporting Muslim Islamic Terrorists like: (1)Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), (2)Hamas, (3)Muslim Brotherhood, (4)the terror TV channel Al-Jazeera, (5)Al-Qaeda and (6)The Taliban/Taleban by Violating the United States of America's Bill of Rights, Amendments and Constitution. In Dearborn, Michigan's Mayor John B. (Jack) O’Reilly, Jr., Chief of Police Ronald Haddad and Other Government Officials in Dearborn, Michigan are breaking the Law by Arresting Christians for passing out Christian materials on public sidewalks and streets. The Dearborn, Michigan's Mayor John B. (Jack) O’Reilly, Jr.'s phone numbers are: 1(313)943-2300 and 1(313)943-2293 and Chief of Police Ronald Haddad's phone number is: 1(313)943-2240.

The Dearborn, Michigan's Mayor John B. (Jack) O’Reilly, Jr., Chief of Police Ronald Haddad and Other Government Officials in Dearborn, Michigan are also breaking the Law by Arresting Christians for passing out the Holy Bible and other books from the Holy Bible. I am going to give proof below of this facts so what I am asking is for an investigation into the Dearborn Police Department also for an investigation of the Mayor John B. (Jack) O’Reilly, Jr., Chief of Police Ronald Haddad and Other Government Officials in Dearborn, Michigan. I am asking also for the punishment of the police officers in the videos at the Dearborn Police Department that is in the website link that I am going to give you below including Firing them, Arrest the police officers and/or Suspension for 4 months without pay.

Mr. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg here are the proof of the facts so please go to this website: and watch all the videos. On that website you will also see & read the XXX. NEGEEN'S APPEAL and XXXI. LAWSUIT in which 5 innocent Christians were arrested and the 5 innocent Christians are: (1)Negeen Mayel, (2)David Wood, (3)Paul Rezkalla, (4)Antonio Santana and (5)Nabeel Qureshi. Those 5 innocent Christians where arrested for standing on the public sidewalk and passing out Christian materials like the Holy Bible and other books from the Holy Bible. The Christian Pastor Terry Jones also had problems with the Dearborn, Michigan's Mayor John B. (Jack) O’Reilly, Jr., Chief of Police Ronald Haddad and Other Government Officials in Dearborn, Michigan and you can read it here: Once again I am asking for the punishment of the police officers in the videos at the Dearborn Police Department that is in the website link that I gave you above including Firing them, Arrest the police officers and/or Suspension for 4 months without pay. That punishment also goes the same for Mayor John B. (Jack) O’Reilly, Jr. and Chief of Police Ronald Haddad which is Firing them, Arresting them and/or Suspension for 4 months without pay for them. Thank you and be careful they will try to deceive you with lies!

Ralph said...

Even if you are right, that in no way exempts followers of Christ from carrying out their responsibility of making disciples of ALL nations (Matt. 28:18-20) – not just those who are nice or easy to reach; Nor does it exempt us from following Christ’s command to “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matt. 5:43-48); Nor does it exempt us from defending our faith “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15-16). My guess is if one is unable to carry out such commands, they have yet to taste of God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness in their own life. In such a situation, fear and bigotry, are understandable and come naturally since they lack the divine empowerment to do so. Otherwise, as followers of Jesus, we have no excuse not to have a loving outlook and approach toward Muslims.

Joe Bradley said...

Ralph stated:

"My guess is if one is unable to carry out such commands, they have yet to taste of God's love, mercy, and forgiveness in their own life."

There is another scenario here Ralph. Perhaps they would not be able to carry our such commands, not because they have yet to taste of God's love, mercy, and forgiveness in their own life, but because they are locked up in the Dearborn city jail for defending the faith “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15-16). This now brings us full circle and validates the reasoning that Christians must enforce their right to the First Amendment, lest they come upon the day that they are locked up for any proselytizing, regardless of how tactfully and delicately they do it. In such a day the Bible would be banned in the United States and any scripture, other than the Qur'an, would be considered blasphemous.

No matter how you spin it Ralph, Christians must have the right to speak to do all of the things that the Bible requires of us. Things that you, yourself, have cited.

I must say that I fail to see how the Act's 17 efforts at any of the Arab Festivals that they attended were rough, harsh or disrespectful and out of conformance with 1 Peter 3:15-16. The belief that they were would, more reasonably, be held by a Muslim since any proselytizing from any source, other than the Qur'an, is deemed to be blasphemy.