Saturday, April 23, 2011

Muslim Praising God for the Arrest of Terry Jones

Why do authorities in Dearborn continue to carry out penalties that happen to line up perfectly with Sharia? Could it be . . . the will of the people?

There are two additional things you might want to note from this video. First, the massive field was the site of Jones' planned protest. Doesn't it look more than sufficient for a protest? Second, people were free to gather in protest, even though Jones was not. Were they arrested? Of course not.

Welcome to Dearborn.

I feel a video coming on . . .


Radical Moderate said...

You can also hear a Muslim in the background saying "He got locked up...he's lucky...I would of gotten a hold of him" or words to the affect.

Personally I think Terry Jones is giving us Islamaphobes a bad name.

It was kind of a let down, I was at least hoping for a tazing. I personally think he chickened out.

Anonymous said...


Great Video.

This issues is not if like Terry Jones or think he is a charelton or a nut but it is an issue of free speech and the United States not only Dearborn becoming a dhimmie state.

I heard Ayotollah O'Reilly the Caliph of Dearbornistan saying he was going to be on the lookout fir Christian missionaries when they come to Dearborn in June for the Arabfest

Anonymous said...

This is a must see documentry about what is like to have a family member revert to Islam and become a foolwer of Anjem Chaudary

gspencer said...

A uniformed Dearbornistan cop appears on the left side of the screen at 1:08 amid the celebrants of the death of the 1st Am. with a big grin on his face.

Oath to the Constitution of US and Michigan? What's that?

Demonstrates yet again that there is NO difference in what lies inside the hearts of Muslims who live in America(*) from the murderous bile that exists in the hearts of Muslims living in any other place on the planet.

*You'll notice that I use "Muslims who live in America" and not "Muslim Americans." They latter do NOT exist. For those of us who love America it is truly a city on a hill, meaning a concept of personal liberty and responsibility. To Muslims America is just another geographical place to conquer.

gspencer said...

Is something missing here? In all the footage I haven't seen/heard any of the usual Muzzie Allahu Akbar-ing.

Or does that only happen after the deaths of infidels in the performance of jihad?

Blogger said...

I couldn't find a contact on this website. Can anyone tell me the meaning of Acts 17 in relation to Islam? Thank you

Unknown said...

When I first became a Christian in the early 70's, several churches had 'book burnings'; actually, they were more like 'record burnings' as these churches believed artists like (but not limited to) the Rolling Stones played music of the devil. Us young teenagers were encouraged to burn our 'worldly' music as a way to make a stand for our beliefs in God.
No matter what you think of Rev. Terry Jones, he is only excercising his freedom of religion, by doing something (burning things that belong to Satan) protestant churches have been doing for thousands of years, from the beginnings of the Christian Church (as seen in Acts) up until present time. I probably wouldn't burn rock albums today, but I will burn a Koran on July 4th.

Unknown said...

Bartimaeus...what a strange word choice you made...the term "revert" refers to the belief that all human beings are inherently Muslim unless they are led astray by wrongful beliefs, hence people do not actually "convert" to Islam, but rather "revert" to the one true faith that they were born into. Inherent in the term is the belief that Islam is the one true faith, and that all people are born Muslim, and if they made the error to follow some other faith because, say, their parents raised them Christian,they should rightfully rerun to Islam. That return is "reversion."

Using that word in the place of "conversion" (which is what you appear to be talking about), you acknowledge Islam as the superior and natural faith of all mankind.

I don't *think* that's what you meant to write, so you might wanna watch your word choice in the future.

Fernando said...

Happy Easter to ebery reader off this blog! Happy Easter to all the World...


Unknown said...

BLOGGER: you (or he) are probably referring to : Act 17:22 Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, "Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious;

Act 17:23 "for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: (end of bible quote)

The only thing this has to do with Islam (that I can see) is that Muslims might mis-use to justify their claim that 'allah' is God, and that everyone is born Muslim. BUT: it is more akin to what Jesus said to His fellow Jews, "you believe in the Father, believe also in Me".

davod said...

Is the prosecuter a Muslim?

Anonymous said...

@Celia Bartimaeus was correct Muslims do believe we are all born Muslim but then we lose our way so we REVERT back if we become muslim. This is an Islamic beliefe held by many muslims.

BLT31 said...

Pastor Terry Jones is now suing Wayne County and the prosecutor. The Thomas Moore Law Center is one of the best in the nation:

Blogger said...

Rosemarie, thank you. I was guessing it was this verse. The "unknown god" would be the Islamic-Allah, whom muslims say is unknown and unknowable.

Art said...

Brian, does this mean that we can all be accused of apostasy?

donna60 said...

I think Acts 17 is so called because it is a website for debate and reason, as mentioned in Acts 17:11

11 And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. 12 As a result, many Jews believed, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men.

It isn't about Islam, it is about debate and reason.

gsw said...

Brian said...
"Muslims do believe we are all born Muslim"

Celia knows this, that was her point - us kuffars are more intellegent and realise that since we predate islam by at least 60000 years, this is, of course, total BS.

Christian Kef said...

1st amendment all the way!!