Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Imagine the horror when a Muslim candidate loses an election to a Christian.
NIGERIA—Deadly riots erupted across Nigeria's north on Monday as results from presidential elections showed incumbent Goodluck Jonathan had won the contest that reflected deep regional tensions.
Returns from all 36 states and the capital showed Jonathan with more than 22 million votes compared to some 12 million for Buhari.
The rioting began after allegations of rigging in Saturday's vote as results showed sharp divisions between the mainly Muslim north and predominantly Christian south of Africa's most populous nation.
Jonathan condemned the violence in a statement.
"I have received with great sadness the news of sporadic unrest in some parts of the country which are not unconnected with last Saturday's elections," he said, appealing to those involved "to stop this unnecessary and avoidable conduct".
Residents reported that a home belonging to Vice President Namadi Sambo was among those set alight in the northern city of Zaria and a mob sought to burn a Christian woman alive in another area.Churches were also burnt and a prison was raided, with a number of inmates escaping, residents said. Mobs roamed in a number of states, armed with sticks and burning bonfires in the streets.
An unspecified number of people were killed in Kano when homes and shops were attacked, in Gombe when a home was set ablaze and in Kaduna, where mobs had stopped people on the highway.
A spokesman for the national emergency management agency, Yushau Shuaib, confirmed deaths occurred in those incidents, but declined to provide figures out of fears of reprisals. (Read more.)
So "allah" has let them down again lol
Surah Ar-Rume (Rome)
36. And when We cause mankind to taste of mercy, they rejoice therein, but when some evil afflicts them because of (evil deeds and sins) that their (own) hands have sent forth, lo! They are in despair!
Whatever good comes to us it is from Allah and whatever evil comes to us it is because of our own sins and responsibility.
So by your own Quranic quote: "Whatever good comes to us it is from Allah". So if the Christians win the election, according to your Quran, they must be in the good graces of God.
As for the senseless violence of the Muslims in the north - Isaiah foreshadowed it well when he wrote in Isaiah 59, "2 It was your crimes that separated you from God; It is your sins that made him hide his face from you, so that he will not hear.
3 For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with guilt. Your lips have spoken falsehoods, and your tongue mutters wicked things.
4 No one stands for justice; no one pleads his case with truthfulness. They rely on empty arguments and speak what is false; they conceive violence and give birth to malice.
6 Their deeds are useless for clothing, and they cannot cover themselves with their works. For their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hearts.
7 Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts; ruin and suffering their ways produce.
8 The way of peace they do not know; there is nothing right in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads; and no one who walks in them will know peace."
Yet, these very acts of violence and injustice permeate Islam and sharia.
mr. kangaroo saide: «whatever evil comes to us it is because of our own sins and responsibility.»... oh mad... anothe attack from mr. kangaroo on islam and the qur'an... these actions were made bie muslim people following the dictamen off islam, so: if they are sinning they are doing so because off islam... astonheshing to see you admit so...
Allah (God) isn't just the God of the Muslims.
He is with ANYONE who stands for truth and justice.
So if a Christian country is united, love each other, and treat each other the best way and manner, while the Muslim country is absolutely barbaric and arrogant, then Allah would be on the side of the Christians.
These days the Muslims haven't been following their religion properly, which is why they appear to be negative role models.
The Looney Crew is ismply taking advantage of that.
No mr. kangaroo... allah is not God. Period. allah is a fabricated idol invented by a delusional and egomaniac man to habe his urges satisfied...
no Christian, or any good-will man for thatesake, will recognize in the allah portraited in the qur'an the true and existing God that is, in his core essence, Love (something that allah is not)...
allah, if it's a god, is a false god thate portraits all thate exist off more develish in the human's heart...
may our common God, the Holy Trinity, bless your heart in your pathe away from the weebs off thate idol...
Kangaroo, you ran away from our last conversation about verse 88;20. I explained to you that the context of the verse is that Allah was talking about his creations starting in verse 88:17, therefore it would've been a perfect place for Allah to say the earth was spherical, instead Allah said "the earth was flat", what's your response? I pray for you to see the light in our Lord Jesus. I pray for you to accept Jesus into your life as I've accepted him myself.
Fernando can you prove to me that Allah isn't God? Even though it is the Arabic translation of the ENglish word "God"? The same name Arab Jews and Arab Christians use as well?
Isa the son of Allah
Maryam the mother of Allah.
You just insulted many Arab Christians.
Allah loves all of his creation EVEN THE DISBELIEVERS. However he does HATE what we DO, sins etc. He dislikes the disbelievers for their disbelief but He doesn't hate ANYONE.
William has invited me to worship a man. I refuse.
Anyways, it just says that the Earth is spread out, and in another verse it tells us that night and day are wrapped around each other indicating that the Earth must be sphere-like even though back then people had NO IDEA ABOUT TIME ZONES, and in another verse it tells us specifically the shape of the Earth as the shape of an ostrich egg.
Visiting anti-Islam websites doesn't help with your education, it only makes you look foolish, no offense.
And I hope you see the truth kind sir, that your Lord is One and nothing is comparable to Him.
William. Does the Earth look spread out to you? Look all the way across to the horizon....Looks pretty spread out to me..
mr kangaroo asked: «Fernando can you prove to me that allah isn't God?»...
sure... assuming that allah (with a non-capital letter) is the quranic allah... lets start (other evidences can bee given) withe the ontological argument of Anselm of Aosta: God is a being than which nothing greater can be conceived... I can defenetely thing that a God that, in his essence, is love is a greater thing than a god, like the quranic allah, who isn't love in his essence... being so: the quranic allah is not God...
then mr kangaroo asked: «Even though it is the Arabic translation of the ENglish word "God"?»...
no; "allah" is not the translation off "God"... its a name, taken from the pre-islamic pagan pantheon, thate is given by muslims to "God" ("Fernando" is not a translation off "man"): thats preciselie whie the name "allah" in the qur'an is not tansaled into non-arabic versions off the qur'an... wordes are translated; nouns are not...
finallie mr kangaroo asked: «The same name Arab Jews and Arab Christians use as well?»...
whate do you espect? that's what I call aculturation and inculturation: during centuries they were forced to do so because thay were under islamic governements... the point is: what did Jews and Christians call God before muhammad? can you gibe us an unswer here? it will be foonie to see your unswer...
God isn't "love" but He is the ALL-LOVING. He loves his creation even the disbelievers. "Love" is merely a feeling that you have, that originates from Allah.
When I feel love in my heart, it doesn't mean I'm feeling God in my heart.
Allah (Arabic: الله Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh] ( listen)) is the standard Arabic name for God.[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabs of all Abrahamic faiths, including Mizrahi Jews, Bahá'ís and Eastern Orthodox Christians, in reference to God.[1][2][3]
The name was previously used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator deity, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[4][5] The concepts associated with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among religious traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not considered the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons and daughters–a concept which Islam thoroughly and resolutely did away with. In Islam, the name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. All other divine names are believed to refer back to Allah.[6] Allah is unique, the only Deity, creator of the universe and omnipotent.[1][2] Arab Christians today use terms such as Allāh al-ʼAb ( الله الأب, "God the Father") to distinguish their usage from Muslim usage.[7] There are both similarities and differences between the concept of God as portrayed in the Qur'an and the Hebrew Bible.[8] It has also been applied to certain living human beings as personifications of the term and concept.[9][10]
The term Allāh is derived from a contraction of the Arabic definite article al- "the" and ʼilāh "deity, god" to al-lāh meaning "the [sole] deity, God" (ho theos monos).[4] Cognates of the name "Allāh" exist in other Semitic languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic.[3] Biblical Hebrew mostly uses the plural form (but functional singular) Elohim. The corresponding Aramaic form is ʼĔlāhā אֱלָהָא in Biblical Aramaic and ʼAlâhâ ܐܰܠܳܗܳܐ in Syriac.[13]
The contraction of al- and ʼilāh in forming the term Allāh ("the god", masculine form) parallels the contraction of al- and ʼilāha in forming the term Allāt ("the goddess", feminine form).[14]
Kangroo says "while the Muslim country is absolutely barbaric and arrogant, then Allah would be on the side of the Christians."
That's strange allah would be on the side of what he considers "the worst of men"
[98.6] Surely those who disbelieve from among the followers of the Book and the polytheists shall be in the fire of hell, abiding therein; they are the worst of men.
Islam makes no sense at all..
Kangaroo said...
"William has invited me to worship a man. I refuse"
I don't think he asked you to do that. Consider this. Why do Muslims bow down before a lifeless object in the middle of the dessert, may I ask? It is because you truly believe that allah dwells within its walls....
If you worship allah in the Kaaba,(BUILT BY MAN)because you believe he dwells in it, then why do you object if Chrisitans bow down before our temple-Jesus Christ, in worshiping God?
Our concepts of worship are quite similar except that, we do not bow down before any MAN-MADE OBJECTS, like Muslims do.
Makes sense now?
Kangaroo said...
"Fernando can you prove to me that Allah isn't God?
Even though it is the Arabic translation of the ENglish word "God"? The same name Arab Jews and Arab Christians use as well?"
Muslims use this strawman argument all the time to try to intergrate the allah of Islam with the former two Abrahamic faiths. The fact of the matter is that allah is the standard word for "God,"(pronoun) used by Bahá'ís, Eastern Catholic Christians, Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Mizrahi Jews., what other term could they use? For Muslims Allah is a proper noun.
The name that the true God revealed to th Jews is not allah but YHWH.
"God isn't 'love' but He is the ALL-LOVING. He loves his creation even the disbelievers."
This contradicts the Quran in sura 30:45 which reads - "30:45. That HE, out of HIS bounty, may reward those who believe and act righteously. Surely, HE loves not the disbelievers." Suras 2:276 and 3:32 contain similar statements.
In Christianity, the God of the Bible is love by his character. However, He is also perfect in justice and righteousness. He will not deviate from those attributes since perfect love demands both them be satisfied.
"God isn't 'love' but He is the ALL-LOVING. He loves his creation even the disbelievers."
Oddly enough, this name 'All-Loving' or 'Most-loving' is nowhere to be found as one of the 99 names of Allah.. both in the Quran or in the hadiths.
In fact.. it's rather easy to show that Allah ISN'T 'All/Most-Loving'
No Muslim has ever brought one to me when challenged.
Kangaroo said...
"William. Does the Earth look spread out to you? Look all the way across to the horizon....Looks pretty spread out to me.."
Kangroo, you have just proved to yourself and the rest of us that the author of the koran was someone earthbound, since it mentions the "spreading out" in a HUMAN perspective, as you have elaborated above.
Zack said...
"Oddly enough, this name 'All-Loving' or 'Most-loving' is nowhere to be found as one of the 99 names of Allah."
Lol...Nice one Zack. This Mohammaden is clueless about his own religion.
The problem with allah in the koran, is that he does NOT LOVE without a condition. "Allah will love you if you first do this or that..." Allah does not love the wrong doer, the wrong doer, the mischief maker, the sinner..."
You have to actually earn allah's love. Yet this Mohammaden want us to equate his selfish diety to the loving God of the Bible.
Kangroo, Do you know what the term "AGAPE" is?
Since you love to copy/paste from wikipedia, Go ahead, why don't you do a wiki search of this term and learn how very different your allah is from the God of Jews and Christians.
mr. kangarro saide: «God isn't "love"»…
yes, God in his essence is Love; the essence off God is Love, butt I’m not debating, here – butt I can, iff you want – which is the true revelation book: the Bible, or the qur’an;
«but He is the ALL-LOVIN»…
where in the qur’an, or the haditha, is there a single ebidence for this claime? ounce againe: your islam does not seam to existe… more: if allah is not, in se and per se, love, how can he bee all-loving? what did he love “before” of creation? himself? that’s nott love, rather narcisisme: the same paranoical narcissism we see on muhammads deeds and words…
«He loves his creation even the disbelievers»….
really? whate does surah 2:98? 3:32 say? or surah 22:38? or surah 30:45? ounce againe: your islam does not seam to existe… and you’re reveling yourself to bee such a lier…
«"Love" is merely a feeling that you have, that originates from allah»…
no mie dear friend, Love is not a feaaling… there are a feeling that frequentely is called love, but Love does not reduce itself to a feeling…
«When I feel love in my heart, it doesn't mean I'm feeling God in my heart»…
dear mr. kangaroo: I saide thate God is Love, I dist not say thate love is God… ok?
aboutte the rest off your post: I do not debate here whate Wikipedia’s authors writte there… more: quoting from Wikipedia to make a point, any point, is the banrupcie off any argumente… me, as a teacher, give a 0 (from 0 to 10) to my university students when thei quote from thate errors full site… butt even your “copyandpate” make evidence you do nott understand whate you’re reading: «The term Allāh is derived from a contraction of the Arabic definite article al- "the" and ʼilāh "deity, god" to al-lāh»… precisely my point: ʼilāh is the true translation off God; al-lāh is the name muslims (and, bie force, those who lived for centuries in muslims countries) give to theire god…
butt this is irrelevant: ounce again: what did Jews and Christians call God before muhammad? can you gibe us an unswer here? it will be foonie to see your unswer...
nah TPaul.
Kaaba, also known as, Ka'bah, Kabah and Caaba is the center of the holiest place of worship in Islam (Submission in English), i.e. the Sacred Mosque of Mecca, Al Masjid Al-Haram. Its name is an Arabic word that means a home or a room that looks like a cube.. It is a cube shaped stone structure built in the middle of the Sacred Mosque. The Kaaba was built by prophet Abraham as a landmark for the House of God, for the sole purpose of worshipping of God alone.
Quran; 2:127] As Abraham raised the foundations of the shrine, together with Ismail (they prayed): "Our Lord, accept this from us. You are the Hearer, the Omniscient.
The Bible also mentions about the valley of Baca in connection with the pilgrimage. Below is the quote from Psalms 84 (NIV):
1 How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD Almighty!
2 My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
3 Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-- a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.
4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.
5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
7 They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.
8 Hear my prayer, O LORD God Almighty; listen to me, O God of Jacob.
9 Look upon our shield, O God; look with favor on your anointed one.
10 Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.
12 O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.
Indeed TPaul because when the Muslims become barbaric, then they have become even worse. God helps the one with Truth. Simple as that?..
Yahewh is the hebrew name for it. The final name God has given us to call HIM is Allah.
Zack, the arabic for it is Al-Waddud (The All-Loving. I believe it is in Surah Ghafir. Thank you very much.
Allah hates those who reject faith. Alright, that still sounds fair neough to me. But He still has countless blessings and mercy over them. Otherwise He would vanquish them.
I rarely use wikipedia as my source lol...
The Earth is spread out like a carpet, not like a maze or a glass of water or whatever. It's just a common fact. In other verses it talks about the round shape of the Earth as an ostrich egg and how the night wraps around the day indiciating the shape of the Earth.
Allah loves everything in his creation except those that reject faith.
The evidence, The Quran has been set forth to mankind, but people reject it because they hate submitting their ego to the One True God's will. And that is pretty sad.
Have fun creation-worshipping. It does you no good.
Perhaps we shall take a look at the Pauline Christian idol's love and mercy.
The Christian concept of God is a merciless God. He punishes the sinless, Jesus, for the wrong done by others. The Christian God is powerless to forgive sins and accept repentance. He makes the entire mankind sinners for the sin of one couple, Adam and Eve. The Christian God is incapable of forgiving the sin of one couple but makes their entire progeny sinners. For forgiving their sins he has to concoct a charade of bringing "his son" who is sinless and kills him for no fault of his own. This is a cruel god and a pagan-assumed god, not the One True God.
The Bible says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16 NKJV). The converse of this statement is that the rest of humanity will perish, that is, will go to hell without any other way of receiving His forgiveness for the sin they did not commit. What happens to the people who were born and died before God decide to concoct this charade only 2000 years ago? It seems that the Christian God is a poor planner and a late thinker because it took him thousands if not millions of years to find a way of forgiving "the sins" of mankind. What happens to those who never received the message of Jesus until it was thoroughly corrupted by the "Christians" and it became illogical and unacceptable?
In the Qur'an Allah says that He does not love those who reject Him (3:32), does not love those who are transgressors (2:57, 140, 5:87, 7:55), does not love those who are evil-livers (5:64), does not love evil talk (4:148) and others. In all these cases love is connected to the deeds of a person. At the same time Allah does not deprive them of anything in this life. You will not find that all good people are rich and all sinners are living in poverty and a wretched life. Allah gives a person life-long opportunity to turn away from the life of sin and disobedience and receive His forgiveness. Conversely, Allah says, "Say, if you love Allah, obey me (Muhammad), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful" (3:31). If you love Allah show it in your conduct and obey Allah and His Messenger, for obedience of His Messenger is the obedience of Allah (4:80). It means our expression of love is in obedience.
The Valley of Baca in Psalm 84 is most certainly metaphorical. The language used here is Hebrew, not Arabic. This psalm was written more than 1000 years before Muhammad's Arabic and names of places most certainly would not match. The Hebrew root for bakha means weeping or affliction. This makes sense in the context of the psalm's message of God providing joy. There is no mention of Abraham (or Ishmael) in this passage. The previous verse makes reference to pilgrims traveling to Zion, "...long to travel the roads that lead to your temple". Thus if it was a real place, it must be someplace in Palestine known to the Israelites, not many hundreds of miles away in a distant land.
Additionally, you said "The final name God has given us to call HIM is Allah." Allah, as you have stated means 'the god' in Arabic and isn't a proper name. Referring to him by this title (if speaking in Arabic) is fine. But as for Yahweh, God himself testifies in Exodus 3:15, when he says, "Say this to the Israelites: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever; this is how I am to be remembered in every generation."
As for "Allah loves everything in his creation except those that reject faith." So now you're contradicting yourself from earlier since those who reject faith are, by definition, disbelievers.
Believe as you would like to believe.
John 3:16 was said by Jesus, not Paul. How does this make God merciless? The mercy is for US, not Jesus. Jesus didn't need mercy. Isaiah 53 best fortells God's grand design for salvation by having his sinless servant make appropriation for the sins of all. You say that this makes God merciless? It is just the opposite! Why would God allow all to become sinners? In Islam the same is true, so I'm not sure why you mention this. Paul, whom you brought up, himself answers this question in Romans 11:32, "32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all." By having mercy for all, God reveals his character. There is a lot more to this, but we have limited space here.
It didn't take God thousands of years to figure out how to save mankind. It was a part of his plan from the beginning. 1 Peter 1:20 reads, "He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake." (referring to Christ). If God did not have a way out of man's predicament, he would never have allowed Adam and Eve to be deceived in the first place. God himself foreshadowed this in Genesis 22:15-18 in the story of Abraham nearly sacrificing his son Isaac. (see also Genesis 3:15) So it was certainly planned for. So what God has ordained, you are not to call a "charade". May God forgive you.
As for those who never received the message of the Gospel, Paul himself explains, "To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law." Jesus describes the judgement of the nations in Matthew 25:31-46. Notice that there is no mention of a gospel message (or any for that matter), but only the actions of the heart.
mr. kangaroo... still making "copy and past" from islamic internet sites? can't you doo like people arounde here?... I feel so pietie for you...
juts some words for a thought...
1) true Love is not a paternelistic actitude;
2) God did not kill Jesus (butt do you beliebe thate Jesus was crucified? you cannot change side in oreder to keep on lyieng)... people like you and me did... God ressurected Jesus from the dead...
3) just ask yourself this: «it seams thate allah is a poor planes: it took thousands off years to "reveal" that one must belibe that muhhamad is its messanger...»
your argument jumps are so stupied and voied off any inteligent mentalitty thate it's difficult to see where you stand... maibee you stand on a lie called islam... that explains a lot...
Kangaroo said...
"Zack, the arabic for it is Al-Waddud (The All-Loving. I believe it is in Surah Ghafir. Thank you very much."
An absent-minded statement like "I believe/think it is in.." holds very little water in a debating discussion.
Point me to the exact verse, please.
It is not my position to prove your argument and defend your Allah's name sake.
Kangaroo said..
"Yahewh is the hebrew name for it. The final name God has given us to call HIM is Allah."
So what happened to the 'Father' name that Jesus and even the Jews called God, YHWH?
And if Yahweh was the name used in the Torah, why is it never even mentioned or referenced in the whole Quran? Or even amongst the 99 names of Allah?
Kangaroo said..
"Allah gives a person life-long opportunity to turn away from the life of sin and disobedience and receive His forgiveness."
And yet he demands the immediate death of those who apostatized.
How loving or merciful of Allah.
Kangaroo said...
"Conversely, Allah says, "Say, if you love Allah, obey me (Muhammad), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful" (3:31). If you love Allah show it in your conduct and obey Allah and His Messenger, for obedience of His Messenger is the obedience of Allah (4:80)."
More evidences of Muhammad's equality with Allah and how the act of 'obedience' to Muhammad is pretty much committing shirk..
You have just confirmed what I said, except that you are denying that Muslims are bowing down before a HUMAN CREATED OBJECT.
Christians do not deny that Jesus was fully human.
John 2:19
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”(refering to himself)
The kaaba is a corruptable stone temple that housed idols for generations. Infact before mohammed decided to proclaim himself prophet he to bowed before the same idols.
Yeah I hope you have fun bowing down before a cubed idol in the dessert, with a rock that the ancient pagans used as a firtility god. Why do you think it is housed in a vigina shaped encasement?
All pagan rites and rituals are incuded into the hajj including your salat.
Kangroo said.. "The Bible also mentions about the valley of Baca in connection with the pilgrimage."
Muslims are so pahtetic in that they will use anything out of context from the Bible to further they adgenda to make the conman a prophet.It is hillarous.
Let us examine what Kangroo brings forth in defense of his pagan temple. Although it is quite obvious from the verses, that the valley of Baca(weeping)is merely a PASSAGE that leads to the house of the Lord in ZION, Is Kangroo making a "huge leap of faith" by asserting that Baca is Mecca?
Psalms 84 (NIV):
5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
7 They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.
1. The passage itself pins the location of the pilgrimage to which Psalms 84 refers.
Psalms 84:7 They go from strength to strength, [every one of them] in Zion appeareth before God.
Zion, the name of the easternmost hill of ancient Jerusalem, is mentioned 153 times in the King James Version of the Bible.
Jewish scriptures apply the term "Mount Zion" to the Temple Mount or the City of David, both located on this elevation. For Jews the term "Zion" became a synecdoche referring to the entire city of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel. Thus this passage describes a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the Holy Land rather than one to Mecca
2. There is no historical or archaeological record of the Jews to whom this passage refers, going on pilgrimage to any temple, other than the one they themselves built in Jerusalem.
3. Zion - that is Jerusalem - lies 1,200 km (750 mi) across the Arabian Desert from Mecca.
4.There is no historical record penned before the 4th century, that suggests that Mecca ever existed before that time, while other ancient Arabian towns are well attested in the historical record.
5. There is no archaeological record that suggests that Mecca ever existed before the 4th century, while other ancient Arabian towns are well attested, in the archaeological record.
6. There is no pre-4th century historical or archaeological record that suggests that the Kaaba existed before the early 5th century.
7. Pilgrimages to Zion - to Jerusalem - to the Holy Land - were conducted during the First Temple Period.
8. Baca is a Hebrew name that dates to before 1000 BC of a valley in Palestine, and is also a Hebrew term for balsam or mulberry trees that "weep" or bleed sap when they are cut. Bakkah is a more modern language 7th century AD Quraysh Arabic dialect name that some suggest refers to Mecca.
Kangroo, Please don't make such ludicurous claims again. It only makes a laughing stock of you.
Kangroo said.. "Yahewh is the hebrew name for it. The final name God has given us to call HIM is Allah."
That's a lie and don't believe it. The aramic form of allah, or illah is Eloi, which merely means God, not a name.
Exodus 3:14-15
"I AM THAT I AM, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you, YHWH God of your fathers, THIS IS MY NAME FOR EVER, the name you shall call me from generation to generation."
This is a command from God, if you decide to change his name, you are not worshiping the same deity.
Can you show me where in the koran allah says his name is "Allah"
The term "Allah" is in third person form, like "the God", Why would a divine being refer to himself in that way?
Allah is a generic term, and unlike Muslims who would have us believe, it does have a femenine form, "Allat".
zack said...
" if Yahweh was the name used in the Torah, why is it never even mentioned or referenced in the whole Quran? Or even amongst the 99 names of Allah?"
Two reasons come to mind.
1. Mohammed was oblivious of the fact.
2. Since the koran is satanic inspired, how can he possibly ask people to worship the one true God who revealed his name as YHWH. That would negate his purpose of drawing worship AWAY from the one true God YHWH.
The term "the God" allah/illah, could refer to any deity, true or false, "the proof is in the pudding" of Islam. Today some 1.2 billions minions of mohammed are lured away from worship of the true God YHWH, who said that this would be his name for ALL GENERATIONS.
Satan's mission is being accomplished, thanks to his agent Mohammed.
mr kangaroo said: «Yahewh is the hebrew name for it. The final name God has given us to call HIM is allah»...
1) gibe us one evidence off whate pre-islamic jews called God...
2) now you agree thate allah is not God: God is a word thate is not a name; allah is... so: allah is not the same as God... glade to see you change sides dear fellow...
mr. kangaroo saide: «the arabic for it [All-loving] is Al-Waddu»... so wahte? where is this in the qur'an or the haditha? you know your (false) religion, don't you? then: show us where it is founde...
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